{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- |
-- Module      : System.Environment.Parser.Encoded
-- Copyright   : (c) Joseph Abrahamson 2013
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : me@jspha.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Often it's useful to pass binary data through the environment as an
-- encoded string. This module provides handy types for specifying these
-- kinds of data.
-- @
-- data SecretKeys = Sk { key1 :: Base64, key2 :: Base64 }
-- @
module System.Environment.Parser.Encoded (

  Base64 (..), Base64Url (..), Base16 (..)

 ) where

import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Aeson                        as Ae
import qualified Data.ByteString                   as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16            as S16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64            as S64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL        as S64U
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                as Te
import           System.Environment.Parser.FromEnv

-- | Isomorphic to a 'S.ByteString', a type which prefers to be base-64
-- encoded.
newtype Base64 = Base64 { unBase64 :: S.ByteString }
  deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

-- | Isomorphic to a 'S.ByteString', a type which prefers to be base-64-url
-- encoded (see <http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4648.html>).
newtype Base64Url = Base64Url { unBase64Url :: S.ByteString }
  deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

-- | Isomorphic to a 'S.ByteString', a type which prefers to be hexadecimal
-- encoded.
newtype Base16 = Base16 { unBase16 :: S.ByteString }
  deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

instance FromEnv Base64 where
  parseEnv = fmap Base64 . S64.decode <=< parseEnv

instance FromEnv Base64Url where
  parseEnv = fmap Base64Url . S64U.decode <=< parseEnv

instance FromEnv Base16 where
  parseEnv = fmap Base16 . s16decode <=< parseEnv where
    s16decode :: S.ByteString -> Either String S.ByteString
    s16decode bs = case S16.decode bs of
      (out, rest) | S.null rest -> Right out
                  | otherwise   -> Left "failed to decode hexadecimal string"

instance Ae.FromJSON Base64 where
  parseJSON = Ae.withText "base64 encoded string" $ \t ->
    case S64.decode (Te.encodeUtf8 t) of
      Left err -> fail err
      Right b  -> return (Base64 b)

instance Ae.ToJSON Base64 where
  toJSON (Base64 bs) = Ae.String $ Te.decodeUtf8 $ S64.encode bs

instance Ae.FromJSON Base64Url where
  parseJSON = Ae.withText "base64url encoded string" $ \t ->
    case S64U.decode (Te.encodeUtf8 t) of
      Left err -> fail err
      Right b  -> return (Base64Url b)

instance Ae.ToJSON Base64Url where
  toJSON (Base64Url bs) = Ae.String $ Te.decodeUtf8 $ S64U.encode bs

instance Ae.FromJSON Base16 where
  parseJSON = Ae.withText "base64 encoded string" $ \t ->
    case S16.decode (Te.encodeUtf8 t) of
      (out, rest) | S.null rest -> return (Base16 out)
                  | otherwise   -> fail "failed to decode hexadecimal string"

instance Ae.ToJSON Base16 where
  toJSON (Base16 bs) = Ae.String $ Te.decodeUtf8 $ S16.encode bs