{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- Source: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/6726#issuecomment-918663262 -- | Custom Setup that runs bnfc to generate the language sub-libraries -- for the parsers included in Ogma. module Main (main) where import Data.List (intercalate) import Distribution.Simple (defaultMainWithHooks, hookedPrograms, postConf, preBuild, simpleUserHooks) import Distribution.Simple.Program (Program (..), findProgramVersion, simpleProgram) import PyF (fmt) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.Process (callCommand) -- | Run BNFC, happy, and alex on the grammar before the actual build step. -- -- All options for bnfc are hard-coded here. main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks { hookedPrograms = [bnfcProgram] , postConf = \args flags packageDesc localBuildInfo -> do let isWindows = #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS True #else False #endif -- See the details on the command form in https://github.com/objectionary/normalizer/issues/347#issuecomment-2117097070 command = intercalate "; " $ [ "set -ex" ] <> [ "chcp.com" | isWindows ] <> [ "chcp.com 65001" | isWindows ] <> [ "bnfc --haskell -d -p Language.EO.Phi --generic -o src/ grammar/EO/Phi/Syntax.cf" , "cd src/Language/EO/Phi/Syntax" , "alex Lex.x" , "happy Par.y" , "true" ] fullCommand = [fmt|bash -c ' {command} '|] putStrLn fullCommand _ <- callCommand fullCommand postConf simpleUserHooks args flags packageDesc localBuildInfo } -- | NOTE: This should be in Cabal.Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin. bnfcProgram :: Program bnfcProgram = (simpleProgram "bnfc") { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" id }