/* ********************************************************************** INPUT2.C -- Input data file interpreter for EPANET VERSION: 2.00 DATE: 5/30/00 9/7/00 10/25/00 AUTHOR: L. Rossman US EPA - NRMRL This module reads and interprets the input data from file InFile. The entry points for this module are: netsize() -- called from ENopen() in EPANET.C readdata() -- called from getdata() in INPUT1.C The following utility functions are all called from INPUT3.C addnodeID() addlinkID() findID() getfloat() ********************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "hash.h" #include "text.h" #include "types.h" #include "funcs.h" #define EXTERN extern #include "vars.h" #define MAXERRS 10 /* Max. input errors reported */ int Ntokens, /* Number of tokens in input line */ Ntitle; /* Number of title lines */ char *Tok[MAXTOKS]; /* Array of token strings */ /* Used in INPUT3.C: */ STmplist *PrevPat; /* Pointer to pattern list element */ STmplist *PrevCurve; /* Pointer to curve list element */ /* Defined in enumstxt.h in EPANET.C */ extern char *SectTxt[]; /* Input section keywords */ extern char *RptSectTxt[]; int netsize() /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: determines number of system components **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char line[MAXLINE+1]; /* Line from input data file */ char *tok; /* First token of line */ int sect,newsect; /* Input data sections */ int errcode = 0; /* Error code */ /* Initialize network component counts */ MaxJuncs = 0; MaxTanks = 0; MaxPipes = 0; MaxPumps = 0; MaxValves = 0; MaxControls = 0; MaxRules = 0; MaxCurves = 0; sect = -1; /* Add a default pattern 0 */ MaxPats = -1; addpattern(""); /* Make pass through data file counting number of each component */ while (fgets(line,MAXLINE,InFile) != NULL) { /* Skip blank lines & those beginning with a comment */ tok = strtok(line,SEPSTR); if (tok == NULL) continue; if (*tok == ';') continue; /* Check if line begins with a new section heading */ if (*tok == '[') { newsect = findmatch(tok,SectTxt); if (newsect >= 0) { sect = newsect; if (sect == _END) break; continue; } else continue; } /* Add to count of current component */ switch(sect) { case _JUNCTIONS: MaxJuncs++; break; case _RESERVOIRS: case _TANKS: MaxTanks++; break; case _PIPES: MaxPipes++; break; case _PUMPS: MaxPumps++; break; case _VALVES: MaxValves++; break; case _CONTROLS: MaxControls++; break; case _RULES: addrule(tok); break; /* See RULES.C */ case _PATTERNS: errcode = addpattern(tok); break; case _CURVES: errcode = addcurve(tok); break; } if (errcode) break; } MaxNodes = MaxJuncs + MaxTanks; MaxLinks = MaxPipes + MaxPumps + MaxValves; if (MaxPats < 1) MaxPats = 1; if (!errcode) { if (MaxJuncs < 1) errcode = 223; /* Not enough nodes */ else if (MaxTanks == 0) errcode = 224; /* No tanks */ } return(errcode); } /* End of netsize */ int readdata() /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: reads contents of input data file **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char line[MAXLINE+1], /* Line from input data file */ wline[MAXLINE+1]; /* Working copy of input line */ int sect,newsect, /* Data sections */ errcode = 0, /* Error code */ inperr,errsum; /* Error code & total error count */ /* Allocate input buffer */ X = (double *) calloc(MAXTOKS, sizeof(double)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(X)); if (!errcode) { /* Initialize number of network components */ Ntitle = 0; Nnodes = 0; Njuncs = 0; Ntanks = 0; Nlinks = 0; Npipes = 0; Npumps = 0; Nvalves = 0; Ncontrols = 0; Nrules = 0; Ncurves = MaxCurves; Npats = MaxPats; PrevPat = NULL; PrevCurve = NULL; sect = -1; errsum = 0; /* Read each line from input file. */ while (fgets(line,MAXLINE,InFile) != NULL) { /* Make copy of line and scan for tokens */ strcpy(wline,line); Ntokens = gettokens(wline); /* Skip blank lines and comments */ if (Ntokens == 0) continue; if (*Tok[0] == ';') continue; /* Check if max. length exceeded */ if (strlen(line) >= MAXLINE) { sprintf(Msg,ERR214); writeline(Msg); writeline(line); errsum++; } /* Check if at start of a new input section */ if (*Tok[0] == '[') { newsect = findmatch(Tok[0],SectTxt); if (newsect >= 0) { sect = newsect; if (sect == _END) break; continue; } else { inperrmsg(201,sect,line); errsum++; break; } } /* Otherwise process next line of input in current section */ else { inperr = newline(sect,line); if (inperr > 0) { inperrmsg(inperr,sect,line); errsum++; } } /* Stop if reach end of file or max. error count */ if (errsum == MAXERRS) break; } /* End of while */ /* Check for errors */ if (errsum > 0) errcode = 200; } /* Check for unlinked nodes */ if (!errcode) errcode = unlinked(); /* Get pattern & curve data from temp. lists */ if (!errcode) errcode = getpatterns(); if (!errcode) errcode = getcurves(); if (!errcode) errcode = getpumpparams(); /* Free input buffer */ free(X); return(errcode); } /* End of readdata */ int newline(int sect, char *line) /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: sect = current section of input file ** *line = line read from input file ** Output: returns error code or 0 if no error found ** Purpose: processes a new line of data from input file **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int n; switch (sect) { case _TITLE: if (Ntitle < 3) { n = strlen(line); if (line[n-1] == 10) line[n-1] = ' '; strncpy(Title[Ntitle],line,MAXMSG); Ntitle++; } return(0); case _JUNCTIONS: return(juncdata()); case _RESERVOIRS: case _TANKS: return(tankdata()); case _PIPES: return(pipedata()); case _PUMPS: return(pumpdata()); case _VALVES: return(valvedata()); case _PATTERNS: return(patterndata()); case _CURVES: return(curvedata()); case _DEMANDS: return(demanddata()); case _CONTROLS: return(controldata()); case _RULES: return(ruledata()); /* See RULES.C */ case _SOURCES: return(sourcedata()); case _EMITTERS: return(emitterdata()); case _QUALITY: return(qualdata()); case _STATUS: return(statusdata()); case _ROUGHNESS: return(0); case _ENERGY: return(energydata()); case _REACTIONS: return(reactdata()); case _MIXING: return(mixingdata()); case _REPORT: return(reportdata()); case _TIMES: return(timedata()); case _OPTIONS: return(optiondata()); /* Data in these sections are not used for any computations */ case _COORDS: return(0); case _LABELS: return(0); case _TAGS: return(0); case _VERTICES: return(0); case _BACKDROP: return(0); } return(201); } /* end of newline */ int getpumpparams(void) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: computes & checks pump curve parameters **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i, j = 0, k, m, n = 0; double a,b,c, h0 = 0.0, h1 = 0.0, h2 = 0.0, q1 = 0.0, q2 = 0.0; for (i=1; i<=Npumps; i++) { k = Pump[i].Link; if (Pump[i].Ptype == CONST_HP) /* Constant Hp pump */ { Pump[i].H0 = 0.0; Pump[i].R = -8.814*Link[k].Km; Pump[i].N = -1.0; Pump[i].Hmax = BIG; /* No head limit */ Pump[i].Qmax = BIG; /* No flow limit */ Pump[i].Q0 = 1.0; /* Init. flow = 1 cfs */ continue; } /* Set parameters for pump curves */ else if (Pump[i].Ptype == NOCURVE) /* Pump curve specified */ { j = Pump[i].Hcurve; /* Get index of head curve */ if (j == 0) { /* Error: No head curve */ sprintf(Msg,ERR226,Link[k].ID); writeline(Msg); return(200); } n = Curve[j].Npts; if (n == 1) /* Only a single h-q point */ { /* supplied so use generic */ Pump[i].Ptype = POWER_FUNC; /* power function curve. */ q1 = Curve[j].X[0]; h1 = Curve[j].Y[0]; h0 = 1.33334*h1; q2 = 2.0*q1; h2 = 0.0; } else if (n == 3 && Curve[j].X[0] == 0.0) /* 3 h-q points supplied with */ { /* shutoff head so use fitted */ Pump[i].Ptype = POWER_FUNC; /* power function curve. */ h0 = Curve[j].Y[0]; q1 = Curve[j].X[1]; h1 = Curve[j].Y[1]; q2 = Curve[j].X[2]; h2 = Curve[j].Y[2]; } else Pump[i].Ptype = CUSTOM; /* Else use custom pump curve.*/ /* Compute shape factors & limits of power function pump curves */ if (Pump[i].Ptype == POWER_FUNC) { if (!powercurve(h0,h1,h2,q1,q2,&a,&b,&c)) { /* Error: Invalid curve */ sprintf(Msg,ERR227,Link[k].ID); writeline(Msg); return(200); } else { Pump[i].H0 = -a; Pump[i].R = -b; Pump[i].N = c; Pump[i].Q0 = q1; Pump[i].Qmax = pow((-a/b),(1.0/c)); Pump[i].Hmax = h0; } } } /* Assign limits to custom pump curves */ if (Pump[i].Ptype == CUSTOM) { for (m=1; m= Curve[j].Y[m-1]) { /* Error: Invalid curve */ sprintf(Msg,ERR227,Link[k].ID); writeline(Msg); return(200); } } Pump[i].Qmax = Curve[j].X[n-1]; Pump[i].Q0 = (Curve[j].X[0] + Pump[i].Qmax)/2.0; Pump[i].Hmax = Curve[j].Y[0]; } } /* Next pump */ return(0); } int addnodeID(int n, char *id) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: n = node index ** id = ID label ** Output: returns 0 if ID already in use, 1 if not ** Purpose: adds a node ID to the Node Hash Table **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (findnode(id)) return(0); /* see EPANET.C */ strncpy(Node[n].ID, id, MAXID); HTinsert(Nht, Node[n].ID, n); /* see HASH.C */ return(1); } int addlinkID(int n, char *id) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: n = link index ** id = ID label ** Output: returns 0 if ID already in use, 1 if not ** Purpose: adds a link ID to the Link Hash Table **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (findlink(id)) return(0); /* see EPANET.C */ strncpy(Link[n].ID, id, MAXID); HTinsert(Lht, Link[n].ID, n); /* see HASH.C */ return(1); } int addpattern(char *id) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = pattern ID label ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: adds a new pattern to the database **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { STmplist *p; /* Check if ID is same as last one processed */ if (Patlist != NULL && strcmp(id,Patlist->ID) == 0) return(0); /* Check that pattern was not already created */ if (findID(id,Patlist) == NULL) { /* Update pattern count & create new list element */ (MaxPats)++; p = (STmplist *) malloc(sizeof(STmplist)); if (p == NULL) return(101); /* Initialize list element properties */ else { p->i = MaxPats; strncpy(p->ID,id,MAXID); p->x = NULL; p->y = NULL; p->next = Patlist; Patlist = p; } } return(0); } int addcurve(char *id) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = curve ID label ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: adds a new curve to the database **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { STmplist *c; /* Check if ID is same as last one processed */ if (Curvelist != NULL && strcmp(id,Curvelist->ID) == 0) return(0); /* Check that curve was not already created */ if (findID(id,Curvelist) == NULL) { /* Update curve count & create new list element */ (MaxCurves)++; c = (STmplist *) malloc(sizeof(STmplist)); if (c == NULL) return(101); /* Initialize list element properties */ else { c->i = MaxCurves; strncpy(c->ID,id,MAXID); c->x = NULL; c->y = NULL; c->next = Curvelist; Curvelist = c; } } return(0); } STmplist *findID(char *id, STmplist *list) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = ID label ** list = pointer to head of a temporary list ** Output: returns list item with requested ID label ** Purpose: searches for item in temporary list **------------------------------------------------------------- */ { STmplist *item; for (item = list; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (strcmp(item->ID,id) == 0) { return(item); } } return(NULL); } int unlinked() /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: returns error code if any unlinked junctions found ** Purpose: checks for unlinked junctions in network ** ** NOTE: unlinked tanks have no effect on computations. **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char *marked; int i,err, errcode; errcode = 0; err = 0; marked = (char *) calloc(Nnodes+1,sizeof(char)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(marked)); if (!errcode) { memset(marked,0,(Nnodes+1)*sizeof(char)); for (i=1; i<=Nlinks; i++) /* Mark end nodes of each link */ { marked[Link[i].N1]++; marked[Link[i].N2]++; } for (i=1; i<=Njuncs; i++) /* Check each junction */ { if (marked[i] == 0) /* If not marked then error */ { err++; sprintf(Msg,ERR233,Node[i].ID); writeline(Msg); } if (err >= MAXERRS) break; } if (err > 0) errcode = 200; } free(marked); return(errcode); } /* End of unlinked */ int getpatterns(void) /* **----------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: retrieves pattern data from temporary linked list **------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i,j; SFloatlist *f; STmplist *pat; /* Start at head of list */ pat = Patlist; /* Traverse list of patterns */ while (pat != NULL) { /* Get index of current pattern in Pattern array */ i = pat->i; /* Check if this is the default pattern */ if (strcmp(pat->ID, DefPatID) == 0) DefPat = i; if (i >= 0 && i <= MaxPats) { /* Save pattern ID */ strcpy(Pattern[i].ID, pat->ID); /* Give pattern a length of at least 1 */ if (Pattern[i].Length == 0) Pattern[i].Length = 1; Pattern[i].F = (double *) calloc(Pattern[i].Length, sizeof(double)); if (Pattern[i].F == NULL) return(101); /* Start at head of pattern multiplier list */ /* (which holds multipliers in reverse order)*/ f = pat->x; j = Pattern[i].Length - 1; /* Use at least one multiplier equal to 1.0 */ if (f == NULL) Pattern[i].F[0] = 1.0; /* Traverse list, storing multipliers in Pattern array */ else while (f != NULL && j >= 0) { Pattern[i].F[j] = f->value; f = f->next; j--; } } pat = pat->next; } return(0); } int getcurves(void) /* **----------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: returns error code ** Purpose: retrieves curve data from temporary linked list **----------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i,j; double x; SFloatlist *fx, *fy; STmplist *c; /* Start at head of curve list */ c = Curvelist; /* Traverse list of curves */ while (c != NULL) { i = c->i; if (i >= 1 && i <= MaxCurves) { /* Save curve ID */ strcpy(Curve[i].ID, c->ID); /* Check that curve has data points */ if (Curve[i].Npts <= 0) { sprintf(Msg,ERR230,c->ID); writeline(Msg); return(200); } /* Allocate memory for curve data */ Curve[i].X = (double *) calloc(Curve[i].Npts, sizeof(double)); Curve[i].Y = (double *) calloc(Curve[i].Npts, sizeof(double)); if (Curve[i].X == NULL || Curve[i].Y == NULL) return(101); /* Traverse list of x,y data */ x = BIG; fx = c->x; fy = c->y; j = Curve[i].Npts - 1; while (fx != NULL && fy != NULL && j >= 0) { /* Check that x data is in ascending order */ if (fx->value >= x) { sprintf(Msg,ERR230,c->ID); writeline(Msg); return(200); } x = fx->value; /* Save x,y data in Curve structure */ Curve[i].X[j] = fx->value; fx = fx->next; Curve[i].Y[j] = fy->value; fy = fy->next; j--; } } c = c->next; } return(0); } int findmatch(char *line, char *keyword[]) /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: *line = line from input file ** *keyword[] = list of NULL terminated keywords ** Output: returns index of matching keyword or ** -1 if no match found ** Purpose: determines which keyword appears on input line **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i = 0; while (keyword[i] != NULL) { if (match(line,keyword[i])) return(i); i++; } return(-1); } /* end of findmatch */ int match(char *str, char *substr) /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: *str = string being searched ** *substr = substring being searched for ** Output: returns 1 if substr found in str, 0 if not ** Purpose: sees if substr matches any part of str ** ** (Not case sensitive) **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i,j; /*** Updated 9/7/00 ***/ /* Fail if substring is empty */ if (!substr[0]) return(0); /* Skip leading blanks of str. */ for (i=0; str[i]; i++) if (str[i] != ' ') break; /* Check if substr matches remainder of str. */ for (i=i,j=0; substr[j]; i++,j++) if (!str[i] || UCHAR(str[i]) != UCHAR(substr[j])) return(0); return(1); } /* end of match */ /*** Updated 10/25/00 ***/ /* The gettokens function has been totally re-written. */ int gettokens(char *s) /* **-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: *s = string to be tokenized ** Output: returns number of tokens in s ** Purpose: scans string for tokens, saving pointers to them ** in module global variable Tok[] ** ** Tokens can be separated by the characters listed in SEPSTR ** (spaces, tabs, newline, carriage return) which is defined ** in TYPES.H. Text between quotes is treated as a single token. **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int len, m, n; char *c; /* Begin with no tokens */ for (n=0; n 0 && n < MAXTOKS) { m = strcspn(s,SEPSTR); /* Find token length */ len -= m+1; /* Update length of s */ if (m == 0) s++; /* No token found */ else { if (*s == '"') /* Token begins with quote */ { s++; /* Start token after quote */ m = strcspn(s,"\"\n\r"); /* Find end quote (or EOL) */ } s[m] = '\0'; /* Null-terminate the token */ Tok[n] = s; /* Save pointer to token */ n++; /* Update token count */ s += m+1; /* Begin next token */ } } return(n); } /* End of gettokens */ double hour(char *time, char *units) /* **--------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: *time = string containing a time value ** *units = string containing time units ** Output: returns numerical value of time in hours, ** or -1 if an error occurs ** Purpose: converts time from units to hours **--------------------------------------------------------- */ { int n; double y[3]; char *s; /* Separate clock time into hrs, min, sec. */ for (n=0; n<3; n++) y[n] = 0.0; n = 0; s = strtok(time,":"); while (s != NULL && n <= 3) { if (!getfloat(s,&y[n])) return(-1.0); s = strtok(NULL,":"); n++; } /* If decimal time with units attached then convert to hours. */ if (n == 1) { /*if (units[0] == '\0') return(y[0]);*/ if (strlen(units) == 0) return(y[0]); if (match(units,w_SECONDS)) return(y[0]/3600.0); if (match(units,w_MINUTES)) return(y[0]/60.0); if (match(units,w_HOURS)) return(y[0]); if (match(units,w_DAYS)) return(y[0]*24.0); } /* Convert hh:mm:ss format to decimal hours */ if (n > 1) y[0] = y[0] + y[1]/60.0 + y[2]/3600.0; /* If am/pm attached then adjust hour accordingly */ /* (12 am is midnight, 12 pm is noon) */ if (units[0] == '\0') return(y[0]); if (match(units,w_AM)) { if (y[0] >= 13.0) return(-1.0); if (y[0] >= 12.0) return(y[0]-12.0); else return(y[0]); } if (match(units,w_PM)) { if (y[0] >= 13.0) return(-1.0); if (y[0] >= 12.0) return(y[0]); else return(y[0]+12.0); } return(-1.0); } /* end of hour */ int getfloat(char *s, double *y) /* **----------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: *s = character string ** Output: *y = floating point number ** returns 1 if conversion successful, 0 if not ** Purpose: converts string to floating point number **----------------------------------------------------------- */ { char *endptr; *y = (double) strtod(s,&endptr); if (*endptr > 0) return(0); return(1); } int setreport(char *s) /* **----------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: *s = report format command ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: processes a report formatting command ** issued by the ENsetreport function **----------------------------------------------------------- */ { Ntokens = gettokens(s); return(reportdata()); } void inperrmsg(int err, int sect, char *line) /* **------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: err = error code ** sect = input data section ** *line = line from input file ** Output: none ** Purpose: displays input error message **------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char fmt[MAXMSG+1]; char id[MAXMSG+1]; /* Retrieve ID label of object with input error */ /* (No ID used for CONTROLS or REPORT sections).*/ if (sect == _CONTROLS || sect == _REPORT) strcpy(id,""); else if (sect == _ENERGY) strcpy(id,Tok[1]); else strcpy(id,Tok[0]); /* Copy error messge to string variable fmt */ switch (err) { case 201: strcpy(fmt,ERR201); break; case 202: strcpy(fmt,ERR202); break; case 203: strcpy(fmt,ERR203); break; case 204: strcpy(fmt,ERR204); break; case 205: strcpy(fmt,ERR205); break; case 206: strcpy(fmt,ERR206); break; case 207: strcpy(fmt,ERR207); break; case 208: strcpy(fmt,ERR208); break; case 209: strcpy(fmt,ERR209); break; case 210: strcpy(fmt,ERR210); break; case 211: strcpy(fmt,ERR211); break; case 212: strcpy(fmt,ERR212); break; case 213: strcpy(id,""); strcpy(fmt,ERR213); break; case 214: strcpy(id,""); strcpy(fmt,ERR214); break; case 215: strcpy(fmt,ERR215); break; case 216: strcpy(fmt,ERR216); break; case 217: strcpy(fmt,ERR217); break; case 219: strcpy(fmt,ERR219); break; case 220: strcpy(fmt,ERR220); break; /*** Updated 10/25/00 ***/ case 222: strcpy(fmt,ERR222); break; default: return; } /* Write error message to Report file */ sprintf(Msg,fmt,RptSectTxt[sect],id); writeline(Msg); /* Echo input line for syntax errors, and */ /* errors in CONTROLS and OPTIONS sections. */ if (sect == _CONTROLS || err == 201 || err == 213) writeline(line); else writeline(""); } /********************** END OF INPUT2.C ************************/