/* ******************************************************************************* EPANET.C -- Hydraulic & Water Quality Simulator for Water Distribution Networks VERSION: 2.00 DATE: 5/30/00 9/7/00 10/25/00 3/1/01 11/19/01 6/24/02 8/15/07 (2.00.11) 2/14/08 (2.00.12) AUTHOR: L. Rossman US EPA - NRMRL EPANET performs extended period hydraulic and water quality analysis of looped, pressurized piping networks. The program consists of the following code modules: EPANET.C -- main module providing supervisory control INPUT1.C -- controls processing of input data INPUT2.C -- reads data from input file INPUT3.C -- parses individual lines of input data INPFILE.C -- saves modified input data to a text file RULES.C -- implements rule-based control of piping system HYDRAUL.C -- computes extended period hydraulic behavior QUALITY.C -- tracks transport & fate of water quality OUTPUT.C -- handles transfer of data to and from binary files REPORT.C -- handles reporting of results to text file SMATRIX.C -- sparse matrix linear equation solver routines MEMPOOL.C -- memory allocation routines HASH.C -- hash table routines The program can be compiled as either a stand-alone console application or as a dynamic link library (DLL) of function calls depending on whether the macro identifier 'DLL' is defined or not. See TOOLKIT.H for function prototypes of exported DLL functions See FUNCS.H for prototypes of all other functions See TYPES.H for declaration of global constants and data structures See VARS.H for declaration of global variables See TEXT.H for declaration of all string constants See ENUMSTXT.H for assignment of string constants to enumerated types The following naming conventions are used in all modules of this program: 1. Names of exportable functions in the DLL begin with the "EN" prefix. 2. All other function names are lowercase. 3. Global variable names begin with an uppercase letter. 4. Local variable names are all lowercase. 5. Declared constants and enumerated values defined in TYPES.H are all uppercase. 6. String constants defined in TEXT.H begin with a lower case character followed by an underscore and then all uppercase characters (e.g. t_HEADLOSS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the main module of the EPANET program. It uses a series of functions, all beginning with the letters EN, to control program behavior. See the main() and ENepanet() functions below for the simplest example of these. This module calls the following functions that reside in other modules: RULES.C initrules() allocrules() closerules() INPUT1.C getdata() initreport() INPUT2.C netsize() setreport() HYDRAUL.C openhyd() inithyd() runhyd() nexthyd() closehyd() resistance() tankvolume() getenergy() setlinkstatus() setlinksetting() QUALITY.C openqual() initqual() runqual() nextqual() stepqual() closequal() REPORT.C writeline() writelogo() writereport() HASH.C HTcreate() HTfind() HTfree() The macro ERRCODE(x) is defined in TYPES.H. It says if the current value of the error code variable (errcode) is not fatal (< 100) then execute function x and set the error code equal to its return value. ******************************************************************************* */ /*** New compile directives ***/ //(2.00.11 - LR) //#define CLE /* Compile as a command line executable */ #define SOL /* Compile as a shared object library */ //#define DLL /* Compile as a Windows DLL */ /*** Following lines are deprecated ***/ //(2.00.11 - LR) //#ifdef DLL //#include //#include //#endif /*** Need to define WINDOWS to use the getTmpName function ***/ //(2.00.12 - LR) // --- define WINDOWS #undef WINDOWS #ifdef _WIN32 #define WINDOWS #endif #ifdef __WIN32__ #define WINDOWS #endif /************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include //(2.00.12 - LR) #include "hash.h" #include "text.h" #include "types.h" #include "enumstxt.h" #include "funcs.h" #define EXTERN #include "vars.h" #include "toolkit.h" void (* viewprog) (char *); /* Pointer to progress viewing function */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Entry point used to compile a Windows DLL ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** This code is no longer required ***** //(2.00.11 - LR) #ifdef DLL int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* reserved) { viewprog = NULL; return 1; } #endif *****************************************/ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Entry point used to compile a stand-alone executable. ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef CLE //(2.00.11 - LR) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /*-------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: argc = number of command line arguments ** *argv[] = array of command line arguments ** Output: none ** Purpose: main program segment ** ** Command line for stand-alone operation is: ** progname f1 f2 f3 ** where progname = name of executable this code was compiled to, ** f1 = name of input file, f2 = name of report file, and ** f3 = name of binary output file (optional). **-------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char *f1,*f2,*f3; char blank[] = ""; int errcode; /* Check for proper number of command line arguments */ if (argc < 3) writecon(FMT03); else { /* Call the main control function */ f1 = argv[1]; f2 = argv[2]; if (argc > 3) f3 = argv[3]; else f3 = blank; writecon(FMT01); errcode = ENepanet(f1,f2,f3,NULL); if (errcode > 0) writecon(FMT11); else if (Warnflag > 0) writecon(FMT10); else writecon(FMT09); } return(0); } /* End of main */ #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for opening & closing the EPANET system ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** updated 3/1/01 ***/ int DLLEXPORT ENepanet(char *f1, char *f2, char *f3, void (*pviewprog) (char *)) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Input: f1 = pointer to name of input file ** f2 = pointer to name of report file ** f3 = pointer to name of binary output file ** pviewprog = see note below ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: runs a complete EPANET simulation ** ** The pviewprog() argument is a pointer to a callback function ** that takes a character string (char *) as its only parameter. ** The function would reside in and be used by the calling ** program to display the progress messages that EPANET generates ** as it carries out its computations. If this feature is not ** needed then the argument should be NULL. **------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; viewprog = pviewprog; ERRCODE(ENopen(f1,f2,f3)); if (Hydflag != USE) ERRCODE(ENsolveH()); ERRCODE(ENsolveQ()); ERRCODE(ENreport()); ENclose(); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENopen(char *f1, char *f2, char *f3) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: f1 = pointer to name of input file ** f2 = pointer to name of report file ** f3 = pointer to name of binary output file ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: opens EPANET input file & reads in network data **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; /*** Updated 9/7/00 ***/ /* Reset math coprocessor */ #ifdef DLL _fpreset(); #endif /* Set system flags */ Openflag = FALSE; OpenHflag = FALSE; OpenQflag = FALSE; SaveHflag = FALSE; SaveQflag = FALSE; Warnflag = FALSE; /*** Updated 9/7/00 ***/ Messageflag = TRUE; /* If binary output file being used, then */ /* do not write full results to Report file */ /* (use it only for status reports). */ Rptflag = 0; if (strlen(f3) == 0) Rptflag = 1; /*** Updated 9/7/00 ***/ /*** Previous code segment ignored. ***/ /*** Rptflag now always set to 1. ***/ Rptflag = 1; /* Initialize global pointers to NULL. */ initpointers(); /* Open input & report files */ ERRCODE(openfiles(f1,f2,f3)); if (errcode > 0) { errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } writelogo(); /* Find network size & allocate memory for data */ writecon(FMT02); writewin(FMT100); ERRCODE(netsize()); ERRCODE(allocdata()); /* Retrieve input data */ ERRCODE(getdata()); /* Free temporary linked lists used for Patterns & Curves */ freeTmplist(Patlist); freeTmplist(Curvelist); /* If using previously saved hydraulics then open its file */ if (Hydflag == USE) ERRCODE(openhydfile()); /* Write input summary to report file */ if (!errcode) { if (Summaryflag) writesummary(); writetime(FMT104); Openflag = TRUE; } else errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENsaveinpfile(char *filename) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: filename = name of INP file ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: saves current data base to file **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (!Openflag) return(102); return(saveinpfile(filename)); } int DLLEXPORT ENclose() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: frees all memory & files used by EPANET **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (Openflag) writetime(FMT105); freedata(); if (TmpOutFile != OutFile) //(2.00.12 - LR) { //(2.00.12 - LR) if (TmpOutFile != NULL) fclose(TmpOutFile); //(2.00.12 - LR) remove(TmpFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) } //(2.00.12 - LR) if (InFile != NULL) fclose(InFile); if (RptFile != NULL) fclose(RptFile); if (HydFile != NULL) fclose(HydFile); if (OutFile != NULL) fclose(OutFile); if (Hydflag == SCRATCH) remove(HydFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) if (Outflag == SCRATCH) remove(OutFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) Openflag = FALSE; OpenHflag = FALSE; SaveHflag = FALSE; OpenQflag = FALSE; SaveQflag = FALSE; return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for running a hydraulic analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int DLLEXPORT ENsolveH() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: solves for network hydraulics in all time periods **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; long t, tstep; /* Open hydraulics solver */ errcode = ENopenH(); if (!errcode) { /* Initialize hydraulics */ errcode = ENinitH(EN_SAVE); writecon(FMT14); /* Analyze each hydraulic period */ if (!errcode) do { /* Display progress message */ /*** Updated 6/24/02 ***/ sprintf(Msg,"%-10s",clocktime(Atime,Htime)); writecon(Msg); sprintf(Msg,FMT101,Atime); writewin(Msg); /* Solve for hydraulics & advance to next time period */ tstep = 0; ERRCODE(ENrunH(&t)); ERRCODE(ENnextH(&tstep)); /*** Updated 6/24/02 ***/ writecon("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); } while (tstep > 0); } /* Close hydraulics solver */ /*** Updated 6/24/02 ***/ writecon("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b "); ENcloseH(); errcode = MAX(errcode, Warnflag); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENsaveH() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: saves hydraulic results to binary file. ** ** Must be called before ENreport() if no WQ simulation made. ** Should not be called if ENsolveQ() will be used. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char tmpflag; int errcode; /* Check if hydraulic results exist */ if (!SaveHflag) return(104); /* Temporarily turn off WQ analysis */ tmpflag = Qualflag; Qualflag = NONE; /* Call WQ solver to simply transfer results */ /* from Hydraulics file to Output file at */ /* fixed length reporting time intervals. */ errcode = ENsolveQ(); /* Restore WQ analysis option */ Qualflag = tmpflag; if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENopenH() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets up data structures for hydraulic analysis **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; /* Check that input data exists */ OpenHflag = FALSE; SaveHflag = FALSE; if (!Openflag) return(102); /* Check that previously saved hydraulics file not in use */ if (Hydflag == USE) return(107); /* Open hydraulics solver */ ERRCODE(openhyd()); if (!errcode) OpenHflag = TRUE; else errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ int DLLEXPORT ENinitH(int flag) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: flag = 2-digit flag where 1st (left) digit indicates ** if link flows should be re-initialized (1) or ** not (0) and 2nd digit indicates if hydraulic ** results should be saved to file (1) or not (0) ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: initializes hydraulic analysis **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; int sflag, fflag; /* Reset status flags */ SaveHflag = FALSE; Warnflag = FALSE; /* Get values of save-to-file flag and reinitialize-flows flag */ fflag = flag/EN_INITFLOW; sflag = flag - fflag*EN_INITFLOW; /* Check that hydraulics solver was opened */ if (!OpenHflag) return(103); /* Open hydraulics file */ Saveflag = FALSE; if (sflag > 0) { errcode = openhydfile(); if (!errcode) Saveflag = TRUE; else errmsg(errcode); } /* Initialize hydraulics */ inithyd(fflag); if (Statflag > 0) writeheader(STATHDR,0); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENrunH(long *t) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none (no need to supply a value for *t) ** Output: *t = current simulation time (seconds) ** Returns: error/warning code ** Purpose: solves hydraulics for conditions at time t. ** ** This function is used in a loop with ENnextH() to run ** an extended period hydraulic simulation. ** See ENsolveH() for an example. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; *t = 0; if (!OpenHflag) return(103); errcode = runhyd(t); if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENnextH(long *tstep) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none (no need to supply a value for *tstep) ** Output: *tstep = time (seconds) until next hydraulic event ** (0 marks end of simulation period) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: determines time until next hydraulic event. ** ** This function is used in a loop with ENrunH() to run ** an extended period hydraulic simulation. ** See ENsolveH() for an example. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; *tstep = 0; if (!OpenHflag) return(103); errcode = nexthyd(tstep); if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); else if (Saveflag && *tstep == 0) SaveHflag = TRUE; return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENcloseH() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: frees data allocated by hydraulics solver **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (!Openflag) return(102); closehyd(); OpenHflag = FALSE; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsavehydfile(char *filename) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: filename = name of file ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: copies binary hydraulics file to disk **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { FILE *f; int c; /* Check that hydraulics results exist */ if (HydFile == NULL || !SaveHflag) return(104); /* Open file */ if ( (f = fopen(filename,"w+b")) == NULL) return(305); /* Copy from HydFile to f */ fseek(HydFile, 0, SEEK_SET); while ( (c = fgetc(HydFile)) != EOF) fputc(c, f); fclose(f); return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENusehydfile(char *filename) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: filename = name of file ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: opens previously saved binary hydraulics file **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; /* Check that input data exists & hydraulics system closed */ if (!Openflag) return(102); if (OpenHflag) return(108); /* Try to open hydraulics file */ strncpy(HydFname, filename, MAXFNAME); Hydflag = USE; SaveHflag = TRUE; errcode = openhydfile(); /* If error, then reset flags */ if (errcode) { strcpy(HydFname, ""); Hydflag = SCRATCH; SaveHflag = FALSE; } return(errcode); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for running a WQ analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int DLLEXPORT ENsolveQ() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: solves for network water quality in all time periods **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; long t, tstep; /* Open WQ solver */ errcode = ENopenQ(); if (!errcode) { /* Initialize WQ */ errcode = ENinitQ(EN_SAVE); if (Qualflag) writecon(FMT15); else { writecon(FMT16); writewin(FMT103); } /* Analyze each hydraulic period */ if (!errcode) do { /* Display progress message */ /*** Updated 6/24/02 ***/ sprintf(Msg,"%-10s",clocktime(Atime,Htime)); writecon(Msg); if (Qualflag) { sprintf(Msg,FMT102,Atime); writewin(Msg); } /* Retrieve current network solution & update WQ to next time period */ tstep = 0; ERRCODE(ENrunQ(&t)); ERRCODE(ENnextQ(&tstep)); /*** Updated 6/24/02 ***/ writecon("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); } while (tstep > 0); } /* Close WQ solver */ /*** Updated 6/24/02 ***/ writecon("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b "); ENcloseQ(); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENopenQ() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets up data structures for WQ analysis **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; /* Check that hydraulics results exist */ OpenQflag = FALSE; SaveQflag = FALSE; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (!SaveHflag) return(104); /* Open WQ solver */ ERRCODE(openqual()); if (!errcode) OpenQflag = TRUE; else errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENinitQ(int saveflag) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: saveflag = EN_SAVE (1) if results saved to file, ** EN_NOSAVE (0) if not ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: initializes WQ analysis **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; if (!OpenQflag) return(105); initqual(); SaveQflag = FALSE; Saveflag = FALSE; if (saveflag) { errcode = openoutfile(); if (!errcode) Saveflag = TRUE; } return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENrunQ(long *t) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none (no need to supply a value for *t) ** Output: *t = current simulation time (seconds) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves hydraulic & WQ results at time t. ** ** This function is used in a loop with ENnextQ() to run ** an extended period WQ simulation. See ENsolveQ() for ** an example. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; *t = 0; if (!OpenQflag) return(105); errcode = runqual(t); if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENnextQ(long *tstep) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none (no need to supply a value for *tstep) ** Output: *tstep = time (seconds) until next hydraulic event ** (0 marks end of simulation period) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: advances WQ simulation to next hydraulic event. ** ** This function is used in a loop with ENrunQ() to run ** an extended period WQ simulation. See ENsolveQ() for ** an example. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; *tstep = 0; if (!OpenQflag) return(105); errcode = nextqual(tstep); if (!errcode && Saveflag && *tstep == 0) SaveQflag = TRUE; if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENstepQ(long *tleft) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: *tleft = time left in overall simulation (seconds) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: advances WQ simulation by a single WQ time step ** ** This function is used in a loop with ENrunQ() to run ** an extended period WQ simulation. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; *tleft = 0; if (!OpenQflag) return(105); errcode = stepqual(tleft); if (!errcode && Saveflag && *tleft == 0) SaveQflag = TRUE; if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENcloseQ() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: frees data allocated by WQ solver **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (!Openflag) return(102); closequal(); OpenQflag = FALSE; return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for generating an output report ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int DLLEXPORT ENwriteline(char *line) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: line = text string ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: writes line of text to report file **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (!Openflag) return(102); writeline(line); return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENreport() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: writes report to report file **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode; /* Check if results saved to binary output file */ if (!SaveQflag) return(106); errcode = writereport(); if (errcode) errmsg(errcode); return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENresetreport() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: resets report options to default values **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i; if (!Openflag) return(102); initreport(); for (i=1; i<=Nnodes; i++) Node[i].Rpt = 0; for (i=1; i<=Nlinks; i++) Link[i].Rpt = 0; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsetreport(char *s) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: s = report format command ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: processes a reporting format command **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char s1[MAXLINE+1]; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (strlen(s) > MAXLINE) return(250); strcpy(s1,s); if (setreport(s1) > 0) return(250); else return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for retrieving network information ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** Updated 10/25/00 ***/ int DLLEXPORT ENgetversion(int *v) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: *v = version number of the source code ** Returns: error code (should always be 0) ** Purpose: retrieves a number assigned to the most recent ** update of the source code. This number, set by the ** constant CODEVERSION found in TYPES.H, began with ** 20001 and increases by 1 with each new update. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *v = CODEVERSION; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetcontrol(int cindex, int *ctype, int *lindex, float *setting, int *nindex, float *level) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: cindex = control index (position of control statement ** in the input file, starting from 1) ** Output: *ctype = control type code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** *lindex = index of controlled link ** *setting = control setting on link ** *nindex = index of controlling node (0 for TIMER ** or TIMEOFDAY control) ** *level = control level (tank level, junction ** pressure, or time (seconds)) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves parameters that define a simple control **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { double s, lvl; s = 0.0; lvl = 0.0; *ctype = 0; *lindex = 0; *nindex = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (cindex < 1 || cindex > Ncontrols) return(241); *ctype = Control[cindex].Type; *lindex = Control[cindex].Link; s = Control[cindex].Setting; if (Control[cindex].Setting != MISSING) switch (Link[*lindex].Type) { case PRV: case PSV: case PBV: s *= Ucf[PRESSURE]; break; case FCV: s *= Ucf[FLOW]; } else if (Control[cindex].Status == OPEN) s = 1.0; /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ else s = 0.0; *nindex = Control[cindex].Node; if (*nindex > Njuncs) lvl = (Control[cindex].Grade - Node[*nindex].El)*Ucf[ELEV]; else if (*nindex > 0) lvl = (Control[cindex].Grade - Node[*nindex].El)*Ucf[PRESSURE]; else lvl = (float)Control[cindex].Time; *setting = (float)s; *level = (float)lvl; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetcount(int code, int *count) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: code = component code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Output: *count = number of components in network ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves the number of components of a ** given type in the network **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *count = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); switch (code) { case EN_NODECOUNT: *count = Nnodes; break; case EN_TANKCOUNT: *count = Ntanks; break; case EN_LINKCOUNT: *count = Nlinks; break; case EN_PATCOUNT: *count = Npats; break; case EN_CURVECOUNT: *count = Ncurves; break; case EN_CONTROLCOUNT: *count = Ncontrols; break; default: return(251); } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetoption(int code, float *value) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: code = option code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Output: *value = option value ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: gets value for an analysis option **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { double v = 0.0; *value = 0.0f; if (!Openflag) return(102); switch (code) { case EN_TRIALS: v = (double)MaxIter; break; case EN_ACCURACY: v = Hacc; break; case EN_TOLERANCE: v = Ctol*Ucf[QUALITY]; break; case EN_EMITEXPON: if (Qexp > 0.0) v = 1.0/Qexp; break; case EN_DEMANDMULT: v = Dmult; break; default: return(251); } *value = (float)v; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgettimeparam(int code, long *value) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: code = time parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Output: *value = value of time parameter ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves value of specific time parameter **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *value = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (code < EN_DURATION || code > EN_PERIODS) return(251); switch (code) { case EN_DURATION: *value = Dur; break; case EN_HYDSTEP: *value = Hstep; break; case EN_QUALSTEP: *value = Qstep; break; case EN_PATTERNSTEP: *value = Pstep; break; case EN_PATTERNSTART: *value = Pstart; break; case EN_REPORTSTEP: *value = Rstep; break; case EN_REPORTSTART: *value = Rstart; break; case EN_STATISTIC: *value = Tstatflag; break; case EN_PERIODS: *value = Nperiods; break; } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetflowunits(int *code) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: *code = code of flow units in use ** (see TOOLKIT.H or TYPES.H) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves flow units code **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *code = -1; if (!Openflag) return(102); *code = Flowflag; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetpatternindex(char *id, int *index) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = time pattern ID ** Output: *index = index of time pattern in list of patterns ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves index of time pattern with specific ID **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i; *index = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); for (i=1; i<=Npats; i++) { if (strcmp(id, Pattern[i].ID) == 0) { *index = i; return(0); } } *index = 0; return(205); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetpatternid(int index, char *id) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = index of time pattern ** Output: id = pattern ID ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves ID of a time pattern with specific index ** ** NOTE: 'id' must be able to hold MAXID characters **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { strcpy(id,""); if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Npats) return(205); strcpy(id,Pattern[index].ID); return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetpatternlen(int index, int *len) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = index of time pattern ** Output: *len = pattern length (number of multipliers) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves number of multipliers in a time pattern **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Npats) return(205); *len = Pattern[index].Length; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetpatternvalue(int index, int period, float *value) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = index of time pattern ** period = pattern time period ** Output: *value = pattern multiplier ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves multiplier for a specific time period ** and pattern **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *value = 0.0f; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Npats) return(205); if (period < 1 || period > Pattern[index].Length) return(251); *value = (float)Pattern[index].F[period-1]; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetqualtype(int *qualcode, int *tracenode) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: *qualcode = WQ analysis code number (see TOOLKIT.H) ** *tracenode = index of node being traced (if ** qualocode = WQ tracing) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves type of quality analysis called for **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *tracenode = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); *qualcode = Qualflag; if (Qualflag == TRACE) *tracenode = TraceNode; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgeterror(int errcode, char *errmsg, int n) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: errcode = error/warning code number ** n = maximum length of string errmsg ** Output: errmsg = text of error/warning message ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves text of error/warning message **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { switch (errcode) { case 1: strncpy(errmsg,WARN1,n); break; case 2: strncpy(errmsg,WARN2,n); break; case 3: strncpy(errmsg,WARN3,n); break; case 4: strncpy(errmsg,WARN4,n); break; case 5: strncpy(errmsg,WARN5,n); break; case 6: strncpy(errmsg,WARN6,n); break; default: strncpy(errmsg,geterrmsg(errcode),n); } if (strlen(errmsg) == 0) return(251); else return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for retrieving node data ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int DLLEXPORT ENgetnodeindex(char *id, int *index) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = node ID ** Output: *index = index of node in list of nodes ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves index of a node with specific ID **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *index = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); *index = findnode(id); if (*index == 0) return(203); else return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetnodeid(int index, char *id) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = index of node in list of nodes ** Output: id = node ID ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves ID of a node with specific index ** ** NOTE: 'id' must be able to hold MAXID characters **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { strcpy(id,""); if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Nnodes) return(203); strcpy(id,Node[index].ID); return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetnodetype(int index, int *code) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = node index ** Output: *code = node type code number (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves node type of specific node **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *code = -1; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Nnodes) return(203); if (index <= Njuncs) *code = EN_JUNCTION; else { if (Tank[index-Njuncs].A == 0.0) *code = EN_RESERVOIR; else *code = EN_TANK; } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetnodevalue(int index, int code, float *value) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = node index ** code = node parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Output: *value = value of node's parameter ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves parameter value for a node **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { double v = 0.0; Pdemand demand; Psource source; /* Check for valid arguments */ *value = 0.0f; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index <= 0 || index > Nnodes) return(203); /* Retrieve called-for parameter */ switch (code) { case EN_ELEVATION: v = Node[index].El*Ucf[ELEV]; break; case EN_BASEDEMAND: v = 0.0; /* NOTE: primary demand category is last on demand list */ if (index <= Njuncs) for (demand = Node[index].D; demand != NULL; demand = demand->next) v = (demand->Base); v *= Ucf[FLOW]; break; case EN_PATTERN: v = 0.0; /* NOTE: primary demand category is last on demand list */ if (index <= Njuncs) { for (demand = Node[index].D; demand != NULL; demand = demand->next) v = (double)(demand->Pat); } else v = (double)(Tank[index-Njuncs].Pat); break; case EN_EMITTER: v = 0.0; if (Node[index].Ke > 0.0) v = Ucf[FLOW]/pow((Ucf[PRESSURE]*Node[index].Ke),(1.0/Qexp)); break; case EN_INITQUAL: v = Node[index].C0*Ucf[QUALITY]; break; /*** Additional parameters added for retrieval ***/ //(2.00.11 - LR) case EN_SOURCEQUAL: case EN_SOURCETYPE: case EN_SOURCEMASS: case EN_SOURCEPAT: source = Node[index].S; if (source == NULL) return(240); if (code == EN_SOURCEQUAL) v = source->C0; else if (code == EN_SOURCEMASS) v = source->Smass*60.0; else if (code == EN_SOURCEPAT) v = source->Pat; else v = source->Type; return(0); case EN_TANKLEVEL: if (index <= Njuncs) return(251); v = (Tank[index-Njuncs].H0 - Node[index].El)*Ucf[ELEV]; break; /*** New parameter added for retrieval ***/ //(2.00.11 - LR) case EN_INITVOLUME: //(2.00.11 - LR) v = 0.0; //(2.00.11 - LR) if ( index > Njuncs ) v = Tank[index-Njuncs].V0*Ucf[VOLUME]; //(2.00.11 - LR) break; //(2.00.11 - LR) /*** New parameter added for retrieval ***/ //(2.00.11 - LR) case EN_MIXMODEL: //(2.00.11 - LR) v = MIX1; //(2.00.11 - LR) if ( index > Njuncs ) v = Tank[index-Njuncs].MixModel; //(2.00.11 - LR) break; //(2.00.11 - LR) /*** New parameter added for retrieval ***/ //(2.00.11 - LR) case EN_MIXZONEVOL: //(2.00.11 - LR) v = 0.0; //(2.00.11 - LR) if ( index > Njuncs ) v = Tank[index-Njuncs].V1max*Ucf[VOLUME]; //(2.00.11 - LR) break; //(2.00.11 - LR) case EN_DEMAND: v = D[index]*Ucf[FLOW]; break; case EN_HEAD: v = H[index]*Ucf[HEAD]; break; case EN_PRESSURE: v = (H[index] - Node[index].El)*Ucf[PRESSURE]; break; case EN_QUALITY: v = C[index]*Ucf[QUALITY]; break; /*** New parameters added for retrieval begins here ***/ //(2.00.12 - LR) /*** (Thanks to Nicolas Basile of Ecole Polytechnique ***/ /*** de Montreal for suggesting some of these.) ***/ case EN_TANKDIAM: v = 0.0; if ( index > Njuncs ) { v = 4.0/PI*sqrt(Tank[index-Njuncs].A)*Ucf[ELEV]; } break; case EN_MINVOLUME: v = 0.0; if ( index > Njuncs ) v = Tank[index-Njuncs].Vmin * Ucf[VOLUME]; break; case EN_VOLCURVE: v = 0.0; if ( index > Njuncs ) v = Tank[index-Njuncs].Vcurve; break; case EN_MINLEVEL: v = 0.0; if ( index > Njuncs ) { v = (Tank[index-Njuncs].Hmin - Node[index].El) * Ucf[ELEV]; } break; case EN_MAXLEVEL: v = 0.0; if ( index > Njuncs ) { v = (Tank[index-Njuncs].Hmax - Node[index].El) * Ucf[ELEV]; } break; case EN_MIXFRACTION: v = 1.0; if ( index > Njuncs && Tank[index-Njuncs].Vmax > 0.0) { v = Tank[index-Njuncs].V1max / Tank[index-Njuncs].Vmax; } break; case EN_TANK_KBULK: v = 0.0; if (index > Njuncs) v = Tank[index-Njuncs].Kb * SECperDAY; break; /*** New parameter additions ends here. ***/ //(2.00.12 - LR) default: return(251); } *value = (float)v; return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for retrieving link data ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int DLLEXPORT ENgetlinkindex(char *id, int *index) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = link ID ** Output: *index = index of link in list of links ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves index of a link with specific ID **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *index = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); *index = findlink(id); if (*index == 0) return(204); else return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetlinkid(int index, char *id) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = index of link in list of links ** Output: id = link ID ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves ID of a link with specific index ** ** NOTE: 'id' must be able to hold MAXID characters **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { strcpy(id,""); if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Nlinks) return(204); strcpy(id,Link[index].ID); return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetlinktype(int index, int *code) /*------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Input: index = link index ** Output: *code = link type code number (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves link type of specific link **------------------------------------------------------------------ */ { *code = -1; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Nlinks) return(204); *code = Link[index].Type; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetlinknodes(int index, int *node1, int *node2) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = link index ** Output: *node1 = index of link's starting node ** *node2 = index of link's ending node ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves end nodes of a specific link **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { *node1 = 0; *node2 = 0; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index < 1 || index > Nlinks) return(204); *node1 = Link[index].N1; *node2 = Link[index].N2; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENgetlinkvalue(int index, int code, float *value) /*------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Input: index = link index ** code = link parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** Output: *value = value of link's parameter ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: retrieves parameter value for a link **------------------------------------------------------------------ */ { double a,h,q, v = 0.0; /* Check for valid arguments */ *value = 0.0f; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index <= 0 || index > Nlinks) return(204); /* Retrieve called-for parameter */ switch (code) { case EN_DIAMETER: if (Link[index].Type == PUMP) v = 0.0; else v = Link[index].Diam*Ucf[DIAM]; break; case EN_LENGTH: v = Link[index].Len*Ucf[ELEV]; break; case EN_ROUGHNESS: if (Link[index].Type <= PIPE) { if (Formflag == DW) v = Link[index].Kc*(1000.0*Ucf[ELEV]); else v = Link[index].Kc; } else v = 0.0; break; case EN_MINORLOSS: if (Link[index].Type != PUMP) { v = Link[index].Km; v *= (SQR(Link[index].Diam)*SQR(Link[index].Diam)/0.02517); } else v = 0.0; break; case EN_INITSTATUS: if (Link[index].Stat <= CLOSED) v = 0.0; else v = 1.0; break; case EN_INITSETTING: if (Link[index].Type == PIPE || Link[index].Type == CV) return(ENgetlinkvalue(index, EN_ROUGHNESS, value)); v = Link[index].Kc; switch (Link[index].Type) { case PRV: case PSV: case PBV: v *= Ucf[PRESSURE]; break; case FCV: v *= Ucf[FLOW]; } break; case EN_KBULK: v = Link[index].Kb*SECperDAY; break; case EN_KWALL: v = Link[index].Kw*SECperDAY; break; case EN_FLOW: /*** Updated 10/25/00 ***/ if (S[index] <= CLOSED) v = 0.0; else v = Q[index]*Ucf[FLOW]; break; case EN_VELOCITY: if (Link[index].Type == PUMP) v = 0.0; /*** Updated 11/19/01 ***/ else if (S[index] <= CLOSED) v = 0.0; else { q = ABS(Q[index]); a = PI*SQR(Link[index].Diam)/4.0; v = q/a*Ucf[VELOCITY]; } break; case EN_HEADLOSS: /*** Updated 11/19/01 ***/ if (S[index] <= CLOSED) v = 0.0; else { h = H[Link[index].N1] - H[Link[index].N2]; if (Link[index].Type != PUMP) h = ABS(h); v = h*Ucf[HEADLOSS]; } break; case EN_STATUS: if (S[index] <= CLOSED) v = 0.0; else v = 1.0; break; case EN_SETTING: if (Link[index].Type == PIPE || Link[index].Type == CV) return(ENgetlinkvalue(index, EN_ROUGHNESS, value)); if (K[index] == MISSING) v = 0.0; else v = K[index]; switch (Link[index].Type) { case PRV: case PSV: case PBV: v *= Ucf[PRESSURE]; break; case FCV: v *= Ucf[FLOW]; } break; case EN_ENERGY: getenergy(index, &v, &a); break; default: return(251); } *value = (float)v; return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for changing network data ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int DLLEXPORT ENsetcontrol(int cindex, int ctype, int lindex, float setting, int nindex, float level) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: cindex = control index (position of control statement ** in the input file, starting from 1) ** ctype = control type code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** lindex = index of controlled link ** setting = control setting applied to link ** nindex = index of controlling node (0 for TIMER ** or TIMEOFDAY control) ** level = control level (tank level, junction pressure, ** or time (seconds)) ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: specifies parameters that define a simple control **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char status = ACTIVE; long t = 0; double s = setting, lvl = level; /* Check that input file opened */ if (!Openflag) return(102); /* Check that control exists */ if (cindex < 1 || cindex > Ncontrols) return(241); /* Check that controlled link exists */ if (lindex == 0) { Control[cindex].Link = 0; return(0); } if (lindex < 0 || lindex > Nlinks) return(204); /* Cannot control check valve. */ if (Link[lindex].Type == CV) return(207); /* Check for valid parameters */ if (ctype < 0 || ctype > EN_TIMEOFDAY) return(251); if (ctype == EN_LOWLEVEL || ctype == EN_HILEVEL) { if (nindex < 1 || nindex > Nnodes) return(203); } else nindex = 0; if (s < 0.0 || lvl < 0.0) return(202); /* Adjust units of control parameters */ switch (Link[lindex].Type) { case PRV: case PSV: case PBV: s /= Ucf[PRESSURE]; break; case FCV: s /= Ucf[FLOW]; break; /*** Updated 9/7/00 ***/ case GPV: if (s == 0.0) status = CLOSED; else if (s == 1.0) status = OPEN; else return(202); s = Link[lindex].Kc; break; case PIPE: case PUMP: status = OPEN; if (s == 0.0) status = CLOSED; } if (ctype == LOWLEVEL || ctype == HILEVEL) { if (nindex > Njuncs) lvl = Node[nindex].El + level/Ucf[ELEV]; else lvl = Node[nindex].El + level/Ucf[PRESSURE]; } if (ctype == TIMER) t = (long)ROUND(lvl); if (ctype == TIMEOFDAY) t = (long)ROUND(lvl) % SECperDAY; /* Reset control's parameters */ Control[cindex].Type = (char)ctype; Control[cindex].Link = lindex; Control[cindex].Node = nindex; Control[cindex].Status = status; Control[cindex].Setting = s; Control[cindex].Grade = lvl; Control[cindex].Time = t; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsetnodevalue(int index, int code, float v) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = node index ** code = node parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** value = parameter value ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets input parameter value for a node **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int j; Pdemand demand; Psource source; double value = v; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index <= 0 || index > Nnodes) return(203); switch (code) { case EN_ELEVATION: if (index <= Njuncs) Node[index].El = value/Ucf[ELEV]; else { value = (value/Ucf[ELEV]) - Node[index].El; j = index - Njuncs; Tank[j].H0 += value; Tank[j].Hmin += value; Tank[j].Hmax += value; Node[index].El += value; H[index] += value; } break; case EN_BASEDEMAND: /* NOTE: primary demand category is last on demand list */ if (index <= Njuncs) { for (demand = Node[index].D; demand != NULL; demand = demand ->next) { if (demand->next == NULL) demand->Base = value/Ucf[FLOW]; } } break; case EN_PATTERN: /* NOTE: primary demand category is last on demand list */ j = ROUND(value); if (j < 0 || j > Npats) return(205); if (index <= Njuncs) { for (demand = Node[index].D; demand != NULL; demand = demand ->next) { if (demand->next == NULL) demand->Pat = j; } } else Tank[index-Njuncs].Pat = j; break; case EN_EMITTER: if (index > Njuncs) return(203); if (value < 0.0) return(202); if (value > 0.0) value = pow((Ucf[FLOW]/value),Qexp)/Ucf[PRESSURE]; Node[index].Ke = value; break; case EN_INITQUAL: if (value < 0.0) return(202); Node[index].C0 = value/Ucf[QUALITY]; if (index > Njuncs) Tank[index-Njuncs].C = Node[index].C0; break; case EN_SOURCEQUAL: case EN_SOURCETYPE: case EN_SOURCEPAT: if (value < 0.0) return(202); source = Node[index].S; if (source == NULL) { source = (struct Ssource *) malloc(sizeof(struct Ssource)); if (source == NULL) return(101); source->Type = CONCEN; source->C0 = 0.0; source->Pat = 0; Node[index].S = source; } if (code == EN_SOURCEQUAL) source->C0 = value; else if (code == EN_SOURCEPAT) { j = ROUND(value); if (j < 0 || j > Npats) return(205); source->Pat = j; } else { j = ROUND(value); if ( j < CONCEN || j > FLOWPACED) return(251); else source->Type = (char)j; } return(0); case EN_TANKLEVEL: if (index <= Njuncs) return(251); j = index - Njuncs; if (Tank[j].A == 0.0) /* Tank is a reservoir */ { Tank[j].H0 = value/Ucf[ELEV]; Tank[j].Hmin = Tank[j].H0; Tank[j].Hmax = Tank[j].H0; Node[index].El = Tank[j].H0; H[index] = Tank[j].H0; } else { value = Node[index].El + value/Ucf[ELEV]; if (value > Tank[j].Hmax || value < Tank[j].Hmin) return(202); Tank[j].H0 = value; Tank[j].V0 = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].H0); H[index] = Tank[j].H0; } break; /*** New parameters added for retrieval begins here ***/ //(2.00.12 - LR) /*** (Thanks to Nicolas Basile of Ecole Polytechnique ***/ /*** de Montreal for suggesting some of these.) ***/ case EN_TANKDIAM: if (value <= 0.0) return(202); j = index - Njuncs; if (j > 0 && Tank[j].A > 0.0) { value /= Ucf[ELEV]; Tank[j].A = PI*SQR(value)/4.0; Tank[j].Vmin = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].Hmin); Tank[j].V0 = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].H0); Tank[j].Vmax = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].Hmax); } break; case EN_MINVOLUME: if (value < 0.0) return(202); j = index - Njuncs; if (j > 0 && Tank[j].A > 0.0) { Tank[j].Vmin = value/Ucf[VOLUME]; Tank[j].V0 = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].H0); Tank[j].Vmax = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].Hmax); } break; case EN_MINLEVEL: if (value < 0.0) return(202); j = index - Njuncs; if (j > 0 && Tank[j].A > 0.0) { if (Tank[j].Vcurve > 0) return(202); Tank[j].Hmin = value/Ucf[ELEV] + Node[index].El; Tank[j].Vmin = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].Hmin); } break; case EN_MAXLEVEL: if (value < 0.0) return(202); j = index - Njuncs; if (j > 0 && Tank[j].A > 0.0) { if (Tank[j].Vcurve > 0) return(202); Tank[j].Hmax = value/Ucf[ELEV] + Node[index].El; Tank[j].Vmax = tankvolume(j, Tank[j].Hmax); } break; case EN_MIXMODEL: j = ROUND(value); if (j < MIX1 || j > LIFO) return(202); if (index > Njuncs && Tank[index-Njuncs].A > 0.0) { Tank[index-Njuncs].MixModel = (char)j; } break; case EN_MIXFRACTION: if (value < 0.0 || value > 1.0) return(202); j = index - Njuncs; if (j > 0 && Tank[j].A > 0.0) { Tank[j].V1max = value*Tank[j].Vmax; } break; case EN_TANK_KBULK: j = index - Njuncs; if (j > 0 && Tank[j].A > 0.0) { Tank[j].Kb = value/SECperDAY; Reactflag = 1; } break; /*** New parameter additions ends here. ***/ //(2.00.12 - LR) default: return(251); } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsetlinkvalue(int index, int code, float v) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: index = link index ** code = link parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** v = parameter value ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets input parameter value for a link **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { char s; double r, value = v; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (index <= 0 || index > Nlinks) return(204); switch (code) { case EN_DIAMETER: if (Link[index].Type != PUMP) { if (value <= 0.0) return(202); value /= Ucf[DIAM]; /* Convert to feet */ r = Link[index].Diam/value; /* Ratio of old to new diam */ Link[index].Km *= SQR(r)*SQR(r); /* Adjust minor loss factor */ Link[index].Diam = value; /* Update diameter */ resistance(index); /* Update resistance factor */ } break; case EN_LENGTH: if (Link[index].Type <= PIPE) { if (value <= 0.0) return(202); Link[index].Len = value/Ucf[ELEV]; resistance(index); } break; case EN_ROUGHNESS: if (Link[index].Type <= PIPE) { if (value <= 0.0) return(202); Link[index].Kc = value; if (Formflag == DW) Link[index].Kc /= (1000.0*Ucf[ELEV]); resistance(index); } break; case EN_MINORLOSS: if (Link[index].Type != PUMP) { if (value <= 0.0) return(202); Link[index].Km = 0.02517*value/SQR(Link[index].Diam)/SQR(Link[index].Diam); } break; case EN_INITSTATUS: case EN_STATUS: /* Cannot set status for a check valve */ if (Link[index].Type == CV) return(207); s = (char)ROUND(value); if (s < 0 || s > 1) return(251); if (code == EN_INITSTATUS) setlinkstatus(index, s, &Link[index].Stat, &Link[index].Kc); else setlinkstatus(index, s, &S[index], &K[index]); break; case EN_INITSETTING: case EN_SETTING: if (value < 0.0) return(202); if (Link[index].Type == PIPE || Link[index].Type == CV) return(ENsetlinkvalue(index, EN_ROUGHNESS, v)); else { switch (Link[index].Type) { case PUMP: break; case PRV: case PSV: case PBV: value /= Ucf[PRESSURE]; break; case FCV: value /= Ucf[FLOW]; break; case TCV: break; /*** Updated 9/7/00 ***/ case GPV: return(202); /* Cannot modify setting for GPV */ default: return(251); } if (code == EN_INITSETTING) setlinksetting(index, value, &Link[index].Stat, &Link[index].Kc); else setlinksetting(index, value, &S[index], &K[index]); } break; case EN_KBULK: if (Link[index].Type <= PIPE) { Link[index].Kb = value/SECperDAY; Reactflag = 1; //(2.00.12 - LR) } break; case EN_KWALL: if (Link[index].Type <= PIPE) { Link[index].Kw = value/SECperDAY; Reactflag = 1; //(2.00.12 - LR) } break; default: return(251); } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENaddpattern(char *id) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = ID name of the new pattern ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: adds a new time pattern appended to the end of the ** existing patterns. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i, j, n, err = 0; Spattern *tmpPat; /* Check if a pattern with same id already exists */ if ( !Openflag ) return(102); if ( ENgetpatternindex(id, &i) == 0 ) return(215); /* Check that id name is not too long */ if (strlen(id) > MAXID) return(250); /* Allocate memory for a new array of patterns */ n = Npats + 1; tmpPat = (Spattern *) calloc(n+1, sizeof(Spattern)); if ( tmpPat == NULL ) return(101); /* Copy contents of old pattern array to new one */ for (i=0; i<=Npats; i++) { strcpy(tmpPat[i].ID, Pattern[i].ID); tmpPat[i].Length = Pattern[i].Length; tmpPat[i].F = (double *) calloc(Pattern[i].Length, sizeof(double)); if (tmpPat[i].F == NULL) err = 1; else for (j=0; j Npats) return(205); if (n <= 0) return(202); /* Re-set number of time periods & reallocate memory for multipliers */ Pattern[index].Length = n; Pattern[index].F = (double *) realloc(Pattern[index].F, n*sizeof(double)); if (Pattern[index].F == NULL) return(101); /* Load multipliers into pattern */ for (j=0; j Npats) return(205); if (period <= 0 || period > Pattern[index].Length) return(251); Pattern[index].F[period-1] = value; return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsettimeparam(int code, long value) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: code = time parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** value = time parameter value ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets value for time parameter **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (!Openflag) return(102); if (OpenHflag || OpenQflag) return(109); if (value < 0) return(202); switch(code) { case EN_DURATION: Dur = value; if (Rstart > Dur) Rstart = 0; break; case EN_HYDSTEP: if (value == 0) return(202); Hstep = value; Hstep = MIN(Pstep, Hstep); Hstep = MIN(Rstep, Hstep); Qstep = MIN(Qstep, Hstep); break; case EN_QUALSTEP: if (value == 0) return(202); Qstep = value; Qstep = MIN(Qstep, Hstep); break; case EN_PATTERNSTEP: if (value == 0) return(202); Pstep = value; if (Hstep > Pstep) Hstep = Pstep; break; case EN_PATTERNSTART: Pstart = value; break; case EN_REPORTSTEP: if (value == 0) return(202); Rstep = value; if (Hstep > Rstep) Hstep = Rstep; break; case EN_REPORTSTART: if (Rstart > Dur) return(202); Rstart = value; break; case EN_RULESTEP: if (value == 0) return(202); Rulestep = value; Rulestep = MIN(Rulestep, Hstep); break; case EN_STATISTIC: if (value > RANGE) return(202); Tstatflag = (char)value; break; default: return(251); } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsetoption(int code, float v) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: code = option code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** v = option value ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets value for an analysis option **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i,j; double Ke,n,ucf, value = v; if (!Openflag) return(102); switch (code) { case EN_TRIALS: if (value < 1.0) return(202); MaxIter = (int)value; break; case EN_ACCURACY: if (value < 1.e-5 || value > 1.e-1) return(202); Hacc = value; break; case EN_TOLERANCE: if (value < 0.0) return(202); Ctol = value/Ucf[QUALITY]; break; case EN_EMITEXPON: if (value <= 0.0) return(202); n = 1.0/value; ucf = pow(Ucf[FLOW],n)/Ucf[PRESSURE]; for (i=1; i<=Njuncs; i++) { j = ENgetnodevalue(i,EN_EMITTER,&v); Ke = v; if (j == 0 && Ke > 0.0) Node[i].Ke = ucf/pow(Ke,n); } Qexp = n; break; case EN_DEMANDMULT: if (value <= 0.0) return(202); Dmult = value; break; default: return(251); } return(0); } int DLLEXPORT ENsetstatusreport(int code) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: code = status reporting code (0, 1, or 2) ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets level of hydraulic status reporting **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; if (code >= 0 && code <= 2) Statflag = (char)code; else errcode = 202; return(errcode); } int DLLEXPORT ENsetqualtype(int qualcode, char *chemname, char *chemunits, char *tracenode) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: qualcode = WQ parameter code (see TOOLKIT.H) ** chemname = name of WQ constituent ** chemunits = concentration units of WQ constituent ** tracenode = ID of node being traced ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: sets type of quality analysis called for ** ** NOTE: chemname and chemunits only apply when WQ analysis ** is for chemical. tracenode only applies when WQ ** analysis is source tracing. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ double ccf = 1.0; if (!Openflag) return(102); if (qualcode < EN_NONE || qualcode > EN_TRACE) return(251); Qualflag = (char)qualcode; if (Qualflag == CHEM) /* Chemical constituent */ { strncpy(ChemName,chemname,MAXID); strncpy(ChemUnits,chemunits,MAXID); /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ strncpy(Field[QUALITY].Units,ChemUnits,MAXID); strncpy(Field[REACTRATE].Units,ChemUnits,MAXID); strcat(Field[REACTRATE].Units,t_PERDAY); ccf = 1.0/LperFT3; } if (Qualflag == TRACE) /* Source tracing option */ { TraceNode = findnode(tracenode); if (TraceNode == 0) return(203); strncpy(ChemName,u_PERCENT,MAXID); strncpy(ChemUnits,tracenode,MAXID); /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ strcpy(Field[QUALITY].Units,u_PERCENT); } if (Qualflag == AGE) /* Water age analysis */ { strncpy(ChemName,w_AGE,MAXID); strncpy(ChemUnits,u_HOURS,MAXID); /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ strcpy(Field[QUALITY].Units,u_HOURS); } /*** Updated 3/1/01 ***/ Ucf[QUALITY] = ccf; Ucf[LINKQUAL] = ccf; Ucf[REACTRATE] = ccf; return(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for opening files ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int openfiles(char *f1, char *f2, char *f3) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: f1 = pointer to name of input file ** f2 = pointer to name of report file ** f3 = pointer to name of binary output file ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: opens input & report files **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { /* Initialize file pointers to NULL */ InFile = NULL; RptFile = NULL; OutFile = NULL; HydFile = NULL; /* Save file names */ strncpy(InpFname,f1,MAXFNAME); strncpy(Rpt1Fname,f2,MAXFNAME); strncpy(OutFname,f3,MAXFNAME); if (strlen(f3) > 0) Outflag = SAVE; //(2.00.12 - LR) else Outflag = SCRATCH; //(2.00.12 - LR) /* Check that file names are not identical */ if (strcomp(f1,f2) || strcomp(f1,f3) || strcomp(f2,f3)) { writecon(FMT04); return(301); } /* Attempt to open input and report files */ if ((InFile = fopen(f1,"rt")) == NULL) { writecon(FMT05); writecon(f1); return(302); } if (strlen(f2) == 0) RptFile = stdout; else if ((RptFile = fopen(f2,"wt")) == NULL) { writecon(FMT06); return(303); } return(0); } /* End of openfiles */ int openhydfile() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: opens file that saves hydraulics solution **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { INT4 nsize[6]; /* Temporary array */ INT4 magic; INT4 version; int errcode = 0; /* If HydFile currently open, then close it if its not a scratch file */ if (HydFile != NULL) { if (Hydflag == SCRATCH) return(0); fclose(HydFile); } /* Use Hydflag to determine the type of hydraulics file to use. */ /* Write error message if the file cannot be opened. */ HydFile = NULL; switch(Hydflag) { case SCRATCH: getTmpName(HydFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) HydFile = fopen(HydFname, "w+b"); //(2.00.12 - LR) break; case SAVE: HydFile = fopen(HydFname,"w+b"); break; case USE: HydFile = fopen(HydFname,"rb"); break; } if (HydFile == NULL) return(305); /* If a previous hydraulics solution is not being used, then */ /* save the current network size parameters to the file. */ if (Hydflag != USE) { magic = MAGICNUMBER; version = VERSION; nsize[0] = Nnodes; nsize[1] = Nlinks; nsize[2] = Ntanks; nsize[3] = Npumps; nsize[4] = Nvalves; nsize[5] = Dur; fwrite(&magic,sizeof(INT4),1,HydFile); fwrite(&version,sizeof(INT4),1,HydFile); fwrite(nsize,sizeof(INT4),6,HydFile); } /* If a previous hydraulics solution is being used, then */ /* make sure its network size parameters match those of */ /* the current network. */ if (Hydflag == USE) { fread(&magic,sizeof(INT4),1,HydFile); if (magic != MAGICNUMBER) return(306); fread(&version,sizeof(INT4),1,HydFile); if (version != VERSION) return(306); if (fread(nsize,sizeof(INT4),6,HydFile) < 6) return(306); if (nsize[0] != Nnodes || nsize[1] != Nlinks || nsize[2] != Ntanks || nsize[3] != Npumps || nsize[4] != Nvalves || nsize[5] != Dur) return(306); SaveHflag = TRUE; } /* Save current position in hydraulics file */ /* where storage of hydraulic results begins */ HydOffset = ftell(HydFile); return(errcode); } int openoutfile() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: opens binary output file. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int errcode = 0; /* Close output file if already opened */ if (OutFile != NULL) fclose(OutFile); OutFile = NULL; if (TmpOutFile != NULL) fclose(TmpOutFile); TmpOutFile = NULL; if (Outflag == SCRATCH) remove(OutFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) remove(TmpFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) /* If output file name was supplied, then attempt to */ /* open it. Otherwise open a temporary output file. */ //if (strlen(OutFname) != 0) //(2.00.12 - LR) if (Outflag == SAVE) //(2.00.12 - LR) { if ( (OutFile = fopen(OutFname,"w+b")) == NULL) { writecon(FMT07); errcode = 304; } } //else if ( (OutFile = tmpfile()) == NULL) //(2.00.12 - LR) else //(2.00.12 - LR) { getTmpName(OutFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) if ( (OutFile = fopen(OutFname,"w+b")) == NULL) //(2.00.12 - LR) { writecon(FMT08); errcode = 304; } } /* Save basic network data & energy usage results */ ERRCODE(savenetdata()); OutOffset1 = ftell(OutFile); ERRCODE(saveenergy()); OutOffset2 = ftell(OutFile); /* Open temporary file if computing time series statistic */ if (!errcode) { if (Tstatflag != SERIES) { //if ( (TmpOutFile = tmpfile()) == NULL) errcode = 304; //(2.00.12 - LR) getTmpName(TmpFname); //(2.00.12 - LR) TmpOutFile = fopen(TmpFname, "w+b"); //(2.00.12 - LR) if (TmpOutFile == NULL) errcode = 304; //(2.00.12 - LR) } else TmpOutFile = OutFile; } return(errcode); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Global memory management functions ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void initpointers() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Purpose: initializes global pointers to NULL **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { D = NULL; C = NULL; H = NULL; Q = NULL; R = NULL; S = NULL; K = NULL; OldStat = NULL; Node = NULL; Link = NULL; Tank = NULL; Pump = NULL; Valve = NULL; Pattern = NULL; Curve = NULL; Control = NULL; X = NULL; Patlist = NULL; Curvelist = NULL; Adjlist = NULL; Aii = NULL; Aij = NULL; F = NULL; P = NULL; Y = NULL; Order = NULL; Row = NULL; Ndx = NULL; XLNZ = NULL; NZSUB = NULL; LNZ = NULL; Nht = NULL; Lht = NULL; initrules(); } int allocdata() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Returns: error code ** Purpose: allocates memory for network data structures **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int n; int errcode = 0; /* Allocate node & link ID hash tables */ Nht = HTcreate(); Lht = HTcreate(); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Nht)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Lht)); /* Allocate memory for network nodes */ /************************************************************* NOTE: Because network components of a given type are indexed starting from 1, their arrays must be sized 1 element larger than the number of components. *************************************************************/ if (!errcode) { n = MaxNodes + 1; Node = (Snode *) calloc(n, sizeof(Snode)); D = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); C = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); H = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Node)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(D)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(C)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(H)); } /* Allocate memory for network links */ if (!errcode) { n = MaxLinks + 1; Link = (Slink *) calloc(n, sizeof(Slink)); Q = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); K = (double *) calloc(n, sizeof(double)); S = (char *) calloc(n, sizeof(char)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Link)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Q)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(K)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(S)); } /* Allocate memory for tanks, sources, pumps, valves, */ /* controls, demands, time patterns, & operating curves */ if (!errcode) { Tank = (Stank *) calloc(MaxTanks+1, sizeof(Stank)); Pump = (Spump *) calloc(MaxPumps+1, sizeof(Spump)); Valve = (Svalve *) calloc(MaxValves+1, sizeof(Svalve)); Control = (Scontrol *) calloc(MaxControls+1,sizeof(Scontrol)); Pattern = (Spattern *) calloc(MaxPats+1, sizeof(Spattern)); Curve = (Scurve *) calloc(MaxCurves+1, sizeof(Scurve)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Tank)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Pump)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Valve)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Control)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Pattern)); ERRCODE(MEMCHECK(Curve)); } /* Initialize pointers used in patterns, curves, and demand category lists */ if (!errcode) { for (n=0; n<=MaxPats; n++) { Pattern[n].Length = 0; Pattern[n].F = NULL; } for (n=0; n<=MaxCurves; n++) { Curve[n].Npts = 0; Curve[n].Type = -1; Curve[n].X = NULL; Curve[n].Y = NULL; } for (n=0; n<=MaxNodes; n++) Node[n].D = NULL; } /* Allocate memory for rule base (see RULES.C) */ if (!errcode) errcode = allocrules(); return(errcode); } /* End of allocdata */ void freeTmplist(STmplist *t) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: t = pointer to start of a temporary list ** Output: none ** Purpose: frees memory used for temporary storage ** of pattern & curve data **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { STmplist *tnext; while (t != NULL) { tnext = t->next; freeFloatlist(t->x); freeFloatlist(t->y); free(t); t = tnext; } } void freeFloatlist(SFloatlist *f) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: f = pointer to start of list of floats ** Output: none ** Purpose: frees memory used for storing list of floats **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { SFloatlist *fnext; while (f != NULL) { fnext = f->next; free(f); f = fnext; } } void freedata() /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: none ** Output: none ** Purpose: frees memory allocated for network data structures. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int j; Pdemand demand, nextdemand; Psource source; /* Free memory for computed results */ free(D); free(C); free(H); free(Q); free(K); free(S); /* Free memory for node data */ if (Node != NULL) { for (j=0; j<=MaxNodes; j++) { /* Free memory used for demand category list */ demand = Node[j].D; while (demand != NULL) { nextdemand = demand->next; free(demand); demand = nextdemand; } /* Free memory used for WQ source data */ source = Node[j].S; if (source != NULL) free(source); } free(Node); } /* Free memory for other network objects */ free(Link); free(Tank); free(Pump); free(Valve); free(Control); /* Free memory for time patterns */ if (Pattern != NULL) { for (j=0; j<=MaxPats; j++) free(Pattern[j].F); free(Pattern); } /* Free memory for curves */ if (Curve != NULL) { for (j=0; j<=MaxCurves; j++) { free(Curve[j].X); free(Curve[j].Y); } free(Curve); } /* Free memory for rule base (see RULES.C) */ freerules(); /* Free hash table memory */ if (Nht != NULL) HTfree(Nht); if (Lht != NULL) HTfree(Lht); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- General purpose functions ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** New function for 2.00.12 ***/ //(2.00.12 - LR) char* getTmpName(char* fname) // // Input: fname = file name string // Output: returns pointer to file name // Purpose: creates a temporary file name with path prepended to it. // { char name[MAXFNAME+1]; int n; // --- for Windows systems: #ifdef WINDOWS // --- use system function tmpnam() to create a temporary file name tmpnam(name); // --- if user supplied the name of a temporary directory, // then make it be the prefix of the full file name n = strlen(TmpDir); if ( n > 0 ) { strcpy(fname, TmpDir); if ( fname[n-1] != '\\' ) strcat(fname, "\\"); } // --- otherwise, use the relative path notation as the file name // prefix so that the file will be placed in the current directory else { strcpy(fname, ".\\"); } // --- now add the prefix to the file name strcat(fname, name); // --- for non-Windows systems: #else // --- use system function mkstemp() to create a temporary file name strcpy(fname, "enXXXXXX"); mkstemp(fname); #endif return fname; } int strcomp(char *s1, char *s2) /*--------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: s1 = character string ** s2 = character string ** Output: none ** Returns: 1 if s1 is same as s2, 0 otherwise ** Purpose: case insensitive comparison of strings s1 & s2 **--------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i; for (i=0; UCHAR(s1[i]) == UCHAR(s2[i]); i++) if (!s1[i+1] && !s2[i+1]) return(1); return(0); } /* End of strcomp */ double interp(int n, double x[], double y[], double xx) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: n = number of data pairs defining a curve ** x = x-data values of curve ** y = y-data values of curve ** xx = specified x-value ** Output: none ** Returns: y-value on curve at x = xx ** Purpose: uses linear interpolation to find y-value on a ** data curve corresponding to specified x-value. ** NOTE: does not extrapolate beyond endpoints of curve. **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int k,m; double dx,dy; m = n - 1; /* Highest data index */ if (xx <= x[0]) return(y[0]); /* xx off low end of curve */ for (k=1; k<=m; k++) /* Bracket xx on curve */ { if (x[k] >= xx) /* Interp. over interval */ { dx = x[k]-x[k-1]; dy = y[k]-y[k-1]; if (ABS(dx) < TINY) return(y[k]); else return(y[k] - (x[k]-xx)*dy/dx); } } return(y[m]); /* xx off high end of curve */ } /* End of interp */ int findnode(char *id) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = node ID ** Output: none ** Returns: index of node with given ID, or 0 if ID not found ** Purpose: uses hash table to find index of node with given ID **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { return(HTfind(Nht,id)); } int findlink(char *id) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: id = link ID ** Output: none ** Returns: index of link with given ID, or 0 if ID not found ** Purpose: uses hash table to find index of link with given ID **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { return(HTfind(Lht,id)); } char *geterrmsg(int errcode) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: errcode = error code ** Output: none ** Returns: pointer to string with error message ** Purpose: retrieves text of error message **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { switch (errcode) { /* Warnings */ /* case 1: strcpy(Msg,WARN1); break; case 2: strcpy(Msg,WARN2); break; case 3: strcpy(Msg,WARN3); break; case 4: strcpy(Msg,WARN4); break; case 5: strcpy(Msg,WARN5); break; case 6: strcpy(Msg,WARN6); break; */ /* System Errors */ case 101: strcpy(Msg,ERR101); break; case 102: strcpy(Msg,ERR102); break; case 103: strcpy(Msg,ERR103); break; case 104: strcpy(Msg,ERR104); break; case 105: strcpy(Msg,ERR105); break; case 106: strcpy(Msg,ERR106); break; case 107: strcpy(Msg,ERR107); break; case 108: strcpy(Msg,ERR108); break; case 109: strcpy(Msg,ERR109); break; case 110: strcpy(Msg,ERR110); break; case 120: strcpy(Msg,ERR120); break; /* Input Errors */ case 200: strcpy(Msg,ERR200); break; case 223: strcpy(Msg,ERR223); break; case 224: strcpy(Msg,ERR224); break; /* Toolkit function errors */ case 202: sprintf(Msg,ERR202,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 203: sprintf(Msg,ERR203,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 204: sprintf(Msg,ERR204,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 205: sprintf(Msg,ERR205,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 207: sprintf(Msg,ERR207,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 240: sprintf(Msg,ERR240,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 241: sprintf(Msg,ERR241,t_FUNCCALL,""); break; case 250: sprintf(Msg,ERR250); break; case 251: sprintf(Msg,ERR251); break; /* File Errors */ case 301: strcpy(Msg,ERR301); break; case 302: strcpy(Msg,ERR302); break; case 303: strcpy(Msg,ERR303); break; case 304: strcpy(Msg,ERR304); break; case 305: strcpy(Msg,ERR305); break; case 306: strcpy(Msg,ERR306); break; case 307: strcpy(Msg,ERR307); break; case 308: strcpy(Msg,ERR308); break; case 309: strcpy(Msg,ERR309); break; default: strcpy(Msg,""); } return(Msg); } void errmsg(int errcode) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: errcode = error code ** Output: none ** Purpose: writes error message to report file **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { if (errcode == 309) /* Report file write error - */ { /* Do not write msg to file. */ writecon("\n "); writecon(geterrmsg(errcode)); } else if (RptFile != NULL && Messageflag) { writeline(geterrmsg(errcode)); } } void writecon(char *s) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: text string ** Output: none ** Purpose: writes string of characters to console **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { #ifdef CLE //(2.00.11 - LR) fprintf(stdout,s); fflush(stdout); #endif } void writewin(char *s) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Input: text string ** Output: none ** Purpose: passes character string to viewprog() in ** application which calls the EPANET DLL **---------------------------------------------------------------- */ { #ifdef DLL char progmsg[MAXMSG+1]; if (viewprog != NULL) { strncpy(progmsg,s,MAXMSG); viewprog(progmsg); } #endif } /*************************** END OF EPANET.C ***************************/