#include "closure.h" #include "emalloc.h" #include #include #include #include #include VAL one; VAL* zcon; int v_argc; VAL* v_argv; VMState* vm; extern func _do___U__main(); ALLOCATOR allocate; REALLOCATOR reallocate; pool_t** pools = NULL; pool_t* pool = NULL; //void* blob = NULL; //int blobnext = 0; /*void* FASTMALLOC(int size) { if (blob == NULL) { blob = malloc(10001000); } void* newblock = blob+blobnext; blobnext+=((size+4) & 0xfffffffc); if (blobnext>10000000) blobnext=0; return newblock; }*/ void dumpClosureA(Closure* c, int rec); void dumpCon(con* c, int rec) { int x,arity; if (!rec) { printf("TAG(%d)", c->tag & 65535); } arity = c->tag >> 16; if (arity>0 && !rec) { printf(": "); } for(x=0; xargs[x], rec); if (x!=(arity-1)) { printf(", "); } } } void dumpRecord(Closure* r) { dumpClosureA(r, 1); } void dumpClosureA(Closure* c, int rec) { c = DO_EVAL(c,0); switch(GETTY(c)) { case FUN: printf("FUN["); break; case THUNK: printf("THUNK["); break; case CON: if (!rec) { printf("CON["); } else { printf("["); } dumpCon((con*)c->info, rec); break; case INT: if (!rec) { printf("INT[%ld", ((eint)c)>>1); } else { printf("[%ld", ((eint)c)>>1); } break; case BIGINT: printf("BIGINT["); break; case FLOAT: printf("FLOAT["); break; case BIGFLOAT: printf("BIGFLOAT["); break; case STRING: printf("STRING[%s", ((char*)c->info)); break; case UNIT: printf("UNIT["); break; case PTR: printf("PTR["); break; case FREEVAR: printf("FREEVAR["); break; default: printf("[%d,%ld", GETTY(c), (eint)c->info); } printf("]"); } void dumpClosure(Closure* c) { dumpClosureA(c,0); printf("\n"); } void assertConR(Closure* c) { if (c==NULL) { printf("Null constructor\n"); assert(0); } if (!ISCON(c)) { dumpClosure(c); assert(0); } } void assertIntR(Closure* c) { if (!ISINT(c)) { dumpClosure(c); assert(0); } } void* pool_malloc(size_t size) { if ((size & 7)!=0) { size = 8 + ((size >> 3) << 3); } *((size_t*)(pool->block_loc)) = size; void* mem = (void*)(((size_t*)(pool->block_loc))+2); pool->block_loc = pool->block_loc+size+sizeof(size_t)*2; return mem; } void* pool_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { if ((size & 7)!=0) { size = 8 + ((size >> 3) << 3); } *((size_t*)(pool->block_loc)) = size; void* mem = (void*)(((size_t*)(pool->block_loc))+2); pool->block_loc = pool->block_loc+size+sizeof(size_t)*2; size_t orig_size = *(((size_t*)ptr)-2); memcpy(mem, ptr, orig_size); return mem; } void* pool_grow_malloc(size_t size) { // TODO: if we're out of space, make a new pool, with a pointer to // the old pool so we can free it when we're ready. if ((size & 7)!=0) { size = 8 + ((size >> 3) << 3); } *((size_t*)(pool->block_loc)) = size; void* mem = (void*)(((size_t*)(pool->block_loc))+2); pool->block_loc = pool->block_loc+size+sizeof(size_t)*2; return mem; } void* pool_grow_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { if ((size & 7)!=0) { size = 8 + ((size >> 3) << 3); } *((size_t*)(pool->block_loc)) = size; void* mem = (void*)(((size_t*)(pool->block_loc))+2); pool->block_loc = pool->block_loc+size+sizeof(size_t)*2; size_t orig_size = *(((size_t*)ptr)-2); memcpy(mem, ptr, orig_size); return mem; } void freePool(pool_t* pool) { free(pool->block); if (pool->grow!=NULL) { freePool((pool_t*)(pool->grow)); } free(pool); } VAL copyFun(fun* f, pool_t* oldpool) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(fun)); fun* fn = (fun*)(c+1); fn->fn = f->fn; fn->arity = f->arity; int args = f->arg_end - f->args; fn->args = MKARGS(args); fn->arg_end = fn->args + args; void** p = fn->args; void** a; for(a = f->args; a < f->arg_end; ++a, ++p) { *p = copy((VAL)(*a), oldpool); } SETTY(c, FUN); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } VAL copyThunk(thunk* t, pool_t* oldpool) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(fun)); thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); fn->fn = t->fn; fn->args = MKARGS(t->numargs); fn->numargs = t->numargs; void** a = t->args; void** p = fn->args; int i; for(i=0; i < t->numargs; ++i, ++a, ++p) { *p = copy((VAL)(*a), oldpool); } SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } VAL copyCon(con* c, pool_t* oldpool) { int arity = c->tag >> 16; // printf("COPY CON %d %d\n", c->tag & 65535, arity); VAL nc = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)); con* cn = (con*)(nc+1); cn->tag = c->tag; cn->args = MKARGS(arity); void** a = c->args; void** p = cn->args; int i; for(i=0; iinfo = (void*)cn; EREADY(nc); return nc; } // TODO: Preserve sharing. But this function isn't really intended for that // sort of thing. VAL copy(VAL x, pool_t* oldpool) { // only copy things that were allocated in the given pool. // TODO: also need to check whether it was allocated in pool->grow if (x>=(VAL)(oldpool->block) && x<(VAL)(oldpool->block_end)) { switch(GETTY(x)) { case FUN: return copyFun((fun*)x->info, oldpool); case THUNK: return copyThunk((thunk*)x->info, oldpool); case CON: return copyCon((con*)x->info, oldpool); case INT: return x; case BIGINT: return MKBIGINT((mpz_t*)(x->info)); case FLOAT: return MKFLOAT(*((double*)x->info)); case BIGFLOAT: assert(0); // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET case STRING: return MKSTR((char*)x->info); case UNIT: return MKUNIT; case PTR: return MKPTR(x->info); case FREEVAR: assert(0); // NOT IMPLEMENTED } return x; } else { return x; } } inline VAL CLOSURE(func x, int arity, int args, void** block) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(fun)); // MKCLOSURE; fun* fn = (fun*)(c+1); fn->fn = x; fn->arity = arity; if (args==0) { fn->args = 0; fn->arg_end = 0; } else { fn->args = MKARGS(args); fn->arg_end=fn->args+args; memcpy((void*)(fn->args), (void*)block, args*sizeof(VAL)); } SETTY(c, FUN); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CONSTRUCTORn(int tag, int arity, void** block) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)); // MKCLOSURE; con* cn = (con*)(c+1); cn->tag = tag + (arity << 16); if (arity==0) { cn->args = 0; } else { cn->args = MKARGS(arity); memcpy((void*)(cn->args), (void*)block, arity*sizeof(VAL)); } SETTY(c, CON); c->info = (void*)cn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CONSTRUCTOR1(int tag, VAL a1) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)+sizeof(VAL)); // MKCLOSURE; con* cn = (con*)(c+1); cn->tag = tag + (1 << 16); cn->args = (void*)c+sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con); // MKARGS(1); cn->args[0] = a1; SETTY(c,CON); c->info = (void*)cn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CONSTRUCTOR2(int tag, VAL a1, VAL a2) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)+2*sizeof(VAL)); // MKCLOSURE; con* cn = (con*)(c+1); cn->tag = tag + (2 << 16); cn->args = (void*)c+sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con); //MKARGS(2); cn->args[0] = a1; cn->args[1] = a2; SETTY(c,CON); c->info = (void*)cn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CONSTRUCTOR3(int tag, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)+3*sizeof(VAL)); // MKCLOSURE; con* cn = (con*)(c+1); cn->tag = tag + (3 << 16); cn->args = (void*)c+sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con); //MKARGS(3); cn->args[0] = a1; cn->args[1] = a2; cn->args[2] = a3; SETTY(c,CON); c->info = (void*)cn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CONSTRUCTOR4(int tag, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)+4*sizeof(VAL)); // MKCLOSURE; con* cn = (con*)(c+1); cn->tag = tag + (4 << 16); cn->args = (void*)c+sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con); //MKARGS(2); cn->args[0] = a1; cn->args[1] = a2; cn->args[2] = a3; cn->args[3] = a4; SETTY(c,CON); c->info = (void*)cn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CONSTRUCTOR5(int tag, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4, VAL a5) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con)+5*sizeof(VAL)); // MKCLOSURE; con* cn = (con*)(c+1); cn->tag = tag + (5 << 16); cn->args = (void*)c+sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(con); //MKARGS(5); cn->args[0] = a1; cn->args[1] = a2; cn->args[2] = a3; cn->args[3] = a4; cn->args[4] = a5; SETTY(c,CON); c->info = (void*)cn; EREADY(c); return c; } // This needs to make a copy inline VAL CLOSURE_ADDN(VAL xin, int args, void** block) { assert(GETTY(xin) == FUN); fun* finf = (fun*)xin->info; VAL x = CLOSURE(finf->fn, finf->arity, finf->arg_end-finf->args, finf->args); fun* fn = (fun*)(x->info); int diff = fn->arg_end - fn->args; fn->args = MOREARGS(fn->args, args + diff); fn->arg_end = fn->args + diff; memcpy((void*)(fn->arg_end), (void*)block, args*sizeof(VAL)); fn->arg_end += args; return x; } /* VAL CLOSURE_ADDN(VAL xin, int args, void** block) { switch(args) { case 1: return CLOSURE_ADD1(xin,block[0]); case 2: return CLOSURE_ADD2(xin,block[0],block[1]); case 3: return CLOSURE_ADD3(xin,block[0],block[1],block[2]); case 4: return CLOSURE_ADD4(xin,block[0],block[1],block[2],block[3]); case 5: return CLOSURE_ADD5(xin,block[0],block[1],block[2],block[3],block[4]); default: return aux_CLOSURE_ADDN(xin,args,block); } } */ inline VAL CLOSURE_ADD1(VAL xin, VAL a1) { assert(GETTY(xin)==FUN); fun* finf = (fun*)xin->info; VAL x = CLOSURE(finf->fn, finf->arity, finf->arg_end-finf->args, finf->args); fun* fn = (fun*)(x->info); int diff = fn->arg_end - fn->args; fn->args = MOREARGS(fn->args, diff + 1); fn->arg_end = fn->args + diff; fn->arg_end[0] = a1; fn->arg_end+=1; return x; } inline VAL CLOSURE_ADD2(VAL xin, VAL a1, VAL a2) { assert(GETTY(xin)==FUN); fun* finf = (fun*)xin->info; VAL x = CLOSURE(finf->fn, finf->arity, finf->arg_end-finf->args, finf->args); fun* fn = (fun*)(x->info); int diff = fn->arg_end - fn->args; fn->args = MOREARGS(fn->args, diff + 2); fn->arg_end = fn->args + diff; fn->arg_end[0] = a1; fn->arg_end[1] = a2; fn->arg_end+=2; return x; } inline VAL CLOSURE_ADD3(VAL xin, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3) { assert(GETTY(xin)==FUN); fun* finf = (fun*)xin->info; VAL x = CLOSURE(finf->fn, finf->arity, finf->arg_end-finf->args, finf->args); fun* fn = (fun*)(x->info); int diff = fn->arg_end - fn->args; fn->args = MOREARGS(fn->args, diff + 3); fn->arg_end = fn->args + diff; fn->arg_end[0] = a1; fn->arg_end[1] = a2; fn->arg_end[2] = a3; fn->arg_end+=3; return x; } inline VAL CLOSURE_ADD4(VAL xin, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4) { assert(GETTY(xin)==FUN); fun* finf = (fun*)xin->info; VAL x = CLOSURE(finf->fn, finf->arity, finf->arg_end-finf->args, finf->args); fun* fn = (fun*)(x->info); int diff = fn->arg_end - fn->args; fn->args = MOREARGS(fn->args, diff + 4); fn->arg_end = fn->args + diff; fn->arg_end[0] = a1; fn->arg_end[1] = a2; fn->arg_end[2] = a3; fn->arg_end[3] = a4; fn->arg_end+=4; return x; } inline VAL CLOSURE_ADD5(VAL xin, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4, VAL a5) { assert(GETTY(xin)==FUN); fun* finf = (fun*)xin->info; VAL x = CLOSURE(finf->fn, finf->arity, finf->arg_end-finf->args, finf->args); fun* fn = (fun*)(x->info); int diff = fn->arg_end - fn->args; fn->args = MOREARGS(fn->args, diff + 5); fn->arg_end = fn->args + diff; fn->arg_end[0] = a1; fn->arg_end[1] = a2; fn->arg_end[2] = a3; fn->arg_end[3] = a4; fn->arg_end[4] = a5; fn->arg_end+=2; return x; } inline VAL CLOSURE_APPLY(VAL f, int args, void** block) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(thunk)); // MKCLOSURE; thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); if (ISFUN(f)) { return CLOSURE_ADDN(f,args,block); } fn->fn = (void*)f; fn->numargs = args; if (args==0) { fn->args = 0; } else { fn->args = MKARGS(args); memcpy((void*)(fn->args), (void*)block, args*sizeof(VAL)); } SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL aux_CLOSURE_APPLY1(VAL f, VAL a1) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(thunk)); // MKCLOSURE; thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); if (ISFUN(f)) { return CLOSURE_ADD1(f,a1); } fn->fn = (void*)f; fn->numargs = 1; fn->args = MKARGS(1); fn->args[0] = a1; SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL aux_CLOSURE_APPLY2(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(thunk)); // MKCLOSURE; thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); if (ISFUN(f)) { return NULL; //CLOSURE_ADD2(f,a1,a2); } fn->fn = (void*)f; fn->numargs = 2; fn->args = MKARGS(2); fn->args[0] = a1; fn->args[1] = a2; SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL aux_CLOSURE_APPLY3(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(thunk)); // MKCLOSURE; thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); if (ISFUN(f)) { return CLOSURE_ADD3(f,a1,a2,a3); } fn->fn = (void*)f; fn->numargs = 2; fn->args = MKARGS(3); fn->args[0] = a1; fn->args[1] = a2; fn->args[2] = a3; SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL aux_CLOSURE_APPLY4(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(thunk)); // MKCLOSURE; thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); if (ISFUN(f)) { return CLOSURE_ADD4(f,a1,a2,a3,a4); } fn->fn = (void*)f; fn->numargs = 2; fn->args = MKARGS(4); fn->args[0] = a1; fn->args[1] = a2; fn->args[2] = a3; fn->args[3] = a4; SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL aux_CLOSURE_APPLY5(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4, VAL a5) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(thunk)); // MKCLOSURE; thunk* fn = (thunk*)(c+1); if (ISFUN(f)) { return CLOSURE_ADD5(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); } fn->fn = (void*)f; fn->numargs = 2; fn->args = MKARGS(5); fn->args[0] = a1; fn->args[1] = a2; fn->args[2] = a3; fn->args[3] = a4; fn->args[4] = a5; SETTY(c,THUNK); c->info = (void*)fn; EREADY(c); return c; } inline VAL CLOSURE_APPLY1(VAL f, VAL a1) { if (ISFUN(f)) { fun* finf = (fun*)(f->info); int got = finf->arg_end-finf->args; if (finf->arity == (got+1)) { void* block[got+1]; memcpy(block, finf->args, got*sizeof(VAL)); block[got] = a1; return (VAL)(finf->fn(block)); } else return CLOSURE_ADD1(f,a1); } else return aux_CLOSURE_APPLY1(f,a1); } void* block[1024]; // Yes. I know. Better check below that this is big enough. inline VAL CLOSURE_APPLY2(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2) { int i; if (ISFUN(f)) { fun* finf = (fun*)(f->info); int got = finf->arg_end-finf->args; if (finf->arity == (got+2)) { // memcpy(block, finf->args, got*sizeof(VAL)); for(i=0; iargs[i]; } block[got] = a1; block[got+1] = a2; return (VAL)(finf->fn(block)); } else return CLOSURE_ADD2(f,a1,a2); } else return aux_CLOSURE_APPLY2(f,a1,a2); } inline VAL CLOSURE_APPLY3(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3) { if (ISFUN(f)) { fun* finf = (fun*)(f->info); int got = finf->arg_end-finf->args; if (finf->arity == (got+3)) { void* block[got+3]; memcpy(block, finf->args, got*sizeof(VAL)); block[got] = a1; block[got+1] = a2; block[got+2] = a3; return (VAL)(finf->fn(block)); } else return CLOSURE_ADD3(f,a1,a2,a3); } else return aux_CLOSURE_APPLY3(f,a1,a2,a3); } inline VAL CLOSURE_APPLY4(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4) { if (ISFUN(f)) { fun* finf = (fun*)(f->info); int got = finf->arg_end-finf->args; if (finf->arity == (got+4)) { void* block[got+4]; memcpy(block, finf->args, got*sizeof(VAL)); block[got] = a1; block[got+1] = a2; block[got+2] = a3; block[got+3] = a4; return (VAL)(finf->fn(block)); } else return CLOSURE_ADD4(f,a1,a2,a3,a4); } else return aux_CLOSURE_APPLY4(f,a1,a2,a3,a4); } inline VAL CLOSURE_APPLY5(VAL f, VAL a1, VAL a2, VAL a3, VAL a4, VAL a5) { if (ISFUN(f)) { fun* finf = (fun*)(f->info); int got = finf->arg_end-finf->args; if (finf->arity == (got+5)) { void* block[got+5]; memcpy(block, finf->args, got*sizeof(VAL)); block[got] = a1; block[got+1] = a2; block[got+2] = a3; block[got+3] = a4; block[got+4] = a5; return (VAL)(finf->fn(block)); } else return CLOSURE_ADD5(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); } else return aux_CLOSURE_APPLY5(f,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); } VAL DO_EVAL(VAL x, int update) { // dummy value we'll never inspect, leave it alone. if (x==NULL) return x; VAL result; // VAL x = (VAL)(*xin); fun* fn; thunk* th; int excess; // dumpClosure(x); switch(GETTY(x)) { case CON: case INT: case FLOAT: case STRING: case PTR: case UNIT: return x; // Already evaluated case FUN: // If the number of arguments is right, run it. fn = (fun*)(x->info); excess = (fn->arg_end - fn->args) - fn->arity; if (excess == 0) { result = fn->fn(fn->args); // If the result is still a function, better eval again to make // more progress. // It could reasonably be null though, so be careful. It's null // if it was a foreign/io call in particular. if (result) { if (GETTY(result)==FUN || GETTY(result)==THUNK) { result=DO_EVAL(result, update); } /* if (ISINT(result)) { printf("Updating with %d\n", x); } else { printf("Updating %d %d with %d\n", x, GETTY(x), result); }*/ if (update) { UPDATE(x,result); } else { return result; } } else { if (update) { SETTY(x, INT); x->info=(void*)42; } else { return NULL; } } } // If there are too many arguments, run it with the right number // then apply the remaining arguments to the resulting closure else if (excess > 0) { result = fn->fn(fn->args); result = CLOSURE_APPLY(result, excess, fn->args + fn->arity); result = DO_EVAL(result, update); if (update) { UPDATE(x,result); } else { return result; } return x; } break; case THUNK: th = (thunk*)(x->info); // Evaluate inner thunk, which should give us a function VAL nextfn = DO_EVAL((VAL)(th->fn), update); // Apply this thunk's arguments to it CLOSURE_APPLY((VAL)nextfn, th->numargs, th->args); // And off we go again... nextfn = DO_EVAL(nextfn, update); if (update) { UPDATE(x, nextfn); } else { return nextfn; } return x; break; default: assert(0); // Can't happen } EREADY(x); return x; } /* void* DO_PROJECT(VAL x, int arg) { assert(x->ty == CON); con* cn = (con*)x->info; return cn->args[arg]; } */ /*void* MKINT(int x) { return (void*)((x<<1)+1); // VAL c = MKCLOSURE; // SETTY(c, INT); // c->info = (void*)x; // return c; }*/ mpz_t* NEWBIGINTI(int val) { mpz_t* bigint = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_init(*bigint); mpz_set_si(*bigint, val); return bigint; } void* NEWBIGINTVALI(int val) { mpz_t* bigint; VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(mpz_t)); bigint = (mpz_t*)(c+1); mpz_init(*bigint); mpz_set_si(*bigint, val); SETTY(c, BIGINT); c->info = (void*)bigint; EREADY(c); return c; } void* NEWBIGINT(char* intstr) { mpz_t* bigint; VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(mpz_t)); bigint = (mpz_t*)(c+1); mpz_init(*bigint); mpz_set_str(*bigint, intstr, 10); SETTY(c, BIGINT); c->info = (void*)bigint; EREADY(c); return c; } void* MKBIGINT(mpz_t* big) { mpz_t* bigint; VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(mpz_t)); bigint = (mpz_t*)(c+1); mpz_init(*bigint); mpz_set(*bigint, *big); SETTY(c, BIGINT); c->info = (void*)bigint; EREADY(c); return c; } void* MKFLOAT(double f) { VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+sizeof(double)); double* num = (double*)(c+1); *num = f; SETTY(c, FLOAT); c->info = (void*)num; EREADY(c); return c; } /* int GETINT(void* x) { return ((eint)x)>>1; } */ mpz_t* GETBIGINT(void* x) { if (ISINT(x)) { return NEWBIGINTI(GETINT(x)); } else { return (mpz_t*)(((VAL)x)->info); } } double GETFLOAT(void* x) { return *((double*)(((VAL)x)->info)); } void* MKSTR(const char* x) { // VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)+strlen(x)+sizeof(char)+1); //MKCLOSURE; VAL c = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)); SETTY(c, STRING); // c->info = ((void*)c)+sizeof(Closure);// (void*)(EMALLOC(strlen(x)*sizeof(char)+1)); // strcpy(c->info,x); // Since MKSTR is used to build strings from foreign calls, the string // itself will already have been allocated so we just want the closure. c->info=(void*)x; EREADY(c); return c; } void* MKPTR(void* x) { VAL c = MKCLOSURE; SETTY(c, PTR); c->info = x; EREADY(c); return c; } /* void* GETPTR(void* x) */ /* { */ /* return (void*)(((VAL)x)->info); */ /* } */ void ERROR(char* msg) { printf("*** error : %s ***\n",msg); assert(0); exit(1); } void* MKFREE(int x) { VAL c = MKCLOSURE; SETTY(c, FREEVAR); c->info = (void*)x; EREADY(c); return c; } void slide(VMState* vm, int lose, int keep) { int i; for(i = 1; i <= keep; i++) { vm->stack_top[-(lose+i)] = *(vm->stack_top-i); } vm->stack_top-=lose; } VAL evm_getArg(int i) { if (i>=0 && iblock = NULL; pool->allocate = GC_malloc; pool->reallocate = GC_realloc; int i; one = MKINT(1); zcon = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)*255); for(i=0;i<255;++i) { zcon[i] = CONSTRUCTORn(i,0,0); } EREADY(zcon); v_argc = argc; v_argv = EMALLOC(sizeof(Closure)*v_argc); for(i=0;i<=argc;++i) { v_argv[i] = MKSTR(argv[i]); } EREADY(v_argv); VMState* vm = malloc(sizeof(VMState)); vm->stack = malloc(sizeof(VAL)*STACK_INIT); vm->stack_top = vm->stack+STACK_INIT; vm->stack_top = vm->stack; /* vm->roots = malloc(sizeof(VAL)*1024); vm->start_roots = vm->roots; vm->from_space = malloc(INIT_HEAP_SIZE*2); vm->to_space = malloc(INIT_HEAP_SIZE*2); vm->nursery = malloc(INIT_HEAP_SIZE); vm->heap_size = INIT_HEAP_SIZE; vm->next_nursery = 0; vm->next = 0; */ return vm; } void epic_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { GC_init(); vm = init_evm(argc, argv); // GC_use_entire_heap = 1; // GC_free_space_divisor = 2; // GC_enable_incremental(); // GC_time_limit = GC_TIME_UNLIMITED; // GC_full_freq=15; // fprintf(stderr, "Heap: %d\n", GC_get_heap_size()); GC_expand_hp(1000000); // fprintf(stderr, "Heap: %d\n", GC_get_heap_size()); // GC_disable(); _do___U__main(); // GC_gcollect(); /* fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", GC_gc_no); fprintf(stderr, "Heap: %d\n", GC_get_heap_size()); fprintf(stderr, "Free: %d\n", GC_get_free_bytes()); fprintf(stderr, "Total: %d\n", GC_get_total_bytes());*/ /* if (vm->start_roots!=vm->roots) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: roots left %d\n", vm->roots-vm->start_roots); } */ close_evm(vm); } void close_evm(VMState* vm) { /* free(vm->from_space); free(vm->to_space); free(vm->nursery); free(vm->roots); free(vm);*/ }