{-| Import this module in your code to access the entire library's functionality: > import Control.Error This module exports the entire library as well as useful exports from other standard error-handling libraries: * "Control.Error.Safe": Generalizes the @safe@ library, including 'Either', 'EitherT', and 'MonadPlus' variations on total functions * "Control.Error.Script": Support for simple scripts that catch all errors and transform them to 'String's * "Control.Error.Util": Utility functions and conversions between common error-handling types * @Control.Monad.Trans.Either@: The 'EitherT' monad transformer * @Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe@: The 'MaybeT' monad transformer * @Data.Either@: 'Either' utility functions * "Data.EitherR": throw and catch functions, and their corresponding \"success\" monads * @Data.Maybe@: 'Maybe' utility functions * @Safe@: Total versions of partial Prelude functions This module does not re-export partial functions from other libraries. -} module Control.Error ( module Control.Error.Safe, module Control.Error.Script, module Control.Error.Util, module Control.Monad.Trans.Either, module Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe, module Data.Either, module Data.EitherR, module Data.Maybe, module Safe ) where import Control.Error.Safe import Control.Error.Script import Control.Error.Util import Control.Monad.Trans.Either ( eitherT, bimapEitherT, mapEitherT, hoistEither, left, right ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe ( mapMaybeT, liftCallCC, liftCatch, liftListen, liftPass ) import Data.Either (either, lefts, rights, partitionEithers) import Data.EitherR import Data.Maybe ( maybe, isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, listToMaybe, maybeToList, catMaybes, mapMaybe ) import Safe ( tailDef, tailMay, tailSafe, initDef, initMay, initSafe, headDef, headMay, lastDef, lastMay, minimumDef, minimumMay, maximumDef, maximumMay, foldr1Def, foldr1May, foldl1Def', foldl1May', fromJustDef, atDef, atMay, readDef, readMay, lookupJustDef, findJustDef )