------- * Slightly faster builds due to dropping the need for `template-haskell`. 0.2.5 ----- * Support for GHC 7.8 and `lens` 4.x 0.2.3 ----- * SafeHaskell support 0.2.2 ----- * Added examples to the documentation. * Made the examples build as `ersatz-sudoku` and `ersatz-regexp-grid`. 0.2.1 ----- * Added `examples/sudoku`, a sudoku solver. ------- * Fixed an overly conservative bound on `containers`. 0.2 --- * Converted to `Control.Lens` internally. * Added `Ersatz.Solver.DepQBF` * Added a bunch of example dimacs files * The types now prevent one from applying a solver that does not support QSAT to a problem that requires it * Added `examples/regexp-grid`, a program that solves the [regular expression crossword](http://www.coinheist.com/rubik/a_regular_crossword/grid.pdf) * Made some optimizations to the formula generation. `regexp-grid` went from 71737 literals and 427725 clauses to 8618 literals and 172100 clauses and got much faster * Based `and` and `or` in `Boolean` on `Foldable`; added `all` and `any` ----- * Added correct links to the source repository and issue tracker to the cabal project 0.1 --- * Repository Initialized