\begin{comment} \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module LiveCoding.Preliminary.CellExcept.Applicative where -- base import Data.Data -- transformers import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader -- essence-of-live-coding import LiveCoding.Cell import LiveCoding.Exceptions \end{code} \end{comment} \paragraph{Applying it to \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative}} If we are allowed to read the first exception during the execution of the second cell, we can simply re-raise it once the second exception is thrown: \begin{code} andThen :: (Data e1, Monad m) => Cell (ExceptT e1 m) a b -> Cell (ExceptT e2 m) a b -> Cell (ExceptT (e1, e2) m) a b cell1 `andThen` Cell { .. } = cell1 >>>= Cell { cellStep = \state (e1, a) -> withExceptT (e1, ) $ cellStep state a , .. } \end{code} \begin{comment} \begin{spec} hoistCell readException cell2 where readException :: Functor m => ExceptT e2 m x -> ReaderT e1 (ExceptT(e1, e2) m) x readException exception = ReaderT $ \e1 -> withExceptT (e1, ) exception \end{spec} \end{comment} Given two \mintinline{haskell}{Cell}s, the first may throw an exception, upon which the second cell gains control. As soon as it throws a second exception, both exceptions are thrown as a tuple. At this point, we unfortunately have to give up the efficient \mintinline{haskell}{newtype}. The spoilsport is, again the type class \mintinline{haskell}{Data}, to which the exception type \mintinline{haskell}{e1} is subjected (since the exception must be stored during the execution of the second cell). But the issue is minor, it is fixed by defining the \emph{free functor}, or \emph{Co-Yoneda construction}: \fxwarning{Maybe cite http://comonad.com/reader/2016/adjoint-triples/ or search something else} \fxwarning{Possible other names: Mode} \begin{code} data CellExcept a b m e = forall e' . Data e' => CellExcept { fmapExcept :: e' -> e , cellExcept :: Cell (ExceptT e' m) a b } \end{code} While ensuring that we only store cells with exceptions that can be \emph{bound}, we do not restrict the parameter type \mintinline{haskell}{e}. It is known that this construction gives rise to a \mintinline{haskell}{Functor} instance for free: \begin{code} instance Functor (CellExcept a b m) where fmap f CellExcept { .. } = CellExcept { fmapExcept = f . fmapExcept , .. } \end{code} The \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative} instance arises from the work we have done so far. \mintinline{haskell}{pure} is implemented by throwing a unit and transforming it to the required exception, while sequential application is a bookkeeping exercise around the previously defined function \mintinline{haskell}{andThen}: \begin{code} instance Monad m => Applicative (CellExcept a b m) where pure e = CellExcept { fmapExcept = const e , cellExcept = constM $ throwE () } CellExcept fmap1 cell1 <*> CellExcept fmap2 cell2 = CellExcept { .. } where fmapExcept (e1, e2) = fmap1 e1 $ fmap2 e2 cellExcept = cell1 `andThen` cell2 \end{code}