{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}



module System.Etc (
  -- * Config
  -- $config
  , getConfigValue
  , getConfigValueWith
  , getSelectedConfigSource
  , getAllConfigSources

  -- * ConfigSpec
  -- $config_spec
  , ConfigSource (..)
  , ConfigValue
  , ConfigSpec
  , ConfigurationError (..)
  , parseConfigSpec
  , readConfigSpec

  -- ** Resolvers
  -- $resolvers
  , resolveDefault
  , resolveFiles
  , resolveEnvPure
  , resolveEnv

#ifdef WITH_CLI

  , resolvePlainCliPure
  , resolveCommandCliPure
  , resolvePlainCli
  , resolveCommandCli

  -- ** CLI Resolver Error type
  , getErrorMessage
  , CliConfigError(..)

  -- * Printer
  -- $printer
  , renderConfig
  , printPrettyConfig
  , hPrintPrettyConfig
  ) where

import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.Default (resolveDefault)
import System.Etc.Internal.Types            (Config, ConfigSource (..), ConfigValue)
import System.Etc.Spec
    (ConfigSpec, ConfigurationError (..), parseConfigSpec, readConfigSpec)

#ifdef WITH_CLI
import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.Cli.Command (resolveCommandCli, resolveCommandCliPure)
import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.Cli.Common  (CliConfigError (..), getErrorMessage)
import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.Cli.Plain   (resolvePlainCli, resolvePlainCliPure)

import System.Etc.Internal.Printer (hPrintPrettyConfig, printPrettyConfig, renderConfig)

import System.Etc.Internal.Config
    (getAllConfigSources, getConfigValue, getConfigValueWith, getSelectedConfigSource)
import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.Env  (resolveEnv, resolveEnvPure)
import System.Etc.Internal.Resolver.File (resolveFiles)

{- $config

   Use this functions to fetch values from the Etc.Config and cast them to types
   that make sense in your program

{- $config_spec

   Use this functions to read the configuration spec. Remember you can
   use JSON or YAML(*) filepaths

   * The yaml cabal flag must be used to support yaml syntax

{- $resolvers

   Use this functions to gather configuration values from different sources
   (environment variables, command lines or files). Then compose results
   together using the mappend function

{- $printer

   Use these function to render the configuration map and understand how the
   resolving was performed.