module Network.Etcd
( Client
, createClient
, Node(..)
, Index
, Key
, Value
, get
, set
, create
, createDirectory
, listDirectoryContents
, removeDirectory
, removeDirectoryRecursive
) where
import Data.Aeson hiding (Value, Error)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Network.HTTP.Conduit hiding (Response, path)
data Client = Client
{ leaderUrl :: String
versionPrefix :: String
versionPrefix = "v2"
keyUrl :: Client -> Key -> String
keyUrl client key = leaderUrl client ++ "/" ++ versionPrefix ++ "/keys/" ++ key
data Action = GET | SET | DELETE | CREATE | EXPIRE | CAS | CAD
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance FromJSON Action where
parseJSON (String "get") = return GET
parseJSON (String "set") = return SET
parseJSON (String "delete") = return DELETE
parseJSON (String "create") = return CREATE
parseJSON (String "expire") = return EXPIRE
parseJSON (String "compareAndSwap") = return CAS
parseJSON (String "compareAndDelete") = return CAD
parseJSON _ = fail "Action"
data Response = Response
{ _resAction :: Action
, _resNode :: Node
, _resPrevNode :: Maybe Node
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance FromJSON Response where
parseJSON (Object o) = Response
<$> o .: "action"
<*> o .: "node"
<*> o .:? "prevNode"
parseJSON _ = fail "Response"
data Error = Error
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance FromJSON Error where
parseJSON _ = return Error
type Index = Int
type Key = String
type Value = String
type TTL = Int
data Node = Node
{ _nodeKey :: Key
, _nodeCreatedIndex :: Index
, _nodeModifiedIndex :: Index
, _nodeDir :: Bool
, _nodeValue :: Maybe Value
, _nodeNodes :: Maybe [Node]
, _nodeTTL :: Maybe TTL
, _nodeExpiration :: Maybe UTCTime
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance FromJSON Node where
parseJSON (Object o) = Node
<$> o .: "key"
<*> o .: "createdIndex"
<*> o .: "modifiedIndex"
<*> o .:? "dir" .!= False
<*> o .:? "value"
<*> o .:? "nodes"
<*> o .:? "ttl"
<*> (fmap zonedTimeToUTC <$> (o .:? "expiration"))
parseJSON _ = fail "Response"
type HR = Either Error Response
httpGET :: String -> IO HR
httpGET url = do
req <- acceptJSON <$> parseUrl url
body <- responseBody <$> (withManager $ httpLbs req)
return $ maybe (Left Error) Right $ decode body
acceptHeader = ("Accept","application/json")
acceptJSON req = req { requestHeaders = acceptHeader : requestHeaders req }
httpPUT :: String -> [(String, String)] -> IO HR
httpPUT url params = do
req' <- parseUrl url
let req = urlEncodedBody (map (\(k,v) -> (pack k, pack v)) params) $ req'
body <- responseBody <$> (withManager $ httpLbs $ req { method = "PUT" })
return $ maybe (Left Error) Right $ decode body
httpPOST :: String -> [(String, String)] -> IO HR
httpPOST url params = do
req' <- parseUrl url
let req = urlEncodedBody (map (\(k,v) -> (pack k, pack v)) params) $ req'
body <- responseBody <$> (withManager $ httpLbs $ req { method = "POST" })
return $ maybe (Left Error) Right $ decode body
httpDELETE :: String -> [(String, String)] -> IO HR
httpDELETE url params = do
req <- parseUrl $ url ++ (asQueryParams params)
body <- responseBody <$> (withManager $ httpLbs $ req { method = "DELETE" })
return $ maybe (Left Error) Right $ decode body
asQueryParams [] = ""
asQueryParams xs = "?" ++ intercalate "&" (map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ v) xs)
runRequest :: IO HR -> IO HR
runRequest a = catch a (ignoreExceptionWith (return $ Left Error))
ignoreExceptionWith :: a -> SomeException -> a
ignoreExceptionWith a _ = a
ttlParam :: Maybe TTL -> [(String,String)]
ttlParam Nothing = []
ttlParam (Just ttl) = [("ttl",show ttl)]
createClient :: [ String ] -> IO Client
createClient seed = return $ Client (head seed)
get :: Client -> Key -> IO (Maybe Node)
get client key = do
hr <- runRequest $ httpGET $ keyUrl client key
case hr of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right res -> return $ Just $ _resNode res
set :: Client -> Key -> Value -> Maybe TTL -> IO (Maybe Node)
set client key value mbTTL = do
hr <- runRequest $ httpPUT (keyUrl client key) params
case hr of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right res -> return $ Just $ _resNode res
params = [("value",value)] ++ ttlParam mbTTL
create :: Client -> Key -> Value -> Maybe TTL -> IO Node
create client key value mbTTL = do
hr <- runRequest $ httpPOST (keyUrl client key) params
case hr of
Left _ -> error "Unexpected error"
Right res -> return $ _resNode res
params = [("value",value)] ++ ttlParam mbTTL
dirParam :: [(String,String)]
dirParam = [("dir","true")]
recursiveParam :: [(String,String)]
recursiveParam = [("recursive","true")]
createDirectory :: Client -> Key -> Maybe TTL -> IO ()
createDirectory client key mbTTL =
void $ runRequest $ httpPUT (keyUrl client key) $ dirParam ++ ttlParam mbTTL
listDirectoryContents :: Client -> Key -> IO [Node]
listDirectoryContents client key = do
hr <- runRequest $ httpGET $ keyUrl client key
case hr of
Left _ -> return []
Right res -> do
let node = _resNode res
case _nodeNodes node of
Nothing -> return []
Just children -> return children
removeDirectory :: Client -> Key -> IO ()
removeDirectory client key =
void $ runRequest $ httpDELETE (keyUrl client key) dirParam
removeDirectoryRecursive :: Client -> Key -> IO ()
removeDirectoryRecursive client key =
void $ runRequest $ httpDELETE (keyUrl client key) $ dirParam ++ recursiveParam