3.3.1 / 2017-12-24 ================== * Replace usage of String with Text. * Fix the name collision bug that causes a Hackage build failure. TODOs ================== * Support struct type. * Support contract type. * Support special for loops in CryptoKitties. * Support EVM opcode from ea-analyzer. * Support InlineAssembly. * Fix the bug in handling 'IndexAccess'. * Fix the bug in handling 'new'. * Fix the bug in handling 'delete'. * Show all contracts and functions in a single dot file. 3.3.0 / 2017-12-21 ================== * Pretty print Simple opcode. * Support NewExpression. Add InlineAssembly as a StTodo. * Support generalized ++ and -- * Add all CryptoKitties contracts. * Add example for EVM CFG. * Add REVERT per EIP 140. * bugfix: Add StContinue to loops when needed.