{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Ethereum.Jsonrpc.Client
  ( web3ClientVersion
  , ethBlockNumber
  , ethGetTransactionsByBlockNumber
  , ethGetContractAddrByTxHash
  , ethGetCode
  , getCode
  ) where

import Blockchain.Data.Code as BDC
import Conduit
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (Error)
import Data.Foldable as DF
import Data.HashMap.Strict as DHS
import Data.HexString
import Data.Text as T
import Network.HTTP.Conduit as NHC hiding (port)
import Network.JsonRpc as NJ
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as DBC
import qualified Data.Vector as V

data Req
  = Web3_clientVersionReq
  | Eth_blockNumberReq
    -- blockNumber, returnFullTransation
  | Eth_getBlockByNumberReq Text
    -- txHash
  | Eth_getTransactionReceiptReq Text
    -- codeAddres codeBlockNum
  | Eth_getCodeReq Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

  :: FromJSON a
  => Int -> V.Vector Value -> Parser a
parseJSONElemAtIndex idx ary = parseJSON (V.unsafeIndex ary idx)

instance FromRequest Req where
  parseParams "web3_clientVersion" = Just $ const $ return Web3_clientVersionReq
  parseParams "eth_blockNumber" = Just $ const $ return Eth_blockNumberReq
  parseParams "eth_getBlockByNumber" =
    Just $
    withArray "(blockNumber, returnFullTransation)" $
    \ab ->
       let n = V.length ab
       in if n == 2
            then do
              bn <- parseJSONElemAtIndex 0 ab
              full <- parseJSONElemAtIndex 1 ab
              return $ Eth_getBlockByNumberReq bn full
            else fail $
                 "cannot unpack array of length " ++
                 show n ++ " into a Eth_getBlockByNumberReq"
  parseParams "eth_getTransactionReceipt" =
    Just $
    withArray "(txHash)" $
    \ab ->
       let n = V.length ab
       in if n == 1
            then do
              txhash <- parseJSONElemAtIndex 0 ab
              return $ Eth_getTransactionReceiptReq txhash
            else fail $
                 "cannot unpack array of length " ++
                 show n ++ " into a Eth_getTransactionReceiptReq"
  parseParams "eth_getCode" =
    Just $
    withArray "(address, blockNum)" $
    \ab ->
       let n = V.length ab
       in if n == 2
            then do
              addr <- parseJSONElemAtIndex 0 ab
              blk <- parseJSONElemAtIndex 1 ab
              return $ Eth_getCodeReq addr blk
            else fail $
                 "cannot unpack array of length " ++
                 show n ++ " into a Eth_getCodeReq"
  parseParams _ = Nothing

instance ToRequest Req where
  requestMethod Web3_clientVersionReq = "web3_clientVersion"
  requestMethod Eth_blockNumberReq = "eth_blockNumber"
  requestMethod (Eth_getBlockByNumberReq _ _) = "eth_getBlockByNumber"
  requestMethod (Eth_getTransactionReceiptReq _) = "eth_getTransactionReceipt"
  requestMethod (Eth_getCodeReq _ _) = "eth_getCode"
  requestIsNotif = const False

instance ToJSON Req where
  toJSON Web3_clientVersionReq = emptyArray
  toJSON Eth_blockNumberReq = emptyArray
  toJSON (Eth_getBlockByNumberReq blk full) = toJSON (blk, full)
  toJSON (Eth_getTransactionReceiptReq txhash) = toJSON [txhash]
  toJSON (Eth_getCodeReq addr blk) = toJSON (addr, blk)

data Res
  = Web3_clientVersionRes { clientVersion :: Text}
  | Eth_blockNumberRes { blockNumber :: Text}
  | Eth_getBlockByNumberRes { blockInfo :: Object}
  | Eth_getTransactionReceiptRes { txReceipt :: Object}
  | Eth_getCodeRes { code :: Text}
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance FromResponse Res where
  parseResult "web3_clientVersion" =
    Just $ withText "clientVersion" (return . Web3_clientVersionRes)
  parseResult "eth_blockNumber" =
    Just $ withText "blockNumber" (return . Eth_blockNumberRes)
  parseResult "eth_getBlockByNumber" =
    Just $ withObject "result" (return . Eth_getBlockByNumberRes)
  parseResult "eth_getTransactionReceipt" =
    Just $ withObject "result" (return . Eth_getTransactionReceiptRes)
  parseResult "eth_getCode" = Just $ withText "code" (return . Eth_getCodeRes)
  parseResult _ = Nothing

instance ToJSON Res where
  toJSON (Web3_clientVersionRes result) = toJSON result
  toJSON (Eth_blockNumberRes result) = toJSON result
  toJSON (Eth_getBlockByNumberRes result) = toJSON result
  toJSON (Eth_getTransactionReceiptRes result) = toJSON result
  toJSON (Eth_getCodeRes codeRes) = toJSON codeRes

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> Req -> m Res
callJsonRpc server port req = do
  initReq <- NHC.parseUrl ("http://" ++ server ++ ":" ++ (show port))
  let requ =
        { NHC.method = "POST"
        , NHC.requestHeaders =
          ("Content-Type", "application/json") : NHC.requestHeaders initReq
        , NHC.requestBody =
          RequestBodyLBS $ encode $ toJSON (NJ.buildRequest V2 req (IdInt 1))
  manager <- liftIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings
  resp <- NHC.httpLbs requ manager
  case decode $ responseBody resp of
    Just body ->
      case fromResponse (requestMethod req) body of
        Just res -> return res
        Nothing -> error $ "couldn't parse json-rpc response: " ++ (show resp)
    Nothing -> error $ "couldn't parse json: " ++ (show resp)

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> m Text
web3ClientVersion server port = clientVersion <$> callJsonRpc server port Web3_clientVersionReq

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> m Text
ethBlockNumber server port = blockNumber <$> callJsonRpc server port Eth_blockNumberReq

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> Text -> m [Text]
ethGetTransactionsByBlockNumber server port blk =
  (Prelude.map $ \(String s) -> s) <$> (\(Array a) -> DF.toList $ a) <$>
  (lookupDefault (Array $ V.singleton (String "error")) "transactions") <$>
  blockInfo <$>
  callJsonRpc server port (Eth_getBlockByNumberReq blk False)

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> Text -> m (Maybe Text)
ethGetContractAddrByTxHash server port txhash =
  (\ares ->
      case ares of
        (String a) ->
          if toLower a == "null"
            then Nothing
            else Just a
        Null -> Nothing
        other -> error $ show other) <$>
  (lookupDefault (String "error") "contractAddress") <$>
  txReceipt <$>
  callJsonRpc server port (Eth_getTransactionReceiptReq txhash)

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> Text -> m Text
ethGetCode server port address =
  fmap code $ callJsonRpc server port (Eth_getCodeReq address "latest")

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => String -> Int -> Text -> m Code
getCode server port address = do
  textCode <- ethGetCode server port address
  return $
    BDC.Code $ toBytes (hexString (DBC.pack $ T.unpack $ T.drop 3 textCode))