module Blockchain.Util ( byteString2Integer, bytes2Integer, integer2Bytes, integer2Bytes1, word160ToBytes, word256ToBytes, padZeros, tab ) where import Data.Bits import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Word import Network.Haskoin.Crypto (Word160, Word256) --I hate this, it is an ugly way to create an Integer from its component bytes. --There should be an easier way.... --See byteString2Integer::B.ByteString->Integer byteString2Integer x = bytes2Integer $ B.unpack x bytes2Integer::[Word8]->Integer bytes2Integer [] = 0 bytes2Integer (byte:rest) = fromIntegral byte `shift` (8 * length rest) + bytes2Integer rest integer2Bytes::Integer->[Word8] integer2Bytes 0 = [] integer2Bytes x = integer2Bytes (x `shiftR` 8) ++ [fromInteger (x .&. 255)] --integer2Bytes1 is integer2Bytes, but with the extra condition that the output be of length 1 or more. integer2Bytes1::Integer->[Word8] integer2Bytes1 0 = [0] integer2Bytes1 x = integer2Bytes x word256ToBytes::Word256->[Word8] word256ToBytes x = map (\byte -> fromIntegral $ (x `shiftR` (byte*8)) .&. 0xFF) [31,30..0] word160ToBytes::Word160->[Word8] word160ToBytes x = map (\byte -> fromIntegral $ (x `shiftR` (byte*8)) .&. 0xFF) [19,18..0] padZeros::Int->String->String padZeros n s = replicate (n - length s) '0' ++ s tab::String->String tab [] = [] tab ('\n':rest) = '\n':' ':' ':' ':' ':tab rest tab (c:rest) = c:tab rest