module Evdev.LowLevel where import Control.Monad.Loops (iterateWhile) import Data.ByteString (ByteString,packCString) import Foreign (Ptr,allocaBytes) import Foreign.C (CInt(..),CUInt(..),CUShort(..),CLong) import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(Errno)) import System.Posix.ByteString (RawFilePath) import System.Posix.IO.ByteString (OpenMode(ReadOnly),defaultFileFlags,openFd) import System.Posix.Types (Fd(Fd)) import Evdev.Codes #include #include #include {#enum libevdev_read_flag as ReadFlag { LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_SYNC as Sync, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_NORMAL as Normal, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_FORCE_SYNC as ForceSync, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_BLOCKING as Blocking } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) #} {#enum libevdev_grab_mode as GrabMode { underscoreToCase } deriving (Show) #} {#pointer *libevdev as Device foreign finalizer libevdev_hs_close newtype #} --TODO any reason c2hs doesn't allow a haskell function as the finalizer? -- failing that, any reason not to have actual inline c? --TODO expose this directly, seeing as the GC makes no guarantees of promptness #c void libevdev_hs_close(struct libevdev *dev); #endc {- Conversions -} {#fun libevdev_next_event { `Device', `CUInt', `Ptr ()' } -> `Errno' Errno #} nextEvent :: Device -> CUInt -> IO (Errno, (CUShort,CUShort,CInt,CLong,CLong)) --TODO not CLong on all platforms nextEvent dev flags = allocaBytes {#sizeof input_event #} $ \evPtr -> (,) <$> iterateWhile (== Errno (-{#const EAGAIN #})) (libevdev_next_event dev flags evPtr) <*> ( (,,,,) <$> {#get input_event->type #} evPtr <*> {#get input_event->code #} evPtr <*> {#get input_event->value #} evPtr <*> {#get input_event->time.tv_sec #} evPtr <*> {#get input_event->time.tv_usec #} evPtr ) {#fun libevdev_grab { `Device', `GrabMode' } -> `Errno' Errno #} grabDevice :: Device -> GrabMode -> IO (Errno, ()) grabDevice = fmap (,()) .: libevdev_grab --TODO use 'libevdev_new_from_fd' when fixed {#fun libevdev_new {} -> `Device' #} {#fun libevdev_set_fd { `Device', unFd `Fd' } -> `Errno' Errno #} newDevice :: RawFilePath -> IO (Errno, Device) newDevice path = do fd <- openFd path ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags dev <- libevdev_new err <- libevdev_set_fd dev fd return (err, dev) {- Simpler functions -} {#fun libevdev_has_property as hasProperty { `Device', convertEnum `DeviceProperty' } -> `Bool' #} {#fun libevdev_get_fd as deviceFd { `Device' } -> `Fd' Fd #} {#fun libevdev_get_name as deviceName { `Device' } -> `IO ByteString' packCString #} {- Util -} convertEnum :: DeviceProperty -> CUInt convertEnum = fromIntegral . fromEnum (.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d (.:) = (.) . (.) unFd :: Fd -> CInt unFd (Fd n) = n