{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-state-hack #-} -- | The main module for working with devices and events. module Evdev ( -- * Devices Device, newDevice, nextEvent, evdevDir, -- ** Properties deviceName, devicePath, deviceProperties, deviceEventTypes, deviceHasEvent, deviceFd, devicePhys, deviceUniq, deviceProduct, deviceVendor, deviceBustype, deviceVersion, deviceAbsAxis, LL.AbsInfo (..), -- ** Grabbing grabDevice, ungrabDevice, -- * Events Event(..), EventData(..), KeyEvent(..), EventCode(..), EventValue(..), -- * Lower-level newDeviceFromFd, nextEventMay, LL.LEDValue(..), setDeviceLED, -- ** C-style types -- | These correspond more directly to C's /input_event/ and /timeval/. -- They are used internally, but may be useful for advanced users. LL.CEvent(..), toCEvent, fromCEvent, toCEventData, fromCEventData, LL.CTimeVal(..), toCTimeVal, fromCTimeVal, ) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (filterM, join) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.List.Extra (enumerate) import Data.Map ((!?), Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Ratio ((%)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime) import Data.Tuple.Extra (uncurry3) import Data.Word (Word16) import Foreign ((.|.)) import Foreign.C (CUInt) import System.Posix.Process (getProcessID) import System.Posix.Files (readSymbolicLink) import System.Posix.ByteString (Fd, RawFilePath) import System.Posix.IO.ByteString (OpenMode (..), defaultFileFlags, openFd) import qualified Evdev.LowLevel as LL import Evdev.Codes import Util -- stores path that was originally used, as it seems impossible to recover this later -- We don't allow the user to access the underlying low-level C device. -- | An input device. data Device = Device { cDevice :: LL.Device, devicePath :: ByteString } instance Show Device where show = show . devicePath -- | An input event, including the timestamp. data Event = Event { eventData :: EventData , eventTime :: DiffTime } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) -- | An input event, without the timestamp. -- Each constructor corresponds to one [event type](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/input/event-codes.html#event-types), except for 'UnknownEvent'. data EventData = SyncEvent SyncEvent | KeyEvent Key KeyEvent | RelativeEvent RelativeAxis EventValue | AbsoluteEvent AbsoluteAxis EventValue | MiscEvent MiscEvent EventValue | SwitchEvent SwitchEvent EventValue | LEDEvent LEDEvent EventValue | SoundEvent SoundEvent EventValue | RepeatEvent RepeatEvent EventValue | ForceFeedbackEvent EventCode EventValue | PowerEvent EventCode EventValue | ForceFeedbackStatusEvent EventCode EventValue | UnknownEvent Word16 EventCode EventValue {- ^ We include this primarily so that 'fromCEvent' can be well-defined - let us know if you ever actually see one emitted by a device, as it would likely indicate a shortcoming in the library. -} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) -- | A direct representation of the /code/ field of the C /input_event/, for when there is no obvious meaningful sum type. newtype EventCode = EventCode Word16 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum) -- | A direct representation of the /value/ field of the C /input_event/, for when there is no obvious meaningful sum type. newtype EventValue = EventValue Int32 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum) -- | The status of a key. data KeyEvent = Released | Pressed | Repeated deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show) convertFlags :: Set LL.ReadFlag -> CUInt convertFlags = fromIntegral . foldr ((.|.) . fromEnum) 0 defaultReadFlags :: Set LL.ReadFlag defaultReadFlags = Set.fromList [LL.Normal, LL.Blocking] nonBlockingReadFlags :: Set LL.ReadFlag nonBlockingReadFlags = Set.fromList [LL.Normal] -- | Prevent other clients (including kernel-internal ones) from receiving events. Often a bad idea. grabDevice :: Device -> IO () grabDevice = grabDevice' LL.LibevdevGrab -- | Release a grabbed device. ungrabDevice :: Device -> IO () ungrabDevice = grabDevice' LL.LibevdevUngrab -- | Get the next event from the device. nextEvent :: Device -> IO Event nextEvent dev = fromCEvent <$> cErrCall "nextEvent" dev (LL.nextEvent (cDevice dev) (convertFlags defaultReadFlags)) {- | Get the next event from the device, if one is available. Designed for use with devices created from a non-blocking file descriptor. Otherwise equal to @fmap Just . nextEvent@. -} nextEventMay :: Device -> IO (Maybe Event) nextEventMay dev = fmap fromCEvent <$> cErrCall "nextEventMay" dev (LL.nextEventMay (cDevice dev) (convertFlags nonBlockingReadFlags)) fromCEvent :: LL.CEvent -> Event fromCEvent (LL.CEvent t c v time) = Event (fromCEventData (t,c,v)) $ fromCTimeVal time fromCEventData :: (Word16, Word16, Int32) -> EventData fromCEventData (t, EventCode -> c, EventValue -> v) = fromMaybe (UnknownEvent t c v) $ toEnum' t >>= \case EvSyn -> SyncEvent <$> toEnum' c EvKey -> KeyEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> toEnum' v EvRel -> RelativeEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvAbs -> AbsoluteEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvMsc -> MiscEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvSw -> SwitchEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvLed -> LEDEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvSnd -> SoundEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvRep -> RepeatEvent <$> toEnum' c <*> pure v EvFf -> Just $ ForceFeedbackEvent c v EvPwr -> Just $ PowerEvent c v EvFfStatus -> Just $ ForceFeedbackStatusEvent c v toCEvent :: Event -> LL.CEvent toCEvent (Event e time) = uncurry3 LL.CEvent (toCEventData e) $ toCTimeVal time toCEventData :: EventData -> (Word16, Word16, Int32) toCEventData = \case -- from kernel docs, 'EV_SYN event values are undefined' - we always seem to see 0, so may as well use that SyncEvent (fromEnum' -> c) -> (fromEnum' EvSyn, c, 0) KeyEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvKey, c, v) RelativeEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvRel, c, v) AbsoluteEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvAbs, c, v) MiscEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvMsc, c, v) SwitchEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvSw, c, v) LEDEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvLed, c, v) SoundEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvSnd, c, v) RepeatEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvRep, c, v) ForceFeedbackEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvFf, c, v) PowerEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvPwr, c, v) ForceFeedbackStatusEvent (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (fromEnum' EvFfStatus, c, v) UnknownEvent (fromEnum' -> t) (fromEnum' -> c) (fromEnum' -> v) -> (t, c, v) fromCTimeVal :: LL.CTimeVal -> DiffTime fromCTimeVal (LL.CTimeVal s us) = fromRational $ fromIntegral s + (fromIntegral us % 1_000_000) --TODO QuickCheck inverse toCTimeVal :: DiffTime -> LL.CTimeVal toCTimeVal t = LL.CTimeVal n (round $ f * 1_000_000) where (n,f) = properFraction t {- | Create a device from a valid path - usually /\/dev\/input\/eventX/ for some numeric /X/. Use 'newDeviceFromFd' if you need more control over how the device is created. -} newDevice :: RawFilePath -> IO Device newDevice path = newDeviceFromFd =<< openFd path ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags {- | Generalisation of 'newDevice', in case one needs control over the file descriptor, e.g. in order to set a particular 'System.Posix.FileMode', 'System.Posix.OpenMode', or 'System.Posix.OpenFileFlags'. Note that: > newDevice path = newDeviceFromFd =<< openFd path ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags __WARNING__: Don't attempt to reuse the 'Fd' - it will be closed when the 'Device' is garbage collected. -} newDeviceFromFd :: Fd -> IO Device newDeviceFromFd fd = do dev <- cErrCall "newDeviceFromFd" () $ LL.newDeviceFromFd fd pid <- getProcessID path <- readSymbolicLink $ "/proc/" <> show pid <> "/fd/" <> show fd return $ Device{cDevice = dev, devicePath = pack path} -- | The usual directory containing devices (/"\/dev\/input"/). evdevDir :: RawFilePath evdevDir = "/dev/input" deviceName :: Device -> IO ByteString deviceName = join . LL.deviceName . cDevice deviceFd :: Device -> IO Fd deviceFd = LL.deviceFd . cDevice devicePhys :: Device -> IO (Maybe ByteString) devicePhys = join . LL.devicePhys . cDevice deviceUniq :: Device -> IO (Maybe ByteString) deviceUniq = join . LL.deviceUniq . cDevice deviceProduct :: Device -> IO Int deviceProduct = LL.deviceProduct . cDevice deviceVendor :: Device -> IO Int deviceVendor = LL.deviceVendor . cDevice deviceBustype :: Device -> IO Int deviceBustype = LL.deviceBustype . cDevice deviceVersion :: Device -> IO Int deviceVersion = LL.deviceVersion . cDevice deviceProperties :: Device -> IO [DeviceProperty] deviceProperties dev = filterM (LL.hasProperty $ cDevice dev) enumerate deviceEventTypes :: Device -> IO [EventType] deviceEventTypes dev = filterM (LL.hasEventType $ cDevice dev) enumerate --TODO this is an imperfect API since '_val' is ignored entirely deviceHasEvent :: Device -> EventData -> IO Bool deviceHasEvent dev e = LL.hasEventCode (cDevice dev) typ code where (typ,code,_val) = toCEventData e deviceAbsAxis :: Device -> AbsoluteAxis -> IO (Maybe LL.AbsInfo) deviceAbsAxis dev = LL.getAbsInfo (cDevice dev) . fromEnum' -- | Set the state of a LED on a device. setDeviceLED :: Device -> LEDEvent -> LL.LEDValue -> IO () setDeviceLED dev led val = cErrCall "setDeviceLED" dev (LL.libevdev_kernel_set_led_value (cDevice dev) led val) {- Util -} grabDevice' :: LL.GrabMode -> Device -> IO () grabDevice' mode dev = cErrCall "grabDevice" dev $ LL.grabDevice (cDevice dev) mode {- TODO this is a workaround until c2hs has a better story for enum conversions when we remove it we can get rid of '-fno-state-hack' based on profiling, and Debug.Trace, it seems that 'enumMap' is computed no more times than necessary (6 - number of combinations of a and k that it is called with) but based on https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/grskne/help_reasoning_about_performance_memoization/, it's possible that behaviour is worse without profiling on (argh...) open c2hs issue we perhaps essentially want the `CEnum` class proposed at: https://github.com/haskell/c2hs/issues/78 but perhaps belonging (at least initially) in c2hs rather than base, for expediency this doesn't necessarily consider enum defines though - discussion is around capturing the semantics of actual C enums alternatively, monomorphic functions for each type, as with c2hs's with* functions -} toEnum' :: forall k a. (Ord k, Enum k, Bounded a, Enum a) => k -> Maybe a toEnum' = (enumMap !?) where --TODO HashMap, IntMap? enumMap :: Map k a enumMap = Map.fromList $ map (toEnum . fromEnum &&& id) enumerate instance CErrInfo Device where cErrInfo = return . Just . devicePath