{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Eventful.ProcessManager
  ( ProcessManager (..)
  , ProcessManagerCommand (..)
  , applyProcessManagerCommandsAndEvents
  ) where

import Control.Monad (forM_, void)

import Eventful.Aggregate
import Eventful.Projection
import Eventful.Store.Class
import Eventful.UUID

-- | A 'ProcessManager' manages interaction between aggregates. It works by
-- listening to events on an event bus and applying events to its internal
-- 'Projection' (see 'applyProcessManagerCommandsAndEvents'). Then, pending
-- commands and events are plucked off of that Projection and applied to the
-- appropriate Aggregates or Projections in other streams.
data ProcessManager state event command
  = ProcessManager
  { processManagerProjection :: Projection state (ProjectionEvent event)
  , processManagerPendingCommands :: state -> [ProcessManagerCommand event command]
  , processManagerPendingEvents :: state -> [ProjectionEvent event]

-- | This is a @command@ along with the UUID of the target 'Aggregate', and
-- well as the 'Aggregate' instance. Note that this uses an existential type to
-- hide the @state@ type parameter on the Aggregate.
data ProcessManagerCommand event command
  = forall state. ProcessManagerCommand
  { processManagerCommandAggregateId :: UUID
  , processManagerCommandAggregate :: Aggregate state event command
  , processManagerCommandCommand :: command

instance (Show command, Show event) => Show (ProcessManagerCommand event command) where
  show (ProcessManagerCommand uuid _ command) =
    "ProcessManagerCommand{processManagerCommandAggregateId = " ++ show uuid ++
    ", processManagerCommandCommand = " ++ show command ++ "}"

-- | Plucks the pending commands and events off of the process manager's state
-- and applies them to the appropriate locations in the event store.
  :: (Monad m)
  => ProcessManager state event command
  -> EventStore event m
  -> state
  -> m ()
applyProcessManagerCommandsAndEvents ProcessManager{..} store state = do
  forM_ (processManagerPendingCommands state) $ \(ProcessManagerCommand aggregateId aggregate command) ->
    void $ commandStoredAggregate store aggregate aggregateId command
  forM_ (processManagerPendingEvents state) $ \(ProjectionEvent projectionId event) ->
    storeEvents store AnyVersion projectionId [event]