{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Eventful.Store.DynamoDB
  ( dynamoDBEventStore
  , DynamoDBEventStoreConfig (..)
  , defaultDynamoDBEventStoreConfig
  , initializeDynamoDBEventStore
  , deleteDynamoDBEventStoreTable
  , runAWSIO
  ) where

import Eventful

import Control.Exception (throw, toException)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (forM_, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.AWS (runAWST)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Conduit (($$), (=$=))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.AWS
import Network.AWS.DynamoDB
import Safe
import System.IO

import Eventful.Store.DynamoDB.DynamoJSON

data DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized =
  { dynamoDBEventStoreConfigTableName :: Text
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigUUIDAttributeName :: Text
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName :: Text
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigEventAttributeName :: Text
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigSerializedToValue :: serialized -> AttributeValue
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigValueToSerialized :: AttributeValue -> serialized

defaultDynamoDBEventStoreConfig :: DynamoDBEventStoreConfig Value
defaultDynamoDBEventStoreConfig =
  { dynamoDBEventStoreConfigTableName = "Events"
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigUUIDAttributeName = "UUID"
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName = "Version"
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigEventAttributeName = "Event"
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigSerializedToValue = valueToAttributeValue
  , dynamoDBEventStoreConfigValueToSerialized = attributeValueToValue

-- | An 'EventStore' that uses AWS DynamoDB as the storage backend. Use a
-- 'DynamoDBEventStoreConfig' to configure this event store.
  :: DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> EventStore serialized AWS
dynamoDBEventStore config =
    getLatestVersion = latestEventVersion config
    getEvents = getDynamoEvents config
    storeEvents' = storeDynamoEvents config
    storeEvents = transactionalExpectedWriteHelper getLatestVersion storeEvents'
  in EventStore{..}

  :: (MonadAWS m)
  => DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> UUID
  -> EventStoreQueryRange EventVersion
  -> m [StoredEvent serialized]
getDynamoEvents config@DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} uuid range = do
  latestEvents <-
    paginate (queryBase config uuid range) =$=
    CL.concatMap (view qrsItems) $$
  return $ mapMaybe (decodeDynamoEvent config uuid) latestEvents

  :: DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> UUID
  -> HashMap Text AttributeValue
  -> Maybe (StoredEvent serialized)
decodeDynamoEvent DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} uuid attributeMap = do
  versionValue <- HM.lookup dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName attributeMap
  versionText <- versionValue ^. avN
  version <- EventVersion <$> readMay (T.unpack versionText)
  eventAttributeValue <- HM.lookup dynamoDBEventStoreConfigEventAttributeName attributeMap
  let event = dynamoDBEventStoreConfigValueToSerialized eventAttributeValue
  return $ StoredEvent uuid version event

  :: (MonadAWS m)
  => DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> UUID
  -> m EventVersion
latestEventVersion config@DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} uuid = do
  latestEvents <- fmap (view qrsItems) . send $
    queryBase config uuid allEvents
    & qLimit ?~ 1
    & qScanIndexForward ?~ False
  return $ EventVersion $ fromMaybe (-1) $ do
    -- NB: We are in the Maybe monad here
    attributeMap <- headMay latestEvents
    versionValue <- HM.lookup dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName attributeMap
    version <- versionValue ^. avN
    readMay $ T.unpack version

-- | Convenience function to create a Query value for a given store config and
-- UUID.
  :: DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> UUID
  -> EventStoreQueryRange EventVersion
  -> Query
queryBase DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} uuid EventStoreQueryRange{..} =
  & qKeyConditionExpression ?~ T.intercalate " AND " (uuidCaseExpression : versionCaseExpression)
  & qExpressionAttributeNames .~ HM.fromList (uuidAttributeName : versionAttributeName)
  & qExpressionAttributeValues .~ HM.fromList (uuidAttributeValue : versionAttributeValues)
    uuidAttributeName = ("#uuid", dynamoDBEventStoreConfigUUIDAttributeName)
    uuidAttributeValue = (":uuid", attributeValue & avS ?~ uuidToText uuid)
    uuidCaseExpression = "#uuid = :uuid"

    mkStartVersionAttributeValue vers = (":startVersion", attributeValue & avN ?~ T.pack (show vers))
    mkEndVersionAttributeValue vers = (":endVersion", attributeValue & avN ?~ T.pack (show vers))
    mkJustStart (EventVersion start) = (["#version >= :startVersion"], [mkStartVersionAttributeValue start])
    mkJustEnd (EventVersion end) = (["#version <= :endVersion"], [mkEndVersionAttributeValue end])
    mkBoth (EventVersion start) (EventVersion end) =
      ( ["#version BETWEEN :startVersion AND :endVersion"]
      , [ mkStartVersionAttributeValue start
        , mkEndVersionAttributeValue end
    (versionCaseExpression, versionAttributeValues) =
      case (eventStoreQueryRangeStart, eventStoreQueryRangeLimit) of
        (StartFromBeginning, NoQueryLimit) -> ([], [])
        (StartFromBeginning, MaxNumberOfEvents maxNum) -> mkJustEnd (EventVersion maxNum - 1)
        (StartFromBeginning, StopQueryAt end) -> mkJustEnd end
        (StartQueryAt start, NoQueryLimit) -> mkJustStart start
        (StartQueryAt start, MaxNumberOfEvents maxNum) -> mkBoth start (EventVersion maxNum + start - 1)
        (StartQueryAt start, StopQueryAt end) -> mkBoth start end
    versionAttributeName =
      if null versionCaseExpression then []
      else [("#version", dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName)]

  :: (MonadAWS m)
  => DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> UUID
  -> [serialized]
  -> m ()
storeDynamoEvents config@DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} uuid events = do
  latestVersion <- latestEventVersion config uuid

  -- TODO: Use BatchWriteItem
  forM_ (zip events [latestVersion + 1..]) $ \(event, EventVersion version) ->
    send $
      & piItem .~
        [ (dynamoDBEventStoreConfigUUIDAttributeName, attributeValue & avS ?~ uuidToText uuid)
        , (dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName, attributeValue & avN ?~ T.pack (show version))
        , (dynamoDBEventStoreConfigEventAttributeName, dynamoDBEventStoreConfigSerializedToValue event)

-- | Helpful function to create the events table. If a table already exists
-- with the same name, then this function just uses that one. Note, there are
-- no magic migrations going on here, trust this function at your own risk.
  :: (MonadAWS m)
  => DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> ProvisionedThroughput
  -> m ()
initializeDynamoDBEventStore config@DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} throughput = do
  eventTableExists <- getDynamoDBEventStoreTableExistence config
  unless eventTableExists $ do
    void $ send $
      (uuidKey :| [versionKey])
      & ctAttributeDefinitions .~ attributeDefs
    void $ await tableExists (describeTable dynamoDBEventStoreConfigTableName)
    uuidKey = keySchemaElement dynamoDBEventStoreConfigUUIDAttributeName Hash
    versionKey = keySchemaElement dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName Range
    attributeDefs =
      [ attributeDefinition dynamoDBEventStoreConfigUUIDAttributeName S
      , attributeDefinition dynamoDBEventStoreConfigVersionAttributeName N

-- | Checks if the table for the event store exists.
  :: (MonadAWS m)
  => DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> m Bool
getDynamoDBEventStoreTableExistence DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} = do
  tablesResponse <- trying _ServiceError $ send $
  case tablesResponse of
    Right response' -> return $ isJust (response' ^. drsTable)
    Left err ->
      if err ^. serviceCode == ErrorCode "ResourceNotFound"
      then return False
      else throw $ toException (ServiceError err)

-- | Convenience function to drop the event store table. Mainly used for
-- testing this library.
  :: (MonadAWS m)
  => DynamoDBEventStoreConfig serialized
  -> m ()
deleteDynamoDBEventStoreTable config@DynamoDBEventStoreConfig{..} = do
  eventTableExists <- getDynamoDBEventStoreTableExistence config
  when eventTableExists $ do
    void $ send $ deleteTable dynamoDBEventStoreConfigTableName
    void $ await tableNotExists (describeTable dynamoDBEventStoreConfigTableName)

-- | Convenience function if you don't really care about your amazonka
-- settings.
runAWSIO :: AWS a -> IO a
runAWSIO action = do
  lgr <- newLogger Trace stdout
  env <- newEnv Discover <&> set envLogger lgr
  runResourceT . runAWST env $ action