{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | Defines an Postgresql event store.

module Eventful.Store.Postgresql
  ( postgresqlEventStoreWriter
  , initializePostgresqlEventStore
  , module Eventful.Store.Class
  , module Eventful.Store.Sql
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql

import Eventful.Store.Class
import Eventful.Store.Sql

-- | An 'EventStore' that uses a PostgreSQL database as a backend. Use
-- 'SqlEventStoreConfig' to configure this event store.
  :: (MonadIO m, PersistEntity entity, PersistEntityBackend entity ~ SqlBackend)
  => SqlEventStoreConfig entity serialized
  -> EventStoreWriter (SqlPersistT m) serialized
postgresqlEventStoreWriter config = EventStoreWriter $ transactionalExpectedWriteHelper getLatestVersion storeEvents'
    getLatestVersion = sqlMaxEventVersion config maxPostgresVersionSql
    storeEvents' = sqlStoreEvents config (Just tableLockFunc) maxPostgresVersionSql

maxPostgresVersionSql :: DBName -> DBName -> DBName -> Text
maxPostgresVersionSql (DBName tableName) (DBName uuidFieldName) (DBName versionFieldName) =
  "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(" <> versionFieldName <> "), -1) FROM " <> tableName <> " WHERE " <> uuidFieldName <> " = ?"

-- | This function runs migrations to create the events table if it isn't
-- present.
initializePostgresqlEventStore :: (MonadIO m) => ConnectionPool -> m ()
initializePostgresqlEventStore pool = do
  -- Run migrations
  _ <- liftIO $ runSqlPool (runMigrationSilent migrateSqlEvent) pool

  return ()

-- | We need to lock the events table or else our global sequence number might
-- not be monotonically increasing over time from the point of view of a
-- reader.
-- For example, say transaction A begins to write an event and the
-- auto-increment key is 1. Then, transaction B starts to insert an event and
-- gets an id of 2. If transaction B is quick and completes, then a listener
-- might see the event from B and thinks it has all the events up to a sequence
-- number of 2. However, once A finishes and the event with the id of 1 is
-- done, then the listener won't know that event exists.
tableLockFunc :: Text -> Text
tableLockFunc tableName = "LOCK " <> tableName <> " IN EXCLUSIVE MODE"