{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
-- |
-- Module : EventSource.Types
-- Copyright : (C) 2016 Yorick Laupa
-- License : (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : non-portable
module EventSource.Types where

import Prelude (Show(..))
import Data.Foldable
import Data.String

import Protolude hiding (show)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.UUID hiding (fromString)
import Data.UUID.V4
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

-- | Opaque data type used to store raw data.
data Data
  = Data ByteString
  | DataAsJson Value

instance Show Data where
  show _ = "Data(*Binary data*)"

-- | Sometimes, having to implement a 'FromJSON' instance isn't flexible enough.
--   'JsonParsing' allow to pass parameters when parsing from a JSON value while
--   remaining composable.
newtype JsonParsing a = JsonParsing (Value -> Parser a)

instance Functor JsonParsing where
  fmap f (JsonParsing k) = JsonParsing $ \v -> f <$> k v

instance Applicative JsonParsing where
  pure a = JsonParsing $ \_ -> return a

  (JsonParsing kf) <*> (JsonParsing ka) =
    JsonParsing $ \v ->
      kf v <*> ka v

instance Monad JsonParsing where
  return = pure

  JsonParsing k >>= f = JsonParsing $ \v -> do
    a <- k v
    let JsonParsing km = f a
    km v

-- | Returns 'Data' content as a 'ByteString'.
dataAsBytes :: Data -> ByteString
dataAsBytes (Data bs) = bs
dataAsBytes (DataAsJson v) = toS $ encode v

-- | Creates a 'Data' object from a raw 'ByteString'.
dataFromBytes :: ByteString -> Data
dataFromBytes = Data

-- | Creates a 'Data' object from a JSON object.
dataFromJson :: ToJSON a => a -> Data
dataFromJson = DataAsJson . toJSON

-- | Returns 'Data' content as any value that implements 'FromJSON' type-class.
dataAsJson :: FromJSON a => Data -> Either Text a
dataAsJson (Data bs) = first toS $ eitherDecodeStrict bs
dataAsJson (DataAsJson v) = first toS $ parseEither parseJSON v

-- | Uses a 'JsonParsing' comuputation to extract a value.
dataAsParsing :: Data -> JsonParsing a -> Either Text a
dataAsParsing dat (JsonParsing k) = do
  value <- dataAsJson dat
  first toS $ parseEither k value

-- | Like 'dataAsParsing' but doesn't require you to use 'JsonParsing'.
dataAsParse :: Data -> (Value -> Parser a) -> Either Text a
dataAsParse dat k = dataAsParsing dat $ JsonParsing k

-- | Used to store a set a properties. One example is to be used as 'Event'
--   metadata.
newtype Properties = Properties (Map Text Text)

instance Monoid Properties where
  mempty = Properties mempty
  mappend (Properties a) (Properties b) = Properties $ mappend a b

instance Show Properties where
  show (Properties m) = show m

instance ToJSON Properties where
  toJSON = object . fmap go . properties
      go (k, v) = k .= v

instance FromJSON Properties where
  parseJSON = withObject "Properties" $ \o ->
    let go p k = fmap (\v -> setProperty k v p) (o .: k) in
    foldlM go mempty (H.keys o)

-- | Retrieves a value associated with the given key.
property :: MonadPlus m => Text -> Properties -> m Text
property k (Properties m) =
  case M.lookup k m of
    Nothing -> mzero
    Just v -> return v

-- | Builds a 'Properties' with a single pair of key-value.
singleton :: Text -> Text -> Properties
singleton k v = setProperty k v mempty

-- | Adds a pair of key-value into given 'Properties'.
setProperty :: Text -> Text -> Properties -> Properties
setProperty key value (Properties m) = Properties $ M.insert key value m

-- | Returns all associated key-value pairs as a list.
properties :: Properties -> [(Text, Text)]
properties (Properties m) = M.toList m

-- | Used to identify an event.
newtype EventId = EventId UUID deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show EventId where
  show (EventId uuid) = show uuid

-- | Generates a fresh 'EventId'.
freshEventId :: MonadIO m => m EventId
freshEventId = fmap EventId $ liftIO nextRandom

-- | Represents a stream name.
newtype StreamName = StreamName Text deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show StreamName where
  show (StreamName s) = show s

instance IsString StreamName where
  fromString = StreamName . fromString

-- | Used to identity the type of an 'Event'.
newtype EventType = EventType Text deriving Eq

instance Show EventType where
  show (EventType t) = show t

instance IsString EventType where
  fromString = EventType . fromString

-- | Sets 'EventType' for an 'Event'.
setEventType :: EventType -> State Event ()
setEventType typ = modify $ \s -> s { eventType = typ }

-- | Sets 'Eventid' for an 'Event'.
setEventId :: EventId -> State Event ()
setEventId eid = modify $ \s -> s { eventId = eid }

-- | Sets a payload for an 'Event'.
setEventPayload :: Data -> State Event ()
setEventPayload dat = modify $ \s -> s { eventPayload = dat }

-- | Sets metadata for an 'Event'.
setEventMetadata :: Properties -> State Event ()
setEventMetadata props = modify $ \s -> s { eventMetadata = Just props }

-- | Encapsulates an event which is about to be saved.
data Event =
  Event { eventType :: EventType
        , eventId :: EventId
        , eventPayload :: Data
        , eventMetadata :: Maybe Properties
        } deriving Show

-- | Represents an event index in a stream.
newtype EventNumber = EventNumber Int32 deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Show)

-- | Represents an event that's saved into the event store.
data SavedEvent =
  SavedEvent { eventNumber :: EventNumber
             , savedEvent :: Event
             } deriving Show

-- | Deserializes a 'SavedEvent'.
savedEventAs :: DecodeEvent a => SavedEvent -> Either Text a
savedEventAs = decodeEvent . savedEvent

-- | Represents batch of events read from a store.
data Slice =
  Slice { sliceEvents :: [SavedEvent]
        , sliceEndOfStream :: Bool
        , sliceNextEventNumber :: EventNumber
        } deriving Show

-- | Deserializes a 'Slice''s events.
sliceEventsAs :: DecodeEvent a => Slice -> Either Text [a]
sliceEventsAs = traverse savedEventAs . sliceEvents

-- | Encodes a data object into an 'Event'. 'encodeEvent' get passed an
--   'EventId' in a case where a fresh id is needed.
class EncodeEvent a where
  encodeEvent :: a -> State Event ()

-- | Decodes an 'Event' into a data object.
class DecodeEvent a where
  decodeEvent :: Event -> Either Text a

newtype DecodeEventException = DecodeEventException Text deriving Show

instance Exception DecodeEventException

instance DecodeEvent Event where
  decodeEvent = Right

-- | The purpose of 'ExpectedVersion' is to make sure a certain stream state is
--   at an expected point in order to carry out a write.
data ExpectedVersion
  = AnyVersion
    -- Stream is a any given state.
  | NoStream
    -- Stream shouldn't exist.
  | StreamExists
    -- Stream should exist.
  | ExactVersion EventNumber
    -- Stream should be at givent event number.
  deriving Show

-- | Statuses you can get on every read attempt.
data ReadStatus a
  = ReadSuccess a
  | ReadFailure ReadFailure
  deriving Show

-- | Returns 'True' is 'ReadStatus' is a 'ReadSuccess'.
isReadSuccess :: ReadStatus a -> Bool
isReadSuccess (ReadSuccess _) = True
isReadSuccess _ = False

-- | Returns 'False' is 'ReadStatus' is a 'ReadFailure'.
isReadFailure :: ReadStatus a -> Bool
isReadFailure (ReadFailure _) = True
isReadFailure _ = False

-- | Represents the different kind of failure you can get when reading.
data ReadFailure
  = StreamNotFound
  | ReadError (Maybe Text)
  | AccessDenied
  deriving Show

instance Functor ReadStatus where
  fmap f (ReadSuccess a)  = ReadSuccess $ f a
  fmap _ (ReadFailure e)  = ReadFailure e

instance Foldable ReadStatus where
  foldMap f (ReadSuccess a) = f a
  foldMap _ _               = mempty

instance Traversable ReadStatus where
  traverse f (ReadSuccess a) = fmap ReadSuccess $ f a
  traverse _ (ReadFailure e) = pure $ ReadFailure e