{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fcontext-stack=26 #-} #else {-# OPTIONS_GHC -freduction-depth=26 #-} #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Message -- Copyright : (C) 2015 Yorick Laupa -- License : (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa <yo.eight@gmail.com> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Database.EventStore.Internal.Subscription.Message where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Int -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.DotNet.TimeSpan import Data.ProtocolBuffers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Database.EventStore.Internal.Prelude import Database.EventStore.Internal.Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Stream subscription connection request. data SubscribeToStream = SubscribeToStream { subscribeStreamId :: Required 1 (Value Text) , subscribeResolveLinkTos :: Required 2 (Value Bool) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode SubscribeToStream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'SubscribeToStream' smart constructor. subscribeToStream :: Text -> Bool -> SubscribeToStream subscribeToStream stream_id res_link_tos = SubscribeToStream { subscribeStreamId = putField stream_id , subscribeResolveLinkTos = putField res_link_tos } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Stream subscription connection response. data SubscriptionConfirmation = SubscriptionConfirmation { subscribeLastCommitPos :: Required 1 (Value Int64) , subscribeLastEventNumber :: Optional 2 (Value Int64) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode SubscriptionConfirmation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Serialized event sent by the server when a new event has been appended to a -- stream. data StreamEventAppeared = StreamEventAppeared { streamResolvedEvent :: Required 1 (Message ResolvedEventBuf) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode StreamEventAppeared -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Represents the reason subscription drop happened. data DropReason = D_Unsubscribed | D_AccessDenied | D_NotFound | D_PersistentSubscriptionDeleted | D_SubscriberMaxCountReached deriving (Enum, Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A message sent by the server when a subscription has been dropped. data SubscriptionDropped = SubscriptionDropped { dropReason :: Optional 1 (Enumeration DropReason) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode SubscriptionDropped -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A message sent to the server to indicate the user asked to end a -- subscription. data UnsubscribeFromStream = UnsubscribeFromStream deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode UnsubscribeFromStream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create persistent subscription request. data CreatePersistentSubscription = CreatePersistentSubscription { cpsGroupName :: Required 1 (Value Text) , cpsStreamId :: Required 2 (Value Text) , cpsResolveLinkTos :: Required 3 (Value Bool) , cpsStartFrom :: Required 4 (Value Int64) , cpsMsgTimeout :: Required 5 (Value Int32) , cpsRecordStats :: Required 6 (Value Bool) , cpsLiveBufSize :: Required 7 (Value Int32) , cpsReadBatchSize :: Required 8 (Value Int32) , cpsBufSize :: Required 9 (Value Int32) , cpsMaxRetryCount :: Required 10 (Value Int32) , cpsPreferRoundRobin :: Required 11 (Value Bool) , cpsChkPtAfterTime :: Required 12 (Value Int32) , cpsChkPtMaxCount :: Required 13 (Value Int32) , cpsChkPtMinCount :: Required 14 (Value Int32) , cpsSubMaxCount :: Required 15 (Value Int32) , cpsNamedConsStrategy :: Optional 16 (Value Text) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'CreatePersistentSubscription' smart constructor. _createPersistentSubscription :: Text -> Text -> PersistentSubscriptionSettings -> CreatePersistentSubscription _createPersistentSubscription group stream sett = CreatePersistentSubscription { cpsGroupName = putField group , cpsStreamId = putField stream , cpsResolveLinkTos = putField $ psSettingsResolveLinkTos sett , cpsStartFrom = putField $ psSettingsStartFrom sett , cpsMsgTimeout = putField . fromIntegral . (truncate :: Double -> Int64) . totalMillis $ psSettingsMsgTimeout sett , cpsRecordStats = putField $ psSettingsExtraStats sett , cpsLiveBufSize = putField $ psSettingsLiveBufSize sett , cpsReadBatchSize = putField $ psSettingsReadBatchSize sett , cpsBufSize = putField $ psSettingsHistoryBufSize sett , cpsMaxRetryCount = putField $ psSettingsMaxRetryCount sett , cpsPreferRoundRobin = putField False , cpsChkPtAfterTime = putField . fromIntegral . (truncate :: Double -> Int64) . totalMillis $ psSettingsCheckPointAfter sett , cpsChkPtMaxCount = putField $ psSettingsMaxCheckPointCount sett , cpsChkPtMinCount = putField $ psSettingsMinCheckPointCount sett , cpsSubMaxCount = putField $ psSettingsMaxSubsCount sett , cpsNamedConsStrategy = putField $ Just strText } where strText = strategyText $ psSettingsNamedConsumerStrategy sett -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode CreatePersistentSubscription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create persistent subscription outcome. data CreatePersistentSubscriptionResult = CPS_Success | CPS_AlreadyExists | CPS_Fail | CPS_AccessDenied deriving (Enum, Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create persistent subscription response. data CreatePersistentSubscriptionCompleted = CreatePersistentSubscriptionCompleted { cpscResult :: Required 1 (Enumeration CreatePersistentSubscriptionResult) , cpscReason :: Optional 2 (Value Text) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode CreatePersistentSubscriptionCompleted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Delete persistent subscription request. data DeletePersistentSubscription = DeletePersistentSubscription { dpsGroupName :: Required 1 (Value Text) , dpsStreamId :: Required 2 (Value Text) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode DeletePersistentSubscription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'DeletePersistentSubscription' smart construction. _deletePersistentSubscription :: Text -> Text -> DeletePersistentSubscription _deletePersistentSubscription group_name stream_id = DeletePersistentSubscription { dpsGroupName = putField group_name , dpsStreamId = putField stream_id } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Delete persistent subscription outcome. data DeletePersistentSubscriptionResult = DPS_Success | DPS_DoesNotExist | DPS_Fail | DPS_AccessDenied deriving (Enum, Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Delete persistent subscription response. data DeletePersistentSubscriptionCompleted = DeletePersistentSubscriptionCompleted { dpscResult :: Required 1 (Enumeration DeletePersistentSubscriptionResult) , dpscReason :: Optional 2 (Value Text) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode DeletePersistentSubscriptionCompleted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Update persistent subscription request. data UpdatePersistentSubscription = UpdatePersistentSubscription { upsGroupName :: Required 1 (Value Text) , upsStreamId :: Required 2 (Value Text) , upsResolveLinkTos :: Required 3 (Value Bool) , upsStartFrom :: Required 4 (Value Int64) , upsMsgTimeout :: Required 5 (Value Int32) , upsRecordStats :: Required 6 (Value Bool) , upsLiveBufSize :: Required 7 (Value Int32) , upsReadBatchSize :: Required 8 (Value Int32) , upsBufSize :: Required 9 (Value Int32) , upsMaxRetryCount :: Required 10 (Value Int32) , upsPreferRoundRobin :: Required 11 (Value Bool) , upsChkPtAfterTime :: Required 12 (Value Int32) , upsChkPtMaxCount :: Required 13 (Value Int32) , upsChkPtMinCount :: Required 14 (Value Int32) , upsSubMaxCount :: Required 15 (Value Int32) , upsNamedConsStrategy :: Optional 16 (Value Text) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'UpdatePersistentSubscription' smart constructor. _updatePersistentSubscription :: Text -> Text -> PersistentSubscriptionSettings -> UpdatePersistentSubscription _updatePersistentSubscription group stream sett = UpdatePersistentSubscription { upsGroupName = putField group , upsStreamId = putField stream , upsResolveLinkTos = putField $ psSettingsResolveLinkTos sett , upsStartFrom = putField $ psSettingsStartFrom sett , upsMsgTimeout = putField . fromIntegral . (truncate :: Double -> Int64) . totalMillis $ psSettingsMsgTimeout sett , upsRecordStats = putField $ psSettingsExtraStats sett , upsLiveBufSize = putField $ psSettingsLiveBufSize sett , upsReadBatchSize = putField $ psSettingsReadBatchSize sett , upsBufSize = putField $ psSettingsHistoryBufSize sett , upsMaxRetryCount = putField $ psSettingsMaxRetryCount sett , upsPreferRoundRobin = putField False , upsChkPtAfterTime = putField . fromIntegral . (truncate :: Double -> Int64) . totalMillis $ psSettingsCheckPointAfter sett , upsChkPtMaxCount = putField $ psSettingsMaxCheckPointCount sett , upsChkPtMinCount = putField $ psSettingsMinCheckPointCount sett , upsSubMaxCount = putField $ psSettingsMaxSubsCount sett , upsNamedConsStrategy = putField $ Just strText } where strText = strategyText $ psSettingsNamedConsumerStrategy sett -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode UpdatePersistentSubscription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Update persistent subscription outcome. data UpdatePersistentSubscriptionResult = UPS_Success | UPS_DoesNotExist | UPS_Fail | UPS_AccessDenied deriving (Enum, Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Update persistent subscription response. data UpdatePersistentSubscriptionCompleted = UpdatePersistentSubscriptionCompleted { upscResult :: Required 1 (Enumeration UpdatePersistentSubscriptionResult) , upscReason :: Optional 2 (Value Text) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode UpdatePersistentSubscriptionCompleted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Connect to a persistent subscription request. data ConnectToPersistentSubscription = ConnectToPersistentSubscription { ctsId :: Required 1 (Value Text) , ctsStreamId :: Required 2 (Value Text) , ctsAllowedInFlightMsgs :: Required 3 (Value Int32) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode ConnectToPersistentSubscription -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'ConnectToPersistentSubscription' smart constructor. _connectToPersistentSubscription :: Text -> Text -> Int32 -> ConnectToPersistentSubscription _connectToPersistentSubscription sub_id stream_id all_fly_msgs = ConnectToPersistentSubscription { ctsId = putField sub_id , ctsStreamId = putField stream_id , ctsAllowedInFlightMsgs = putField all_fly_msgs } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Ack processed events request. data PersistentSubscriptionAckEvents = PersistentSubscriptionAckEvents { psaeId :: Required 1 (Value Text) , psaeProcessedEvtIds :: Repeated 2 (Value ByteString) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode PersistentSubscriptionAckEvents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'PersistentSubscriptionAckEvents' smart constructor. persistentSubscriptionAckEvents :: Text -> [ByteString] -> PersistentSubscriptionAckEvents persistentSubscriptionAckEvents sub_id evt_ids = PersistentSubscriptionAckEvents { psaeId = putField sub_id , psaeProcessedEvtIds = putField evt_ids } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Gathers every possible Nak actions. data NakAction = NA_Unknown | NA_Park | NA_Retry | NA_Skip | NA_Stop deriving (Enum, Eq, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Nak processed events request. data PersistentSubscriptionNakEvents = PersistentSubscriptionNakEvents { psneId :: Required 1 (Value Text) , psneProcessedEvtIds :: Repeated 2 (Value ByteString) , psneMsg :: Optional 3 (Value Text) , psneAction :: Required 4 (Enumeration NakAction) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Encode PersistentSubscriptionNakEvents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'PersistentSubscriptionNakEvents' smart constructor. persistentSubscriptionNakEvents :: Text -> [ByteString] -> Maybe Text -> NakAction -> PersistentSubscriptionNakEvents persistentSubscriptionNakEvents sub_id evt_ids msg action = PersistentSubscriptionNakEvents { psneId = putField sub_id , psneProcessedEvtIds = putField evt_ids , psneMsg = putField msg , psneAction = putField action } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Connection to persistent subscription response. data PersistentSubscriptionConfirmation = PersistentSubscriptionConfirmation { pscLastCommitPos :: Required 1 (Value Int64) , pscId :: Required 2 (Value Text) , pscLastEvtNumber :: Optional 3 (Value Int64) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode PersistentSubscriptionConfirmation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Avalaible event sent by the server in the context of a persistent -- subscription.. data PersistentSubscriptionStreamEventAppeared = PersistentSubscriptionStreamEventAppeared { psseaEvt :: Required 1 (Message ResolvedIndexedEvent) } deriving (Generic, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Decode PersistentSubscriptionStreamEventAppeared