{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | -- Description : Core interface for instrumentation with eventuo11y -- Copyright : Copyright 2022 Shea Levy. -- License : Apache-2.0 -- Maintainer : shea@shealevy.com -- -- This is the primary module needed to instrument code with eventuo11y. -- -- Instrumentors should first define selector types and field types -- appropriate to the unit of code they're instrumenting: -- -- Selectors are values which designate the general category of event -- being created, parameterized by the type of fields that can be added to it. -- For example, a web service's selector type may have a @ServicingRequest@ -- constructor, whose field type includes a @ResponseCode@ constructor which -- records the HTTP status code. Selectors are intended to be of a domain-specific -- type per unit of functionality within an instrumented codebase, implemented as a GADT -- (but see t'Observe.Event.Dynamic.DynamicEventSelector' for a generic option). -- -- Fields make up the basic data captured in an event. They should be added -- to an 'Event' as the code progresses through various phases of work, and can -- be both milestone markers ("we got this far in the process") or more detailed -- instrumentation ("we've processed N records"). They are intended to be of a -- domain-specific type per unit of functionality within an instrumented codebase -- (but see [DynamicField](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/eventuo11y-json/docs/Observe-Event-Dynamic.html#t:DynamicField) for a generic option). -- -- Instrumentation then centers around 'Event's, populated using the -- <#g:eventmanip event manipulation functions>. 'Event's are initialized -- with 'MonadEvent' functions, typically via the -- <#g:resourcesafe resource-safe event allocation functions>. For an -- explicit alternative to 'MonadEvent', see "Observe.Event.Explicit". -- -- Depending on which 'EventBackend's may end up consuming the 'Event's, -- instrumentors will also need to define renderers for their selectors -- and fields. For example, they may need to implement values of types -- [RenderSelectorJSON](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/eventuo11y-json/docs/Observe-Event-Render-JSON.html#t:RenderSelectorJSON) -- to use JSON rendering 'EventBackend's. module Observe.Event ( Event, hoistEvent, -- * Event manipulation #eventmanip# addField, reference, -- * MonadEvent MonadEvent, EnvEvent, -- ** Resource-safe event allocation #resourcesafe# NewEventArgs (..), emitImmediateEvent', withEvent, withEventArgs, withNarrowingEvent, withNarrowingEventArgs, InjectSelector, injectSelector, idInjectSelector, MonadWithEvent, allocateEvent, allocateEventArgs, -- ** EventT EventT, runEventT, eventLift, -- ** TransEventMonad TransEventMonad (..), -- ** Primitives BackendMonad, EnvBackend, EventBackend, liftBackendMonad, backend, withModifiedBackend, -- * Primitive 'Event' resource management. -- | Prefer the [resource-safe event allocation functions](#g:resourcesafe) -- to these when possible. finalize, newEvent', newEventArgs, -- * Backend Events -- | 'Event's within the 'BackendMonad' of a 'MonadEvent' -- -- These are low-level primitives that can be used if the -- existing higher-level event allocation/backend modification -- combinators are insufficient BackendEvent, hoistBackendEvent, allocateBackendEvent, withBackendEvent, newBackendEvent, ) where import Control.Monad.With import Data.Exceptable import Data.GeneralAllocate import Data.Kind import Observe.Event.Backend import Observe.Event.Class import qualified Observe.Event.Explicit as Explicit -- | An 'Event' in a 'MonadEvent' type EnvEvent :: EventMonadKind -> ReferenceKind -> SelectorKind -> Type -> Type type EnvEvent em r s = Event (em r s) r -- | Create an event which has no duration and is immediately finalized successfully. -- -- Returns a reference to the event. emitImmediateEvent' :: (MonadEvent em) => NewEventArgs r s f -> em r s r emitImmediateEvent' args = do b <- backend liftBackendMonad $ emitImmediateEvent b args -- | Run an action with a new 'Event', selected by the given selector. -- -- The selector specifies the category of new event we're creating, as well -- as the type of fields that can be added to it (with 'addField'). -- -- Selectors are intended to be of a domain specific type per unit of -- functionality within an instrumented codebase, implemented as a GADT -- (but see [DynamicEventSelector](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/eventuo11y-json/docs/Observe-Event-Dynamic.html#t:DynamicEventSelector) for a generic option). -- -- Within the nested action, all new parentless 'Event's will be -- made children of the new 'Event'. -- -- The 'Event' will be 'finalize'd at the end of the nested action. withEvent :: (MonadWithEvent em r s) => forall f. s f -> (EnvEvent em r s f -> em r s a) -> em r s a withEvent = withNarrowingEvent idInjectSelector -- | Run an action with a new 'Event', specified by the given 'NewEventArgs' -- -- Within the nested action, all new parentless 'Event's will be -- made children of the new 'Event'. -- -- The 'Event' will be 'finalize'd at the end of the nested action. withEventArgs :: (MonadWithEvent em r s) => forall f. NewEventArgs r s f -> (EnvEvent em r s f -> em r s a) -> em r s a withEventArgs = withNarrowingEventArgs idInjectSelector -- | Run an action with a new 'Event' , selected by a given selector, with a narrower sub-selector type. -- -- The selector specifies the category of new event we're creating, as well -- as the type of fields that can be added to it (with 'addField'). -- -- Selectors are intended to be of a domain specific type per unit of -- functionality within an instrumented codebase, implemented as a GADT -- (but see [DynamicEventSelector](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/eventuo11y-json/docs/Observe-Event-Dynamic.html#t:DynamicEventSelector) for a generic option). -- -- Within the nested action, all new parentless 'Event's will be -- made children of the new 'Event', and all new 'Event's will -- be selected by the narrower selector type. -- -- The 'Event' will be 'finalize'd at the end of the nested action. withNarrowingEvent :: (MonadWithEvent em r t) => InjectSelector s t -> forall f. t f -> (EnvEvent em r s f -> em r s x) -> em r t x withNarrowingEvent inj = withNarrowingEventArgs inj . simpleNewEventArgs -- | Run an action with a new 'Event' , specified by the given 'NewEventArgs', with a narrower sub-selector type. -- -- Within the nested action, all new parentless 'Event's will be -- made children of the new 'Event', and all new 'Event's will -- be selected by the narrower selector type. -- -- The 'Event' will be 'finalize'd at the end of the nested action. withNarrowingEventArgs :: (MonadWithEvent em r t) => InjectSelector s t -> forall f. NewEventArgs r t f -> (EnvEvent em r s f -> em r s x) -> em r t x withNarrowingEventArgs inj args go = withBackendEvent args $ \ev -> do let ev' = hoistBackendEvent ev withModifiedBackend (narrowEventBackend inj . setAncestorEventBackend (reference ev)) $ go ev' -- | A 'MonadEvent' suitable for running the 'withEvent' family of functions type MonadWithEvent em r s = (MonadEvent em, MonadWithExceptable (em r s)) -- | Allocate a new 'Event', selected by the given selector. -- -- The selector specifies the category of new event we're creating, as well -- as the type of fields that can be added to it (with 'addField'). -- -- Selectors are intended to be of a domain specific type per unit of -- functionality within an instrumented codebase, implemented as a GADT -- (but see [DynamicEventSelector](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/eventuo11y-json/docs/Observe-Event-Dynamic.html#t:DynamicEventSelector) for a generic option). -- -- The 'Event' will be automatically 'finalize'd on release. allocateEvent :: (MonadEvent em, Exceptable e) => forall f. s f -> GeneralAllocate (em r s) e () releaseArg (EnvEvent em r s f) allocateEvent = allocateEventArgs . simpleNewEventArgs -- | Allocate a new 'Event', specified by the given 'NewEventArgs'. -- -- The 'Event' will be automatically 'finalize'd on release. allocateEventArgs :: (MonadEvent em, Exceptable e) => forall f. NewEventArgs r s f -> GeneralAllocate (em r s) e () releaseArg (EnvEvent em r s f) allocateEventArgs = fmap hoistBackendEvent . allocateBackendEvent -- | Create a new 'Event', selected by the given selector. -- -- The selector specifies the category of new event we're creating, as well -- as the type of fields that can be added to it (with 'addField'). -- -- Selectors are intended to be of a domain specific type per unit of -- functionality within an instrumented codebase, implemented as a GADT -- (but see [DynamicEventSelector](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/eventuo11y-json/docs/Observe-Event-Dynamic.html#t:DynamicEventSelector) for a generic option). -- -- Consider the [resource-safe event allocation functions](#g:resourcesafe) instead -- of calling this directly. newEvent' :: (MonadEvent em) => forall f. s f -> em r s (EnvEvent em r s f) newEvent' = newEventArgs . simpleNewEventArgs -- | Create a new 'Event', specified by the given 'NewEventArgs'. -- -- Consider the [resource-safe event allocation functions](#g:resourcesafe) instead -- of calling this directly. newEventArgs :: (MonadEvent em) => forall f. NewEventArgs r s f -> em r s (EnvEvent em r s f) newEventArgs = fmap hoistBackendEvent . newBackendEvent -- | An 'Event' in the 'BackendMonad' of a 'MonadEvent' type BackendEvent :: EventMonadKind -> ReferenceKind -> Type -> Type type BackendEvent em = Event (BackendMonad em) -- | Bring a 'BackendEvent' into the 'MonadEvent' hoistBackendEvent :: (MonadEvent em) => BackendEvent em r f -> EnvEvent em r s f hoistBackendEvent = hoistEvent liftBackendMonad -- | A 'BackendMonad' variant of 'allocateEventArgs'. allocateBackendEvent :: (MonadEvent em, Exceptable e) => forall f. NewEventArgs r s f -> GeneralAllocate (em r s) e () releaseArg (BackendEvent em r f) allocateBackendEvent args = GeneralAllocate $ \_ -> do ev <- newBackendEvent args let release (ReleaseFailure e) = liftBackendMonad . finalize ev . Just $ toSomeException e release (ReleaseSuccess _) = liftBackendMonad $ finalize ev Nothing pure $ GeneralAllocated ev release -- | Run an action with a new 'BackendEvent'. -- -- The 'Event' will be 'finalize'd upon completion. withBackendEvent :: (MonadEvent em, MonadWithExceptable (em r s)) => forall f. NewEventArgs r s f -> (BackendEvent em r f -> em r s a) -> em r s a withBackendEvent = generalWith . allocateBackendEvent -- | A 'BackendMonad' variant of 'newEventArgs' newBackendEvent :: (MonadEvent em) => forall f. NewEventArgs r s f -> em r s (BackendEvent em r f) newBackendEvent args = do b <- backend liftBackendMonad $ Explicit.newEvent b args