{-| Module : Math.Optimization.Kantorovich Description : Exact Kantorovich distance. Copyright : (c) Stéphane Laurent, 2024 License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : laurent_step@outlook.fr Computes the exact Kantorovich distance between two finite probability measures. This assumes that the probability masses are rational numbers and that the distance function takes rational values only. -} module Math.Optimization.Kantorovich ( RandomVariable , KantorovichValue , KantorovichSolution , KantorovichResult , kantorovich , prettyKantorovichSolution ) where import Prelude hiding ( EQ ) import Control.Monad.Logger ( runStdoutLoggingT , filterLogger ) import Data.List.Extra ( nubSort ) import Data.Map.Strict ( fromList , mapKeys , singleton , Map ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as DM import Data.Matrix ( fromLists , prettyMatrix ) import Data.Maybe ( isJust , fromJust ) import Data.Tuple.Extra ( (***) ) import Linear.Simplex.Solver.TwoPhase ( twoPhaseSimplex ) import Linear.Simplex.Types ( Result ( .. ) , PolyConstraint ( .. ) , ObjectiveFunction ( .. ) ) import Linear.Simplex.Util ( simplifySystem ) -- | A random variable is defined as a map from a set to the set of rational -- numbers. It maps an element to its probability mass. type RandomVariable a = Map a Rational -- | Type for the value of the Kantorovich distance. type KantorovichValue = Rational -- | Type for the solution of the underlying linear programming problem used -- to compute the Kantorovich distance. The solution is a joining of the two -- random variables. It is then a random variable on the Cartesian product of -- the sets on which the two random variables are distributed. type KantorovichSolution a b = RandomVariable (a, b) -- | Type for the result of the `kantorovich` function. type KantorovichResult a b = (KantorovichValue, KantorovichSolution a b) stack :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Int stack ncol (i, j) = (i - 1) * ncol + j unstack :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) unstack ncol k = quotRem (k-1) ncol -- | Prints the random variable representing the Kantorovich solution in the style -- of a matrix. prettyKantorovichSolution :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Maybe (KantorovichResult a b) -- ^ an output of the `kantorovich` function -> String prettyKantorovichSolution maybeKantorovichResult = if isJust maybeKantorovichResult then prettyMatrix m else "" where kantorovichSolution = snd $ fromJust maybeKantorovichResult pairs = DM.keys kantorovichSolution (rows, cols) = (nubSort *** nubSort) (unzip pairs) m = fromLists [ [ kantorovichSolution DM.! (i, j) | j <- cols ] | i <- rows ] -- | Kantorovich distance between two probability measures (random variables). kantorovich :: (Ord a, Ord b) => RandomVariable a -- ^ first random variable -> RandomVariable b -- ^ second random variable -> ((a, b) -> Rational) -- ^ distance function taking /positive/ rational values -> Bool -- ^ whether to print the details of the simplex algorithm to stdout -> IO (Maybe (KantorovichResult a b)) kantorovich rvA rvB dist info = do maybeResult <- runStdoutLoggingT $ filterLogger (\_ _ -> info) $ twoPhaseSimplex objFunc polyConstraints return $ getObjectiveValueAndSolution maybeResult where ncol = DM.size rvB as = DM.keys rvA mu = DM.elems rvA bs = DM.keys rvB nu = DM.elems rvB objFunc = kantorovichObjectiveFunction as bs dist polyConstraints = kantorovichConstraints mu nu getObjectiveValueAndSolution maybeResult = case maybeResult of Just (Result var varLitMap) -> Just ( varLitMap DM.! var , mapKeys (\k -> (((!!) as) *** ((!!) bs)) (unstack ncol k)) (DM.delete var varLitMap) ) Nothing -> Nothing kantorovichObjectiveFunction :: [a] -> [b] -> ((a, b) -> Rational) -> ObjectiveFunction kantorovichObjectiveFunction as bs dist = Min { objective = fromList [ (stack n (i, j), dist (as!!(i-1), bs!!(j-1))) | i <- rows, j <- cols ] } where n = length bs rows = [ 1 .. length as ] cols = [ 1 .. n ] kantorovichConstraints :: [Rational] -> [Rational] -> [PolyConstraint] kantorovichConstraints mu nu = simplifySystem $ positivityConstraints ++ rowMarginsConstraints ++ colMarginsConstraints where m = length mu n = length nu rows = [ 1 .. m ] cols = [ 1 .. n ] positivityConstraints = -- not useless because simplex-method drops some zeros [ GEQ { lhs = singleton (stack n (i, j)) 1, rhs = 0 } | i <- rows, j <- cols ] rowMarginsConstraints = [ EQ { lhs = fromList [ (stack n (i, j), 1) | j <- cols ] , rhs = mu !! (i-1) } | i <- rows ] colMarginsConstraints = [ EQ { lhs = fromList [ (stack n (i, j), 1) | i <- rows ] , rhs = nu !! (j-1) } | j <- cols ]