expand-0.0.1: Extensible Pandoc

Safe HaskellNone




header_html' :: (Show a, HFind (Proxy Att_html) ls n, HUpdateAtHNat n (Att (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) sp sp', HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, [Inline])) chi r, HasField (Proxy (Ch_level_header, Int)) chi a, HasField (Proxy Att_headerNum) l [Int], HasField (Proxy Att_html) r [Char], RecordLabels sp ls) => Rule l ho chi par l1 ho1 ic (Record sp) l1 ho1 ic (Record sp')Source

Redefines the html attribute for headers so that it will print the associated number

semHtml' :: (HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip val, HasField (Proxy (Ch_tl_BlockL_Cons, [Block])) sc r1, HasField (Proxy (Ch_hd_BlockL_Cons, Block)) sc r, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r [a], HasField (Proxy Att_html) r1 [a], HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip1 val1, HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_boldInl, [Inline])) sc1 r2, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r2 [Char], HasField (Proxy (Ch_blocks, [Block])) sc2 r3, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r3 a1, HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip4 [Int], HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, [Inline])) scr r4, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r4 [Char], HasField (Proxy (Ch_tl_InlineL_Cons, [Inline])) sc3 r6, HasField (Proxy (Ch_hd_InlineL_Cons, Inline)) sc3 r5, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r5 [a2], HasField (Proxy Att_html) r6 [a2], HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_italInl, [Inline])) sc4 r7, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r7 [Char], HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip8 val2, HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_par, [Inline])) sc5 r8, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r8 [Char], Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_hd_BlockL_Cons, Block)) _hd_BlockL_Cons) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_tl_BlockL_Cons, BlockL)) _tl_BlockL_Cons) HNil)) ic sc, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_par, InlineL)) _inlines_par) HNil) ic1 sc5, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_boldInl, InlineL)) _inlines_boldInl) HNil) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_boldInl, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil) sc1, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, InlineL)) _inlines_header) HNil) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil) scr, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_hd_InlineL_Cons, Inline)) _hd_InlineL_Cons) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_tl_InlineL_Cons, InlineL)) _tl_InlineL_Cons) HNil)) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_hd_InlineL_Cons, Inline)) (Record HNil)) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_tl_InlineL_Cons, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil)) sc3, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_italInl, InlineL)) _inlines_italInl) HNil) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_italInl, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil) sc4, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_blocks, BlockL)) _blocks) HNil) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_blocks, [Block])) (Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) [Int]) HNil))) HNil) sc2, ChnChi (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) (HCons (Proxy Block) HNil)) val (Record sc) (Record (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_hd_BlockL_Cons, Block)) (Record HNil)) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_tl_BlockL_Cons, BlockL)) (Record HNil)) HNil))) (Record ic), ChnChi (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) (HCons (Proxy Block) HNil)) val2 (Record sc5) (Record (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_par, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil)) (Record ic1)) => DocSF (ip -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) val) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [a]) HNil))) _hd_BlockL_Cons _tl_BlockL_Cons (ip1 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) val1) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) HNil))) (ip2 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) HNil)) _inlines_boldInl (ip3 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) a1) HNil)) _blocks (ip4 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) [Int]) (HCons (Att (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) HNil))) Int _inlines_header (ip5 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [a2]) HNil)) _hd_InlineL_Cons _tl_InlineL_Cons (ip6 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) HNil)) (ip7 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) HNil)) _inlines_italInl (ip8 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) val2) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) HNil))) _inlines_par (ip9 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) _str_plainInl) HNil)) _str_plainInlSource