{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , GADTs , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , KindSignatures , MultiParamTypeClasses , RankNTypes , ScopedTypeVariables , TypeOperators , UndecidableInstances #-} module Data.Expression.Z3 ( IToZ3 , toZ3 , IFromZ3 , fromZ3 -- Z3 API wrappers , assert , model , unsatcore , interpolate , eliminate -- re-export Z3 API , Z3.local , Z3.push , Z3.pop , Z3.check , Z3.Result(..) ) where import Control.Applicative hiding (Const) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Data.Expression import Data.List hiding (and, or) import Data.Maybe import Data.Proxy import Data.Singletons import Data.Singletons.Decide import ListT hiding (head, null) import Prelude hiding (and, or, not) import qualified Data.Functor.Const as F import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Z3.Monad as Z3 type Cache g = M.Map Z3.AST (DynamicallySorted g) newtype Decoder g a b = Decoder { unwrap :: StateT (Cache g) (ListT a) b } deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadIO ) instance Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Z3.MonadZ3 (Decoder f z3) where getSolver = Decoder . lift . lift $ Z3.getSolver getContext = Decoder . lift . lift $ Z3.getContext class IFunctor f => IToZ3 f where itoZ3 :: forall (s :: Sort) z3. Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => f (F.Const (z3 Z3.AST)) s -> F.Const (z3 Z3.AST) s sortToZ3 :: forall (s :: Sort) z3. Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Sing s -> z3 Z3.Sort sortToZ3 SBooleanSort = Z3.mkBoolSort sortToZ3 SIntegralSort = Z3.mkIntSort sortToZ3 (SArraySort i e) = do z3i <- sortToZ3 i z3e <- sortToZ3 e Z3.mkArraySort z3i z3e instance IToZ3 VarF where itoZ3 (Var n s) = F.Const $ do z3n <- Z3.mkStringSymbol n z3s <- sortToZ3 s Z3.mkVar z3n z3s instance IToZ3 ConjunctionF where itoZ3 (And as) = F.Const $ Z3.mkAnd =<< mapM F.getConst as instance IToZ3 DisjunctionF where itoZ3 (Or os) = F.Const $ Z3.mkOr =<< mapM F.getConst os instance IToZ3 NegationF where itoZ3 (Not n) = F.Const $ Z3.mkNot =<< F.getConst n instance IToZ3 (UniversalF v) where itoZ3 (Forall vs a) = F.Const $ do z3vs <- mapM (Z3.toApp <=< toZ3) vs Z3.mkForallConst [] z3vs =<< F.getConst a instance IToZ3 (ExistentialF v) where itoZ3 (Exists vs a) = F.Const $ do z3vs <- mapM (Z3.toApp <=< toZ3) vs Z3.mkExistsConst [] z3vs =<< F.getConst a instance IToZ3 EqualityF where itoZ3 (Equals _ a b) = F.Const . join $ liftM2 Z3.mkEq (F.getConst a) (F.getConst b) instance IToZ3 ArithmeticF where itoZ3 (Const c) = F.Const $ Z3.mkInt c =<< Z3.mkIntSort itoZ3 (Add as) = F.Const $ Z3.mkAdd =<< mapM F.getConst as itoZ3 (Mul ms) = F.Const $ Z3.mkMul =<< mapM F.getConst ms itoZ3 (Divides c a) = F.Const $ do z3c <- Z3.mkInt c =<< Z3.mkIntSort z30 <- Z3.mkInt 0 =<< Z3.mkIntSort z3a <- F.getConst a Z3.mkEq z30 =<< Z3.mkMod z3a z3c itoZ3 (LessThan a b) = F.Const . join $ liftM2 Z3.mkLt (F.getConst a) (F.getConst b) instance IToZ3 IfThenElseF where itoZ3 (IfThenElse _ i t e) = F.Const . join $ liftM3 Z3.mkIte (F.getConst i) (F.getConst t) (F.getConst e) instance IToZ3 ArrayF where itoZ3 (Select _ _ a i) = F.Const . join $ liftM2 Z3.mkSelect (F.getConst a) (F.getConst i) itoZ3 (Store _ _ a i v) = F.Const . join $ liftM3 Z3.mkStore (F.getConst a) (F.getConst i) (F.getConst v) instance ( IToZ3 f, IToZ3 g ) => IToZ3 (f :+: g) where itoZ3 (InL a) = itoZ3 a itoZ3 (InR b) = itoZ3 b toZ3 :: forall f (s :: Sort) z3. ( IToZ3 f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3 ) => IFix f s -> z3 Z3.AST toZ3 = F.getConst . icata itoZ3 class IFromZ3Into (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) (g :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) where ifromZ3App :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Proxy f -> (Z3.AST -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g)) -> String -> Z3.App -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g) ifromZ3Quantifier :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Proxy f -> (Z3.AST -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g)) -> Bool -> [Z3.AST] -> Z3.AST -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g) ifromZ3Numeral :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Proxy f -> Int -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g) ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty ifromZ3Quantifier _ _ _ _ _ = empty ifromZ3Numeral _ _ = empty class IFromZ3Into f f => IFromZ3 f sortFromZ3 :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Z3.Sort -> z3 DynamicSort sortFromZ3 s = do k <- Z3.getSortKind s case k of Z3.Z3_BOOL_SORT -> return (DynamicSort SBooleanSort) Z3.Z3_INT_SORT -> return (DynamicSort SIntegralSort) Z3.Z3_ARRAY_SORT -> do DynamicSort i <- sortFromZ3 =<< Z3.getArraySortDomain s DynamicSort e <- sortFromZ3 =<< Z3.getArraySortRange s return (DynamicSort $ SArraySort i e) _ -> error "unrecognized sort" instance IFromZ3 VarF instance VarF :<: g => IFromZ3Into VarF g where ifromZ3App _ _ name app = do guard . null =<< Z3.getAppArgs app DynamicSort s <- sortFromZ3 =<< Z3.getSort =<< Z3.appToAst app return $ DynamicallySorted s (inject (Var name s)) instance IFromZ3 ConjunctionF instance ConjunctionF :<: g => IFromZ3Into ConjunctionF g where ifromZ3App _ _ "true" app = do guard . null =<< Z3.getAppArgs app return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ true ifromZ3App _ r "and" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just as -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ and as _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty instance IFromZ3 DisjunctionF instance DisjunctionF :<: g => IFromZ3Into DisjunctionF g where ifromZ3App _ _ "false" app = do guard . null =<< Z3.getAppArgs app return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ false ifromZ3App _ r "or" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just os -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ or os _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty instance IFromZ3 NegationF instance NegationF :<: g => IFromZ3Into NegationF g where ifromZ3App _ r "not" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app guard (length args == 1) case toStaticallySorted (head args) of Just n -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ not n _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty varFromZ3 :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Z3.AST -> Decoder VarF z3 (DynamicallySorted VarF) varFromZ3 = ifromZ3 (Proxy :: Proxy (VarF :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *)) varFromZ3 local :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => Decoder VarF z3 a -> Decoder g z3 a local = Decoder . lift . flip evalStateT M.empty . unwrap instance SingI v => IFromZ3 (UniversalF v) instance ( UniversalF v :<: g, SingI v ) => IFromZ3Into (UniversalF v) g where ifromZ3Quantifier _ r True as f = do vs <- mapM (local . varFromZ3) as let (vvs, rest) = partition (isVSorted . fst) $ zip vs as if null vvs then empty else do let (vs', bound) = unzip vvs vs'' <- mapM (Z3.toApp . snd) rest a' <- if null vs'' then return f else Z3.mkForallConst [] vs'' f b <- r =<< Z3.substituteVars a' bound case toStaticallySorted b of Just b'' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ forall (fromJust . mapM toStaticallySorted $ vs' :: [IFix VarF v]) b'' _ -> empty where isVSorted :: DynamicallySorted VarF -> Bool isVSorted = isJust . ( toStaticallySorted :: DynamicallySorted VarF -> Maybe (IFix VarF v) ) ifromZ3Quantifier _ _ _ _ _ = empty instance SingI v => IFromZ3 (ExistentialF v) instance ( ExistentialF v :<: g, SingI v ) => IFromZ3Into (ExistentialF v) g where ifromZ3Quantifier _ r False as f = do vs <- mapM (local . varFromZ3) as let (vvs, rest) = partition (isVSorted . fst) $ zip vs as if null vvs then empty else do let (vs', bound) = unzip vvs vs'' <- mapM (Z3.toApp . snd) rest a' <- if null vs'' then return f else Z3.mkExistsConst [] vs'' f b <- r =<< Z3.substituteVars a' bound case toStaticallySorted b of Just b'' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ exists (fromJust . mapM toStaticallySorted $ vs' :: [IFix VarF v]) b'' _ -> empty where isVSorted :: DynamicallySorted VarF -> Bool isVSorted = isJust . ( toStaticallySorted :: DynamicallySorted VarF -> Maybe (IFix VarF v) ) ifromZ3Quantifier _ _ _ _ _ = empty instance IFromZ3 EqualityF instance EqualityF :<: g => IFromZ3Into EqualityF g where ifromZ3App _ r name app = case name of "=" -> ifromZ3'' =<< mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app "iff" -> ifromZ3'' =<< mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app _ -> empty where ifromZ3'' :: Z3.MonadZ3 z3 => [DynamicallySorted g] -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g) ifromZ3'' [DynamicallySorted s1 a, DynamicallySorted s2 b] = case s1 %~ s2 of Proved Refl -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ inject (Equals s1 a b) Disproved _ -> empty ifromZ3'' _ = empty instance IFromZ3 ArithmeticF instance ArithmeticF :<: g => IFromZ3Into ArithmeticF g where ifromZ3Numeral _ c = return . DynamicallySorted SIntegralSort $ cnst c ifromZ3App _ r "+" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just as -> return . DynamicallySorted SIntegralSort $ add as _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r "*" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just ms -> return . DynamicallySorted SIntegralSort $ mul ms _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r "<" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just [k, l] -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ k .<. l _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r ">" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just [k, l] -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ l .<. k _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r "<=" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just [k, l] -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ k .<. l .+. cnst 1 _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r ">=" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case mapM toStaticallySorted args of Just [k, l] -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ l .<. k .+. cnst 1 _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r "=" app = do args <- Z3.getAppArgs app case args of [m, n] -> modulo m n <|> modulo n m _ -> empty where modulo k l = do ka <- Z3.getAstKind k kb <- Z3.getAstKind l case (ka, kb) of (Z3.Z3_NUMERAL_AST, Z3.Z3_APP_AST) -> do z <- Z3.getInt k app' <- Z3.toApp l name <- Z3.getSymbolString =<< Z3.getDeclName =<< Z3.getAppDecl app' case (z, name) of (0, "mod") -> do args <- Z3.getAppArgs app' case args of [n, c] -> do kc <- Z3.getAstKind c case kc of Z3.Z3_NUMERAL_AST -> do c' <- fromIntegral <$> Z3.getInt c n' <- r n case toStaticallySorted n' of Just n'' -> return . DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort $ c' .\. n'' _ -> empty _ -> empty _ -> empty _ -> empty _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty instance IFromZ3 IfThenElseF instance IfThenElseF :<: g => IFromZ3Into IfThenElseF g where ifromZ3App _ r "if" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case args of [DynamicallySorted SBooleanSort i, DynamicallySorted ts t, DynamicallySorted es e] -> case ts %~ es of Proved Refl -> return . DynamicallySorted ts $ inject (IfThenElse ts i t e) Disproved _ -> empty _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty instance IFromZ3 ArrayF instance ArrayF :<: g => IFromZ3Into ArrayF g where ifromZ3App _ r "select" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case args of [DynamicallySorted (SArraySort is1 es) a, DynamicallySorted is2 i] -> case is1 %~ is2 of Proved Refl -> return . DynamicallySorted es $ inject (Select is1 es a i) Disproved _ -> empty _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ r "store" app = do args <- mapM r =<< Z3.getAppArgs app case args of [DynamicallySorted as@(SArraySort _ _) a, DynamicallySorted is i, DynamicallySorted es v] -> case as %~ SArraySort is es of Proved Refl -> return . DynamicallySorted as $ inject (Store is es a i v) Disproved _ -> empty _ -> empty ifromZ3App _ _ _ _ = empty instance ( IFromZ3Into f (f :+: g), IFromZ3Into g (f :+: g) ) => IFromZ3 (f :+: g) instance ( IFromZ3Into f h, IFromZ3Into g h ) => IFromZ3Into (f :+: g) h where ifromZ3App _ r name app = ifromZ3App (Proxy :: Proxy f) r name app <|> ifromZ3App (Proxy :: Proxy g) r name app ifromZ3Quantifier _ r q vs b = ifromZ3Quantifier (Proxy :: Proxy f) r q vs b <|> ifromZ3Quantifier (Proxy :: Proxy g) r q vs b ifromZ3Numeral _ c = ifromZ3Numeral (Proxy :: Proxy f) c <|> ifromZ3Numeral (Proxy :: Proxy g) c ifromZ3 :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) (g :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) z3. ( IFromZ3Into f g, Z3.MonadZ3 z3 ) => Proxy f -> (Z3.AST -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g)) -> Z3.AST -> Decoder g z3 (DynamicallySorted g) ifromZ3 p r a = do c <- Decoder $ get if a `M.member` c then do return (c M.! a) else do k <- Z3.getAstKind a e <- case k of Z3.Z3_NUMERAL_AST -> ifromZ3Numeral p . fromIntegral =<< Z3.getInt a Z3.Z3_APP_AST -> do app <- Z3.toApp a name <- Z3.getSymbolString =<< Z3.getDeclName =<< Z3.getAppDecl app ifromZ3App p r name app Z3.Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST -> do t <- Z3.isQuantifierForall a vs <- Z3.getQuantifierBoundVars a b <- Z3.getQuantifierBody a ifromZ3Quantifier p r t vs b _ -> empty Decoder $ modify (M.insert a e) return e fromZ3 :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) (s :: Sort) z3. ( IFromZ3 f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3, SingI s ) => Z3.AST -> z3 (IFix f s) fromZ3 a = let r = ifromZ3 (Proxy :: Proxy f) r in head' <=< fmap (mapMaybe toStaticallySorted) . toList . flip evalStateT M.empty . unwrap . r $ a where head' (h : _) = return h head' _ = Z3.astToString a >>= \s -> error ("couldn't re-encode Z3 AST: " ++ s) -- -- Z3 API -- assert :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) z3. ( IToZ3 f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3 ) => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> z3 () assert = Z3.assert <=< toZ3 model :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) (s :: Sort) z3. ( IToZ3 f, IFromZ3 f, IShow f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3, SingI s ) => IFix f s -> z3 (IFix f s) model e = do e' <- toZ3 e r <- Z3.getModel case r of (Z3.Sat, Just m) -> do v <- Z3.modelEval m e' True case v of Just v' -> fromZ3 v' Nothing -> error $ "failed valuating " ++ show e (Z3.Unsat, _) -> error "failed extracting model from an unsatisfiable query" _ -> error "failed extracting model" unsatcore :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) z3. ( IToZ3 f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3 ) => [IFix f 'BooleanSort] -> z3 [IFix f 'BooleanSort] unsatcore fs = do as <- mapM toZ3 fs ps <- mapM (const $ Z3.mkFreshBoolVar "p") fs zipWithM_ (\a p -> Z3.assert =<< Z3.mkIff a p) as ps r <- Z3.checkAssumptions ps case r of Z3.Sat -> error "failed extracting unsat core from a satisfiable query" Z3.Unsat -> map (M.fromList (zip ps fs) M.!) <$> Z3.getUnsatCore _ -> error "failed extracting unsat core" interpolate :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) z3. ( IToZ3 f, IFromZ3 f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3 ) => [IFix f 'BooleanSort] -> z3 [IFix f 'BooleanSort] interpolate [] = return [] interpolate [_] = return [] interpolate (f : fs) = do f' <- toZ3 f fs' <- mapM toZ3 fs q <- foldM (\a g -> Z3.mkAnd . (: [g]) =<< Z3.mkInterpolant a) f' fs' r <- Z3.local $ Z3.computeInterpolant q =<< Z3.mkParams case r of Just (Left _ ) -> error "failed extracting interpolants from a satisfiable query" Just (Right is) -> mapM fromZ3 is _ -> error "failed extracting interpolants" eliminate :: forall (f :: (Sort -> *) -> Sort -> *) z3. ( IToZ3 f, IFromZ3 f, Z3.MonadZ3 z3 ) => IFix f 'BooleanSort -> z3 (IFix f 'BooleanSort) eliminate f = do g <- Z3.mkGoal True True False Z3.goalAssert g =<< toZ3 f qe <- Z3.mkTactic "qe" aig <- Z3.mkTactic "aig" t <- Z3.andThenTactic qe aig a <- Z3.applyTactic t g fromZ3 =<< Z3.mkAnd =<< Z3.getGoalFormulas =<< Z3.getApplyResultSubgoal a 0