module Main where import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, assertFailure, testCase) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Expresso main = defaultMain unitTests unitTests = testGroup "End-to-end functional tests" [ letTests , lambdaTests , recordTests , variantTests , listTests , relationalTests , inferenceTests , constraintTests , rankNTests , lazyTests ] letTests = testGroup "Let expressions" [ hasValue "let x = 1 in x" (1::Integer) , hasValue "let x = 1 in let y = 2 in x + y" (3::Integer) , hasValue "let x = 1; y = 2 in x + y" (3::Integer) , hasValue "let {..} = {inc = x -> x + 1} in inc 1" (2::Integer) , hasValue "let m = {inc = x -> x + 1} in 1" (2::Integer) , hasValue "let m = {id = x -> x} in {foo = [ 1], bar = [1]}" ["foo" --> ([1]::[Integer]), "bar" --> ([1]::[Integer])] -- Record argument field-pun generalisation , hasValue "let {id} = {id = x -> x} in {foo = [id 1], bar = id [1]}" ["foo" --> ([1]::[Integer]), "bar" --> ([1]::[Integer])] , hasValue "let {..} = {id = x -> x} in {foo = [id 1], bar = id [1]}" ["foo" --> ([1]::[Integer]), "bar" --> ([1]::[Integer])] -- Num constraint violation , illTyped "let square = x -> x * x in {foo = square 1, bar = square [1]}" ] lambdaTests = testGroup "Lambda expressions" [ hasValue "(x -> y -> x + y) 1 2" (3::Integer) , hasValue "(x y -> x + y) 1 2" (3::Integer) , illTyped "x -> x x" , illTyped "let absorb = fix (r x -> r) in absorb" , illTyped "let create = fix (r x -> r x x) in create" ] recordTests = testGroup "Record expressions" [ hasValue "({x, y} -> {x, y}) {x=1, y=2}" $ toMap ["x"-->(1::Integer), "y"-->2] , hasValue "{x = 1, y = 2}" $ toMap ["x"-->(1::Integer), "y"-->2] , hasValue "(r -> { x = 1, y = 2 | r}) { z = 3 }" $ toMap ["x"-->(1::Integer), "y"-->2, "z"-->3] , hasValue "{ x = { y = { z = 42 }}}.x.y.z" (42::Integer) -- Row tail unification soundness , illTyped "r -> if True then { x = 1 | r } else { y = 2 | r }" , illTyped "{ x = 2, x = 1 }.x" -- fails to typecheck , illTyped "{ x = 2 | { x = 1 }}.x" -- fails to typecheck , hasValue "{ x := 2, x = 1 }.x" (2::Integer) , hasValue "{ x := 2 | { x = 1 }}.x" (2::Integer) , hasValue "{| x = 1 |} {}" $ toMap ["x"-->(1::Integer)] , hasValue "({| x = 1, y = 2 |} >> {| z = 3 |}) {}" $ toMap ["x"-->(1::Integer), "y"-->2, "z"-->3] , hasValue "({| x = 1, y = 2 |} >> {| x := 42 |}) {}" $ toMap ["x"-->(42::Integer), "y"-->2] , illTyped "({| x = 1, y = 2 |} << {| x := 42 |}) {}" -- fails to typecheck , hasValue "({| x := 42, y = 2 |} << {| x = 1 |}) {}" ["x"-->(42::Integer), "y"-->2] ] variantTests = testGroup "Variant expressions" [ hasValue "case Foo 1 of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y }" (2::Integer) , hasValue "case Bar {x=1, y=2} of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y }" (3::Integer) , illTyped "case Baz{} of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y }" -- fails to typecheck , hasValue "case Baz{} of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y | otherwise -> 42 }" (42::Integer) , illTyped "let f = s -> case s of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y }; g = s -> f (<|Foo|> s) in g (Foo 1)" -- fails to typecheck , hasValue "let f = s -> case s of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y }; g = s -> f (<|Foo|> s) in g (Bar{x=1, y=2})" (3::Integer) , hasValue "let f = s -> case s of { Foo x -> x + 1, Bar {x, y} -> x + y | otherwise -> 42 }; g = s -> f (<|Foo,Bar|> s) in g (Baz{})" (42::Integer) , hasValue "case Foo 1 of { override Foo x -> x + 2 | s -> case s of { Foo x -> x + 1 }}" (3::Integer) , hasValue "case Foo 1 of { override Foo x -> x + 2, Foo x -> x + 1 }" (3::Integer) -- Fail in empty row case , illTyped "x -> case x of { A{} -> 1, B{} -> 2, A{} -> 3 }" -- Fail in row var case , illTyped "x -> <|A, B, A|> x" -- Failed row rewrite due to row constraints , illTyped ("let f = x -> case (<|A|> x) of { B{} -> 1, otherwise -> 2 }; " ++ "let g = x -> case (<|B|> x) of { A{} -> 1, otherwise -> 2 } in " ++ "x -> f x + f x") ] listTests = testGroup "List expressions" [ hasValue "[1,2,3]" [1::Integer,2,3] , illTyped "[1,True]" ] relationalTests = testGroup "Relational expressions" [ hasValue "(1 == 2)" False , hasValue "1/=2" True , illTyped "1 == 2 == 3" , hasValue "{x = 1, y = True} == {y = True, x = 1}" True -- field order should not matter , illTyped "{x = 1, y = True} > {y = True, x = 1}" -- cannot compare records for ordering , hasValue "Just 1 == Just 1" True -- variants can be compared for equality , illTyped "Foo 1 > Bar{}" -- cannot compare variants for ordering , hasValue "[1,2,3] == [1,2,3]" True -- lists can be compared for equality , hasValue "[1,2,3] >= [1,2,2]" True -- lists can be compared for ordering , hasValue "True&&True" True , hasValue "True||False" True ] inferenceTests = testGroup "Type inference tests" [ hasType "n d -> if d == 0 then DivBy0 {} else Ok (n / d)" "forall r. (r\\DivBy0\\Ok) => Int -> Int -> " ] constraintTests = testGroup "Constraint violations" [ illTyped "show { x = \"test\", y = Just (x -> x) }" , illTyped "{ x = 2 } > { x = 1}" , illTyped "let f = x y -> x + y in f True False" ] rankNTests = testGroup "Rank-N polymorphism" [ hasValue "let f = (g : forall a. a -> a) -> {l = g True, r = g 1} in f (x -> x) == {l = True, r = 1}" True , hasValue "let f = g -> {l = g True, r = g 1} : (forall a. a -> a) -> {l : Bool, r : Int } in f (x -> x) == {l = True, r = 1}" True , hasValue "let f = (m : forall a. { reverse : [a] -> [a] |_}) -> {l = m.reverse [True, False], r = pack (m.reverse (unpack \"abc\")) } in f (import \"Prelude.x\") == {l = [False, True], r = \"cba\"}" True ] lazyTests = testGroup "Lazy evaluation tests using error primitive" [ -- hasValue "maybe (error \"bang!\") (x -> x == 42) (Just 42)" True hasValue "{ x = error \"boom!\", y = 42 }.y" (42::Integer) , hasValue "case Bar (error \"fizzle!\") of { Foo{} -> 0 | otherwise -> 42 }" (42::Integer) ] hasValue :: (Eq a, Show a, HasValue a) => String -> a -> TestTree hasValue str expected = testCase str $ do result <- evalString Nothing str case result of Left err -> assertFailure err Right actual -> assertEqual "" expected actual hasType :: String -> String -> TestTree hasType str expected = testCase str $ do result <- typeOfString str case result of Left err -> assertFailure err Right actual -> assertEqual "" expected (showType actual) illTyped :: String -> TestTree illTyped str = testCase str $ do sch'e <- typeOfString str case sch'e of Left _ -> assertTrue Right sch -> assertFailure $ "Should not type-check, but got: " ++ showType sch assertTrue = return () (-->) :: HasValue a => Name -> a -> (Name, a) (-->) l v = (l, v) toMap :: (Eq a, Show a, HasValue a) => [(Name, a)] -> HashMap Name a toMap = HashMap.fromList