   This module eliminates unused top-level bindings, under the
   assumption that all top-level bindings with qualified names
   should be retained.
module Language.Core.ElimDeadCode(elimDeadCode) where

import Language.Core.Core
import Language.Core.Printer()
import Language.Core.CoreUtils
import Language.Core.Utils

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Generics
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- import Debug.Trace

elimDeadCode :: Bool -> Module -> Module
-- exports = true <=> it's assumed we want to keep exported functions;
-- otherwise, we assume the module is "closed" and eliminate everything
-- not reachable from Main
elimDeadCode exports (Module mn tdefs vdefgs) = runReader (do
  (usedVars, usedDcons, usedTcons) <- findUsed emptySet 
     (mkStartSet exports mn vdefgs) 
  id $ {-trace ("usedDcons = " ++ show usedDcons ++ " and usedTcons = " ++ show usedTcons) $ -} do
    let isUsed (Vdef (v,_,_)) = v `S.member` usedVars
    let newVdefgs = filterVdefgs isUsed vdefgs
    let newTdefs  = filter (tdefIsUsed usedTcons usedDcons) tdefs in
      return $ Module mn newTdefs newVdefgs) ((mkVarEnv vdefgs), mkTyEnv tdefs)

tdefIsUsed :: S.Set (Qual Tcon) -> S.Set (Qual Dcon) -> Tdef -> Bool
tdefIsUsed tcs dcs (Data qtc _ cdefs) = 
  (qtc `S.member` tcs || any (\ (Constr qdc _ _) -> qdc `S.member` dcs) cdefs)
tdefIsUsed tcs _ (Newtype qtc qtc_co _ _) = 
  qtc `S.member` tcs || qtc_co `S.member` tcs

mkVarEnv :: [Vdefg] -> M.Map (Qual Var) Exp
mkVarEnv vgs =
  let vdefs = flattenBinds vgs in
    M.fromList [(v, e) | (Vdef (v, _, e)) <- vdefs]

-- if there is a Newtype qtc qtc_co ty,
-- generate: qtc |-> ty and qtc_co |-> ty
-- roughly the same for rhs's of Data decls
mkTyEnv :: [Tdef] -> M.Map (Qual Tcon) [Ty]
mkTyEnv tdefs = 
  M.fromList ([(qtc, [ty]) | (Newtype qtc _ _ ty) <- tdefs]
         ++   [(qtc, [ty]) | (Newtype _ qtc _ ty) <- tdefs]
         ++   concatMap (\ td -> case td of
                                   Data qtc _ cdefs -> [(qtc, concatMap 
                                     (\ (Constr _ _ ts) -> ts) cdefs)]
                                   _ -> []) tdefs)

findUsed :: DeadSet -> DeadSet -> DeadM DeadSet
findUsed _old@(oldVars,oldDcs,oldTcs) _new@(newVars,newDcs,newTcs) = {-trace ("findUsed: old = " ++ show old ++ " new = " ++ show new) $-} do
  let (todoVars, todoTcs) = ((S.\\) newVars oldVars, (S.\\) newTcs oldTcs)
  let nextOld = (oldVars `S.union` todoVars, oldDcs `S.union` newDcs,
                 oldTcs `S.union` todoTcs)
  nextStuff <- getVarsAndConsIn (todoVars, todoTcs)
  if (S.null todoVars && S.null todoTcs)
      then return nextOld
      else findUsed nextOld nextStuff

getVarsAndConsIn :: (S.Set (Qual Var), S.Set (Qual Tcon)) -> DeadM DeadSet
getVarsAndConsIn (vs, tcs) = do
  vs1 <- mapM varsAndConsInOne (S.toList vs)
  ts1 <- mapM varsAndConsInOne' (S.toList tcs)
  let (vs'::[S.Set (Qual Var)], dcs'::[S.Set (Qual Dcon)],
        ts'::[S.Set (Qual Tcon)]) = unzip3 (vs1 ++ ts1)
  return (foldl' S.union S.empty vs', foldl' S.union S.empty dcs',
          foldl' S.union S.empty ts')

varsAndConsInOne :: Qual Var -> DeadM DeadSet
varsAndConsInOne vr = do
  def <- findDefn vr
  return $ maybe emptySet 
    (noNames emptySet unionThree (mkQ emptySet usedNamesAll)) def

varsAndConsInOne' :: Qual Tcon -> DeadM DeadSet
varsAndConsInOne' tc = do
  ty <- findRepTy tc
  return $ maybe emptySet
    (noNames emptySet unionThree 
              (mkQ emptySet usedStuffTys)) ty

emptySet :: DeadSet
emptySet = (S.empty, S.empty, S.empty)
mkStartSet :: Bool -> AnMname -> [Vdefg] -> DeadSet
-- Initially, we assume the definitions of any exported functions are not
-- dead, and work backwards from there.
mkStartSet exports mn vds = 
  (S.fromList (filter ((== Just mn) . getModule) (if exports then exportedNames vds else [mainVar])), 
   S.empty, S.empty)

exportedNames :: [Vdefg] -> [Qual Var]
exportedNames vdefgs = 
  let vds = flattenBinds vdefgs in
    filter isQual (ns vds)
      where isQual    = isJust . fst
            ns = map (\ (Vdef (n,_,_)) -> n)

type DeadSet = (S.Set (Qual Var), S.Set (Qual Dcon), S.Set (Qual Tcon))
type DeadM = Reader (M.Map (Qual Var) Exp, M.Map (Qual Tcon) [Ty])

findDefn :: Qual Var -> DeadM (Maybe Exp)
findDefn vr = asks ((M.lookup vr) . fst)
findRepTy :: Qual Tcon -> DeadM (Maybe [Ty])
findRepTy tc = asks ((M.lookup tc) . snd)

unionThree :: DeadSet -> DeadSet -> DeadSet
unionThree (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = (a `S.union` d, b `S.union` e, c `S.union` f)

usedNamesAll :: Exp -> DeadSet
usedNamesAll = (noNames emptySet unionThree 
  ((mkQ emptySet usedStuff) `extQ` usedStuffTys `extQ` usedStuffAlts))
usedStuff :: Exp -> DeadSet
usedStuff (Var qv)  = (S.singleton qv, S.empty, S.empty)
usedStuff (Dcon dc) = (S.empty, S.singleton dc, S.empty)
usedStuff _         = emptySet

usedStuffAlts :: Alt -> DeadSet
usedStuffAlts (Acon qdc _ _ _) = (S.empty, S.singleton qdc, S.empty)
usedStuffAlts _ = emptySet

usedStuffTys :: Ty -> DeadSet
usedStuffTys (Tcon qtc) = (S.empty, S.empty, S.singleton qtc)
usedStuffTys _          = emptySet