{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Language.Core.DebugPrinter(removeTypeBinds, pmodule, PrintOpts(..),
  defOpts) where

import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Generics.Aliases (mkT)
import Data.Generics.Schemes (everywhere)

import Language.Core.Core
import Language.Core.Encoding (EncodedString, zDecodeString, zEncodeString)
import Language.Core.Printer (escape)

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

Contributed by Neil Brown, nccb2@kent.ac.uk

{- Uncomment the following code to yield a simple command-line wrapper for 
   the debug printer. -}

import Language.Core.Parser
import Language.Core.ParseGlue
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

-- ============================================================
-- Command-line utility bits:
-- ============================================================

cmdName :: String
cmdName = "coreprint"

instance Monad (Either String) where
  return = Right
  (>>=) m k = either Left k m

options :: [OptDescr (PrintOpts -> Either String PrintOpts)]
options = [Option [] ["decode-names"] (onOff $ \b p -> p { decodeNames = b })
             "Decode names (show unescaped characters)"
          ,Option [] ["qual-names"] (onOff $ \b p -> p { ignoreQuals = not b })
             "Show fully qualified names"
          ,Option [] ["kinds"] (onOff $ \b p -> p { ignoreKinds = not b })
             "Show kinds"
          ,Option [] ["types"] (onOff $ \b p -> p { ignoreTypeBinds = not b })
             "Show types"
          ,Option [] ["dicts"] (onOff $ \b p -> p { ignoreDicts = not b })
             "Show dictionary parameters"
          ,Option [] ["infix"] (onOff $ \b p -> p { infixOperators = b })
             "Show operators in infix form"
          ,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg $ const $ Left $ usageInfo cmdName options)
             "Show help"
    onOff :: (Bool -> PrintOpts -> PrintOpts) -> ArgDescr (PrintOpts -> Either String PrintOpts)
    onOff f = OptArg toBool "'on' or 'off'"
        toBool (Just "on") = Right . f True
        toBool (Just "off") = Right . f False
        toBool (Just s) = const $ Left $ "Unknown setting: '" ++ s ++ "'"
        toBool Nothing = Right . f True -- no arg means on

main :: IO ()
main = do (confMod, fileNames, err) <- getOpt Permute options <$> getArgs
          if not $ null err
            then hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines err
            else case (foldr (>=>) return confMod $ defOpts) of
              -- TODO stop help text ending up on stderr:
              Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr err
              Right conf -> mapM_ (parseAndPrint conf) fileNames

-- | Parses the given filename and prints it out again on stdout
-- using the given printing options
parseAndPrint :: PrintOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
parseAndPrint conf fileName
  = do s1 <- readFile fileName
       let r <- parse s1 1
       case r of
         FailP err -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error parsing core file: " ++ show err
         OkP m -> let m' | ignoreTypeBinds conf = removeTypeBinds m
                           | otherwise = m
                    in putStrLn $ render $ pmodule conf m'


-- ============================================================
-- Printing bits:
-- ============================================================

-- Removes all uses of the Appt constructor of Exp from the tree.
-- Easiest to do this as a separate pass before printing, and a quick
-- bit of SYB makes it nice and short
removeTypeBinds :: Data a => a -> a
removeTypeBinds = everywhere (mkT removeTypeBind)
    removeTypeBind :: Exp -> Exp
    removeTypeBind (Appt e _) = e
    removeTypeBind e = e

type Print a = PrintOpts -> a -> Doc
type Print2 a b = PrintOpts -> a -> b -> Doc

-- | Options controlling the printing of external core.
data PrintOpts = PrintOpts
  { decodeNames :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether to decode names into their recognisable form, i.e. Data.List.nub
    -- instead of DataziListzinub.
  , ignoreQuals :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether to ignore module names on fully qualified names, i.e. nub instead
    -- of Data.List.nub.
  , ignoreKinds :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether to ignore kinds when printing out.
  , ignoreTypeBinds :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether to ignore type annotations when printing out.
  , ignoreDicts :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether to ignore things that look like dictionary parameters (ignores
    -- all parameters where the name begins with a dollar sign).
  , infixOperators :: Bool
    -- ^ Whether to write Haskell operators in infix form, i.e. p + x rather than
    -- (+) p x.

-- | The default printing options.  Everything is True except ignoreQuals.
defOpts :: PrintOpts
defOpts = PrintOpts
  {decodeNames = True
  ,ignoreQuals = False
  ,ignoreKinds = True
  ,ignoreTypeBinds = True
  ,ignoreDicts = True
  ,infixOperators = True

-- Checks if a function name is a parameter by examining the first character.
-- Core notation often includes an extra (alphanumeric) suffix, so the presence
-- of letters later on doesn't preclude it being an operator; the first character
-- is the determinant.
isOperator :: String -> Bool
isOperator (x:_) = x `elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
isOperator _ = False

-- Checks if the expression is a dictionary parameter.  See isDictionaryName
isDictionary :: Exp -> Bool
isDictionary (Var (_, n)) = isDictionaryName (zDecodeString n)
isDictionary (Appt e _) = isDictionary e
isDictionary _ = False

-- Checks if the String could be a dictionary parameter.  This is a heuristic,
-- and says yes if the parameter begins with a $ and the rest of the string is
-- non-empty and is not an operator by itself.  (Dictionary parameters in core
-- seem to begin with a dollar then are followed by letters.)
isDictionaryName :: String -> Bool
isDictionaryName ('$':n) | not (null n || isOperator n) = True
isDictionaryName _ = False

-- Indents the given document by two spaces
indent :: Doc -> Doc
indent = nest 2

pmodule :: Print Module
pmodule o (Module mname tdefs vdefgs) =
  (text "%module" <+> panmname o mname)
  $$ indent ((vcat (map ((<> char ';') . ptdef o) tdefs))
	     $$ (vcat (map ((<> char ';') . pvdefg o) vdefgs)))
  <> (if ((not.null) tdefs) || ((not.null) vdefgs) then char '\n' else empty)
         -- add final newline; sigh.

ptdef :: Print Tdef
ptdef o (Data qtcon tbinds cdefs) =
  (text "%data" <+> pqname o True qtcon <+> (hsep (map (ptbind o) tbinds)) <+> char '=')
  $$ indent (braces ((vcat (punctuate (char ';') (map (pcdef o) cdefs)))))
ptdef o (Newtype qtcon coercion tbinds tyopt) =
  text "%newtype" <+> pqname o True qtcon <+> pqname o True coercion 
    <+> (hsep (map (ptbind o) tbinds)) $$ indent repclause
       where repclause = char '=' <+> pty o tyopt

pcdef :: Print Cdef
pcdef o (Constr qdcon tbinds tys)  =
  (pqname o True qdcon) <+> (sep [hsep (map (pattbind o) tbinds),sep (map (paty o) tys)])

pname :: Print String
pname o
  | decodeNames o = text . zDecodeString
  | otherwise = text

pqname :: Print2 Bool (Qual EncodedString)
pqname o prefix (m,v)
  | ignoreQuals o = maybeParen $ pname o v
  | otherwise     = maybeParen $ pmname o m <> pname o v
      | decodeNames o && isOperator (zDecodeString v) && prefix = parens
      | otherwise = id

-- be sure to print the '.' here so we don't print out
-- ".foo" for unqualified foo...
pmname :: Print (Maybe AnMname)
pmname _ Nothing = empty
pmname o (Just m) = panmname o m <> char '.'

panmname :: Print AnMname
panmname o (M (P pkgName, parents, name)) =
  let parentStrs = map (pname o) parents in
         pname o pkgName <> char ':' <>
         -- This is to be sure to not print out:
         -- main:.Main for when there's a single module name
         -- with no parents.
             (case parentStrs of
                [] -> empty
                _  -> hcat (punctuate modSep
                        (map (pname o) parents)) 
                      <> modSep)
             <> pname o name
    modSep = if decodeNames o then char '.' else hierModuleSeparator

    -- note that this is not a '.' but a Z-encoded '.':
    -- GHCziIOBase.IO, not GHC.IOBase.IO.
    hierModuleSeparator = text (zEncodeString ".")

ptbind :: Print Tbind
ptbind o (t,Klifted) = pname o t
ptbind o (t,k)
  | ignoreKinds o = pname o t
  | otherwise = parens (pname o t <> text "::" <> pkind o k)

pattbind :: Print (Tvar, Kind)
pattbind o (t,k) = char '@' <> ptbind o (t,k)

pakind :: Print Kind
pakind _ (Klifted) = char '*'
pakind _ (Kunlifted) = char '#'
pakind _ (Kopen) = char '?'
pakind o k = parens (pkind o k)

pkind :: Print Kind
pkind o (Karrow k1 k2) = parens (pakind o k1 <> text "->" <> pkind o k2)
pkind o (Keq from to) = peqkind o (from,to)
pkind o k = pakind o k

peqkind :: Print (Ty, Ty)
peqkind o (t1, t2) = parens (parens (pty o t1) <+> text ":=:" <+> parens (pty o t2)) 

paty :: Print Ty
paty o (Tvar n) = pname o n
paty o (Tcon c) = pqname o True c
paty o t = parens (pty o t)

pbty :: Print Ty
pbty o (Tapp(Tapp(Tcon tc) t1) t2) | tc == tcArrow = parens(fsep [pbty o t1, text "->",pty o t2])
pbty o (Tapp t1 t2) = pappty o t1 [t2] 
pbty o t = paty o t

pty :: Print Ty
pty o (Tapp(Tapp(Tcon tc) t1) t2) | tc == tcArrow = fsep [pbty o t1, text "->",pty o t2]
pty o (Tforall tb t) = text "%forall" <+> pforall o [tb] t
pty o (TransCoercion t1 t2) = 
    (sep ([text "%trans", paty o t1, paty o t2]))
pty o (SymCoercion t) = 
    (sep [text "%sym", paty o t])
pty o (UnsafeCoercion t1 t2) = 
    (sep [text "%unsafe", paty o t1, paty o t2])
pty o (LeftCoercion t) = 
    (text "%left" <+> paty o t)
pty o (RightCoercion t) = 
    (text "%right" <+> paty o t)
pty o (InstCoercion t1 t2) = 
    (sep [text "%inst", paty o t1, paty o t2])
pty o t = pbty o t

pappty :: Print2 Ty [Ty]
pappty o (Tapp t1 t2) ts = pappty o t1 (t2:ts)
pappty o t ts = sep (map (paty o) (t:ts))

pforall :: Print2 [Tbind] Ty
pforall o tbs (Tforall tb t) = pforall o (tbs ++ [tb]) t
pforall o tbs t = hsep (map (ptbind o) tbs) <+> char '.' <+> pty o t

pvdefg :: Print Vdefg
pvdefg o (Rec vdefs) = text "%rec" $$ braces (indent (vcat (punctuate (char ';') (map (pvdef o) vdefs))))
pvdefg o (Nonrec vdef) = pvdef o vdef

pvdef :: Print Vdef
pvdef o (Vdef (qv,t,e))
  | ignoreTypeBinds o = sep [pqname o True qv <+> char '=', indent (pexp o e)]
  | otherwise  = sep [pqname o True qv <+> text "::" <+> pty o t <+> char '=',
		     indent (pexp o e)]

paexp :: Print Exp
paexp o (Var x) = pqname o True x
paexp o (Dcon x) = pqname o True x
paexp o (Lit l) = plit o l
paexp o e = parens (pexp o e)

plamexp :: Print2 [Bind] Exp
plamexp o bs (Lam b e) = plamexp o (bs ++ [b]) e
plamexp o bs e = sep [sep (map (pbind o) bs) <+> text "->",
		    indent (pexp o e)]

pbind :: Print Bind
pbind o (Tb tb)
  | ignoreTypeBinds o = empty
  | otherwise = char '@' <+> ptbind o tb
pbind o (Vb vb) = pvbind o vb

pappexp :: Print2 Exp [Either Exp Ty]
pappexp o (App e1 e2) as
  | isDictionary e2 && ignoreDicts o = pappexp o e1 as
  | otherwise = pappexp o e1 (Left e2:as)
pappexp o (Appt e t) as = pappexp o e (Right t:as)
pappexp o e as
  = case (e, as) of
      (Var qn@(_, n), [Left l, Left r])
         | decodeNames o && isOperator (zDecodeString n) && infixOperators o
            -> sep [paexp o l, pqname o False qn, paexp o r]
      _ -> fsep (paexp o e : map pa as)
           where pa (Left ex) = paexp o ex
		 pa (Right t)
                  | ignoreTypeBinds o = empty
                  | otherwise = char '@' <+> paty o t

pexp :: Print Exp
pexp o (Lam b e) = char '\\' <+> plamexp o [b] e
pexp o (Let vd e) = (text "%let" <+> pvdefg o vd) $$ (text "%in" <+> pexp o e)
pexp o (Case e vb t alts) = sep [text "%case" <+> paty o t <+> paexp o e,
			     text "%of" <+> pvbind o vb]
			$$ (indent (braces (vcat (punctuate (char ';') (map (palt o) alts)))))
pexp o (Cast e t) = (text "%cast" <+> parens (pexp o e)) $$ paty o t
pexp o (Note s e) = (text "%note" <+> pstring o s) $$ pexp o e
-- TODO: ccall shouldn't really be there
pexp o (External n t) = (text "%external ccall" <+> pstring o n) $$ paty o t
pexp o e = pappexp o e []

pvbind :: Print (String, Ty)
pvbind o (x,t)
 | ignoreTypeBinds o = pname o x
 | otherwise = parens(pname o x <> text "::" <> pty o t)

palt :: Print Alt
palt o (Acon c tbs vbs e) =
	sep [pqname o True c, 
	     sep (map (pattbind o) tbs),
	     sep (map (pvbind o) vbs) <+> text "->"]
        $$ indent (pexp o e)
palt o (Alit l e) = 
	(plit o l <+>  text "->")
	$$ indent (pexp o e)
palt o (Adefault e) = 
	(text "%_ ->")
	$$ indent (pexp o e)

plit :: Print Lit
plit o (Literal cl t)
  | ignoreTypeBinds o = pclit o cl
  | otherwise = parens (pclit o cl <> text "::" <> pty o t)

pclit :: Print CoreLit
pclit _ (Lint i) = integer i
-- makes sure to print it out as n % d
pclit _ (Lrational r) = text (show r)
pclit _ (Lchar c) = text ("\'" ++ escape [c] ++ "\'")
pclit o (Lstring s) = pstring o s

pstring :: Print String
pstring _ s = doubleQuotes(text (escape s))