module Data.Extensible.Effect (
, Eff
, liftEff
, liftsEff
, hoistEff
, castEff
, Interpreter(..)
, handleEff
, peelEff
, Rebinder
, rebindEff0
, peelEff0
, rebindEff1
, peelEff1
, rebindEff2
, leaveEff
, retractEff
, Action(..)
, Function
, runAction
, (@!?)
, peelAction
, peelAction0
, ReaderEff
, askEff
, asksEff
, localEff
, runReaderEff
, State
, getEff
, getsEff
, putEff
, modifyEff
, stateEff
, runStateEff
, execStateEff
, evalStateEff
, WriterEff
, writerEff
, tellEff
, listenEff
, passEff
, runWriterEff
, execWriterEff
, MaybeEff
, nothingEff
, runMaybeEff
, EitherEff
, throwEff
, catchEff
, runEitherEff
, Identity
, tickEff
, runIterEff
, ContT
, contEff
, runContEff
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Skeleton
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(..))
import Data.Extensible.Field
import Data.Extensible.Inclusion
import Data.Extensible.Internal
import Data.Extensible.Internal.Rig
import Data.Extensible.Product
import Data.Extensible.Class
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
data Instruction (xs :: [Assoc k (* -> *)]) a where
Instruction :: !(Membership xs kv) -> AssocValue kv a -> Instruction xs a
deriving Typeable
type Eff xs = Skeleton (Instruction xs)
liftEff :: forall s t xs a. Associate s t xs => Proxy s -> t a -> Eff xs a
liftEff p x = liftsEff p x id
liftsEff :: forall s t xs a r. Associate s t xs
=> Proxy s -> t a -> (a -> r) -> Eff xs r
liftsEff _ x k = boned
$ Instruction (association :: Membership xs (s ':> t)) x :>>= return . k
hoistEff :: forall s t xs a. Associate s t xs => Proxy s -> (forall x. t x -> t x) -> Eff xs a -> Eff xs a
hoistEff _ f = hoistSkeleton $ \(Instruction i t) -> case compareMembership (association :: Membership xs (s ':> t)) i of
Right Refl -> Instruction i (f t)
_ -> Instruction i t
castEff :: IncludeAssoc ys xs => Eff xs a -> Eff ys a
castEff = hoistSkeleton
$ \(Instruction i t) -> Instruction (hlookup i inclusionAssoc) t
peelEff :: forall k t xs a r
. Rebinder xs r
-> (a -> r)
-> (forall x. t x -> (x -> r) -> r)
-> Eff (k >: t ': xs) a -> r
peelEff pass ret wrap = go where
go m = case debone m of
Return a -> ret a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> leadership i
(\Refl -> wrap t (go . k))
(\j -> pass (Instruction j t) (go . k))
peelEff0 :: forall k t xs a r. (a -> Eff xs r)
-> (forall x. t x -> (x -> Eff xs r) -> Eff xs r)
-> Eff (k >: t ': xs) a -> Eff xs r
peelEff0 = peelEff rebindEff0
peelEff1 :: forall k t xs a b r. (a -> b -> Eff xs r)
-> (forall x. t x -> (x -> b -> Eff xs r) -> b -> Eff xs r)
-> Eff (k >: t ': xs) a -> b -> Eff xs r
peelEff1 = peelEff rebindEff1
type Rebinder xs r = forall x. Instruction xs x -> (x -> r) -> r
rebindEff0 :: Rebinder xs (Eff xs r)
rebindEff0 i k = boned $ i :>>= k
rebindEff1 :: Rebinder xs (a -> Eff xs r)
rebindEff1 i k a = boned $ i :>>= flip k a
rebindEff2 :: Rebinder xs (a -> b -> Eff xs r)
rebindEff2 i k a b = boned $ i :>>= \x -> k x a b
leaveEff :: Eff '[] a -> a
leaveEff m = case debone m of
Return a -> a
_ -> error "Impossible"
retractEff :: forall k m a. Monad m => Eff '[k >: m] a -> m a
retractEff m = case debone m of
Return a -> return a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> leadership i
(\Refl -> t >>= retractEff . k)
$ error "Impossible"
newtype Interpreter f g = Interpreter { runInterpreter :: forall a. g a -> f a }
deriving Typeable
handleEff :: RecordOf (Interpreter m) xs -> Eff xs a -> MonadView m (Eff xs) a
handleEff hs m = case debone m of
Instruction i t :>>= k -> views (pieceAt i) (runInterpreter .# getField) hs t :>>= k
Return a -> Return a
data Action (args :: [*]) a r where
AResult :: Action '[] a a
AArgument :: x -> Action xs a r -> Action (x ': xs) a r
type family Function args r :: * where
Function '[] r = r
Function (x ': xs) r = x -> Function xs r
runAction :: Function xs (f a) -> Action xs a r -> f r
runAction r AResult = r
runAction f (AArgument x a) = runAction (f x) a
(@!?) :: FieldName k -> Function xs (f a) -> Field (Interpreter f) (k ':> Action xs a)
_ @!? f = Field $ Interpreter $ runAction f
infix 1 @!?
peelAction :: forall k ps q xs a r
. (forall x. Instruction xs x -> (x -> r) -> r)
-> (a -> r)
-> Function ps ((q -> r) -> r)
-> Eff (k >: Action ps q ': xs) a -> r
peelAction pass ret wrap = go where
go m = case debone m of
Return a -> ret a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> leadership i
(\Refl -> case t of
(_ :: Action ps q x) ->
let run :: forall t. Function t ((q -> r) -> r) -> Action t q x -> r
run f AResult = f (go . k)
run f (AArgument x a) = run (f x) a
in run wrap t)
$ \j -> pass (Instruction j t) (go . k)
peelAction0 :: forall k ps q xs a. Function ps (Eff xs q)
-> Eff (k >: Action ps q ': xs) a -> Eff xs a
peelAction0 wrap = go where
go m = case debone m of
Return a -> return a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> leadership i
(\Refl -> case t of
(_ :: Action ps q x) ->
let run :: forall t. Function t (Eff xs q) -> Action t q x -> Eff xs a
run f AResult = f >>= go . k
run f (AArgument x a) = run (f x) a
in run wrap t)
$ \j -> rebindEff0 (Instruction j t) (go . k)
type ReaderEff = (:~:)
askEff :: forall k r xs. Associate k (ReaderEff r) xs
=> Proxy k -> Eff xs r
askEff p = liftEff p Refl
asksEff :: forall k r xs a. Associate k (ReaderEff r) xs
=> Proxy k -> (r -> a) -> Eff xs a
asksEff p = liftsEff p Refl
localEff :: forall k r xs a. Associate k (ReaderEff r) xs
=> Proxy k -> (r -> r) -> Eff xs a -> Eff xs a
localEff _ f = go where
go m = case debone m of
Return a -> return a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> case compareMembership
(association :: Membership xs (k >: ReaderEff r)) i of
Left _ -> boned $ Instruction i t :>>= go . k
Right Refl -> case t of
Refl -> boned $ Instruction i t :>>= go . k . f
runReaderEff :: forall k r xs a. Eff (k >: ReaderEff r ': xs) a -> r -> Eff xs a
runReaderEff m r = peelEff0 return (\Refl k -> k r) m
getEff :: forall k s xs. Associate k (State s) xs
=> Proxy k -> Eff xs s
getEff k = liftEff k get
getsEff :: forall k s a xs. Associate k (State s) xs
=> Proxy k -> (s -> a) -> Eff xs a
getsEff k = liftsEff k get
putEff :: forall k s xs. Associate k (State s) xs
=> Proxy k -> s -> Eff xs ()
putEff k = liftEff k . put
modifyEff :: forall k s xs. Associate k (State s) xs
=> Proxy k -> (s -> s) -> Eff xs ()
modifyEff k f = liftEff k $ state $ \s -> ((), f s)
stateEff :: forall k s xs a. Associate k (State s) xs
=> Proxy k -> (s -> (a, s)) -> Eff xs a
stateEff k = liftEff k . state
contState :: State s a -> (a -> s -> r) -> s -> r
contState m k s = let (a, s') = runState m s in k a $! s'
runStateEff :: forall k s xs a. Eff (k >: State s ': xs) a -> s -> Eff xs (a, s)
runStateEff = peelEff1 (\a s -> return (a, s)) contState
execStateEff :: forall k s xs a. Eff (k >: State s ': xs) a -> s -> Eff xs s
execStateEff = peelEff1 (const return) contState
evalStateEff :: forall k s xs a. Eff (k >: State s ': xs) a -> s -> Eff xs a
evalStateEff = peelEff1 (const . return) contState
type WriterEff w = (,) w
writerEff :: forall k w xs a. (Associate k (WriterEff w) xs)
=> Proxy k -> (a, w) -> Eff xs a
writerEff k (a, w) = liftEff k (w, a)
tellEff :: forall k w xs. (Associate k (WriterEff w) xs)
=> Proxy k -> w -> Eff xs ()
tellEff k w = liftEff k (w, ())
listenEff :: forall k w xs a. (Associate k (WriterEff w) xs, Monoid w)
=> Proxy k -> Eff xs a -> Eff xs (a, w)
listenEff p = go mempty where
go w m = case debone m of
Return a -> writerEff p ((a, w), w)
Instruction i t :>>= k -> case compareMembership (association :: Membership xs (k ':> (,) w)) i of
Left _ -> boned $ Instruction i t :>>= go w . k
Right Refl -> let (w', a) = t
!w'' = mappend w w' in go w'' (k a)
passEff :: forall k w xs a. (Associate k (WriterEff w) xs, Monoid w)
=> Proxy k -> Eff xs (a, w -> w) -> Eff xs a
passEff p = go mempty where
go w m = case debone m of
Return (a, f) -> writerEff p (a, f w)
Instruction i t :>>= k -> case compareMembership (association :: Membership xs (k ':> (,) w)) i of
Left _ -> boned $ Instruction i t :>>= go w . k
Right Refl -> let (w', a) = t
!w'' = mappend w w' in go w'' (k a)
contWriter :: Monoid w => (w, a) -> (a -> w -> r) -> w -> r
contWriter (w', a) k w = k a $! mappend w w'
runWriterEff :: forall k w xs a. Monoid w => Eff (k >: WriterEff w ': xs) a -> Eff xs (a, w)
runWriterEff = peelEff1 (\a w -> return (a, w)) contWriter `flip` mempty
execWriterEff :: forall k w xs a. Monoid w => Eff (k >: WriterEff w ': xs) a -> Eff xs w
execWriterEff = peelEff1 (const return) contWriter `flip` mempty
type MaybeEff = Const ()
nothingEff :: Associate k MaybeEff xs => Proxy k -> Eff xs a
nothingEff = flip throwEff ()
runMaybeEff :: forall k xs a. Eff (k >: MaybeEff ': xs) a -> Eff xs (Maybe a)
runMaybeEff = peelEff0 (return . Just) $ \_ _ -> return Nothing
type EitherEff = Const
throwEff :: Associate k (EitherEff e) xs => Proxy k -> e -> Eff xs a
throwEff k = liftEff k . Const
catchEff :: forall k e xs a. (Associate k (EitherEff e) xs)
=> Proxy k -> Eff xs a -> (e -> Eff xs a) -> Eff xs a
catchEff _ m0 handler = go m0 where
go m = case debone m of
Return a -> return a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> case compareMembership (association :: Membership xs (k ':> Const e)) i of
Left _ -> boned $ Instruction i t :>>= go . k
Right Refl -> handler (getConst t)
runEitherEff :: forall k e xs a. Eff (k >: EitherEff e ': xs) a -> Eff xs (Either e a)
runEitherEff = peelEff0 (return . Right) $ \(Const e) _ -> return $ Left e
tickEff :: Associate k Identity xs => Proxy k -> Eff xs ()
tickEff k = liftEff k $ Identity ()
runIterEff :: Eff (k >: Identity ': xs) a
-> Eff xs (Either a (Eff (k >: Identity ': xs) a))
runIterEff m = case debone m of
Return a -> return (Left a)
Instruction i t :>>= k -> leadership i
(\Refl -> return $ Right $ k $ runIdentity t)
$ \j -> boned $ Instruction j t :>>= runIterEff . k
contEff :: Associate k (ContT r m) xs => Proxy k
-> ((a -> m r) -> m r) -> Eff xs a
contEff k = liftEff k . ContT
runContEff :: forall k r xs a. Eff (k >: ContT r (Eff xs) ': xs) a
-> (a -> Eff xs r)
-> Eff xs r
runContEff m cont = case debone m of
Return a -> cont a
Instruction i t :>>= k -> leadership i
(\Refl -> runContT t (flip runContEff cont . k))
$ \j -> boned $ Instruction j t :>>= flip runContEff cont . k