% Extensible product types % [Public domain] \input birdstyle \birdleftrule=1pt \emergencystretch=1em \def\hugebreak{\penalty-600\vskip 30pt plus 8pt minus 4pt\relax} \newcount\chapno \def\: #1.{\advance\chapno by 1\relax\hugebreak{\bf\S\the\chapno. #1. }} \: Introduction. This module implements extensible product types, which means you can have like a record, and add fields to this record even in different modules. Dependent defaults are supported. > {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, GADTs, TypeFamilies #-} > {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable #-} > module Data.Extensible.Product ( > ExtProd, ExtProdC(..), ProdConstructor(..), emptyExtProd, getExtProd, > putExtProd, lensExtProd, constructExtProd > ) where { > import Control.Applicative; > import Data.Hashable; > import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap); > import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as H; > import Data.Lens.Common; > import Data.Typeable; > import GHC.Exts (Any); > import Unsafe.Coerce; \: Implementation. It is implemented using a hash map, with types as keys. For it to be extensible there has to be default values. It allows default values to be based on a single value of the type that indexes the {\tt ExtProd} type, which is used to tell what kind of record it is. > data ExtProd p where { > ExtProd :: p -> HashMap TypeRep Any -> ExtProd p; > } deriving Typeable; Instances should ignore the value of the first parameter of the {\tt defaultExtProd} method; it is used only for knowing the type (so it will be OK to pass {\tt undefined} as the first parameter). The second parameter should be used to set default values. > class Typeable x => ExtProdC p x | x -> p where { > type ExtProdF x :: *; > defaultExtProd :: x -> p -> ExtProdF x; > }; In addition, we will have a constructor-like datatype for extensible products, which is similar to an extensible sum type, and can be used in a list to construct a value of the type. > data ProdConstructor p where { > (:*=) :: ExtProdC p x => x -> ExtProdF x -> ProdConstructor p; > }; > infix 0 :*=; \: Functions. {\tt emptyExtProd}: Make a value of extensible product type with all values set to the defaults. > emptyExtProd :: p -> ExtProd p; > emptyExtProd = flip ExtProd H.empty; {\tt getExtProd}: Get the value of a field. > getExtProd :: ExtProdC p x => ExtProd p -> x -> ExtProdF x; > getExtProd (ExtProd p m) f = unsafeCoerce $ H.lookupDefault > (unsafeCoerce $ defaultExtProd f p) (typeOf f) m; {\tt putExtProd}: Set the value of a field. > putExtProd :: ExtProdC p x => ExtProd p -> x -> ExtProdF x -> ExtProd p; > putExtProd (ExtProd p m) f v = ExtProd p $ H.insert (typeOf f) > (unsafeCoerce v) m; {\tt lensExtProd}: Make a lens of an extensible product type. > lensExtProd :: ExtProdC p x => x -> Lens (ExtProd p) (ExtProdF x); > lensExtProd f = lens (flip getExtProd f) (\v x -> putExtProd x f v); {\tt constructExtProd}: Construct a value of an extensible product type. > constructExtProd :: p -> [ProdConstructor p] -> ExtProd p; > constructExtProd p l = ExtProd p $ H.fromList (constructorToKV <$> l); > constructorToKV :: ProdConstructor p -> (TypeRep, Any); > constructorToKV (k :*= v) = (typeOf k, unsafeCoerce v); % End of document (final "}" is suppressed from printout) \medskip\centerline{The End} \toks0={{ > } -- }\bye