-- | This helps to setup logging to /standard ouput/. module Control.Eff.LogWriter.UnixSocket ( withUnixSocketLogWriter , withUnixSocketLogging ) where import Control.Eff as Eff import Control.Eff.Log import Control.Eff.LogWriter.IO import Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Safe import Control.Monad ( void ) import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch import Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( MonadBaseControl , liftBaseOp ) import GHC.Stack import Network.Socket hiding ( sendTo ) import Network.Socket.ByteString -- | Enable logging to a /unix domain socket/, with some 'LogMessage' fields preset -- as in 'withIoLogging'. -- -- See 'Control.Eff.Log.Examples.exampleDevLogSyslogLogging' withUnixSocketLogging :: (HasCallStack, MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e), Lifted IO e) => LogMessageRenderer Text -- ^ 'LogMessage' rendering function -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the socket file -> Text -- ^ The default application name to put into the 'lmAppName' field. -> Facility -- ^ The default RFC-5424 facility to put into the 'lmFacility' field. -> LogPredicate -- ^ The inital predicate for log messages, there are some pre-defined in "Control.Eff.Log.Message#PredefinedPredicates" -> Eff (Logs : LogWriterReader (Lift IO) : e) a -> Eff e a withUnixSocketLogging render socketPath a f p e = liftBaseOp (withUnixSocketSocket render socketPath) (\lw -> withIoLogging lw a f p e) -- | Enable logging to a (remote-) host via UnixSocket. -- -- See 'Control.Eff.Log.Examples.exampleDevLogSyslogLogging' withUnixSocketLogWriter :: (LogIo e, MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e), HasCallStack) => LogMessageRenderer Text -- ^ 'LogMessage' rendering function -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the socket file -> Eff e b -> Eff e b withUnixSocketLogWriter render socketPath e = liftBaseOp (withUnixSocketSocket render socketPath) (`addLogWriter` e) withUnixSocketSocket :: HasCallStack => LogMessageRenderer Text -- ^ 'LogMessage' rendering function -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the socket file -> (LogWriter (Lift IO) -> IO a) -> IO a withUnixSocketSocket render socketPath ioE = Safe.bracket (socket AF_UNIX Datagram defaultProtocol) (Safe.try @IO @Catch.SomeException . close) (\s -> let addr = SockAddrUnix socketPath in ioE (mkLogWriterIO (\lmStr -> void $ sendTo s (T.encodeUtf8 (render lmStr)) addr ) ) )