{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module WatchdogTests(test_watchdogTests) where import Common hiding (runTestCase) import qualified Common import qualified Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.StatefulServer as Stateful import Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.StatefulServer (Stateful) import qualified Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.Broker as Broker import Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.Broker (Broker) import qualified Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.Observer.Queue as OQ import qualified Control.Eff.Concurrent.Protocol.Watchdog as Watchdog import Control.Lens import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromJust) runTestCase :: TestName -> Eff Effects () -> TestTree runTestCase = Common.runTestCase test_watchdogTests :: HasCallStack => TestTree test_watchdogTests = testGroup "watchdog" [ runTestCase "demonstrate Bookshelf" bookshelfDemo , testGroup "watchdog broker interaction" [ runTestCase "test 1: when the broker exits, the watchdog does not care, it can be re-attached to a new broker" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached watchdog" assertShutdown (broker ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally logNotice "stopped broker" do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started new broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached broker" let expected = ExitUnhandledError "test-broker-kill" logNotice "crashing broker" assertShutdown (broker ^. fromEndpoint) expected logNotice "crashed broker" logNotice "shutting down watchdog" assertShutdown (wd^.fromEndpoint) ExitNormally logNotice "watchdog down" , runTestCase "test 2: when the broker exits, and the watchdog is linked to it, it will exit" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker" Watchdog.attachPermanent wd broker logNotice "attached and linked broker" logNotice "crashing broker" let expected = ExitUnhandledError "test-broker-kill" sendShutdown (broker ^. fromEndpoint) expected logNotice "crashed broker" logNotice "waiting for watchdog to crash" awaitProcessDown (wd^.fromEndpoint) >>= lift . assertEqual "bad exit reason" (ExitOtherProcessNotRunning (broker^.fromEndpoint)) . downReason logNotice "watchdog crashed" , runTestCase "test 3: when the same broker is attached twice, the second attachment is ignored" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached broker" logNotice "restart child test begin" restartChildTest broker logNotice "restart child test finished" , runTestCase "test 4: when the same broker is attached twice, the\ \ first linked then not linked, the watchdog is not linked anymore" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker" Watchdog.attachPermanent wd broker logNotice "attached and linked broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached broker" logNotice "run restart child test" restartChildTest broker logNotice "restart child test finished" logNotice "crashing broker" let expected = ExitUnhandledError "test-broker-kill" assertShutdown (broker ^. fromEndpoint) expected logNotice "crashed broker" do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started new broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached new broker" logNotice "run restart child test again to show everything is ok" restartChildTest broker logNotice "restart child test finished" , runTestCase "test 5: when the same broker is attached twice,\ \ the first time not linked but then linked, the watchdog is linked \ \ to that broker" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) mwd <- monitor (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached broker" Watchdog.attachPermanent wd broker logNotice "attached and linked broker" logNotice "run restart child test" restartChildTest broker logNotice "restart child test finished" logNotice "crashing broker" let expected = ExitUnhandledError "test-broker-kill" assertShutdown (broker ^. fromEndpoint) expected logNotice "crashed broker" logNotice "waiting for watchdog to crash" receiveSelectedMessage (selectProcessDown mwd) >>= lift . assertEqual "bad exit reason" (ExitOtherProcessNotRunning (broker^.fromEndpoint)) . downReason logNotice "watchdog down" , runTestCase "test 6: when multiple brokers are attached to a watchdog,\ \ and a linked broker exits, the watchdog should exit" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) wdMon <- monitor (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" do broker1 <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker1^.fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker 1" Watchdog.attachPermanent wd broker1 logNotice "attached + linked broker 1" broker2 <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker 2" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker2 logNotice "attached broker 2" broker3 <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker 3" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker3 logNotice "attached broker 3" unlinkProcess (broker3 ^. fromEndpoint) let expected = ExitUnhandledError "test-broker-kill 1" logNotice "crashing broker 1" assertShutdown (broker1 ^. fromEndpoint) expected logNotice "crashed broker 1" isProcessAlive (broker2 ^. fromEndpoint) >>= lift . assertBool "broker2 should be running" isProcessAlive (broker3 ^. fromEndpoint) >>= lift . assertBool "broker3 should be running" logNotice "other brokers are alive" logNotice "waiting for watchdog to crash" receiveSelectedMessage (selectProcessDown wdMon) >>= lift . assertEqual "bad exit reason" (ExitOtherProcessNotRunning (broker1^.fromEndpoint)) . downReason logNotice "watchdog crashed" ] , testGroup "restarting children" [ runTestCase "test 7: when a child exits it is restarted" $ do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker" wd <- Watchdog.startLink def logNotice "started watchdog" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker logNotice "attached broker" logNotice "running child tests" restartChildTest broker logNotice "finished child tests" , runTestCase "test 8: when the broker emits the shutting down\ \ event the watchdog does not restart children" $ do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started broker" wd <- Watchdog.startLink def unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) broker $ do let c0 = BookShelfId 0 do void $ Broker.spawnOrLookup broker c0 awaitChildStartedEvent c0 logNotice "bookshelf started" Broker.stopBroker broker awaitBrokershuttingDownEvent broker lift (threadDelay 10_000) logNotice "checking state" Watchdog.getCrashReports wd >>= lift . assertBool "no crash reports expected" . null assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally logNotice "watchdog stopped" , runTestCase "test 9: a child is only restarted if it crashes" $ do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker" wd <- Watchdog.startLink def logNotice "started watchdog" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) broker $ do let shelfId = BookShelfId 0 do shelf <- Broker.spawnOrLookup broker shelfId awaitChildStartedEvent shelfId logNotice "bookshelf started" cast shelf StopShelf awaitChildDownEvent shelfId void $ awaitProcessDown (shelf ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "shelf stopped" lift (threadDelay 10_000) Broker.lookupChild broker shelfId >>= lift . assertBool "child must not be restarted" . isNothing assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally logNotice "watchdog stopped" , testGroup "child restart" $ let threeTimesASecond = 3 `Watchdog.crashesPerSeconds` 1 in [ runTestCase "test 10: if a child crashes 3 times in 300ms, waits 1.1 seconds\ \ and crashes again 3 times, and is restarted three times" $ do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker" wd <- Watchdog.startLink threeTimesASecond logNotice "started watchdog" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) broker $ do let crash3Times = do logNotice "crashing 3 times" replicateM_ 3 $ do spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker shelfId logNotice "waiting for last restart" awaitChildStartedEvent shelfId lift (threadDelay 100_000) shelfId = BookShelfId 0 crash3Times logNotice "sleeping" lift (threadDelay 1_100_000) logNotice "crashing again" crash3Times assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally logNotice "watchdog stopped" , runTestCase "test 11: if a child crashes 4 times within 1s it is not restarted\ \ and the watchdog exits with an error" $ do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker" wd <- Watchdog.startLink threeTimesASecond logNotice "started watchdog" unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) Watchdog.attachTemporary wd broker OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) broker $ do let shelfId = BookShelfId 0 crash3Times = do logNotice "crashing 3 times" replicateM_ 3 $ do spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker shelfId logNotice "waiting for restart" awaitChildStartedEvent shelfId cr <- Watchdog.getCrashReports @(Stateful BookShelf) wd logNotice (pack (show cr)) lift (threadDelay 100_000) crash3Times logNotice "crashing 4. time" spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker shelfId lift (threadDelay 10_000) Broker.lookupChild broker shelfId >>= lift . assertBool "child must not be reststarted" . isNothing assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally logNotice "watchdog stopped" , runTestCase "test 12: if a child of a linked broker crashes too often,\ \ the watchdog exits with an error and interrupts the broker" $ do broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started broker" unlinkProcess (broker ^. fromEndpoint) mBroker <- monitor (broker ^. fromEndpoint) wd <- Watchdog.startLink threeTimesASecond logNotice "started watchdog" mwd <- monitor (wd ^. fromEndpoint) unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) Watchdog.attachPermanent wd broker OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) broker $ do let shelfId = BookShelfId 0 crash3Times = do logNotice "crashing 3 times" replicateM_ 3 $ do spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker shelfId logNotice "waiting for restart" awaitChildStartedEvent shelfId lift (threadDelay 100_000) crash3Times logNotice "crashing 4. time" spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker shelfId logNotice "await broker down" receiveSelectedMessage (selectProcessDown mBroker) >>= lift . assertEqual "wrong exit reason" (ExitUnhandledError "restart frequency exceeded") . downReason logNotice "broker down" logNotice "await watchdog down" receiveSelectedMessage (selectProcessDown mwd) >>= lift . assertEqual "wrong exit reason" (ExitUnhandledError "restart frequency exceeded") . downReason logNotice "watchdog down" , runTestCase "test 13: if the watchdog is killed, all watched children of all\ \ brokers are still alive" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink (1 `Watchdog.crashesPerSeconds` 1) unlinkProcess (wd ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "started watchdog" brokerT <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (brokerT^.fromEndpoint) logNotice "started temporary broker" brokerP <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) unlinkProcess (brokerP^.fromEndpoint) logNotice "started permanent broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd brokerT logNotice "attached temporary broker" Watchdog.attachPermanent wd brokerP logNotice "attached permanent broker" let b0 = BookShelfId 0 b1 = BookShelfId 1 b2 = BookShelfId 2 b3 = BookShelfId 3 (e0, e1) <- OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerT $ (,) <$> spawnBookShelf brokerT b0 <*> spawnBookShelf brokerT b1 m0 <- monitor (e0^.fromEndpoint) m1 <- monitor (e1^.fromEndpoint) logNotice ("started bookshelfs of temporary broker: " <> pack (show (m0, m1))) (e2, e3) <- OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerP $ (,) <$> spawnBookShelf brokerP b2 <*> spawnBookShelf brokerP b3 m2 <- monitor (e2^.fromEndpoint) m3 <- monitor (e3^.fromEndpoint) logNotice ("started bookshelfs of permanent broker: " <> pack (show (m2, m3))) logNotice "crashing the watchdog" assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) (ExitUnhandledError "watchdog test crash") logNotice "watchdog stopped" call e0 (AddBook "Solaris") logNotice "e0 still alive" call e1 (AddBook "Solaris") logNotice "e1 still alive" call e2 (AddBook "Solaris") logNotice "e2 still alive" call e3 (AddBook "Solaris") logNotice "e3 still alive" assertShutdown (e0 ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (e1 ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (e2 ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (e3 ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerT ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerP ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally , runTestCase "test 14: if the watchdog receives OnChildDown\ \ for a known broker it behaves as if there\ \ was an OnChildSpawned for that child" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink (1 `Watchdog.crashesPerSeconds` 1) logNotice "started watchdog" brokerT <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started temporary broker" OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerT $ do let b0 = BookShelfId 0 e0 <- spawnBookShelf brokerT b0 logNotice ("started bookshelf of temporary broker: " <> pack (show e0)) Watchdog.attachTemporary wd brokerT logNotice "attached temporary broker" logNotice "crash the bookshelf" assertShutdown (e0 ^. fromEndpoint) (ExitUnhandledError "bookshelf test crash") awaitChildDownEvent b0 logNotice "bookshelf down" awaitChildStartedEvent b0 logNotice "bookshelf restarted" assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerT ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally , runTestCase "test 15: when a child exits normally,\ \ and a new child with the same ChildId\ \ crashes, the watchdog behaves as if\ \ the first child never existed" $ do wd <- Watchdog.startLink (1 `Watchdog.crashesPerSeconds` 10) logNotice "started watchdog" brokerT <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started temporary broker" OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerT $ do let b0 = BookShelfId 0 e0 <- spawnBookShelf brokerT b0 logNotice ("started bookshelf of temporary broker: " <> pack (show e0)) Watchdog.attachTemporary wd brokerT logNotice "attached temporary broker" logNotice "crash the bookshelf" assertShutdown (e0 ^. fromEndpoint) (ExitUnhandledError "bookshelf test crash") awaitChildDownEvent b0 logNotice "bookshelf down" awaitChildStartedEvent b0 e1 <- fromJust <$> Broker.lookupChild brokerT b0 logNotice "bookshelf restarted" logNotice "exit the bookshelf normally" assertShutdown (e1 ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally awaitChildDownEvent b0 logNotice "bookshelf stopped, starting a new one" e2 <- spawnBookShelf brokerT b0 logNotice "bookshelf restarted" assertShutdown (e2 ^. fromEndpoint) (ExitUnhandledError "bookshelf test crash") awaitChildDownEvent b0 logNotice "bookshelf down" awaitChildStartedEvent b0 logNotice "bookshelf restarted" assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerT ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally , testGroup "test 16: the amount of state is kept to a minimum" $ let setup k = do wd <- Watchdog.startLink (4 `Watchdog.crashesPerSeconds` 30) logNotice "started watchdog" brokerT <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started temporary broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd brokerT logNotice "attached temporary broker" brokerP <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) logNotice "started permanent broker" Watchdog.attachTemporary wd brokerP logNotice "attached permanent broker" do p <- self t <- spawn "test-proc" $ do void $ k wd brokerT brokerP sendMessage p () res <- receiveSelectedWithMonitorAfter t selectMessage (TimeoutMicros 10_000_000) logNotice ("test-proc finish message: " <> pack (show res)) case res of Left x -> do logError ("test-proc crashed: " <> pack (show x)) lift (assertFailure ("test-proc crashed: " <> show x)) Right () -> logNotice "test-proc succeeded" setupThenShutdown k = setup $ \wd brokerT brokerP -> do void $ k wd brokerT brokerP assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerT ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerP ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally in [ runTestCase "test 17: child events of unknown broker don't add state" $ setupThenShutdown $ \wd _brokerT _brokerP -> do someBroker <- asEndpoint @(Broker (Stateful BookShelf)) <$> spawn "someBroker" (pure ()) someChild <- asEndpoint @BookShelf <$> spawn "someChild" (pure ()) let someChildId = BookShelfId 2321 cast wd (Observed (Broker.OnChildDown someBroker someChildId someChild (ExitUnhandledError "test error"))) lift (threadDelay 1_000) cr <- Watchdog.getCrashReports @(Stateful BookShelf) wd logNotice (pack (show cr)) lift (assertBool "no crash reports expected" (Map.null cr)) , runTestCase "test 18: when a broker exits, the children of that broker are forgotten and ignored" $ do setup $ \wd brokerT brokerP -> do let someChildId1 = BookShelfId 2321 someChildId2 = BookShelfId 2322 someChildId3 = BookShelfId 2323 (someChild1, someChild2) <- OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerT ((,) <$> spawnBookShelf brokerT someChildId1 <*> spawnBookShelf brokerT someChildId2) someChild3 <- OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerP (spawnBookShelf brokerP someChildId3) do cr <- Watchdog.getCrashReports @(Stateful BookShelf) wd logNotice ("crash-reports: " <> pack (show cr)) lift (assertBool "no crash reports expected" (Map.null cr)) OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerT $ do crashBookShelf someChild1 someChildId1 awaitChildStartedEvent someChildId1 crashBookShelf someChild2 someChildId2 awaitChildStartedEvent someChildId2 OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) brokerP $ do crashBookShelf someChild3 someChildId3 awaitChildStartedEvent someChildId3 do cr <- Watchdog.getCrashReports @(Stateful BookShelf) wd logNotice ("crash-reports: " <> pack (show cr)) lift (assertEqual "wrong number of crash reports" 3 (Map.size cr)) assertShutdown (brokerT ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally do cr <- Watchdog.getCrashReports @(Stateful BookShelf) wd logNotice ("crash-reports: " <> pack (show cr)) lift (assertEqual "wrong number of crash reports" 1 (Map.size cr)) assertShutdown (wd ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally assertShutdown (brokerP ^. fromEndpoint) ExitNormally ] ] ] ] bookshelfDemo :: HasCallStack => Eff Effects () bookshelfDemo = do logNotice "Bookshelf Demo Begin" broker <- Broker.startLink (Broker.statefulChild @BookShelf (TimeoutMicros 1_000_000) id) shelf1 <- Broker.spawnOrLookup broker (BookShelfId 1) call shelf1 (AddBook "Solaris") call shelf1 GetBookList >>= logDebug . pack . show cast shelf1 (TakeBook "Solaris") call shelf1 GetBookList >>= logDebug . pack . show logNotice "Bookshelf Demo End" restartChildTest :: HasCallStack => Endpoint (Broker (Stateful BookShelf)) -> Eff Effects () restartChildTest broker = OQ.observe @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) (100 :: Int) broker $ do let c0 = BookShelfId 123 spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker c0 c01m <- Broker.lookupChild broker c0 case c01m of Nothing -> lift (assertFailure "failed to lookup child, seems it wasn't restarted!") Just c01 -> do call c01 (AddBook "Solaris") logNotice "part 3 passed" spawnBookShelf :: HasCallStack => Endpoint (Broker (Stateful BookShelf)) -> Broker.ChildId (Stateful BookShelf) -> Eff (OQ.Reader (Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) : Effects) (Endpoint BookShelf) spawnBookShelf broker c0 = do logNotice "spawn or lookup book shelf" res <- Broker.spawnChild broker c0 c00 <- case res of Left (Broker.AlreadyStarted _ ep) -> pure ep Right ep -> awaitChildStartedEvent c0 >> pure ep logNotice ("got book shelf: " <> pack (show c00)) pure c00 spawnAndCrashBookShelf :: HasCallStack => Endpoint (Broker (Stateful BookShelf)) -> Broker.ChildId (Stateful BookShelf) -> Eff (OQ.Reader (Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) : Effects) () spawnAndCrashBookShelf broker c0 = do c00 <- spawnBookShelf broker c0 crashBookShelf c00 c0 crashBookShelf :: HasCallStack => Endpoint BookShelf -> Broker.ChildId (Stateful BookShelf) -> Eff (OQ.Reader (Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) : Effects) () crashBookShelf c00 c0 = do logNotice "adding Solaris" call c00 (AddBook "Solaris") logNotice "added Solaris" logNotice "adding Solaris again to crash the book shelf" handleInterrupts (const (pure ())) (call c00 (AddBook "Solaris")) -- adding twice the same book causes a crash logNotice "added Solaris again waiting for crash" void $ awaitProcessDown (c00 ^. fromEndpoint) logNotice "shelf crashed" awaitChildDownEvent c0 awaitBrokershuttingDownEvent broker = do logNotice ("waiting for broker shutting down event of " <> pack (show broker)) evt <- OQ.await @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) case evt of (Broker.OnBrokerShuttingDown broker') | broker == broker' -> logNotice ("broker shutting down: " <> pack (show broker)) otherEvent -> lift (assertFailure ("wrong event received: " <> show otherEvent)) awaitChildDownEvent c0 = do logNotice ("waiting for down event of " <> pack (show c0)) evt <- OQ.await @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) case evt of (Broker.OnChildDown _ c' _ _) | c0 == c' -> logNotice ("child down: " <> pack (show c0)) otherEvent -> lift (assertFailure ("wrong broker down event received: " <> show otherEvent)) awaitChildStartedEvent c0 = do logNotice ("waiting for start event of " <> pack (show c0)) evt <- OQ.await @(Broker.ChildEvent (Stateful BookShelf)) case evt of (Broker.OnChildSpawned _ c' _) | c0 == c' -> logNotice ("child started: " <> pack (show c0)) otherEvent -> lift (assertFailure ("wrong broker start event received: " <> show otherEvent)) data BookShelf deriving Typeable type Book = String instance HasPdu BookShelf where data Pdu BookShelf r where GetBookList :: Pdu BookShelf ('Synchronous [Book]) AddBook :: Book -> Pdu BookShelf ('Synchronous ()) TakeBook :: Book -> Pdu BookShelf 'Asynchronous StopShelf :: Pdu BookShelf 'Asynchronous deriving Typeable instance Stateful.Server BookShelf Effects where newtype StartArgument BookShelf Effects = BookShelfId Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Num, NFData, Typeable) newtype instance Model BookShelf = BookShelfModel (Set String) deriving (Eq, Show, Default) update _ shelfId event = do logDebug (pack (show shelfId ++ " " ++ show event)) case event of Stateful.OnCast StopShelf -> do logNotice "stop shelf" exitNormally Stateful.OnCast (TakeBook book) -> do booksBefore <- Stateful.getModel @BookShelf booksAfter <- Stateful.modifyAndGetModel (over bookShelfModel (Set.delete book)) when (booksBefore == booksAfter) (exitWithError "book not taken") Stateful.OnCall rt callEvent -> case callEvent of GetBookList -> do books <- Stateful.useModel bookShelfModel sendReply rt (toList books) AddBook book -> do booksBefore <- Stateful.getModel @BookShelf booksAfter <- Stateful.modifyAndGetModel (over bookShelfModel (Set.insert book)) when (booksBefore == booksAfter) (exitWithError "book not added") sendReply rt () other -> logWarning (pack (show other)) bookShelfModel :: Iso' (Stateful.Model BookShelf) (Set String) bookShelfModel = iso (\(BookShelfModel s) -> s) BookShelfModel type instance Broker.ChildId BookShelf = Stateful.StartArgument BookShelf Effects instance NFData (Pdu BookShelf r) where rnf GetBookList = () rnf StopShelf = () rnf (AddBook b) = rnf b rnf (TakeBook b) = rnf b instance Show (Pdu BookShelf r) where show GetBookList = "get-book-list" show StopShelf = "stop-shelf" show (AddBook b) = "add-book: " ++ b show (TakeBook b) = "take-book: " ++ b