cabal-version: >= 1.18 build-type: Simple name: extra version: 1.6.21 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE category: Development author: Neil Mitchell maintainer: Neil Mitchell copyright: Neil Mitchell 2014-2020 synopsis: Extra functions I use. description: A library of extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries. Most functions are simple additions, filling out missing functionality. A few functions are available in later versions of GHC, but this package makes them available back to GHC 7.2. . The module "Extra" documents all functions provided by this library. Modules such as "Data.List.Extra" provide extra functions over "Data.List" and also reexport "Data.List". Users are recommended to replace "Data.List" imports with "Data.List.Extra" if they need the extra functionality. homepage: bug-reports: tested-with: GHC==8.8.1, GHC==8.6.5, GHC==8.4.4, GHC==8.2.2, GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3 extra-doc-files: CHANGES.txt extra-source-files: Generate.hs source-repository head type: git location: library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5, directory, filepath, process, clock >= 0.7, -- For GHC 7.10 since Data.List.NonEmpty wasn't in base then semigroups, time if !os(windows) build-depends: unix other-modules: Partial exposed-modules: Extra Control.Concurrent.Extra Control.Exception.Extra Control.Monad.Extra Data.Either.Extra Data.IORef.Extra Data.List.Extra Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra Data.Tuple.Extra Data.Typeable.Extra Data.Version.Extra Numeric.Extra System.Directory.Extra System.Environment.Extra System.Info.Extra System.IO.Extra System.Process.Extra System.Time.Extra Text.Read.Extra test-suite extra-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base == 4.*, directory, filepath, extra, QuickCheck >= 2.10, quickcheck-instances >= 0.3.17 if !os(windows) build-depends: unix hs-source-dirs: test ghc-options: -main-is Test -threaded "-with-rtsopts=-N4 -K1K" main-is: Test.hs other-modules: TestCustom TestGen TestUtil