The [factor package][] is a [Haskell][] library for factoring integers and polynomials, implementing the following algorithms: - [Number field sieve](/doc/nfs-example.txt) for factoring arbitrary integers - [Elliptic curve method](/doc/ecm-example.txt) for finding "small" factors of integers - Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test for integers - Berlekamp-Zassenhaus algorithm for factoring integer polynomials - Berlekamp algorithm for factoring polynomials over GF(*p*) (for small primes *p*) - Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm for factoring polynomials over GF(*p*) (for arbitrary odd primes *p*) This software is released under the [MIT License](/LICENSE). Install ------- Installing the factor package requires [cabal][]: git clone cd factor cabal install --enable-tests The factor package contains an executable called `factor`, which is [run](/doc/factor-usage.txt) as follows: Usage: factor [options] "expression to factor" --trial=N Set trial division maximum to N --ecm-primes=N Limit ECM to first N primes (use - for no limit) --nfs-chars=N Use N quadratic characters in NFS --nfs-verbose Show complete lists in NFS verbose messages -v --verbose Enable verbose messages -t --timestamp Prepend verbose messages with timestamp --version Print version -h --help Show help Example input expressions: 2047 Concrete integer 2^2^7 + 1 Integer expression N[100] Random 100-bit positive integer P[50] * P[50] Product of random 50-bit primes x^4 - 10*x^2 + 1 Polynomial over the integers x^5^2 - x (mod 5) Polynomial over GF(5) Let expressions are supported: `let p = P[4] in x^p - x (mod p)` Multivariate polynomials (e.g., `y^2 - x^3 - a*x - b`) are not supported Test and Profile ---------------- Use [cabal][] to run the test suite: cabal test Profiles of the time and memory requirements for factoring inputs of various sizes: - [Number field sieve profile](/doc/nfs-profile.txt) - [Elliptic curve method profile](/doc/ecm-profile.txt) The following recipe can be used to [visualize the dynamic memory usage](/doc/nfs-memory.png) of the number field sieve: cabal clean cabal configure --enable-profiling cabal build factor +RTS -hc -RTS -v --ecm-primes 0 'P[35] * P[35]' hp2ps -e8in -c factor.hp gm convert -density 180 factor.png xview factor.png References ---------- Comments in the code contain references to descriptions of the specific implemented algorithms, and the following references helped with general understanding of the number field sieve: - [A Tale of Two Sieves][Pomerance1996], Carl Pomerance, 1996 - [The Number Field Sieve][Byrnes2005], Steven Byrnes, 2005 - [An Introduction to the General Number Field Sieve][Briggs1998], Matthew E Briggs, 1998 - [Integer Factorization][Jensen2005], Per Leslie Jensen, 2005 - [Square Root Algorithms for the Number Field Sieve][Thome2012], Emmanuel Thome, 2012 - [MSIEVE: A Library for Factoring Large Integers][msieve], Jason Papadopoulos, 2010 [Briggs1998]: "An Introduction to the General Number Field Sieve" [Byrnes2005]: "The Number Field Sieve" [cabal]: "Cabal" [factor package]: "factor package" [Haskell]: "Haskell" [Jensen2005]: "Integer Factorization" [msieve]: "msieve" [Pomerance1996]: "A Tale of Two Sieves" [Thome2012]: "Square root algorithms for the number field sieve"