{- | module: Factor description: Factoring integers and polynomials license: MIT maintainer: Joe Leslie-Hurd stability: provisional portability: portable -} module Factor where import qualified Data.List as List import System.Random (RandomGen) --import qualified System.Random as Random import qualified Factor.Bz as Bz import qualified Factor.Ec as Ec import Factor.Gfpx (Gfpx) import qualified Factor.Gfpx as Gfpx import qualified Factor.Nfs as Nfs import Factor.Prime (Prime,PrimePower) import qualified Factor.Prime as Prime import Factor.Term (Term(..)) import qualified Factor.Term as Term import Factor.Util import Factor.Value (Value(..)) --import qualified Factor.Value as Value import Factor.Zx (Zx) import qualified Factor.Zx as Zx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Factoring integers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type IntegerFactorer r = Config -> Integer -> r -> Verbose ([PrimePower],r) data Config = Config {trialDivisionConfig :: Integer, -- Must be at least 3 ecmConfig :: Ec.Config, nfsConfig :: Nfs.Config} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config {trialDivisionConfig = 1000, ecmConfig = Ec.defaultConfig, nfsConfig = Nfs.defaultConfig} powerInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer,Integer) powerInteger m n = go Prime.primes where go [] = error "ran out of primes" go (p : ps) = if r <= m then Nothing else if r ^ p /= n then go ps else case powerInteger m r of Nothing -> Just (r,p) Just (s,k) -> Just (s, p * k) where r = nthRoot p n nfsFactorInteger :: RandomGen r => IntegerFactorer r nfsFactorInteger cfg n r = do comment "Cranking up the number field sieve (NFS)" m <- Nfs.factor (nfsConfig cfg) n case m of Nothing -> error "NFS factorization failed" Just g -> do h <- pure $ n `div` g comment $ "NFS factorization: " ++ show g ++ " * " ++ show h mergeFactorInteger nfsFactorInteger cfg g h r ecmFactorInteger :: RandomGen r => IntegerFactorer r ecmFactorInteger cfg n r = do comment "Firing up the elliptic curve method (ECM)" (m,r') <- Ec.factor (ecmConfig cfg) n r case m of Nothing -> nfsFactorInteger cfg n r' Just g -> do h <- pure $ n `div` g comment $ "ECM factorization: " ++ show g ++ " * " ++ show h mergeFactorInteger ecmFactorInteger cfg g h r' primeFactorInteger :: RandomGen r => IntegerFactorer r -> IntegerFactorer r primeFactorInteger f cfg n r = case Prime.isPrime n r of (False,r') -> f cfg n r' (True,r') -> do comment $ "Prime: " ++ show n pure $ ([(n,1)],r') powerFactorInteger :: RandomGen r => IntegerFactorer r -> IntegerFactorer r powerFactorInteger _ _ 1 r = pure ([],r) powerFactorInteger f cfg n r = do comment $ "Factor target is " ++ widthIntegerToString n case powerInteger (trialDivisionConfig cfg) n of Nothing -> primeFactorInteger f cfg n r Just (m,k) -> do comment $ "Perfect power: " ++ show m ++ "^" ++ show k comment $ "Adjusted factor target is " ++ widthIntegerToString m (pjs,r') <- primeFactorInteger f cfg m r pure $ (map (\(p,j) -> (p, j * k)) pjs, r') mergeFactorInteger :: RandomGen r => IntegerFactorer r -> Config -> Integer -> Integer -> r -> Verbose ([PrimePower],r) mergeFactorInteger f cfg m n r | n < m = mergeFactorInteger f cfg n m r mergeFactorInteger f cfg m n r = do (pks,r') <- powerFactorInteger f cfg m r (pks',r'') <- powerFactorInteger f cfg n r' pure (Prime.multiplyPrimePowers pks pks', r'') factorInteger :: RandomGen r => IntegerFactorer r factorInteger _ n r | abs n <= 1 = pure ([(n,1)],r) factorInteger cfg n r | n < 0 = do (pks,r') <- factorInteger cfg (-n) r pure ((-1,1) : pks, r') factorInteger cfg n r = do comment $ "Attempting to factor " ++ widthIntegerToString n t <- pure $ trialDivisionConfig cfg ps <- pure $ takeWhile (\p -> p <= t) Prime.primes (pks,m) <- pure $ Prime.factor ps n comment $ "Trial division up to " ++ show t ++ " found " ++ (if null pks then "no factors" else let l = length pks in (if m == 1 then "all prime factors" else show l ++ " prime factor" ++ (if l == 1 then "" else "s")) ++ ": " ++ List.intercalate " * " (map (Term.toString . Term.fromPrimePower) pks)) (pks',r') <- powerFactorInteger ecmFactorInteger cfg m r pure (pks ++ pks', r') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Factoring polynomials over the integers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- factorZx :: Zx -> [(Zx,Integer)] factorZx f | Zx.isConstant f = [(f,1)] factorZx f = if n == 1 then hks else (Zx.constant n, 1) : hks where (c,gks) = Bz.factor f (mks,hks) = List.partition (Zx.isConstant . fst) gks n = List.foldr (\(m,k) z -> (Zx.constantCoeff m ^ k) * z) c mks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Factoring polynomials over GF(p) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- factorGfpx :: RandomGen r => Prime -> Gfpx -> r -> ([(Gfpx,Integer)],r) factorGfpx _ f r | Gfpx.isConstant f = ([(f,1)],r) factorGfpx p f r = (if c == 1 then hs else (Gfpx.constant c, 1) : hs, r') where (hs,r') = Gfpx.factorMonic p g r (c,g) = Gfpx.constMonic p f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Factoring expression values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- factorValue :: RandomGen r => Config -> Value -> r -> Verbose (Term,r) factorValue cfg (ZValue n) r = do (pks,r') <- factorInteger cfg n r t <- pure $ Term.fromPrimePowers pks pure (t,r') factorValue _ (ZxValue f x) r = pure (t,r) where gks = factorZx f t = Term.simplify $ Term.mkProduct $ map (\(g,k) -> ExpTerm (Zx.toTerm x g) (IntegerTerm k)) gks factorValue _ (GfpValue p a) r = pure (Term.fromGfp p a, r) factorValue _ (GfpxValue p f x) r = pure (t,r') where (gks,r') = factorGfpx p f r t = flip Term.modulo p $ Term.simplify $ Term.mkProduct $ map (\(g,k) -> ExpTerm (Gfpx.polyToTerm p x g) (IntegerTerm k)) gks {- let cfg = defaultConfig let n = 4 r <- System.Random.getStdGen factorInteger cfg n r powerFactorInteger ecmFactorInteger cfg n r -}