# Introduction This is a Haskell driver for [Factual's public API](http://developer.factual.com/display/docs/Factual+Developer+APIs+Version+3). # Installation ## Prerequisites This driver was developed on [ghc 7.0.4](http://www.haskell.org/ghc/) and [The Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0](http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/). Please follow the installation instructions for your specific platform to install ghc and The Haskell Platform. ## Installation from git $ git clone git@github.com:rudyl313/factual-haskell-driver.git $ cabal install hoauth $ cabal install aeson Note you may require libcurl to install hoauth. On lucid you can run: $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev ## Installation from cabal $ cabal install factual-api # Tests Load the tests file into ghci to run the tests: $ ghci test/Tests.hs To run the response tests you'll need an API key and secret, but you can always run the query tests: *Main> runQueryTests Cases: 33 Tried: 33 Errors: 0 Failures: 0 Counts {cases = 33, tried = 33, errors = 0, failures = 0} *Main> runResponseTests "mykey" "mysecret" Cases: 4 Tried: 4 Errors: 0 Failures: 0 Counts {cases = 4, tried = 4, errors = 0, failures = 0} # Documentation You can read library documentation by opening docs/index.html in your browser. # Examples See the examples directory for examples of each query type. To run an example go to the project root and execute these commands: $ ghc -o example examples/ReadExample.hs --make $ ./example mykey mysecret In this example replace mykey with your key and mysecret with your secret. Note that compiling the source code generates .o and .hi files in the source directories.