{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module TextSpec where import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Faker hiding (defaultFakerSettings) import qualified Faker.Address as FA import qualified Faker.Ancient as AN import qualified Faker.App as AP import qualified Faker.Appliance as AP import qualified Faker.Artist as AR import qualified Faker.Bank as BA import qualified Faker.Beer as BE import qualified Faker.Book as BO import qualified Faker.Book.CultureSeries as CE import qualified Faker.Book.Dune as DU import qualified Faker.Book.Lovecraft as LO import qualified Faker.BossaNova as BO import qualified Faker.Business as BU import qualified Faker.Cannabis as CA import qualified Faker.ChuckNorris as CH import qualified Faker.Code as CO import qualified Faker.Coffee as CO import qualified Faker.Coin as CO import qualified Faker.Color as CO import qualified Faker.Commerce as CO import qualified Faker.Company as CM import qualified Faker.Compass as CO import qualified Faker.Construction as CO import qualified Faker.Cosmere as CO import qualified Faker.Creature.Animal as AN import qualified Faker.Creature.Cat as CA import qualified Faker.Creature.Dog as DO import qualified Faker.Creature.Horse as HO import qualified Faker.CryptoCoin as CO import qualified Faker.Currency as CU import qualified Faker.DcComics as DC import qualified Faker.Demographic as DE import qualified Faker.Dessert as DE import qualified Faker.Educator as ED import qualified Faker.ElectricalComponents as EC import qualified Faker.Esport as ES import qualified Faker.File as FI import qualified Faker.Finance as FI import qualified Faker.Food as FO import qualified Faker.FunnyName as FU import qualified Faker.Game.Dota as DO import qualified Faker.Game.ElderScrolls as EL import qualified Faker.Game.Fallout as FA import qualified Faker.Game.HalfLife as HA import qualified Faker.Game.Heroes as HE import qualified Faker.Game.HeroesOfTheStorm as HS import qualified Faker.Game.Myst as MY import qualified Faker.Game.Overwatch as OV import qualified Faker.Game.Pokemon as PO import qualified Faker.Game.SonicTheHedgehog as SO import qualified Faker.Game.SuperSmashBros as SU import qualified Faker.Game.Witcher as WI import qualified Faker.Game.Witcher as WI import qualified Faker.Game.WorldOfWarcraft as WO import qualified Faker.Game.Zelda as ZE import qualified Faker.Gender as GE import qualified Faker.GreekPhilosophers as GR import qualified Faker.Hacker as HA import qualified Faker.Hipster as HI import qualified Faker.House as HO import qualified Faker.IndustrySegments as IN import qualified Faker.Internet as IN import qualified Faker.JapaneseMedia.DragonBall as DR import qualified Faker.JapaneseMedia.OnePiece as ON import qualified Faker.JapaneseMedia.SwordArtOnline as SW import qualified Faker.Job as JO import qualified Faker.Kpop as KP import qualified Faker.LeagueOfLegends as LE import qualified Faker.Lorem as LM import qualified Faker.Markdown as MA import qualified Faker.Marketing as MA import qualified Faker.Measurement as ME import qualified Faker.Military as MI import qualified Faker.Movie as MO import qualified Faker.Movie.BackToTheFuture as BA import qualified Faker.Movie.Ghostbusters as GH import qualified Faker.Movie.GratefulDead as GR import qualified Faker.Movie.HarryPotter as HA import qualified Faker.Movie.HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy as HI import qualified Faker.Movie.Hobbit as HO import qualified Faker.Movie.Lebowski as LE import qualified Faker.Movie.LordOfTheRings as LO import qualified Faker.Movie.PrincessBride as PR import qualified Faker.Movie.StarWars as ST import qualified Faker.Movie.VForVendetta as VF import qualified Faker.Music as MU import qualified Faker.Music.Opera as OP import qualified Faker.Music.Phish as PH import qualified Faker.Music.RockBand as RO import qualified Faker.Music.UmphreysMcgee as UM import qualified Faker.Name as NA import qualified Faker.Nation as NA import qualified Faker.NatoPhoneticAlphabet as NA import qualified Faker.PhoneNumber as PH import qualified Faker.ProgrammingLanguage as PR import qualified Faker.Quote as QU import qualified Faker.Quote.Shakespeare as SH import qualified Faker.Relationship as RE import qualified Faker.Restaurant as RE import qualified Faker.Science as SC import qualified Faker.SlackEmoji as SL import qualified Faker.Source as SO import qualified Faker.Space as SP import qualified Faker.Sport.Basketball as BA import qualified Faker.Sport.Football as FO import qualified Faker.Subscription as SU import qualified Faker.Superhero as SU import qualified Faker.Team as TE import qualified Faker.TvShow.AquaTeenHungerForce as AQ import qualified Faker.TvShow.BoJackHorseman as BO import qualified Faker.TvShow.BreakingBad as BR import qualified Faker.TvShow.Buffy as BU import qualified Faker.TvShow.Community as CO import qualified Faker.TvShow.DrWho as DR import qualified Faker.TvShow.DumbAndDumber as DD import qualified Faker.TvShow.FamilyGuy as FA import qualified Faker.TvShow.FreshPrinceOfBelAir as FR import qualified Faker.TvShow.Friends as FI import qualified Faker.TvShow.GameOfThrones as GA import qualified Faker.TvShow.HeyArnold as HE import qualified Faker.TvShow.HowIMetYourMother as HI import qualified Faker.TvShow.MichaelScott as MI import qualified Faker.TvShow.NewGirl as NE import qualified Faker.TvShow.ParksAndRec as PA import qualified Faker.TvShow.RickAndMorty as RI import qualified Faker.TvShow.Rupaul as RU import qualified Faker.TvShow.Seinfeld as SE import qualified Faker.TvShow.SiliconValley as SI import qualified Faker.TvShow.Simpsons as SS import qualified Faker.TvShow.SouthPark as SO import qualified Faker.TvShow.StarTrek as SR import qualified Faker.TvShow.Stargate as SG import qualified Faker.TvShow.StrangerThings as SH import qualified Faker.TvShow.TheExpanse as TH import qualified Faker.TvShow.TheItCrowd as TI import qualified Faker.TvShow.TheThickOfIt as TO import qualified Faker.TvShow.TwinPeaks as TW import qualified Faker.TvShow.VentureBros as VE import qualified Faker.University as UN import qualified Faker.Vehicle as VE import qualified Faker.Verbs as VE import qualified Faker.WorldCup as WO import qualified Faker.Yoda as YO import Test.Hspec import TestImport isText :: Text -> Bool isText x = T.length x >= 1 fakerSettings :: FakerSettings fakerSettings = defaultFakerSettings verifyFakes :: [Fake Text] -> IO [Bool] verifyFakes funs = do let fs :: [IO Text] = map (generateWithSettings fakerSettings) funs gs :: [IO Bool] = map (\f -> isText <$> f) fs sequence gs verifyFakeInt :: [Fake Int] -> IO [Bool] verifyFakeInt funs = do let fs :: [IO Int] = map (generateWithSettings fakerSettings) funs gs :: [IO Bool] = map (\f -> (\x -> x >= 0) <$> f) fs sequence gs spec :: Spec spec = do describe "TextSpec" $ do it "Address" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ FA.country , FA.cityPrefix , FA.citySuffix , FA.countryCode , FA.countryCodeLong , FA.buildingNumber , FA.communityPrefix , FA.communitySuffix , FA.community , FA.streetSuffix , FA.secondaryAddress , FA.postcode , FA.state , FA.stateAbbr , FA.timeZone , FA.city , FA.streetName , FA.streetAddress , FA.fullAddress ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Ancient" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [AN.god, AN.primordial, AN.hero, AN.titan] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "App" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [AP.name, AP.version] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Appliance" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [AP.brand, AP.equipment] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Artist" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [AR.names] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Bank" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BA.name, BA.swiftBic] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Beer" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BE.name, BE.brand, BE.hop, BE.yeast, BE.malt, BE.style] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Book.CultureSeries" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CE.books , CE.cultureShips , CE.cultureShipClasses , CE.cultureShipClassAbvs , CE.civs , CE.planets ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Book.Dune" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ DU.characters , DU.titles , DU.planets , DU.quotesGuildNavigator , DU.quotesEmperor , DU.quotesPaul , DU.quotesThufir , DU.quotesJessica , DU.quotesIrulan , DU.quotesMohiam , DU.quotesGurney , DU.quotesLeto , DU.quotesStilgar , DU.quotesLietKynes , DU.quotesPardotKynes , DU.quotesBaronHarkonnen , DU.quotesPiter , DU.quotesAlia , DU.quotesMapes , DU.quotesDuncan , DU.quotesYueh , DU.sayingsBeneGesserit , DU.sayingsFremen , DU.sayingsMentat , DU.sayingsMuaddib , DU.sayingsOrangeCatholicBible ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Book.LoveCraft" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [LO.fhtagn, LO.deity, LO.location, LO.tome, LO.words] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Book" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BO.author, BO.title, BO.publisher, BO.genre] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "BossaNova" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BO.artists, BO.songs] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Business" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BU.creditCardNumbers, BU.creditCardTypes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Cannabis" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CA.strains , CA.cannabinoidAbbreviations , CA.cannabinoids , CA.terpenes , CA.medicalUses , CA.healthBenefits , CA.categories , CA.types , CA.buzzwords , CA.brands ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "ChuckNorris" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CH.fact] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Code" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CO.asin] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Coffee" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CO.country , CO.variety , CO.intensifier , CO.body , CO.descriptor , CO.name1 , CO.name2 , CO.notes , CO.blendName , CO.regionsColombia , CO.regionsBrazil , CO.regionsSumatra , CO.regionsEthiopia , CO.regionsHonduras , CO.regionsKenya , CO.regionsUganda , CO.regionsMexico , CO.regionsGuatemala , CO.regionsNicaragua , CO.regionsCostaRica , CO.regionsTanzania , CO.regionsElSalvador , CO.regionsRwanda , CO.regionsBurundi , CO.regionsPanama , CO.regionsYemen , CO.regionsIndia ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Coin" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CO.flip] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Color" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CO.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Commerce" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CO.department , CO.productNameAdjective , CO.productNameMaterial , CO.productNameProduct , CO.promotionCodeAdjective , CO.promotionCodeNoun ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Company" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CM.suffix , CM.buzzword , CM.bs , CM.name , CM.industry , CM.profession , CM.type' , CM.sicCode , CM.buzzword , CM.bs ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Company" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CO.direction , CO.abbreviation , CO.azimuth , CO.cardinalWord , CO.cardinalAbbreviation , CO.cardinalAzimuth , CO.ordinalWord , CO.ordinalAbbreviation , CO.ordinalAzimuth , CO.halfWindWord , CO.halfWindAbbreviation , CO.halfWindAzimuth , CO.quarterWindWord , CO.quarterWindAbbreviation , CO.quarterWindAzimuth ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Construction" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CO.materials , CO.subcontractCategories , CO.heavyEquipment , CO.roles , CO.trades , CO.standardCostCodes ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Cosmere" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ CO.aons , CO.shardWorlds , CO.shards , CO.surges , CO.knightsRadiant , CO.metals , CO.allomancers , CO.feruchemists , CO.heralds , CO.sprens ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Creature.Animal" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [AN.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Creature.Cat" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CA.name, CA.breed, CA.registry] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Creature.Dog" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ DO.name , DO.breed , DO.sound , DO.memePhrase , DO.age , DO.coatLength , DO.size ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Creature.Horuse" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HO.name, HO.breed] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Cryptocoin" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CO.coin] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Currency" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CU.name, CU.code, CU.symbol] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "DcComics" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [DC.hero, DC.heroine, DC.villain, DC.name, DC.title] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Demographic" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ DE.race , DE.sex , DE.demonym , DE.educationalAttainment , DE.maritalStatus ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Dessert" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [DE.variety, DE.topping, DE.flavor] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Educator" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ ED.name , ED.secondary , ED.tertiaryType , ED.tertiaryDegreeSubject , ED.tertiaryDegreeType , ED.tertiaryCourseNumber ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "ElectricalComponents" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [EC.active, EC.passive, EC.electromechanical] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Esport" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ES.players, ES.teams, ES.events, ES.leagues, ES.games] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "File" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FI.extension, FI.mimeType] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Finance" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ FI.visa , FI.mastercard , FI.discover , FI.dinersClub , FI.jcb , FI.switch , FI.solo , FI.dankort , FI.maestro , FI.forbrugsforeningen , FI.laser ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Food" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ FO.dish , FO.descriptions , FO.ingredients , FO.fruits , FO.vegetables , FO.spices , FO.measurements , FO.measurementSizes , FO.metricMeasurements , FO.sushi ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "FunnyName" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FU.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Dota" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ DO.hero , DO.item , DO.team , DO.player , DO.abaddonQuote , DO.alchemistQuote , DO.axeQuote , DO.beastmasterQuote , DO.brewmasterQuote , DO.bristlebackQuote , DO.centaurQuote , DO.chaosKnightQuote , DO.clockwerkQuote , DO.doomQuote , DO.dragonKnightQuote , DO.earthSpiritQuote , DO.earthshakerQuote , DO.elderTitanQuote , DO.huskarQuote , DO.ioQuote , DO.kunkkaQuote , DO.legionCommanderQuote , DO.lifestealerQuote , DO.lycanQuote , DO.magnusQuote , DO.nightStalkerQuote , DO.omniknightQuote , DO.phoenixQuote , DO.pudgeQuote , DO.sandKingQuote , DO.slardarQuote , DO.spiritBreakerQuote , DO.svenQuote , DO.tidehunterQuote , DO.timbersawQuote , DO.tinyQuote , DO.tuskQuote , DO.underlordQuote , DO.undyingQuote , DO.wraithKingQuote , DO.meepoQuote ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.ElderScrolls" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ EL.race , EL.creature , EL.region , EL.dragon , EL.city , EL.firstName , EL.lastName ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Fallout" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FA.characters, FA.factions, FA.locations, FA.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.HalfLife" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HA.character, HA.enemy, HA.location] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Heroes" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HE.names, HE.specialties, HE.klasses] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.HeroesOfTheStorm" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HS.battlegrounds, HS.classes, HS.heroes, HS.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Myst" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [MY.games, MY.creatures, MY.characters, MY.ages, MY.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Overwatch" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [OV.heroes, OV.locations, OV.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Pokemon" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [PO.names, PO.locations, PO.moves] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.SonicTheHedgehog" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SO.zone, SO.character, SO.game] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.SonicTheHedgehog" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SO.zone, SO.character, SO.game] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.SuperSmashBros" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SU.fighter, SU.stage] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Witcher" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ WI.characters , WI.witchers , WI.schools , WI.locations , WI.quotes , WI.monsters ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.WorldOfwarcraft" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [WO.hero, WO.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Game.Zelda" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ZE.games, ZE.characters, ZE.locations, ZE.items] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Gender" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [GE.types, GE.binaryTypes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "GreekPhilosophers" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [GR.names, GR.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Hacker" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HA.abbreviation, HA.adjective, HA.noun, HA.verb, HA.ingverb] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Hipster" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HI.words] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "House" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HO.furniture, HO.rooms] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Industry" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [IN.industry, IN.superSector, IN.sector, IN.subSector] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Internet" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ IN.freeEmail , IN.domainSuffix , IN.userAgentAol , IN.userAgentChrome , IN.userAgentFirefox , IN.userAgentInternetExplorer , IN.userAgentNetscape , IN.userAgentOpera , IN.userAgentSafari ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "JapaneseMedia.DragonBall" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [DR.characters] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "JapaneseMedia.OnePiece" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ ON.characters , ON.seas , ON.islands , ON.locations , ON.quotes , ON.akumasNoMi ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "JapaneseMedia.SwordArtOnline" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SW.realName, SW.gameName, SW.location, SW.item] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Job" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ JO.field , JO.seniority , JO.position , JO.keySkills , JO.employmentType , JO.educationLevel , JO.title ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Kpop" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ KP.iGroups , KP.iiGroups , KP.iiiGroups , KP.girlGroups , KP.boyBands , KP.solo ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "LeagueOfLegends" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ LE.champion , LE.location , LE.quote , LE.summonerSpell , LE.masteries , LE.rank ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Lorem" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [LM.words, LM.supplemental] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Markdown" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [MA.headers, MA.emphasis] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Marketing" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [MA.buzzwords] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Measurement" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ ME.height , ME.length , ME.volume , ME.weight , ME.metricHeight , ME.metricLength , ME.metricVolume , ME.metricWeight ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Military" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ MI.armyRank , MI.marinesRank , MI.navyRank , MI.airForceRank , MI.dodPaygrade ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.BackToTheFuture" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BA.dates, BA.characters, BA.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.Ghostbusters" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [GH.actors, GH.characters, GH.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.GratefulDead" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [GR.players, GR.songs] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.HarryPotter" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ HA.characters , HA.locations , HA.quotes , HA.books , HA.houses , HA.spells ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ HI.characters , HI.locations , HI.marvinQuote , HI.planets , HI.quotes , HI.species , HI.starships ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.Hobbit" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HO.character, HO.thorinsCompany, HO.quote, HO.location] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.Lebowski" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [LE.actors, LE.characters, LE.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.LordOfTheRings" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [LO.characters, LO.locations, LO.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.PrincessBride" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [PR.characters, PR.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.StarWars" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ ST.characters , ST.callSquadrons , ST.droids , ST.planets , ST.species , ST.vehicles , ST.wookieeWords , ST.callNumbers , ST.callSign , ST.quotesAdmiralAckbar , ST.quotesAhsokaTano , ST.quotesAsajjVentress , ST.quotesBendu , ST.quotesBobaFett , ST.quotesC3po , ST.quotesCountDooku , ST.quotesDarthCaedus , ST.quotesDarthVader , ST.quotesEmperorPalpatine , ST.quotesFinn , ST.quotesGrandAdmiralThrawn , ST.quotesGrandMoffTarkin , ST.quotesGreedo , ST.quotesHanSolo , ST.quotesJabbaTheHutt , ST.quotesJarJarBinks , ST.quotesK2so , ST.quotesKyloRen , ST.quotesLandoCalrissian , ST.quotesLeiaOrgana , ST.quotesLukeSkywalker , ST.quotesMaceWindu , ST.quotesMazKanata , ST.quotesObiWanKenobi , ST.quotesPadmeAmidala , ST.quotesQuiGonJinn , ST.quotesRey , ST.quotesShmiSkywalker , ST.quotesYoda , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsAdmiralAckbar , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsAhsokaTano , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsAnakinSkywalker , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsAsajjVentress , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsBendu , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsBobaFett , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsC3po , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsCountDooku , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsDarthCaedus , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsDarthVader , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsEmperorPalpatine , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsFinn , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsGeneralHux , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsGrandAdmiralThrawn , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsGrandMoffTarkin , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsGreedo , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsHanSolo , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsJabbaTheHutt , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsJarJarBinks , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsK2so , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsKyloRen , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsLandoCalrissian , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsLeiaOrgana , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsLukeSkywalker , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsMaceWindu , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsMazKanata , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsObiWanKenobi , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsPadmeAmidala , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsQuiGonJinn , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsRey , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsShmiSkywalker , ST.alternateCharacterSpellingsYoda ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie.VForVendetta" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [VF.characters, VF.speeches, VF.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Movie" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [MO.quote] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Music.Opera" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ OP.italianByGiuseppeVerdi , OP.italianByGioacchinoRossini , OP.italianByGaetanoDonizetti , OP.italianByVincenzoBellini ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Music.Phish" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [PH.song] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Music.RockBand" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [RO.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Music.UmphreysMcgee" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [UM.song] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Music" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [MU.instruments, MU.bands, MU.albums, MU.genres] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Name" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ NA.maleFirstName , NA.femaleFirstName , NA.prefix , NA.suffix , NA.lastName , NA.name , NA.nameWithMiddle , NA.firstName ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Nation" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [NA.nationality, NA.language, NA.capitalCity, NA.flagEmoji] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "NatoPhoneticAlphabet" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [NA.codeWord] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "PhoneNumber" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [PH.formats, PH.countryCode, PH.cellPhoneFormat] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "ProgrammingLanguage" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [PR.name, PR.creator] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Quote.Shakespeare" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SH.hamlet, SH.asYouLikeIt, SH.kingRichardIii, SH.romeoAndJuliet] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Quote" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ QU.famousLastWords , QU.matz , QU.mostInterestingManInTheWorld , QU.robin , QU.singularSiegler , QU.yoda ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Relationship" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ RE.inLaw , RE.spouse , RE.parent , RE.sibling , RE.familialDirect , RE.familialExtended ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Restaurant" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ RE.nameSuffix , RE.type' , RE.description , RE.review , RE.namePrefix , RE.name ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Science" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SC.element, SC.elementSymbol, SC.scientist] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "SlackEmoji" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ SL.people , SL.nature , SL.foodAndDrink , SL.celebration , SL.activity , SL.travelAndPlaces , SL.objectsAndSymbols , SL.custom , SL.emoji ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Source" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ SO.helloWorldRuby , SO.helloWorldJavascript , SO.printRuby , SO.printJavascript , SO.print1To10Ruby , SO.print1To10Javascript ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Space" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ SP.planet , SP.moon , SP.galaxy , SP.nebula , SP.starCluster , SP.constellation , SP.star , SP.agency , SP.agencyAbv , SP.nasaSpaceCraft , SP.company , SP.distanceMeasurement , SP.meteorite , SP.launchVehicle ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Sport.Basketball" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BA.teams, BA.players, BA.coaches, BA.positions] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Sport.Football" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FO.teams, FO.players, FO.coaches, FO.competitions, FO.positions] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Subscription" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ SU.plans , SU.statuses , SU.paymentMethods , SU.subscriptionTerms , SU.paymentTerms ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Superhero" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SU.power, SU.prefix, SU.suffix, SU.descriptor, SU.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Team" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [TE.creature, TE.sport, TE.mascot, TE.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "University" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [UN.prefix, UN.suffix, UN.name] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Vehicle" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ VE.manufacture , VE.makes , VE.colors , VE.transmissions , VE.driveTypes , VE.fuelTypes , VE.styles , VE.carTypes , VE.carOptions , VE.standardSpecs , VE.licensePlate , VE.modelsByMakeBMW , VE.modelsByMakeAudi , VE.modelsByMakeToyota , VE.modelsByMakeChevy , VE.modelsByMakeFord , VE.modelsByMakeDodge , VE.modelsByMakeLincoln , VE.modelsByMakeBuick , VE.modelsByMakeHonda , VE.modelsByMakeNissan ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True let ifunctions :: [Fake Int] = [VE.doors, VE.engineSizes] bools <- verifyFakeInt ifunctions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Verbs" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [VE.base, VE.past, VE.pastParticiple, VE.simplePresent, VE.ingForm] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "WorldCup" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ WO.teams , WO.stadiums , WO.cities , WO.groupsGroupA , WO.groupsGroupB , WO.groupsGroupC , WO.groupsGroupD , WO.groupsGroupE , WO.groupsGroupF , WO.groupsGroupG , WO.groupsGroupH , WO.rostersEgyptCoach , WO.rostersEgyptGoalkeepers , WO.rostersEgyptDefenders , WO.rostersEgyptMidfielders , WO.rostersEgyptForwards , WO.rostersRussiaCoach , WO.rostersRussiaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersRussiaDefenders , WO.rostersRussiaMidfielders , WO.rostersRussiaForwards , WO.rostersSaudiArabiaCoach , WO.rostersSaudiArabiaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSaudiArabiaDefenders , WO.rostersSaudiArabiaMidfielders , WO.rostersSaudiArabiaForwards , WO.rostersUruguayCoach , WO.rostersUruguayGoalkeepers , WO.rostersUruguayDefenders , WO.rostersUruguayMidfielders , WO.rostersUruguayForwards , WO.rostersIranCoach , WO.rostersIranGoalkeepers , WO.rostersIranDefenders , WO.rostersIranMidfielders , WO.rostersIranForwards , WO.rostersMoroccoCoach , WO.rostersMoroccoGoalkeepers , WO.rostersMoroccoDefenders , WO.rostersMoroccoMidfielders , WO.rostersMoroccoForwards , WO.rostersPortugalCoach , WO.rostersPortugalGoalkeepers , WO.rostersPortugalDefenders , WO.rostersPortugalMidfielders , WO.rostersPortugalForwards , WO.rostersSpainCoach , WO.rostersSpainGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSpainDefenders , WO.rostersSpainMidfielders , WO.rostersSpainForwards , WO.rostersAustraliaCoach , WO.rostersAustraliaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersAustraliaDefenders , WO.rostersAustraliaMidfielders , WO.rostersAustraliaForwards , WO.rostersDenmarkCoach , WO.rostersDenmarkGoalkeepers , WO.rostersDenmarkDefenders , WO.rostersDenmarkMidfielders , WO.rostersDenmarkForwards , WO.rostersFranceCoach , WO.rostersFranceGoalkeepers , WO.rostersFranceDefenders , WO.rostersFranceMidfielders , WO.rostersFranceForwards , WO.rostersPeruCoach , WO.rostersPeruGoalkeepers , WO.rostersPeruDefenders , WO.rostersPeruMidfielders , WO.rostersPeruForwards , WO.rostersArgentinaCoach , WO.rostersArgentinaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersArgentinaDefenders , WO.rostersArgentinaMidfielders , WO.rostersArgentinaForwards , WO.rostersCroatiaCoach , WO.rostersCroatiaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersCroatiaDefenders , WO.rostersCroatiaMidfielders , WO.rostersCroatiaForwards , WO.rostersIcelandCoach , WO.rostersIcelandGoalkeepers , WO.rostersIcelandDefenders , WO.rostersIcelandMidfielders , WO.rostersIcelandForwards , WO.rostersNigeriaCoach , WO.rostersNigeriaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersNigeriaDefenders , WO.rostersNigeriaMidfielders , WO.rostersNigeriaForwards , WO.rostersBrazilCoach , WO.rostersBrazilGoalkeepers , WO.rostersBrazilDefenders , WO.rostersBrazilMidfielders , WO.rostersBrazilForwards , WO.rostersCostaRicaCoach , WO.rostersCostaRicaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersCostaRicaDefenders , WO.rostersCostaRicaMidfielders , WO.rostersCostaRicaForwards , WO.rostersSerbiaCoach , WO.rostersSerbiaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSerbiaDefenders , WO.rostersSerbiaMidfielders , WO.rostersSerbiaForwards , WO.rostersSwitzerlandCoach , WO.rostersSwitzerlandGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSwitzerlandDefenders , WO.rostersSwitzerlandMidfielders , WO.rostersSwitzerlandForwards , WO.rostersGermanyCoach , WO.rostersGermanyGoalkeepers , WO.rostersGermanyDefenders , WO.rostersGermanyMidfielders , WO.rostersGermanyForwards , WO.rostersMexicoCoach , WO.rostersMexicoGoalkeepers , WO.rostersMexicoDefenders , WO.rostersMexicoMidfielders , WO.rostersMexicoForwards , WO.rostersSouthKoreaCoach , WO.rostersSouthKoreaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSouthKoreaDefenders , WO.rostersSouthKoreaMidfielders , WO.rostersSouthKoreaForwards , WO.rostersSwedenCoach , WO.rostersSwedenGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSwedenDefenders , WO.rostersSwedenMidfielders , WO.rostersSwedenForwards , WO.rostersBelgiumCoach , WO.rostersBelgiumGoalkeepers , WO.rostersBelgiumDefenders , WO.rostersBelgiumMidfielders , WO.rostersBelgiumForwards , WO.rostersEnglandCoach , WO.rostersEnglandGoalkeepers , WO.rostersEnglandDefenders , WO.rostersEnglandMidfielders , WO.rostersEnglandForwards , WO.rostersPanamaCoach , WO.rostersPanamaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersPanamaDefenders , WO.rostersPanamaMidfielders , WO.rostersPanamaForwards , WO.rostersTunisiaCoach , WO.rostersTunisiaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersTunisiaDefenders , WO.rostersTunisiaMidfielders , WO.rostersTunisiaForwards , WO.rostersColumbiaCoach , WO.rostersColumbiaGoalkeepers , WO.rostersColumbiaDefenders , WO.rostersColumbiaMidfielders , WO.rostersColumbiaForwards , WO.rostersJapanCoach , WO.rostersJapanGoalkeepers , WO.rostersJapanDefenders , WO.rostersJapanMidfielders , WO.rostersJapanForwards , WO.rostersPolandCoach , WO.rostersPolandGoalkeepers , WO.rostersPolandDefenders , WO.rostersPolandMidfielders , WO.rostersPolandForwards , WO.rostersSenegalCoach , WO.rostersSenegalGoalkeepers , WO.rostersSenegalDefenders , WO.rostersSenegalMidfielders , WO.rostersSenegalForwards ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "Yoda" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [YO.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.AquaTeenHungerForce" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [AQ.character] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.BoJackHorseman" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BO.character, BO.quote, BO.tongueTwister] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.BreakingBad" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BR.character, BR.episode] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Buffy" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [BU.characters, BU.quotes, BU.celebrities, BU.bigBads, BU.episodes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Community" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [CO.characters, CO.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.DrWho" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ DR.character , DR.theDoctors , DR.actors , DR.catchPhrases , DR.quotes , DR.villains , DR.species ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.DumbAndDumber" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [DD.actors, DD.characters, DD.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.FamilyGuy" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FA.character, FA.location, FA.quote] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.FreshPrinceOfBelAir" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FR.characters, FR.celebrities, FR.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Friends" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FI.characters, FI.locations, FI.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Friends" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [FI.characters, FI.locations, FI.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.GameOfThrones" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [GA.characters, GA.houses, GA.cities, GA.quotes, GA.dragons] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.HeyArnold" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HE.characters, HE.locations, HE.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.HowIMetYourMother" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [HI.character, HI.catchPhrase, HI.highFive, HI.quote] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.MichaelScott" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [MI.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.NewGirl" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [NE.characters, NE.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.ParksAndRec" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [PA.characters, PA.cities] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.RickAndMorty" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [RI.characters, RI.locations, RI.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Rupaul" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [RU.queens, RU.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Seinfeld" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SE.character, SE.quote, SE.business] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Seinfeld" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SE.character, SE.quote, SE.business] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.SiliconValley" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [ SI.characters , SI.companies , SI.quotes , SI.apps , SI.inventions , SI.mottos , SI.urls , SI.email ] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.Simpsons" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SS.characters, SS.locations, SS.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.SouthPark" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SO.characters, SO.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.StarTrek" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SR.character, SR.location, SR.specie, SR.villain] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.StarGate" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SG.characters, SG.planets, SG.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.StrangerThings" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [SH.character, SH.quote] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.TheExpanse" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [TH.characters, TH.locations, TH.ships, TH.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.TheItCrowd" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [TI.actors, TI.characters, TI.emails, TI.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.TheThickOfIt" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [TO.characters, TO.positions, TO.departments] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.TwinPeaks" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [TW.characters, TW.locations, TW.quotes] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True it "TvShow.VentureBros" $ do let functions :: [Fake Text] = [VE.character, VE.organization, VE.vehicle, VE.quote] bools <- verifyFakes functions (and bools) `shouldBe` True