en: faker: games: minecraft: blocks: - Stone - Granite - Polished Granite - Diorite - Polished Diorite - Andesite - Polished Andesite - Grass - Dirt - Coarse Dirt - Podzol - Cobblestone - Oak Wood Plank - Spruce Wood Plank - Birch Wood Plank - Jungle Wood Plank - Acacia Wood Plank - Dark Oak Wood Plank - Oak Sapling - Spruce Sapling - Birch Sapling - Jungle Sapling - Acacia Sapling - Dark Oak Sapling - Bedrock - Flowing Water - Still Water - Flowing Lava - Still Lava - Sand - Red Sand - Gravel - Gold Ore - Iron Ore - Coal Ore - Oak Wood - Spruce Wood - Birch Wood - Jungle Wood - Oak Leaves - Spruce Leaves - Birch Leaves - Jungle Leaves - Sponge - Wet Sponge - Glass - Lapis Lazuli Ore - Lapis Lazuli Block - Dispenser - Sandstone - Chiseled Sandstone - Smooth Sandstone - Note Block - Bed - Powered Rail - Detector Rail - Sticky Piston - Cobweb - Dead Shrub - Grass - Fern - Dead Bush - Piston - Piston Head - White Wool - Orange Wool - Magenta Wool - Light Blue Wool - Yellow Wool - Lime Wool - Pink Wool - Gray Wool - Light Gray Wool - Cyan Wool - Purple Wool - Blue Wool - Brown Wool - Green Wool - Red Wool - Black Wool - Dandelion - Poppy - Blue Orchid - Allium - Azure Bluet - Red Tulip - Orange Tulip - White Tulip - Pink Tulip - Oxeye Daisy - Brown Mushroom - Red Mushroom - Gold Block - Iron Block - Double Stone Slab - Double Sandstone Slab - Double Wooden Slab - Double Cobblestone Slab - Double Brick Slab - Double Stone Brick Slab - Double Nether Brick Slab - Double Quartz Slab - Stone Slab - Sandstone Slab - Wooden Slab - Cobblestone Slab - Brick Slab - Stone Brick Slab - Nether Brick Slab - Quartz Slab - Bricks - TNT - Bookshelf - Moss Stone - Obsidian - Torch - Fire - Monster Spawner - Oak Wood Stairs - Chest - Redstone Wire - Diamond Ore - Diamond Block - Crafting Table - Wheat Crops - Farmland - Furnace - Burning Furnace - Standing Sign Block - Oak Door Block - Ladder - Rail - Cobblestone Stairs - Wall-mounted Sign Block - Lever - Stone Pressure Plate - Iron Door Block - Wooden Pressure Plate - Redstone Ore - Glowing Redstone Ore - Stone Button - Snow - Ice - Snow Block - Cactus - Clay - Sugar Canes - Jukebox - Oak Fence - Pumpkin - Netherrack - Soul Sand - Glowstone - Nether Portal - Jack o'Lantern - Cake Block - Redstone Repeater Block off) - Redstone Repeater Block on) - White Stained Glass - Orange Stained Glass - Magenta Stained Glass - Light Blue Stained Glass - Yellow Stained Glass - Lime Stained Glass - Pink Stained Glass - Gray Stained Glass - Light Gray Stained Glass - Cyan Stained Glass - Purple Stained Glass - Blue Stained Glass - Brown Stained Glass - Green Stained Glass - Red Stained Glass - Black Stained Glass - Wooden Trapdoor - Stone Monster Egg - Cobblestone Monster Egg - Stone Brick Monster Egg - Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg - Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg - Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg - Stone Bricks - Mossy Stone Bricks - Cracked Stone Bricks - Chiseled Stone Bricks - Brown Mushroom Block - Red Mushroom Block - Iron Bars - Glass Pane - Melon Block - Pumpkin Stem - Melon Stem - Vines - Oak Fence Gate - Brick Stairs - Stone Brick Stairs - Mycelium - Lily Pad - Nether Brick - Nether Brick Fence items: - Iron Shovel - Iron Pickaxe - Iron Axe - Flint and Steel - Apple - Bow - Arrow - Coal - Charcoal - Diamond - Iron Ingot - Gold Ingot - Iron Sword - Wooden Sword - Wooden Shovel - Wooden Pickaxe - Wooden Axe - Stone Sword - Stone Shovel - Stone Pickaxe - Stone Axe - Diamond Sword - Diamond Shovel - Diamond Pickaxe - Diamond Axe - Stick - Bowl - Mushroom Stew - Golden Sword - Golden Shovel - Golden Pickaxe - Golden Axe - String - Feather - Gunpowder - Wooden Hoe - Stone Hoe - Iron Hoe - Diamond Hoe - Golden Hoe - Wheat Seeds - Wheat - Bread - Leather Helmet - Leather Tunic - Leather Pants - Leather Boots - Chainmail Helmet - Chainmail Chestplate - Chainmail Leggings - Chainmail Boots - Iron Helmet - Iron Chestplate - Iron Leggings - Iron Boots - Diamond Helmet - Diamond Chestplate - Diamond Leggings - Diamond Boots - Golden Helmet - Golden Chestplate - Golden Leggings - Golden Boots - Flint - Raw Porkchop - Cooked Porkchop - Painting - Golden Apple - Enchanted Golden Apple - Sign - Oak Door - Bucket - Water Bucket - Lava Bucket - Minecart - Saddle - Iron Door - Redstone - Snowball - Oak Boat - Leather - Milk Bucket - Brick - Clay - Sugar Canes - Paper - Book - Slimeball - Minecart with Chest - Minecart with Furnace - Egg - Compass - Fishing Rod - Clock - Glowstone Dust - Raw Fish - Raw Salmon - Clownfish - Pufferfish - Cooked Fish - Cooked Salmon - Ink Sack - Rose Red - Cactus Green - Coco Beans - Lapis Lazuli - Purple Dye - Cyan Dye - Light Gray Dye - Gray Dye - Pink Dye - Lime Dye - Dandelion Yellow - Light Blue Dye - Magenta Dye - Orange Dye - Bone Meal - Bone - Sugar mobs: - Sheep - Cow - Fox - Bat - Chicken - Cod - Ocelot - Pig - Rabbit - Salmon - Mooshroom - Squid - Tropical fish - Turtle - Villager - Wandering trader - Pufferfish - Donkey - Horse - Cat - Parrot - Mule - Skeleton horse - Dolphin - Polar bear - Trader llama - Llama - Panda - Wolf - Bee - Iron golem - Spider - Cave Spider - Enderman - Zombie Pigman - Evoker - Vindicator - Pillager - Ravager - Vex - Chicken Jockey - Endermite - Guardian - Elder Guardian - Shulker - Skeleton Horseman - Husk - Stray - Phantom - Blaze - Creeper - Ghast - Magma Cube - Silverfish - Skeleton - Slime - Spider Jockey - Zombie - Zombie Villager - Drowned - Wither Skeleton - Witch - Hoglin - Piglin