en: faker: tolkien: poems: - Chip the glasses and crack the plates - Far over the misty mountains cold - O! What are you doing? - Clap! Snap! The black crack! - Fifteen birds in five fir trees - The wind was on the withered heath - Old fat spider spinning in a tree! - Roll-Roll-Roll-Roll - The King beneath the mountains - Under the mountain dark and tall - The dragon is withered - Sing all ye joyful! - Roads go ever, ever on - The Road Goes Ever On and On - Three Rings for the Elven-Kings Under the Sky - A Walking Song - Snow-white! Snow-white! O Lady Clear! - Ho! Ho! Ho! To the Bottle I Go - The Bath Song - Farewell We Call to Hearth and Hall! - O! Wanderers in the Shadowed Land - Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! - Hop along, my little friends, up the Withywindle! - O slender as a willow-wand! - 'I Had An Errand There: Gathering Water-Lilies' - Ho! Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadillo! - Cold Be Hand and Heart and Bone - Get Out! You old Wight! Vanish in the Sunlight! - Wake Now My Merry Lads! Wake and Hear Me Calling! - Hey! Now! Come Hoy Now! Whither Do You Wander? - The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late - All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter - The Fall of Gil-galad - Song of Beren and Lúthien - The Stone Troll - Eärendil was a mariner - A Elbereth Gilthoniel - Seek for the Sword that was broken - When winter first begins to bite - I sit beside the fire and think - The world was young, the mountains green - An Elven-maid there was of old - When evening in the Shire was grey - I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold (Galadriel's Song of Eldamar) - Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen (Namárië) - Through Rohan Over Fen and Field Where the Long Grass Grows - Gondor! Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea! - Arise now, arise, Riders of Theoden! - Learn now the lore of Living Creatures! - In The Willow-meads Of Tasarinan - When Spring unfolds the beechen leaf, and sap is in the bough - O Orofarne Lassemista, Carnimirie! - We come, we come with roll of drum - Where now are the Dunedain, Elessar, Elessar? - Where now the horse and the rider? - In Dwimordene, in Lorien - Ere iron was found or tree was hewn - Long List of the Ents - A Rhyme of Lore - The cold hard lands - Oliphaunt - Over the land there lies a long shadow - From dark Dunharrow in the dim morning - Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden! - Song of the Mounds of Mundburg - When the black breath blows - Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui - In western lands beneath the Sun - Long live the Halflings! Praise them with great praise! - To the Sea, to the Sea! The white gulls are crying - Sing now, ye people of the Tower of Anor - Out of doubt, out of dark, to the day’s rising - The Road goes ever on and on - Still around the corner there may wait locations: - Abyss - Achad Tarlang - Adorn - Adurant - Aelin-uial - Tarn Aeluin - Afros - Agar - Agathurush - Aglarond - Pass of Aglon - Akallabêth - Aldalómë - Aldburg - Isle of Almaren - Alqualondë - Aman - Ambaróna - Amon Amarth - Amon Anwar - Amon Darthir - Amon Dîn - Amon Ereb - Amon Ethir - Amon Gwareth - Amon Hen - Amon Lanc - Amon Lhaw - Amon Obel - Amon Rûdh - Amon Sûl - Amon Uilos - Pass of Anach - Anadûnê - Ancient West - Andafalassë - Andor - Andram - Andrast - Andrath - Caves of Androth - River of Anduin - Andúne Pelo - Andúnië - Andustar - Anfalas - Anfauglith - Angamando - Angband - Anghabar - Realm of Angmar - Angren - Angrenost - Annon-in-Gelydh - Annúminas - Anórien - Antaro - Araman - Arandor - Archet - Arda - Ard-galen - Argonath - Armenelos - Arnach - Arnor - River of Aros - Arossiach - Arthedain - Arthor na Challonnas - Arthor na Forlonnas - Arthórien - Arvernien - River of Ascar - Ash Mountains - Astulat - Atalantë - Athrad Angren - Avallónë - Avathar - Azanulbizar - Bag End - Bagshot Row - Balar - Bamfurlong - Bandushathûr - Bar-en-Danwedh - Bar-en-Nibin-noeg - Bar-in-Mŷl‎ - Bar-erib - Barad-dûr - Barad Eithel - Barad Nimras - Baranduin - Barazinbar - Barrow-downs - Barrowfield - Battle Pit - Battle Plain - Bay of Balar - Bay of Belfalas - Bay of Andúnië - Bay of Eldamar - Bay of Eldanna - Bay of Rómenna - Belegaer - Belegost - Beleriand - Belfalas - Bent Seas - Beorn's House - Bindbale Wood - Birchwoods of Nimbrethil - Black Crack - Black Gate - Black Land - Black Pit - Black Pits - Blackroot - Blessed Realm - Blue Mountains - Bombadil's House - Bonfire Glade - Bony ridge - The Bounds - Branda-nîn - Brandywine Bridge - Bree - Bree Hill - Bree-land - Breredon - Brethil - Bridge of Esgalduin - Bridge of Mitheithel - Bridge of Khazad-dûm - Bridge of Stonebows - Bridgefields - Brilthor - Brithiach - Brithombar - Brithon - Brockenbores - Brodda's hall - Brown Lands - Bruinen - Buck Hill - Buckland - Buckland Gate - Buckland Road - Bucklebury - Bucklebury Ferry - Bucklebury Ford - Budge Ford - Budgeford - Bundushathûr - Bywater - Bywater Pool - Bywater Road - Cabed-en-Aras - Cair Andros - Calacirya - Calacirian - Calembel - Calenardhon - Calenhad - Calmindon - Cape Balar - Cape of Andrast - Cape of Forochel - Carach Angren - Caradhras - Caragdûr - Caras Galadhon - Carchost - Cardolan - Carn Dûm - Carnen - Carrock - Causeway Forts - Caverns of Helm's Deep - Caverns of Narog - Caverns of the Oaritsi - Caves of Androth - Caves of Menegroth - Celduin - Celebdil - Celebrant - Celebros - Celon - Celos - Central Highlands - Cerin Amroth - Chamber of Mazarbul - Chambers of Fire - Chetwood - Chill Gulf - Ciril - Cirith Dúath - Cirith Forn en Andrath - Cirith Gorgor - Cirith Ninniach - Cirith Thoronath - Cirith Ungol - Citadel of Stars - City of the Corsairs - Cloudyhead - Cobas Haven - Côf Belfalas - Coldfells - Combe - Cormallen - Corollairë - Coron Oiolairë - Court of the Fountain - Cracks of Doom - Crickhollow - Crissaegrim - Cristhorn - Crossings of Teiglin - Cross-roads - Cuiviénen - Cûl Bîn - Cûl Veleg - Cûm-nan-Arasaith - Dagorlad - Dale - Dark Door - Dark Gate - Dark Land - Dark Lands - Dark Mountains - Dark Tower - Dead Marshes - Deadmen's Dike - Death Down - Deathless Lands - Deeping - Deephallow - Deeping Coomb - Deeping-road - Deeping Stream - Deeping Wall - Deer's Leap - Deldúwath - Derndingle - Desert of Lostladen - Desolation of Smaug - Desolation of the Morannon - Dimbar - Dimholt - Dimrill Dale - Dimrill Gate - Dimrill Stair - Dimrost - Dingle - Dol Amroth - Dol Baran - Dol Guldur - Dol Tarlang - Dome of Stars - Doors of Night - Doors of Durin - Dor Caranthir - Dor-Cúarthol - Dor Daedeloth - Dor Daidelos - Dor Dínen - Dor-en-Ernil - Dor Firn-i-Guinar - Dor-lómin - Dor-Nu-Fauglith - Doriath - Dorthonion - Dorwinion - Downlands - Drowns - Drengist - Drúadan Forest - Drúwaith Iaur - Dry River - Duilwen - Dungortheb - Dunharrow - Dúnharg - Dunland - Durin's Bridge - Durin's Tower - Durthang - Dwaling - Dwarf-Road - Dwarrowdelf - Dwimorberg - Dwimordene - Eagles' Eyrie - East Beleriand - East Bight - East Emnet - Eastern Eriador - East Farthing - Eastfold - East-gate - East-lands - East Lórien - East March - East Road - East Wall of Rohan - Eastwood - Echad i Sedryn - Echoing Hills - Echoriath - Edge of the Wild - Edhellond - Edoras - Egladil - Eglador - Eglamar - Eglarest - Eilenach - Eilenaer - Eithel Ivrin - Eithel Nínui - Eithel Sirion - Ekkaia - Eldalondë the Green - Eldamar - Elennanórê - Elerrína - Elostirion - Elros' Tower - Elvenhome - Elwing's tower - Emerië - Emyn Arnen - Emyn Beraid - Emyn Duir - Emyn Eglain - Emyn Muil - Emyn-nu-Fuin - Emyn Uial - Enchanted Isles - Enchanted River - Encircling Mountains - Encircling Sea - Endless Stair - Endor - Ened - Enedwaith - Entwade - River Entwash - Entwash Vale - Entwood - Éothéod - Ephel Brandir - Ephel Dúath - Erebor - Erech - Ered Engrin - Ered Gorgoroth - Ered Lindon - Ered Lithui - Ered Lómin - Ered Mithrin - Ered Nimrais - Ered Wethrin - Eregion - Erelas - Erendis - Tol Eressëa - Eriador - Erui - Eryn Fuir - Eryn Galen - Eryn Vorn - Esgalduin - Esgaroth - Estolad - Ethir Anduin - Ethraid Engrin - Ethring - Ettendales - Ettenmoors - Evereven - Everholt - Evernight - Ezellohar - Falas - Falls of Esgalduin - Falls of Irvin - Falls of Rauros - Falls of Sirion - Fangorn Forest - Fanuidhol - Far Downs - Far Harad - Far Shore - Far West - Faskalan - Faskala-númen - Fen Hollen - Fen of Serech - Fenmarch - Fens of Sirion - Ferry Lane - Field of Celebrant - Field of Cormallen - Fingolfin's Cairn - Firienholt - Firien Wood - First Deep - First Hall - Firth of Drengist - Firth of Rómenna - Foen - Folde - Ford of Brithiach - Ford of Bruinen - Ford of Stones - Fords of Isen - Forest Gate - Forest of Brethil - Forest of Neldoreth - Forest of Region - Forest River - Forest Road - Forgotten Villages - Forlindon - Forlond - Formenos - Fornarthan - Fornost Erain - Forochel - Forodwaith - Forostar - Forsaken Inn - Fôs' Almir - Fountain of Tinúviel - Fox Downs - Framsburg - Frogmorton - Front Gate - Front Porch - Gabilgathod - Gamwich - Gap of Calenardhon - Gap of Rohan - Gardens of Lórien - Gate of the Dead - Gate of the Noldor - Gate Stream - Gates of Morning - Gates of Sirion - Gelion - Gilrain - Ginglith - Girdle of Arda - Girdle of Melian - Girdley Island - Gladden Fields - Gladden River - Glanduin - Glanhír - Glithui - Glittering Caves - Goblin-gate - Goblin-town - Golden Gates - Golden Wood - Gollum's Lake - Gondolin - Gondor - Gorbelgod - Gorge of Aglon - Ered Gorgoroth - Plateau of Gorgoroth - great East Road - Great Fens - Great Gulf - Great Hall of Thráin - Great Lakes - Great Lands - Great Mound - Great Plains - Great Rift - Great River - Great Shelf - Great Smials - Great Southern Forests - Great West Road - Great Willow - Greater Gelion - Green Dragon - Green Hill Country - Green Hills - Green Hills - Greenfields - Greenholm - Greenway - Greenwood the Great - Grey Havens - Grey Mountains - Grey Mountains - Grey Wood - Greyflood - Greylin - Grinding Ice - Grindwall - Gruir - Guarded Plain - Gulf of Lhûn - Gundabad - River Gwathló - Hadhodrond - Haeren - Haerast - Halifirien - Hall of Brodda - Hall of Fire - Halls of Aulë - Halls of Durin - Halls of Mandos - Hanstovánen - Harad - Harad Road - Hardbottle - Harlindon - Harlond - Harlond - River Harnen - Harondor - Harrowdale - Haudh-en-Elleth - Haudh-en-Ndengin - Haudh-en-Nirnaeth - Haudh in Gwanûr - Haunted Mountain - Haunted Pass - Haven of the Eldar - Haven of the Swans - Havens of Mithlond - Havens of Sirion - Haven of Umbar - Hay Gate - Haysend - Heats of the South - the Hedge - Sea of Helcar - Helcaraxë - Lake Helevorn - Helm's Deep - Helm's Dike - Helm's Gate - Henneth Annûn - Hidden Ferries - Hidden Way - High Court - High Faroth - High Hay - High Pass - Hildórien - Hill of Awe - Hill of Guard - Hill of Hearing - Hill of Himring - Hill of Ilmarin - Hill of Oromet - Hill of Seeing - Hill of Spies - Hill of the Ear - Hill of the Eye - the Hill - Hills of Eglamar - Hills of Evendim - Hills of Scary - Himlad - Himring - Hírilorn - Hisilómë - Hithaeglir - Hither Lands - Hither Shore - Hithlum - Hoarwell - Hobbiton - Hobbiton Hill - Hobbiton Road - Hollin - Hollin Gate - Hollin Ridge - Hornburg - Hornrock - House of Oromë - House of the Hundred Chimneys - House of the Kings - House of the Stewards - House of Tulkas - Houses of Healing - House of the Dead - Huts of the raft-elves - Hyarastorni - Hyarmentir - Hyarnustar - Hyarrostar - Iant Iaur - Icebay of Forochel - Ice of the North - Idril's secret way - i Drann - Illuin - Ilmarin - Imlad Morgul - Imladris - Imloth Melui - Imrath Gondraith - Inner Seas - Inland Sea - Inland Sea of Helcar - Írensaga - Iron Fortress - Iron Hills - Iron Mountains - Isen - Isengard - Isenmouthe - Ishmalog - Isle of Almaren - Isle of Balar - Isle of Elenna - Isle of Eressëa - Isle of Meneltarma - Isle of Werewolves - Isles of the West - Ithilien - Ivrin - Ivrin's Well - Ivy Bush - N/A - Kalormë - Karningul - Kelos - Khand - Khazad-dûm - Kheled-zâram - Kibil-nâla - Kingdom of the South - Kingdom under the Mountain - King's Court - King's House - Kingsland - Kingsland - Kings' Norbury - Kiril - Kirith Ungol - Kôr - Kortirion - Ladros - Lake Helevorn - Lake Mithrim - Lake Nenuial - Lake-town - Lamedon - Lammoth - Lampwrights' Street - Land of Bow-Helm - Land of the Dead that Live - Lands Under the Wave - Lands Without - Langflood - Langstrand - River Langwell - Lanthir Lamath - Last Bridge - Last Homely House - Last Mountain - Last Shore - Laurelindórenan - Lebennin - River Lefnui - River Legolin - Lhûn - Linaewen - Lindon - Lindórinan - Linhir - Lisgardh - River Lithir - Lithlad - Little Delving - Little River Gelion - Lockholes - Loeg Ningloron - Lond Daer Enedh - Lone-lands - Lonely Isle - Lonely Mountain - Longbottom - Long Cleeve - Long Lake - Long Marshes - Long the Wall - Lórellin - Lórien - Lórinand - Losgar - Lossarnach - Lost Isle - Desert of Lostladen - Lothlann - Lothlórien - Loudwater - Lower Halls - Lugbúrz - Lune - Luvailin - Maggot's Farm - Maggot's Lane - Maglor's Gap - Mahanaxar - River Malduin - Halls of Mandos - Mansions of Aulë - March of Maedhros - The Marish - TheMark - Mar-nu-Falmar - Market-pool - Marshes of Nevrast - Meduseld - Men-i-Naugrim - Menegroth - Meneltarma - Mere of Dead Faces - Meres of Twilight - Merethrond - Mering Stream - Methed-en-glad - Methedras - Michel Delving - Middle-earth - Midgewater Marshes - Sandyman's Mill - Minas Anor - Minas Ithil - Minas Morgul - Minas Tirith - Minas Tirith - RiverMindeb - MountMindolluin - Mindon Eldaliéva - Minhiriath - Min-Rimmon - Mirkwood - Mirrormere - Misty Mountains - Mithe - Mithe Steps - Mitheithel - Mithlond - Mithrim - Mittalmar - Moors of the Neweglu - Moors of the Nibin-noeg - Morannon - Mordor - Morgai - Morgul Pass - Morgul-road - RiverMorgulduin - Moria - Mornan - River Morthond - Mound of Avarice - Mound of Dunlendings - Mound of Riders - Mounds of Mundburg - Mount Dolmed - Mount Doom - Mount Everwhite - Mount Fang - Mount Gram - Mount Gundabad - Mount Mindolluin - Mount of the Pine Tree - Mount Rerir - Mount Taras - Mountain of Fire - Mountains of Aman - Mountains of Angmar - Mountains of Lune - Mountains of Mirkwood - Mountains of Mithrim - Mountains of Shadow - Mountains of Shadow - Mountains of Terror - Mountains of the East - Mouths of Anduin - Mouths of Entwash - Mouths of Sirion - Mundburg - theNaith - Nameless Land - Nan Curunír - Nan Dungortheb - Nan Elmoth - Nan-tathren - Nanduhirrion - Narchost - Nardol - Nargothrond - RiverNarog - Narrows of the Forest - Near Harad - Needlehole - Forest ofNeldoreth - Nen Echui - Nen Girith - Nen Hithoel - Nen Lalaith - RiverNenning - Nenuial - Nether Dark - Nevrast - Nevrast - New Haven - New Lands - Newbury - House ofNienna - Nimbrethil - RiverNimrodel - Nindalf - Nindamos - Ninglor - Nîn-in-Eilph - Nísimaldar - LakeNísinen - Nivrim - Nobottle - Nogrod - Noirinan - Noman-lands - Norbury - North Cape - North Downs - North Farthing - North Gate - North Ithilien - North Kingdom - North Marches - North Moors - North Road - North Road of Ithilien - North Stair - North Undeep - Northerland - Northern Dark - Northern Waste - Novrod - Núath Woods of - Númendor - Númenor - Nunduinë - Nurn - Oatbarton - Obel Halad - Ocean - Oiolossë - Oiomúrë - Old Bridge - Old Ford - Old Forest - Old Forest Road - Old Grange - Old Guesthouse - Old Mill - Old Púkel land - Old Road - Old South Road - Old South Road - Old Winyards - Old World - Ondolindë - Ondoluncanando - Ondonórë - Ondosto - Onodló - Orc-holds - Orfalch Echor - Ormal - Orocarni - Orod-na-Thôn - Orodruin - Oromet - Orrostar - Orthanc - Osgiliath - Ossiriand - Ost-in-Edhil - Otherworld - Outer Dark or Outer Darkness - Outer Lands - Outer Sea - Outlands - Overbourn - Overbourn Marshes - Overhill - Palisor - Parth Celebrant - Parth Galen - Party Field - Pass of Aglon - Pass of Anach - Pastures of Yavanna - Paths of the Dead - Pelargir - Pelennor - Pelóri - Phûrunargian - Pillars of the King - Pincup - Pine-mountain - Pinnath Gelin - Place of the Fountain - Pool of Bywater - Pool-side - Pools of Ivrin - RiverPoros - Prancing thePony - Qerkaringa - Quarry - Radhrim - Rainbow Cleft - Ramdal - Rammas Echor - Ras Mewrim - Ras Morthil - Rath Celerdain - Rath Dínen - Rathlóriel - Rauros - Ravenhill - Ravines of Teiglin - Redhorn - Redhorn PassGate - Redwater - Region - Region of Everlasting Cold - Reunited Kingdom - Rhimdath - Rhosgobel - Rhovanion - Rhudaur - Rhûn - Min-Rimmon - Ring of Doom - Ring of Isengard - Ringil - Sea ofRingil - RiverRingló - RiverRingwil - Rivendell - River Running - RiverRivil - Rivil's Well - Rochand - Rómenna - Rûnaer - Rushdown - Rushock Bog - Rushy - Sammath Naur - Sandyman's Mill - Sarn Athrad - Sarn Ford - Sarn Gebir - Sauron's Isle - Sauron's Road - Sauron's Temple - Scary - theSea - Sea of Helcar - Sea of Núrnen - Sea of Rhûn - Sea of Ringil - Seat of Hearing - Seat of Seeing - Sea-ward Tower - Second Hall - Serni - Seven Gates of Gondolin - Seventh Level - Shadowmere - Shadowy Isles - Shadowy Mountains - Shadowy Mountains - Shadowy Seas - Shadowy Spring - Sharabhund - Shathûr - Shelob's Lair - theShire - RiverShirebourn - Side-door - RiverSilverlode - Silvertine - Sindanórie - Sirannon - RiverSiril - RiverSirion - RiverSirith - Sîr Ninglor - Slag-hills - RiverSnowbourn - Sorontil - South Downs - South Farthing - South Gondor - South Ithilien - South Kingdom - South Lane - South EriadorRoad - South GondorRoad - South Undeep - Southward Road - Spider's Ring - Staddle - Stair Falls - Stair of the Hold - Standelf - Starkhorn - Steward's Door - Stock - Stock Road - Stockbrook - Stonewain Valley - Stoningland - Straight Road - Straight Stair - Straits of the World - Sundering Seas - Sunlands - Sunlendings - Sûthburg - Sûza - Swanfleet - RiverTaeglin - Talath Dirnen - Talath Rhûnen - Taniquetil - Tanyasalpë - Tar-Minastir - Tarlang's Neck - Tarmasundar - Tarn Aeluin - Tarnost - Tasarinan - Tauremorna - Tauremornalómë - Taur e-Ndaedelos - Taur-en-Faroth - Taur-im-Duinath - Taur-na-Foen - Taur-Na-Neldor - Taur-nu-Fuin - Taur-nu-Fuin - Tavrobel - Temple of Sauron - The River Thalos - Thangorodrim - Tharbad - Thargelion - Thistle Brook - Thorin's Halls - Thousand Caves - Three-Farthing Stone - Thrihyrne - Tighfield - Tindrock - Tirion - Tirith Aear - Tol Brandir - Tol Eressëa - Tol Fuin - Tol Galen - Tol-in-Gaurhoth - Tol Morwen - Tol Sirion - Tol Uinen - Tolfalas - Tomb of the Kings - Tongue - Tookbank - Tookland - Torech Ungol - Tower Hills - Tower of Cirith Ungol - Tower of Ecthelion - Tower of Ingwë - Tower of the King - Tower of the Stone - Towers of the Teeth - Town Hole - Treebeard's Hill - Treegarth of Orthanc - Troll's Cave - Trollshaws - Tuckborough - Tumhalad - Tumladen of Gondolin - Tumladen of Gondor - Tumunzahar - Túna - Twenty-First Hall of the North-end - Twilight Meres - Two Watchers - Tyrn Gorthad - Udul - Udûn - Udûn of Mordor - Umbar - Umboth-muilin - Undeeps - Undergate - Underhill - Under-way - Underharrow - Undertowers - Undying Lands - Ungoliant's Lair - Ulmonan - Upbourn - Uttermost West - Utumno - Vale of Sirion - Valandor - Valimar - Valmar - Valinor - Verna - Vinyalondë - Vinyamar - Void - Waking Water - Wall's End - Walls of Moria - Walls of the Night - Walls of the Sun - Walls of the World - Wargs' Clearing - Waste - Watchwood - Water-valley - Water of Awakening - Way of Escape - Way of Running Waters - Waymeet - Weather Hills - Weathertop - Wellinghall - Wells of Ivrin - Wells of Varda - West-door - West-gate of Bree - West-gate of Moria - West-mark - West Beleriand - West of the World - West Pass - West Road - Westemnet - Westermanton - Western Sea - Western Shore - Westernesse - Westfarthing - Westfold - Westfold Vale - Westlands - Westmarch - Wetwang - Whispering Wood - White Downs - White House of Erendis - White Mountain - White Mountains - White Tower - White Towers - Whitfurrows - Whitwell - Wild Wood - Wilderland - Willowbottom - Windle-reach - Winding Stair - Window-Curtain - Window of the West - Withered Heath - Withered Wold - Withywindle Valley - Withywindle River - Withy-path - Withy-weir - Wizard's Isle - Wizard's Vale - Wold of Rohan - Wood of Anwar - Woods of Oromë - Woodhall - Woodland Realm - Woody End - The Yale - Yellow Mountains - Yôzâyan - Zirakzigil races: - Ainur - Balrogs - Barrow-wights - Beorning - Children of Ilúvatar - Demons - Dragons - Dwarves - Elves - Ents - Fairies - Giants - Goblins - Half-elven - Half-orc - Half-trolls - Hobbits - Huorns - Kaukareldar - Lintips - Maiar - Mens - Mewlips - Oarni - Ogres - Orcs - Shape Shifters - Skin-changer - Spiders - Trolls - Uruk-hai - Valar - Vampire - Wargs - Werewolves - Wraiths characters: - Adalbert Bolger - Adaldrida Bolger - Adalgar Bolger - Adalgrim Took - Adam Hornblower - Adamanta Chubb - Adanel - Adelard Took - Adrahil - Aegnor - Aerin - Agathor - Aghan - Aglahad - Ailinel - Aldamir - Aldor - Alfrida of the Yale - Algund - Almarian - Almáriel - Almiel - Alphros - Amandil - Amaranth Brandybuck - Amarië - Amdír - Amethyst Hornblower - Amlach - Amlaith - Amras - Amrod - Amroth - Amrothos - Anairë - Anardil - Anborn - Ancalagon - Andreth - Andróg - Andvír - Andwise Roper - Angamaitë - Angbor - Angelica Baggins - Angelimir - Angrim - Angrod - Annael - Anson Roper - Ar-Adûnakhôr - Ar-Gimilzôr - Ar-Pharazôn - Ar-Sakalthôr - Ar-Zimrathôn - Arachon - Arador - Araglas - Aragorn - Aragost - Arahad - Arahael - Aranarth - Arantar - Aranuir - Aranwë - Araphant - Araphor - Arassuil - Aratan - Arathorn - Araval - Aravir - Aravorn - Arciryas - Ardamir - Aredhel - Argeleb - Argon - Argonui - Arminas - Artamir - Arthad - Arvedui - Arvegil - Arveleg - Arwen - Asgon - Asphodel Brandybuck - Atanalcar - Atanatar - Aulendil - Avranc - Axantur - Azaghâl - Azog - Bain - Balbo Baggins - Baldor - Balin - Ban - Bandobras Took - Barach - Baragund - Barahir - Baran - Baranor - Bard - Barliman Butterbur - Basso Boffin - Beechbone - Belba Baggins - Beldir - Beldis - Belecthor - Beleg - Belegor - Belegorn - Belegund - Belemir - Belen - Beleth - Bell Goodchild - Belladonna Took - Bëor - Beorn - Bereg - Beregar - Beregond - Berelach - Beren - Bergil - Beril - Berilac Brandybuck - Bert - Berúthiel - Berylla Boffin - Bifur - Bilbo Baggins - Bilbo Gardner - Bill Butcher - Bill Ferny - Bingo Baggins - Blanco Bracegirdle - Blodren - Boar of Everholt - Bodo Proudfoot - Bodruith - Bofur - Bolg - Bombur - Bór - Borin - Borlach - Borlad - Borlas - Boromir - Boron - Borondir - Borthand - Bosco Boffin - Bowman Cotton - Brand - Brandir - Bregil - Brego - Bregolas - Bregor - Briffo Boffin - Brodda - Bruno Bracegirdle - Brytta - Bucca of the Marish - Buffo Boffin - Buldar - Bungo Baggins - Calimehtar - Calimmacil - Caliondo - Calmacil - Camellia Sackville - Caranthir - Carc - Carcharoth - Carl Cotton - Castamir - Celeborn - Celebrían - Celebrimbor - Celebrindor - Celegorm - Celepharn - Cemendur - Ceorl - Chica Chubb - Círdan - Cirion - Ciryandil - Ciryatur - Ciryon - Cora Goodbody - Cotman - Cottar - Curufin - Daddy Twofoot - Daeron - Dagnir - Dáin - Dáin Ironfoot - Dairuin - Daisy Baggins - Daisy Gamgee - Daisy Gardner - Damrod - Denethor - Déor - Déorwine - Dernhelm - Derufin - Dervorin - Diamond of Long Cleeve - Dina Diggle - Dinodas Brandybuck - Dior - Dírhael - Dírhaval - Dís - Doderic Brandybuck - Dodinas Brandybuck - Donnamira Took - Dora Baggins - Dori - Dorlas - Draugluin - Drogo Baggins - Druda Burrows - Dudo Baggins - Duilin - Duinhir - Dúnhere - Durin - Durin's Bane - Dwalin - Eärendil - Eärendur - Eärnil - Eärnur - Eärwen - Ebor - Ecthelion - Edrahil - Egalmoth - Eglantine Banks - Eilinel - Elanor Gardner - Elatan - Elboron - Eldacar - Eldalótë - Eldarion - Elemmakil - Elemmírë - Elendil - Elendur - Elentir - Elenwë - Elfhelm - Elfhild - Elfstan Fairbairn - Elfwine - Elladan - Elmar - Elmo - Elphir - Elrohir - Elrond - Elros - Elulindo - Eluréd - Elurín - Elwing - Emeldir - Enel - Enelyë - Enerdhil - Enthor - Eofor - Eöl - Éomer - Éomund - Eorl - Éothain - Éothéod - Éowyn - Eradan - Erchirion - Erendis - Erestor - Erien - Erkenbrand - Erling - Esmeralda Took - Estella Bolger - Estelmo - Everard Took - Falco Chubb-Baggins - Faniel - Faramir - Faramir Took - Farin - Farmer Cotton - Farmer Maggot - Fastolph Bolger - Fastred - Fastred of Greenholm - Fëanor - Fengel - Ferdibrand Took - Ferdinand Took - Ferumbras Took - Fíli - Filibert Bolger - Fimbrethil - Finarfin - Finbor - Findegil - Findis - Finduilas - Fingolfin - Fingon - Finrod - Finwë - Fíriel - Fíriel Fairbairn - Flambard Took - Flói - Folca - Folco Boffin - Folco Burrowes - Folcred - Folcwine - Forhend - Forlong - Forthwini - Fortinbras Took - Forweg - Fosco Baggins - Fram - Frár - Fréa - Fréaláf - Fréawine - Freca - Fredegar Bolger - Frerin - Frodo Baggins - Frodo Gardner - Frór - Frumgar - Fundin - Gaffer Gamgee - Galadhon - Galador - Galadriel - Galathil - Galdor - Galdor of the Havens - Galion - Gálmód - Gamil Zirak - Gamling - Gandalf - Gárulf - Gelmir - Gerda Boffin - Gerontius Took - Gethron - Ghân-buri-Ghân - Gil-galad - Gilbarad - Gildis - Gildor - Gilly Brownlock - Gilmith - Gilraen - Gilwen - Gimilkhâd - Gimilzagar - Gimli - Girion - Glaurung - Gléowine - Glirhuin - Glóin - Glóredhel - Glorfindel - Golasgil - Goldberry - Goldilocks Gardner - Goldwine - Golfimbul - Gollum - Gorbadoc Brandybuck - Gorbulas Brandybuck - Gorgol - Gorhendad Oldbuck - Gorlim - Gormadoc Brandybuck - Gothmog - Gram - Great Eagle - Great Goblin - Griffo Boffin - Grim - Gríma - Grimbeorn - Grimbold - Grishnákh - Grithnir - Gróin - Grór - Gruffo Boffin - Guilin - Gundabald Bolger - Gundahad Bolger - Gundahar Bolger - Gundolpho Bolger - Gundor - Guthláf - Gwaihir - Gwindor - Hador - Halbarad - Haldad - Haldan - Haldar - Haldir - Haleth - Halfast Gamgee - Halfred Gamgee - Halfred Greenhand - Halfred of Overhill - Hallacar - Hallas - Hallatan - Halmir - Háma - Hamfast Gardner - Hamfast of Gamwich - Hamson Gamgee - Handir - Hanna Goldworthy - Hannar - Hardang - Harding - Harding of the Hill - Hareth - Harry Goatleaf - Hathaldir - Hathol - Hatholdir - Hazad - Helm - Henderch - Hending - Herefara - Herendil - Heribald Bolger - Herion - Herubrand - Herugar Bolger - Herumor - Hild - Hilda Bracegirdle - Hildibrand Took - Hildifons Took - Hildigard Took - Hildigrim Took - Hirgon - Hiril - Hirluin - Hirwen - Hob Gammidge - Hob Hayward - Hobson - Holdwine - Holfast Gardner - Holman Cotton - Horn - Huan - Hugo Boffin - Hugo Bracegirdle - Hundad - Hundar - Hunleth - Hunthor - Huor - Húrin - Hyarmendacil - Iago Grubb - Îbal - Ibun - Idis - Idril - Ilberic Brandybuck - Imin - Iminyë - Imlach - Imrahil - Imrazôr - Indis - Indor - Ingold - Ingwë - Ingwion - Inziladûn - Inzilbêth - Ioreth - Iorlas - Írildë - Írimë - Írimon - Irolas - Isembard Took - Isembold Took - Isengar Took - Isengrim - Isildur - Isilmë - Isilmo - Isumbras - Ithilbor - Ivorwen - Ivriniel - Ivy Goodenough - Jago Boffin - Jessamine Boffin - Khamûl - Khîm - Kíli - King of the Dead - Lagduf - Lalaith - Landroval - Largo Baggins - Larnach - Laura Grubb - Lavender Grubb - Leaflock - Legolas - Lenwë - Léod - Lily Baggins - Lily Brown - Linda Baggins - Lindir - Lindissë - Lindórië - Lobelia Sackville-Baggins - Lofar - Lonely Troll - Longo Baggins - Lóni - Lorgan - Lothíriel - Lotho Sackville-Baggins - Lugdush - Lúthien - Mablung - Madoc Brandybuck - Madril - Maedhros - Maeglin - Maglor - Magor - Mahtan - Mairen - Malach - Malantur - Malbeth - Mallor - Malva Headstrong - Malvegil - Manthor - Manwendil - Marach - Marcho - Mardil - Marhari - Marhwini - Marigold Gamgee - Marmadas Brandybuck - Marmadoc Brandybuck - Marroc Brandybuck - Mat Heathertoes - Mauhúr - May Gamgee - Meleth - Melian - Melilot Brandybuck - Menegilda Goold - Meneldil - Meneldor - Mentha Brandybuck - Meriadoc Brandybuck - Merimac Brandybuck - Merimas Brandybuck - Merry Gardner - Milo Burrows - Mîm - Mimosa Bunce - Minardil - Minastan - Minohtar - Minto Burrows - Mirabella Took - Míriel - Mithrellas - Mogru - Moro Burrows - Morwë - Morwen - Morwen Steelsheen - Mosco Burrows - Mouth of Sauron - Mrs. Bunce - Mrs. Maggot - Mungo Baggins - Muzgash - Myrtle Burrows - Náin - Náli - Nar - Nár - Narmacil - Narvi - Nazgûl - Nellas - Nerdanel - Nessanië - Nienor - Nimloth of Doriath - Nimrodel - Nina Lightfoot - Nob - Nolondil - Nora Bolger - Nori - Númendil - Núneth - Nurwë - Odo Proudfoot - Odovacar Bolger - Ohtar - Óin - Old Noakes - Olo Proudfoot - Olwë - Ondoher - Orchaldor - Orgulas Brandybuck - Ori - Orleg - Ornendil - Ornil - Orodreth - Oromendil - Orontor - Oropher - Orophin - Ostoher - Otho Sackville-Baggins - Othrondir - Otto Boffin - Paladin Took - Pansy Baggins - Peeping Jack - Pelendur - Pengolodh - Peony Baggins - Peregrin Took - Pervinca Took - Pimpernel Took - Pippin Gardner - Poldor - Polo Baggins - Ponto Baggins - Poppy Chubb-Baggins - Porto Baggins - Posco Baggins - Pott the Mayor - Primrose Boffin - Primrose Gardner - Primula Brandybuck - Prisca Baggins - Quennar - Quickbeam - Radagast - Radbug - Radhruin - Ragnir - Ragnor - Reginard Took - Rían - Roäc - Robin Gardner - Robin Smallburrow - Rollo Boffin - Rómendacil - Rorimac Brandybuck - Rosa Baggins - Rosamunda Took - Rose Cotton - Rose Gardner - Rowan - Rowlie Appledore - Ruby Bolger - Ruby Gardner - Rudibert Bolger - Rudigar Bolger - Rudolph Bolger - Rufus Burrows - Rúmil - Sador - Saelon - Saeros - Sagroth - Salvia Brandybuck - Samwise Gamgee - Sancho Proudfoot - Sangahyando - Sapphira Brockhouse - Saradas Brandybuck - Saradoc Brandybuck - Saruman - Sauron - Scatha - Seredic Brandybuck - Shagram - Shelob - Sigismond Took - Silmariën - Siriondil - Skinbark - Smaug - Snaga - Soronto - Tal-Elmar - Tanta Hornblower - Tar-Alcarin - Tar-Aldarion - Tar-Amandil - Tar-Anárion - Tar-Ancalimë - Tar-Ancalimon - Tar-Anducal - Tar-Ardamin - Tar-Atanamir - Tar-Calmacil - Tar-Ciryatan - Tar-Elendil - Tar-Meneldur - Tar-Minastir - Tar-Míriel - Tar-Palantir - Tar-Súrion - Tar-Telemmaitë - Tar-Telperiën - Tar-Vanimeldë - Tarannon Falastur - Tarcil - Tarciryan - Targon - Tarondor - Tata - Tatië - Ted Sandyman - Telchar - Telemnar - Telumehtar Umbardacil - Thengel - Theobald Bolger - Théoden - Théodred - Théodwyn - Thingol - Thorin - Thorin Stonehelm - Thorondir - Thorondor - Thráin - Thranduil - Thrór - Tindómiel - Tobold Hornblower - Togo Goodbody - Tolman Cotton Junior - Tolman Gardner - Tom Bombadil - Tom Pickthorn - Torhir Ifant - Tosto Boffin - Treebeard - Tuor - Turambar - Turgon - Túrin - Uffo Boffin - Ufthak - Ulbar - Uldor - Ulfang - Ulfast - Ulrad - Ulwarth - Ungoliant - Urthel - Valacar - Valandil - Valandur - Vardamir - Vardilmë - Vëantur - Vidugavia - Vidumavi - Vigo Boffin - Vinitharya - Vorondil - Voronwë - Walda - Watcher in the Water - Wídfara - Wilcome - Wilibald Bolger - Wilimar Bolger - Will Whitfoot - William - Willie Banks - Wiseman Gamwich - Witch-king - Wulf - Yávien - Zamîn - Zimrahin - Zimraphel lord_of_the_rings: characters: - Frodo Baggins - Gandalf the Grey - Samwise Gamgee - Meriadoc Brandybuck - Peregrin Took - Aragorn - Legolas - Gimli - Boromir - Sauron - Gollum - Bilbo Baggins - Tom Bombadil - Glorfindel - Elrond - Arwen Evenstar - Galadriel - Saruman the White - Éomer - Théoden - Éowyn - Grìma Wormtongue - Shadowfax - Treebeard - Quickbeam - Shelob - Faramir - Denethor - Beregond - Barliman Butterbur locations: - Aglarond - Aldburg - Andustar - Angband - Argonath - Bag End - Barad-dûr - Black Gate - Bridge of Khazad-dûm - Carchost - Cirith Ungol - Coldfells - Crack of Doom - Dark Land - Dol Guldur - Dome of Stars - Doors of Durin - Doriath - East Beleriand - Eastfarthing - East Road - Eithel Sirion - Elostirion - Enchanted Isles - Endless Stair - Eä - Falls of Rauros - Fens of Serech - Field of Celebrant - Fords of Isen - The Forsaken Inn - Gap of Rohan - Gladden Fields - Gorgoroth - Greenway - Haudh-en-Nirnaeth - Haven of the Eldar - Helm's Deep - Henneth Annûn - Hobbit-hole - Houses of Healing - Hyarnustar - Ilmen - Inn of the Prancing Pony - Isengard - Isenmouthe - Isle of Balar - Land of the Sun - Losgar - Luthany - Lothlorièn - Maglor's Gap - Marish - Meduseld - Minas Tirith - Minhiriath - Máhanaxar - Narchost - Nargothrond - Núath - Old Ford - Old Forest - Old Forest Road - Orthanc - Parth Galen - Paths of the Dead - Pelennor Fields - Rath Dínen - Regions of the Shire - Rivendell - The Rivers and Beacon-Hills of Gondor - Sarn Ford - Taur-en-Faroth - Taur-im-Duinath - Timeless Halls - Tol Brandir - Tol Galen - Tol Morwen - Tol-in-Gaurhoth - Tumladen - Utumno - Vaiya - Vista - The Void - Warning beacons of Gondor quotes: - Often does hatred hurt itself! - Go now, and die in what way seems best to you. - Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror.... - Dwarves’ tongues run on when speaking of their handiwork, they say. - But all’s well as ends well - Sing, all ye children of the West - '...and all the stars flowered in the sky.' - Clothes are but little loss, if you escape from drowning. - The wolf that one hears is worse than the orc that one fears. - Boromir - I don't keep water in my pockets. - 'For he gave it up in the end of his own accord: an important point. No,' - I could not 'make' you--except by force, which would break your mind. - Their faces were as a rule good-natured rather than beautiful. - The Lord of the Ringwraiths had met his doom. - Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life - Short cuts make delays, but inns make longer ones. - But where the warg howls, there also the orc prowls. - Aragorn - In winter here no heart could mourn for summer or for spring. - his old life lay behind in the mists, dark adventure lay in front. - I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew - Someone else always has to carry on the story. - It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. - Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars. - Fear nothing! Have peace until the morning! Heed no nightly noises! - I’ll get there, if I leave everything but my bones behind, - NO ADMITTANCE EXCEPT ON PARTY BUSINESS. - Real names tell you the story of the things they belong to - Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised. - Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. - Who knows? Have patience. Go where you must go, and hope! - Yet dawn is ever the hope of men,’ said Aragorn. - You will soon be well, if I do not talk you to death. - Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror, - You have shown your usual cunning in getting up just in time for a meal. - The great storm is coming, but the tide has turned. - '...as young and as ancient as Spring....' - Why couldn’t he stop talking and let them drink his health? - Not all those who wander are lost - 'But in this at least thou shalt not defy my will: to rule my own end.' - I look foul and feel fair. - It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. - Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars. - I didn't think it would end this way. - Home is behind, the world ahead - All's well that ends better. - I want to be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren. - Where there's life there's hope, and need of vittles. - A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship. - The leaves were long, the grass was green - Begone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace! - The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places. - To the sea, to the sea! The white gulls are crying - Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Éowyn! - I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. hobbit: character: - Bilbo Baggins - Bungo Baggins - Belladonna Took - Bullroarer Took - Gandalf The Grey - Radagast - Dain - Thorin Oakenshield - Fili - Kili - Balin - Dwalin - Oin - Gloin - Dori - Nori - Ori - Bifur - Bofur - Bombur - Elrond - Galion - Bard the Bowman - Beorn - Tom - Bert - Bill Huggins - Gollum - The Necromancer - Smaug - Carc - Roac - The Lord of the Eagles - The Great Goblin - Bolg - Golfimbul thorins_company: - Thorin Oakenshield - Fili - Kili - Balin - Dwalin - Oin - Gloin - Dori - Nori - Ori - Bifur - Bofur - Bombur - Gandalf - Bilbo Baggins quote: - Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on? - There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after. - In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. - It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. - May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks. - Where there's life there's hope. - So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings. - '"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandalf as they rode along. "To look ahead" said he. "And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind" said he.' - '"You have nice manners for a thief and a liar", said the dragon.' - May the hair on your toes never fall out! - The road goes ever on and on... - Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool! location: - Bree - The Shire - Rivendell - The Misty Mountains - Beorn's Hall - Mirkwood - Esgaroth - Erebor - Bag-End - Under-Hill - Mount Gram - Green Fields - Last Desert - Lonely Mountain - Withered Heath - Country Round - Long Lake - River Running - Mines of Moria - Green Dragon Inn - Bywater - The Great Mill - Wilderland - Gondolin - Land Beyond - Goblin Gate - Carrock - High Pass - Great River - Grey Mountains - Land of the Necromancer - Long Marshes - Forest River - Lake Town - Dorwinion - Ravenhill - Iron Hills - Mount Gundabad