en: faker: games: world_of_warcraft: heros: - Gul'dan - Durotan - Khadgar - Orgrim Doomhammer - Medivh - Blackhand - Anduin Lothar - Garona Halforcen - Antonidas - King Llane Wrynn - Moroes - Lady Taria - Jaina Proudmoore - Illidan Stormrage - Kael'thas Sunstrider - Archimonde - Kil'jaeden - Mannoroth - Ner'zhul - Sargeras - Balnazzar - Magtheridon - Mal'Ganis - Brann Bronzebeard - Muradin Bronzebeard - Sylvanas Windrunner - Malfurion Stormrage - Millhouse Manastorm - Anduin Lothar - Arthas Menthil - Bolvar Fordragon - Uther the Lightbringer - Varian Wrynn quotes: - An'u belore delen'na. - Anaria Shola. - Bal'a dash, malanore. - Glory to the Sin'dorei. - Our enemies will fall! - State your business. - The dark times will pass. - The Eternal Sun guides us. - Victory lies ahead! - We will persevere! - What business have you? - Death to all who oppose us! - Hold your head high. - Keep your wits about you. - Remember the Sunwell. - Sela'ma ashal'anore! - Shorel'aran. - Stay the course - The reckoning is at hand! - Time is of the essence. - We will have justice! - Ah, you have a death wish. - I do not suffer fools easily. - I had little patience to begin with! - Mind yourself. - Not very intelligent, are you? - Run away pest! - These are dark times indeed. - Why do you linger? - You waste my time. - Choose wisely. - Do not loiter. - Everything has a price. - I have one of a kind items. - What do you seek? - Your gold is welcome here. - Glory to the Sin'dorei. - State your Business! - Anu'belore Dela'na. - The Eternal Sun guides us. - What Business have you? - Victory lies ahead. - Our enemies will fall. - Anaria'shoala. - You waste my time. - I had little patience to begin with. - It is a wonder you have lived this long. - Ah, you have a death wish. - I sell only the finest goods. - Your gold is welcome here. - Everything has a price. - Do not loiter. class_names: - Death Knight - Demon Hunter - Druid - Hunter - Mage - Monk - Paladin - Priest - Rogue - Shaman - Warlock - Warrior races: - Draenei - Dwarf - Gnome - Human - Night elf - Worgen - Void elf - Lightforged - Dark Iron - Kul Tiran - Pandaren - Blood elf - Goblin - Orc - Tauren - Troll - Undead - Nightborne - Highmountain - Mag'har - Zandalari