{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-| Maintainer : nvd124@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : portable This module is for Family Trees. It uses lenses for the manipulation of people. For the usage of lenses, see "Control.Lens" It is reccomended to use "Data.Binary" to do saving and loading. -} module Data.FamilyTree ( -- * Types -- ** Main types Person(..), name, attributes, birthdate, birthplace, deathdate, deathplace, Family(..), head1, head2, children, relationFrom, relationTo, relationship, FamilyTree(..), treeName, people, families, -- ** ID types -- $ids PersonID(..), FamilyID(..), -- ** Other types PartialDate, Location(..), Relationship(..), -- * Functions -- ** Creation newTree, addPerson, addFamily, -- ** Manipulation FamilyTreePart (..), -- ** Destruction deletePerson, deleteFamily, -- * Utility functions partialDateFromYear, partialDateFromMonth, partialDateFromDay ) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), Alternative(..)) import Control.Lens hiding (children) import Data.Binary (Word8, Binary(..), getWord8) import Data.Function (on) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), First(..)) import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import qualified Data.IntSet as IS --import Data.Table import Data.String import Data.Text (Text) --import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) import Data.Time (Day(..), fromGregorian, gregorianMonthLength) import Numeric.Interval (Interval) import qualified Numeric.Interval as I -- $ids -- The various ID types represent an identifier for a person, family, or event. -- While the constructors are exported, it is probably better to use the -- various 'Traversal's for manipulation, as they echo the changes around the -- tree automatically. newtype PersonID = PersonID {getPersonID :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) instance Wrapped Int Int PersonID PersonID where wrapped = iso PersonID getPersonID newtype FamilyID = FamilyID {getFamilyID :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) instance Wrapped Int Int FamilyID FamilyID where wrapped = iso FamilyID getFamilyID -- | The Location type. Either a coordinate or a placename. data Location = Coord Double Double | PlaceName Text deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsString Location where fromString = PlaceName . fromString -- | The Relationship type. Marriage is the default for similarity to GEDCOM. data Relationship = Marriage | Other Text deriving (Eq, Show) type PartialDate = Interval Day partialDateFromYear :: Integer -> PartialDate partialDateFromYear n = I.I (fromGregorian n 1 1) (fromGregorian n 12 31) partialDateFromMonth :: Integer -> Int -> PartialDate partialDateFromMonth y m = I.I (fromGregorian y m 1) . fromGregorian y m $ gregorianMonthLength y m partialDateFromDay :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> PartialDate partialDateFromDay y m d = I.singleton $ fromGregorian y m d -- | The basic type for a person. 'Nothing' meaning unknown (or otherwise -- non-existent, for intance a death date for someone still alive) is a -- convention used throughout this library. data Person = Person {_name :: Maybe Text ,_birthdate :: Maybe PartialDate ,_birthplace :: Maybe Location ,_deathdate :: Maybe PartialDate ,_deathplace :: Maybe Location ,_attributes :: HashMap Text Text } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''Person -- | The basic type for a family. Which person is head1 and which is head2 is -- arbitrary, but try to use a consistent rule data Family = Family {_head1 :: Maybe PersonID ,_head2 :: Maybe PersonID ,_relationship :: Maybe Relationship ,_relationFrom :: Maybe PartialDate ,_relationTo :: Maybe PartialDate ,_children :: IntSet } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''Family -- | The core structure of a family tree. data FamilyTree = FamilyTree {_treeName :: Text ,_people :: IntMap Person ,_families :: IntMap Family } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''FamilyTree instance Monoid Person where mempty = Person { _name = Nothing, _birthdate = Nothing, _birthplace = Nothing, _deathdate = Nothing, _deathplace = Nothing, _attributes = HM.empty } p1 `mappend` p2 = Person { _name = ((<|>) `on` _name) p1 p2, _birthdate = ((<|>) `on` _birthdate) p1 p2, _birthplace = ((<|>) `on` _birthplace) p1 p2, _deathdate = ((<|>) `on` _deathdate) p1 p2, _deathplace = ((<|>) `on` _deathplace) p1 p2, _attributes = (HM.union `on` _attributes) p1 p2 } instance Monoid Family where mempty = Family { _head1 = Nothing, _head2 = Nothing, _relationship = Nothing, _relationFrom = Nothing, _relationTo = Nothing, _children = IS.empty } f1 `mappend` f2 = Family { _head1 = getFirst $ (mappend `on` First . _head1) f1 f2, _head2 = getFirst $ (mappend `on` First . _head2) f1 f2, _relationship = getFirst $ (mappend `on` First . _relationship) f1 f2, _relationFrom = getFirst $ (mappend `on` First . _relationFrom) f1 f2, _relationTo = getFirst $ (mappend `on` First . _relationTo) f1 f2, _children = (IS.union `on` _children) f1 f2 } instance Binary Location where put (Coord x y) = do put (0 :: Word8) put x put y put (PlaceName t) = do put (1 :: Word8) put (encodeUtf8 t) get = do tag <- getWord8 case tag of 0 -> do x <- get y <- get return $ Coord x y _ -> PlaceName . decodeUtf8 <$> get instance Binary Relationship where put (Other t) = do put (0 :: Word8) put (encodeUtf8 t) put Marriage = put (1 :: Word8) get = do tag <- getWord8 case tag of 0 -> Other . decodeUtf8 <$> get _ -> return Marriage instance Binary Person where put person = do put (encodeUtf8 <$> _name person) put (toModifiedJulianDay . I.inf <$> _birthdate person) put (toModifiedJulianDay . I.sup <$> _birthdate person) put (_birthplace person) put (toModifiedJulianDay . I.inf <$> _deathdate person) put (toModifiedJulianDay . I.sup <$> _deathdate person) put (_deathplace person) put (map (both %~ encodeUtf8) . HM.toList $ _attributes person) get = do n <- get bdi <- get bds <- get bp <- get ddi <- get dds <- get dp <- get a <- get return Person {_name = fmap decodeUtf8 n ,_birthdate = I.I <$> fmap ModifiedJulianDay bdi <*> fmap ModifiedJulianDay bds ,_birthplace = bp ,_deathdate = I.I <$> fmap ModifiedJulianDay ddi <*> fmap ModifiedJulianDay dds ,_deathplace = dp ,_attributes = HM.fromList $ map (both %~ decodeUtf8) a } instance Binary Family where put fam = do put $ getPersonID <$> _head1 fam put $ getPersonID <$> _head2 fam put $ _relationship fam put $ toModifiedJulianDay . I.inf <$> _relationFrom fam put $ toModifiedJulianDay . I.sup <$> _relationFrom fam put $ toModifiedJulianDay . I.inf <$> _relationTo fam put $ toModifiedJulianDay . I.sup <$> _relationTo fam put $ _children fam get = do h1 <- get h2 <- get r <- get rfi <- get rfs <- get rti <- get rts <- get c <- get return Family {_head1 = PersonID <$> h1 ,_head2 = PersonID <$> h2 ,_relationship = r ,_relationFrom = I.I <$> fmap ModifiedJulianDay rfi <*> fmap ModifiedJulianDay rfs ,_relationTo = I.I <$> fmap ModifiedJulianDay rti <*> fmap ModifiedJulianDay rts ,_children = c } instance Binary FamilyTree where put tree = do put $ encodeUtf8 $ _treeName tree put $ _people tree put $ _families tree get = do n <- get p <- get f <- get return FamilyTree {_treeName = decodeUtf8 n ,_people = p ,_families = f } class FamilyTreePart part where type ID part -- | 'accessFT' is a 'Traversal' to the part of the family tree (either a 'Person' or a 'Family') with the given 'ID' accessFT :: ID part -> IndexedTraversal' (ID part) FamilyTree part instance FamilyTreePart Person where type ID Person = PersonID accessFT (PersonID n) f familyTree = case familyTree ^. people . at n of Nothing -> pure familyTree Just oldPerson -> let newPerson_ = indexed f (PersonID n) oldPerson in alterPerson <$> newPerson_ where alterPerson newPerson = people . ix n .~ newPerson $ familyTree instance FamilyTreePart Family where type ID Family = FamilyID accessFT (FamilyID n) f familyTree = case familyTree ^. families . at n of Nothing -> pure familyTree Just oldFamily -> let newFamily_ = indexed f (FamilyID n) oldFamily in alterFamily <$> newFamily_ where alterFamily newFamily = familyTree & families . ix n .~ newFamily -- | Adds a person with minimal information, returning the updated family tree -- and the ID of the new person. addPerson :: FamilyTree -> (PersonID, FamilyTree) addPerson familyTree = let n = maybe 0 fst $ listToMaybe $ dropWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip [1 ..] $ IM.keys $ _people familyTree in (PersonID n, people . at n ?~ mempty $ familyTree) -- | Adds a family with minimal information, returning the updated family tree -- and the ID of the new family. addFamily :: FamilyTree -> (FamilyID, FamilyTree) addFamily familyTree = let n = maybe 0 fst $ listToMaybe $ dropWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip [1 ..] $ IM.keys $ _families familyTree in (FamilyID n, families . at n ?~ mempty $ familyTree) -- | Deletes a person from the family tree, removing all references to them. deletePerson :: PersonID -> FamilyTree -> FamilyTree deletePerson (PersonID n) familyTree = familyTree & people . at n .~ Nothing & families %~ IM.map ( \fam -> fam & head1 %~ (id & ix (Just $ PersonID n) .~ Nothing) & head2 %~ (id & ix (Just $ PersonID n) .~ Nothing) & children . contains n .~ False ) -- | Deletes a family from the family tree, removing all references to it. deleteFamily :: FamilyID -> FamilyTree -> FamilyTree deleteFamily (FamilyID n) = families . at n .~ Nothing -- | Creates a new tree with a given name. newTree :: Text -> FamilyTree newTree n = FamilyTree {_treeName = n ,_people = IM.empty ,_families = IM.empty }