{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, BangPatterns #-}

-- | Fast logging system to copy log data directly to Handle buffer.

module System.Log.FastLogger (
  -- * Logger
  , mkLogger
  , renewLogger
  , rmLogger
  -- * Logging
  , loggerPutStr
  , loggerPutBuilder
  , loggerFlush
  -- * Strings
  , LogStr(..)
  , ToLogStr(..)
  -- * Misc functions
  , loggerDate
  -- * File rotation
  , module System.Log.FastLogger.File
  ) where

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 (fromString)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), c2w)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign hiding (void)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.IO.Buffer
import qualified GHC.IO.BufferedIO as Buffered
import qualified GHC.IO.Device as RawIO
import GHC.IO.FD
import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals
import GHC.IO.Handle.Text
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types
import GHC.IORef
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Real
import System.IO
import System.Log.FastLogger.Date
import System.Log.FastLogger.File

import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

-- | Abstract data type for logger.
data Logger = Logger {
    loggerAutoFlush :: Bool
  , loggerHandle    :: Handle
  , loggerDateRef   :: DateRef

logBufSize :: Int
logBufSize = 4096

initHandle :: Handle -> IO ()
initHandle hdl = hSetBuffering hdl (BlockBuffering (Just logBufSize))

-- | Creates a 'Logger' from the given handle.
mkLogger :: Bool -- ^ Automatically flush on each loggerPut?
         -> Handle -- ^ If 'Handle' is associated with a file, 'AppendMode' must be used.
         -> IO Logger
mkLogger autoFlush hdl = do
    initHandle hdl
    Logger autoFlush hdl <$> dateInit

-- | Creates a new 'Logger' from old one by replacing 'Handle'.
-- The new 'Handle' automatically inherits the file mode of
-- the old one.
-- The old 'Handle' is automatically closed.
renewLogger :: Logger -> Handle -> IO Logger
renewLogger logger newhdl = do
    let oldhdl = loggerHandle logger
    hFlush oldhdl
    hClose oldhdl
    initHandle newhdl
    return $ logger { loggerHandle = newhdl }

-- | Destroy a 'Logger' by closing internal 'Handle'.
rmLogger :: Logger -> IO ()
rmLogger (Logger _ hdl _) = hClose hdl

-- | A date type to contain 'String' and 'ByteString'.
-- This data is exported so that format can be defined.
-- This would be replaced with 'Builder' someday when
-- it can be written directly to 'Handle' buffer.
data LogStr = LS !String | LB !ByteString

class ToLogStr a where toLogStr :: a -> LogStr
instance ToLogStr [Char] where toLogStr = LS
instance ToLogStr ByteString where toLogStr = LB
instance ToLogStr L.ByteString where toLogStr = LB . S.concat . L.toChunks
instance ToLogStr TS.Text where toLogStr = LB . TE.encodeUtf8
instance ToLogStr TL.Text where toLogStr = LB . TE.encodeUtf8 . TL.toStrict

hPutLogStr :: Handle -> [LogStr] -> IO ()
hPutLogStr handle bss =
  wantWritableHandle "hPutLogStr" handle $ \h_ -> bufsWrite h_ bss

-- based on GHC.IO.Handle.Text

bufsWrite :: Handle__ -> [LogStr] -> IO ()
bufsWrite h_@Handle__{..} bss = do
        bufRaw = old_raw
      , bufR = w
      , bufSize = size
      } <- readIORef haByteBuffer
    if size - w > len then do
        withRawBuffer old_raw $ \ptr ->
            go (ptr `plusPtr` w)  bss
        writeIORef haByteBuffer old_buf{ bufR = w + len }
     else do
        old_buf' <- Buffered.flushWriteBuffer haDevice old_buf
        writeIORef haByteBuffer old_buf'
        if size > len then
            bufsWrite h_ bss
          else do
            let Just fd = cast haDevice :: Maybe FD
            writeWithBuilder fd bss
    len = foldl' (\ !x !y -> x + getLength y) 0 bss
    getLength (LB s) = BS.length s
    getLength (LS s) = length s
    go :: Ptr Word8 -> [LogStr] -> IO ()
    go _ [] = return ()
    go dst (LB b:bs) = do
      dst' <- copy dst b
      go dst' bs
    go dst (LS s:ss) = do
      dst' <- copy' dst s
      go dst' ss

writeWithBuilder :: FD -> [LogStr] -> IO ()
writeWithBuilder fd bss = toByteStringIOWith 4096 write builder
    write !(PS fp o l) = withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
        void $ RawIO.writeNonBlocking fd (p `plusPtr` o) l
    builder = foldr mappend mempty $ map toBuilder bss
    toBuilder (LB s) = fromByteString s
    toBuilder (LS s) = fromString s

copy :: Ptr Word8 -> ByteString -> IO (Ptr Word8)
copy dst (PS ptr off len) = withForeignPtr ptr $ \s -> do
    let !src = s `plusPtr` off
    _ <- memcpy dst src (fromIntegral len)
    let !res = dst `plusPtr` len
    return res

copy' :: Ptr Word8 -> String -> IO (Ptr Word8)
copy' dst [] = return dst
copy' dst (x:xs) = do
    poke dst (c2w x)
    copy' (dst `plusPtr` 1) xs

-- | The 'hPut' function to copy a list of 'LogStr' to the buffer
-- of 'Handle' of 'Logger' directly.
loggerPutStr :: Logger -> [LogStr] -> IO ()
loggerPutStr logger strs = do
    hPutLogStr hdl strs
    when autoFlush $ hFlush hdl
    hdl = loggerHandle logger
    autoFlush = loggerAutoFlush logger

-- | The 'hPut' function directory to copy 'Builder' to the buffer.
-- The current implementation is inefficient at this moment.
-- This would replace 'loggerPutStr' someday.
loggerPutBuilder :: Logger -> Builder -> IO ()
loggerPutBuilder logger builder = do
    loggerPutStr logger . return . LB . toByteString $ builder
    when autoFlush $ hFlush hdl
    hdl = loggerHandle logger
    autoFlush = loggerAutoFlush logger

-- | Flushing the buffer of 'Handle' of 'Logger'.
loggerFlush :: Logger -> IO ()
loggerFlush logger = hFlush $ loggerHandle logger

-- | Obtaining date string from 'Logger'.
loggerDate :: Logger -> IO ZonedDate
loggerDate logger = getDate $ loggerDateRef logger