{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} module System.Log.FastLogger.Logger ( Logger(..) , newLogger , pushLog , flushLog ) where import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, withMVar) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes) import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr) import System.Log.FastLogger.FileIO import System.Log.FastLogger.IO import System.Log.FastLogger.Imports import System.Log.FastLogger.LogStr ---------------------------------------------------------------- data Logger = Logger !BufSize (MVar Buffer) (IORef LogStr) ---------------------------------------------------------------- newLogger :: BufSize -> IO Logger newLogger size = Logger size <$> (getBuffer size >>= newMVar) <*> newIORef mempty ---------------------------------------------------------------- pushLog :: IORef FD -> Logger -> LogStr -> IO () pushLog fdref logger@(Logger size mbuf ref) nlogmsg@(LogStr nlen nbuilder) | nlen > size = do flushLog fdref logger -- Make sure we have a large enough buffer to hold the entire -- contents, thereby allowing for a single write system call and -- avoiding interleaving. This does not address the possibility -- of write not writing the entire buffer at once. allocaBytes nlen $ \buf -> withMVar mbuf $ \_ -> toBufIOWith buf nlen (write fdref) nbuilder | otherwise = do mmsg <- atomicModifyIORef' ref checkBuf case mmsg of Nothing -> return () Just msg -> withMVar mbuf $ \buf -> writeLogStr fdref buf size msg where checkBuf ologmsg@(LogStr olen _) | size < olen + nlen = (nlogmsg, Just ologmsg) | otherwise = (ologmsg <> nlogmsg, Nothing) ---------------------------------------------------------------- flushLog :: IORef FD -> Logger -> IO () flushLog fdref (Logger size mbuf lref) = do logmsg <- atomicModifyIORef' lref (\old -> (mempty, old)) -- If a special buffer is prepared for flusher, this MVar could -- be removed. But such a code does not contribute logging speed -- according to experiment. And even with the special buffer, -- there is no grantee that this function is exclusively called -- for a buffer. So, we use MVar here. -- This is safe and speed penalty can be ignored. withMVar mbuf $ \buf -> writeLogStr fdref buf size logmsg ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Writting 'LogStr' using a buffer in blocking mode. -- The size of 'LogStr' must be smaller or equal to -- the size of buffer. writeLogStr :: IORef FD -> Buffer -> BufSize -> LogStr -> IO () writeLogStr fdref buf size (LogStr len builder) | size < len = error "writeLogStr" | otherwise = toBufIOWith buf size (write fdref) builder write :: IORef FD -> Buffer -> Int -> IO () write fdref buf len' = loop buf (fromIntegral len') where loop bf !len = do written <- writeRawBufferPtr2FD fdref bf len when (0 <= written && written < len) $ loop (bf `plusPtr` fromIntegral written) (len - written)