-- Parse module. -- By Gregory W. Schwartz -- {- | Collection of functions for the parsing of a fasta file. Uses the - ByteString type. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Data.Fasta.ByteString.Parse ( parseFasta , parseCLIPFasta , pipesFasta , removeNs , removeN , removeCLIPNs ) where -- Built-in import Data.Char import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.ByteString import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B -- Cabal import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PB import qualified Pipes.Group as PG import Control.Lens (view) import qualified Control.Foldl as FL -- Local import Data.Fasta.ByteString.Types eol :: Parsec B.ByteString u String eol = choice . map (try . string) $ ["\n\r", "\r\n", "\n", "\r"] eoe :: Parsec B.ByteString u () eoe = lookAhead (void $ char '>') <|> eof fasta :: Parsec B.ByteString u FastaSequence fasta = do spaces char '>' header <- manyTill (satisfy (/= '>')) eol fseq <- manyTill anyChar eoe return (FastaSequence { fastaHeader = B.pack header , fastaSeq = B.pack . removeWhitespace $ fseq } ) where removeWhitespace = filter (`notElem` ("\n\r " :: String)) fastaFile :: Parsec B.ByteString u [FastaSequence] fastaFile = do spaces many fasta fastaCLIP :: Parsec B.ByteString u (FastaSequence, [FastaSequence]) fastaCLIP = do spaces char '>' germline <- fasta clones <- many $ try fasta return (germline, clones) fastaCLIPFile :: Parsec B.ByteString u [(FastaSequence, [FastaSequence])] fastaCLIPFile = do spaces many fastaCLIP -- | Parse a standard fasta file into text sequences parseFasta :: B.ByteString -> [FastaSequence] parseFasta = eToV . parse fastaFile "error" where eToV (Right x) = x eToV (Left x) = error ("Unable to parse fasta file\n" ++ show x) -- | Parse a CLIP fasta file into text sequences parseCLIPFasta :: B.ByteString -> CloneMap parseCLIPFasta = Map.fromList . map (\(!x, (!y, !z)) -> ((x, y), z)) . zip [0..] . eToV . parse fastaCLIPFile "error" where eToV (Right x) = x eToV (Left x) = error ("Unable to parse fasta file\n" ++ show x) -- | Parse a standard fasta file into strict text sequences for pipes. This is -- the highly recommeded way of parsing, as it is computationally fast and -- uses memory based on line length pipesFasta :: (MonadIO m) => Producer B.ByteString m () -> Producer FastaSequence m () pipesFasta p = FL.purely PG.folds FL.mconcat ( view (PB.splits (fromIntegral $ ord '>')) . PB.drop (1 :: Int) $ p ) >-> P.map toFasta where toFasta x = FastaSequence { fastaHeader = head . B.lines $ x , fastaSeq = B.concat . tail . B.lines $ x } -- | Remove Ns from a collection of sequences removeNs :: [FastaSequence] -> [FastaSequence] removeNs = map (\x -> x { fastaSeq = noN . fastaSeq $ x }) where noN = B.map (\y -> if y /= 'N' && y /= 'n' then y else '-') -- | Remove Ns from a sequence removeN :: FastaSequence -> FastaSequence removeN x = x { fastaSeq = noN . fastaSeq $ x } where noN = B.map (\y -> if y /= 'N' && y /= 'n' then y else '-') -- | Remove Ns from a collection of CLIP fasta sequences removeCLIPNs :: CloneMap -> CloneMap removeCLIPNs = Map.fromList . map remove . Map.toList where remove ((!x, !y), !z) = ((x, newSeq y), map newSeq z) newSeq !x = x { fastaSeq = noN . fastaSeq $ x } noN = B.map (\y -> if y /= 'N' && y /= 'n' then y else '-')