name: fay version: x-revision: 1 synopsis: A compiler for Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript. description: Fay is a strict subset of Haskell which can be compiled (type-checked) with GHC, and compiled to JavaScript. . /Documentation/ . See documentation at or build your own documentation with: . > $ cabal build > $ dist/build/fay-docs/fay-docs . . /Examples/ . See . . /Release Notes/ . Lots of documentation updates, some runtime fixes, some more examples, tail-call optimization prototype. . * Add analytics to .cabal. . * Fix types for ghc. . * Use continue (for now) for TCO (refs #19). . * Tail recursive optimization prototype (refs #19). . * Tail recursive example doc. . * Ref example. . * fromInteger/fromRational in the runtime (closes #20). . * Add missing operators to Prelude and built-ins list (closes #16). . * Throw error about unsupported `where' (closes #17). . * Fix silly enumFromTo mistake. . * A test-case that tail-recursive functions run iteratively. . * Optimize constant patterns slightly, shaves off some time. . * Add Fay.Show (preliminary implementation). . * Add data/show example. . * Add note about generating docs. . * Add note that you need nodejs installed to run the tests. . * Include google analytics in docs and generate index.html rather than home.html. . * Updated dom example with onload handler. . * Remove max-width to fix firefox. . * Mention minifying slightly in docs. . * Remove language-javascript dependency. . * Remove non-ascii character in runtime.js . * Don't print counts in fay-tests. . * Add small note about livescript. . * Added fork on github for docs. . * Use === instead of == for jseq (closes #6). . * Some word break on the pre's. . * Rename modules from Main to X (closes #5). . * Ignore more stuff. . * Toggle examples. . * Put examples side-by-side (closes #3). . * s/strict/proper to avoid confusion. . * Convert from function expression assignments to function definitions . See full history at: homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Chris Done maintainer: copyright: 2012 Chris Done category: Development build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 data-files: js/runtime.js hs/stdlib.hs src/Language/Fay/Stdlib.hs extra-source-files: examples/ref.hs examples/alert.hs examples/console.hs examples/dom.hs examples/tailrecursive.hs examples/data.hs -- Test cases tests/10 tests/10.hs tests/11 tests/11.hs tests/12 tests/12.hs tests/13 tests/13.hs tests/14 tests/14.hs tests/15 tests/15.hs tests/16 tests/16.hs tests/17 tests/17.hs tests/18 tests/18.hs tests/19 tests/19.hs tests/1.hs tests/2 tests/20 tests/20.hs tests/21 tests/21.hs tests/22 tests/22.hs tests/23 tests/23.hs tests/24 tests/24.hs tests/25.hs tests/26 tests/26.hs tests/2.hs tests/3 tests/3.hs tests/4 tests/4.hs tests/5 tests/5.hs tests/6 tests/6.hs tests/7 tests/7.hs tests/8 tests/8.hs tests/9 tests/9.hs tests/27 tests/27.hs tests/28 tests/28.hs -- Documentation files docs/beautify.js docs/highlight.pack.js docs/home.css docs/home.js docs/jquery.js docs/analytics.js -- Documentation snippets docs/snippets/conditions.hs docs/snippets/data.hs docs/snippets/declarations.hs docs/snippets/dom.hs docs/snippets/enums.hs docs/snippets/ffi.hs docs/snippets/functions.hs docs/snippets/lists.hs docs/snippets/patterns.hs docs/snippets/tail.hs -- Misc CHANGELOG library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Language.Fay, Language.Fay.Types, Language.Fay.FFI, Language.Fay.Prelude, Language.Fay.Show other-modules: Language.Fay.Print, Control.Monad.IO, Language.Fay.Stdlib, System.Process.Extra ghc-options: -O2 build-depends: base >= 4 && < 4.7, mtl, haskell-src-exts < 1.14, json, pretty-show, data-default, -- Requirements for the executables which -- `cabal-dev ghci' needs. HUnit, process, filepath, directory, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, time executable fay hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -O2 main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base >= 4 && < 4.7, mtl, haskell-src-exts < 1.14, json, process, data-default executable fay-tests hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -O2 main-is: Tests.hs other-modules: Language.Fay.Compiler build-depends: base >= 4 && < 4.7, mtl, haskell-src-exts < 1.14, json, HUnit, process, filepath, directory, data-default executable fay-docs hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -O2 main-is: Docs.hs other-modules: Text.Blaze.Extra build-depends: base >= 4 && < 4.7, mtl, haskell-src-exts < 1.14, json, HUnit, process, filepath, directory, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, time, data-default