{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}

-- | All Fay types and instances.

module Language.Fay.Types

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.Error    (Error, ErrorT, MonadError)
import           Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Map               as M
import           Data.String
import           Language.Haskell.Exts

import           Paths_fay

-- Compiler types

-- | Configuration of the compiler.
data CompileConfig = CompileConfig
  { configOptimize          :: Bool
  , configFlattenApps       :: Bool
  , configExportBuiltins    :: Bool
  , configDirectoryIncludes :: [FilePath]
  , configPrettyPrint       :: Bool
  , configHtmlWrapper       :: Bool
  , configHtmlJSLibs        :: [FilePath]
  , configLibrary           :: Bool
  , configWarn              :: Bool
  , configFilePath          :: Maybe FilePath
  , configTypecheck         :: Bool
  , configWall              :: Bool
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Default configuration.
instance Default CompileConfig where
  def = CompileConfig False False True [] False False [] False True Nothing True False

-- | State of the compiler.
data CompileState = CompileState
  { stateConfig      :: CompileConfig
  , stateExports     :: [QName]
  , stateExportAll   :: Bool
  , stateModuleName  :: ModuleName
  , stateFilePath    :: FilePath
  , stateRecords     :: [(QName,[QName])]
  , stateFayToJs     :: [JsStmt]
  , stateJsToFay     :: [JsStmt]
  , stateImported    :: [(ModuleName,FilePath)]
  , stateNameDepth   :: Integer
  , stateScope       :: Map Name [NameScope]
} deriving (Show)

-- | A name's scope, either imported or bound locally.
data NameScope = ScopeImported ModuleName (Maybe Name)
               | ScopeImportedAs Bool ModuleName Name
               | ScopeBinding

  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | The default compiler state.
defaultCompileState :: CompileConfig -> IO CompileState
defaultCompileState config = do
  ffi <- getDataFileName "src/Language/Fay/Stdlib.hs"
  types <- getDataFileName "src/Language/Fay/Types.hs"
  prelude <- getDataFileName "src/Language/Fay/Prelude.hs"
  return $ CompileState {
    stateConfig = config
  , stateExports = []
  , stateExportAll = True
  , stateModuleName = ModuleName "Main"
  , stateRecords = [("Nothing",[]),("Just",["slot1"])]
  , stateFayToJs = []
  , stateJsToFay = []
  , stateImported = [("Language.Fay.FFI",ffi),("Language.Fay.Types",types),("Prelude",prelude)]
  , stateNameDepth = 1
  , stateFilePath = "<unknown>"
  , stateScope = M.fromList primOps

-- | The built-in operations that aren't actually compiled from
-- anywhere, they come from runtime.js.
-- They're in the names list so that they can be overriden by the user
-- in e.g. let a * b = a - b in 1 * 2.
-- So we resolve them to Fay$, i.e. the prefix used for the runtime
-- support. $ is not allowed in Haskell module names, so there will be
-- no conflicts if a user decicdes to use a module named Fay.
-- So e.g. will compile to (*) Fay$$mult, which is in runtime.js.
primOps :: [(Name, [NameScope])]
primOps =
  [(Symbol ">>",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "then")])
  ,(Symbol ">>=",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "bind")])
  ,(Ident "return",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "return")])
  ,(Ident "force",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "force")])
  ,(Symbol "*",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "mult")])
  ,(Symbol "*",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "mult")])
  ,(Symbol "+",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "add")])
  ,(Symbol "-",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "sub")])
  ,(Symbol "/",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "div")])
  ,(Symbol "==",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "eq")])
  ,(Symbol "/=",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "neq")])
  ,(Symbol ">",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "gt")])
  ,(Symbol "<",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "lt")])
  ,(Symbol ">=",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "gte")])
  ,(Symbol "<=",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "lte")])
  ,(Symbol "&&",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "and")])
  ,(Symbol "||",[ScopeImported "Fay$" (Just "or")])]

-- | Compile monad.
newtype Compile a = Compile { unCompile :: StateT CompileState (ErrorT CompileError IO) a }
  deriving (MonadState CompileState
           ,MonadError CompileError

-- | Just a convenience class to generalize the parsing/printing of
-- various types of syntax.
class (Parseable from,Printable to) => CompilesTo from to | from -> to where
  compileTo :: from -> Compile to

data Mapping = Mapping
  { mappingName :: String
  , mappingFrom :: SrcLoc
  , mappingTo   :: SrcLoc
  } deriving (Show)

data PrintState = PrintState
  { psPretty       :: Bool
  , psLine         :: Int
  , psColumn       :: Int
  , psMapping      :: [Mapping]
  , psIndentLevel  :: Int
  , psOutput       :: [String]
  , psNewline      :: Bool

instance Default PrintState where
  def = PrintState False 0 0 [] 0 [] False

newtype Printer a = Printer { runPrinter :: State PrintState a }
  deriving (Monad,Functor,MonadState PrintState)

-- | Print some value.
class Printable a where
  printJS :: a -> Printer ()

-- | Error type.
data CompileError
  = ParseError SrcLoc String
  | UnsupportedDeclaration Decl
  | UnsupportedExportSpec ExportSpec
  | UnsupportedMatchSyntax Match
  | UnsupportedWhereInMatch Match
  | UnsupportedExpression Exp
  | UnsupportedLiteral Literal
  | UnsupportedLetBinding Decl
  | UnsupportedOperator QOp
  | UnsupportedPattern Pat
  | UnsupportedFieldPattern PatField
  | UnsupportedRhs Rhs
  | UnsupportedGuardedAlts GuardedAlts
  | UnsupportedImport ImportDecl
  | UnsupportedQualStmt QualStmt
  | EmptyDoBlock
  | UnsupportedModuleSyntax Module
  | LetUnsupported
  | InvalidDoBlock
  | RecursiveDoUnsupported
  | Couldn'tFindImport ModuleName [FilePath]
  | FfiNeedsTypeSig Decl
  | FfiFormatBadChars String
  | FfiFormatNoSuchArg Int
  | FfiFormatIncompleteArg
  | FfiFormatInvalidJavaScript String String
  | UnableResolveUnqualified Name
  | UnableResolveQualified QName
  deriving (Show)
instance Error CompileError

-- | The JavaScript FFI interfacing monad.
newtype Fay a = Fay (Identity a)
  deriving Monad

-- JS AST types

-- | Statement type.
data JsStmt
  = JsVar JsName JsExp
  | JsMappedVar SrcLoc JsName JsExp
  | JsIf JsExp [JsStmt] [JsStmt]
  | JsEarlyReturn JsExp
  | JsThrow JsExp
  | JsWhile JsExp [JsStmt]
  | JsUpdate JsName JsExp
  | JsSetProp JsName JsName JsExp
  | JsContinue
  | JsBlock [JsStmt]
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Expression type.
data JsExp
  = JsName JsName
  | JsRawExp String
  | JsFun [JsName] [JsStmt] (Maybe JsExp)
  | JsLit JsLit
  | JsApp JsExp [JsExp]
  | JsNegApp JsExp
  | JsTernaryIf JsExp JsExp JsExp
  | JsNull
  | JsParen JsExp
  | JsGetProp JsExp JsName
  | JsLookup JsExp JsExp
  | JsUpdateProp JsExp JsName JsExp
  | JsGetPropExtern JsExp String
  | JsUpdatePropExtern JsExp JsName JsExp
  | JsList [JsExp]
  | JsNew JsName [JsExp]
  | JsThrowExp JsExp
  | JsInstanceOf JsExp JsName
  | JsIndex Int JsExp
  | JsEq JsExp JsExp
  | JsNeq JsExp JsExp
  | JsInfix String JsExp JsExp -- Used to optimize *, /, +, etc
  | JsObj [(String,JsExp)]
  | JsUndefined
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | A name of some kind.
data JsName
  = JsNameVar QName
  | JsThis
  | JsThunk
  | JsForce
  | JsApply
  | JsParam Integer
  | JsTmp Integer
  | JsConstructor QName
  | JsBuiltIn Name
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Literal value type.
data JsLit
  = JsChar Char
  | JsStr String
  | JsInt Int
  | JsFloating Double
  | JsBool Bool
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | These are the data types that are serializable directly to native
-- JS data types. Strings, floating points and arrays. The others are:
-- actions in the JS monad, which are thunks that shouldn't be forced
-- when serialized but wrapped up as JS zero-arg functions, and
-- unknown types can't be converted but should at least be forced.
data FundamentalType
   -- Recursive types.
 = FunctionType [FundamentalType]
 | JsType FundamentalType
 | ListType FundamentalType
 | TupleType [FundamentalType]
 | UserDefined Name [FundamentalType]
 | Defined FundamentalType
 -- Simple types.
 | DateType
 | StringType
 | DoubleType
 | IntType
 | BoolType
 -- | Unknown.
 | UnknownType
   deriving (Show)

-- | Helpful for some things.
instance IsString Name where
  fromString = Ident

-- | Helpful for some things.
instance IsString QName where
  fromString = UnQual . Ident

-- | Helpful for writing qualified symbols (Fay.*).
instance IsString ModuleName where
  fromString = ModuleName