{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- | Compiling the FFI support.

module Language.Fay.Compiler.FFI

import           Language.Fay.Compiler.Misc
import           Language.Fay.Print           (printJSString)
import           Language.Fay.Types

import           Control.Monad.Error
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Char
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Language.ECMAScript3.Parser  as JS
import           Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import           Language.Haskell.Exts        (prettyPrint)
import           Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
import           Prelude                      hiding (exp)
import Data.Generics.Schemes
import           Safe

-- | Compile an FFI call.
compileFFI :: SrcLoc -- ^ Location of the original FFI decl.
           -> Name  -- ^ Name of the to-be binding.
           -> String -- ^ The format string.
           -> Type   -- ^ Type signature.
           -> Compile [JsStmt]
compileFFI srcloc name formatstr sig = do
  inner <- formatFFI formatstr (zip params funcFundamentalTypes)
  case JS.parse JS.parseExpression (prettyPrint name) (printJSString (wrapReturn inner)) of
    Left err -> throwError (FfiFormatInvalidJavaScript srcloc inner (show err))
    Right exp  -> do
      config' <- config id
      when (configGClosure config') $ warnDotUses srcloc inner exp
      fmap return (bindToplevel srcloc True name (body inner))

  where body inner = foldr wrapParam (wrapReturn inner) params
        wrapParam pname inner = JsFun [pname] [] (Just inner)
        params = zipWith const uniqueNames [1..typeArity sig]
        wrapReturn inner = thunk $
          case lastMay funcFundamentalTypes of
            -- Returns a “pure” value;
            Just{} -> jsToFay SerializeAnywhere returnType (JsRawExp inner)
            -- Base case:
            Nothing -> JsRawExp inner
        funcFundamentalTypes = functionTypeArgs sig
        returnType = last funcFundamentalTypes

-- | Warn about uses of naked x.y which will not play nicely with Google Closure.
warnDotUses :: SrcLoc -> String -> ParsedExpression -> Compile ()
warnDotUses srcloc string expr =
  when anyrefs $
    warn $ printSrcLoc srcloc ++ ":\nDot ref syntax used in FFI JS code: " ++ string

  where anyrefs = not (null (listify dotref expr)) ||
                  not (null (listify ldot expr))

        dotref :: ParsedExpression -> Bool
        dotref x = case x of
          DotRef _ (VarRef _ (Id _ name)) _
             | elem name globalNames -> False
          DotRef{}                   -> True
          _                          -> False

        ldot :: LValue SourcePos -> Bool
        ldot x =
          case x of
            LDot _ (VarRef _ (Id _ name)) _
             | elem name globalNames -> False
            LDot{}                   -> True
            _                        -> False

        globalNames = ["Math","console","JSON"]

-- Make a Fay→JS encoder.
emitFayToJs :: Name -> [([Name],BangType)] -> Compile ()
emitFayToJs name (explodeFields -> fieldTypes) = do
  qname <- qualify name
  modify $ \s -> s { stateFayToJs = translator qname : stateFayToJs s }

    translator qname =
      JsIf (JsInstanceOf (JsName transcodingObjForced) (JsConstructor qname))
           (obj : fieldStmts (zip [0..] fieldTypes) ++ [ret])

    obj :: JsStmt
    obj = JsVar obj_ $
      JsObj [("instance",JsLit (JsStr (printJSString name)))]

    fieldStmts :: [(Int,(Name,BangType))] -> [JsStmt]
    fieldStmts [] = []
    fieldStmts ((i,fieldType):fts) =
      (JsVar obj_v field) :
        (JsIf (JsNeq JsUndefined (JsName obj_v))
          [JsSetPropExtern obj_ decl (JsName obj_v)]
          []) :
        fieldStmts fts
        obj_v = JsNameVar (UnQual (Ident $ "obj_" ++ d))
        decl = JsNameVar (UnQual (Ident d))
        (d, field) = declField i fieldType

    obj_ = JsNameVar (UnQual (Ident "obj_"))

    ret :: JsStmt
    ret = JsEarlyReturn (JsName obj_)

    -- Declare/encode Fay→JS field
    declField :: Int -> (Name,BangType) -> (String,JsExp)
    declField i (fname,typ) =
      (prettyPrint fname
      ,fayToJs (case argType (bangType typ) of
                 known -> typeRep (SerializeUserArg i) known)
               (force (JsGetProp (JsName transcodingObjForced)
                                 (JsNameVar (UnQual fname)))))

transcodingObj :: JsName
transcodingObj = JsNameVar "obj"

transcodingObjForced :: JsName
transcodingObjForced = JsNameVar "_obj"

-- | Get arg types of a function type.
functionTypeArgs :: Type -> [FundamentalType]
functionTypeArgs t =
  case t of
    TyForall _ _ i -> functionTypeArgs i
    TyFun a b      -> argType a : functionTypeArgs b
    TyParen st     -> functionTypeArgs st
    r              -> [argType r]

-- | Convert a Haskell type to an internal FFI representation.
argType :: Type -> FundamentalType
argType t = case t of
  TyCon "String"              -> StringType
  TyCon "Double"              -> DoubleType
  TyCon "Int"                 -> IntType
  TyCon "Bool"                -> BoolType
  TyApp (TyCon "Ptr") _       -> PtrType
  TyApp (TyCon "Automatic") _ -> Automatic
  TyApp (TyCon "Defined") a   -> Defined (argType a)
  TyApp (TyCon "Nullable") a  -> Nullable (argType a)
  TyApp (TyCon "Fay") a       -> JsType (argType a)
  TyFun x xs                  -> FunctionType (argType x : functionTypeArgs xs)
  TyList x                    -> ListType (argType x)
  TyTuple _ xs                -> TupleType (map argType xs)
  TyParen st                  -> argType st
  TyApp op arg                -> userDefined (reverse (arg : expandApp op))
  _                     ->
    -- No semantic point to this, merely to avoid GHC's broken
    -- warning.
    case t of
      TyCon (UnQual user)   -> UserDefined user []
      _ -> UnknownType

-- | Extract the type.
bangType :: BangType -> Type
bangType typ = case typ of
  BangedTy ty   -> ty
  UnBangedTy ty -> ty
  UnpackedTy ty -> ty

-- | Expand a type application.
expandApp :: Type -> [Type]
expandApp (TyParen t) = expandApp t
expandApp (TyApp op arg) = arg : expandApp op
expandApp x = [x]

-- | Generate a user-defined type.
userDefined :: [Type] -> FundamentalType
userDefined (TyCon (UnQual name):typs) = UserDefined name (map argType typs)
userDefined _ = UnknownType

-- | Translate: JS → Fay.
jsToFay :: SerializeContext -> FundamentalType -> JsExp -> JsExp
jsToFay context typ exp =
  JsApp (JsName (JsBuiltIn "jsToFay"))
        [typeRep context typ,exp]

-- | Translate: Fay → JS.
fayToJs :: JsExp -> JsExp -> JsExp
fayToJs typ exp = JsApp (JsName (JsBuiltIn "fayToJs"))

-- | Get a JS-representation of a fundamental type for encoding/decoding.
typeRep :: SerializeContext -> FundamentalType -> JsExp
typeRep context typ = case typ of
  FunctionType xs     -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "function",JsList (map (typeRep context) xs)]
  JsType x            -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "action",JsList [typeRep context x]]
  ListType x          -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "list",JsList [typeRep context x]]
  TupleType xs        -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "tuple",JsList (map (typeRep context) xs)]
  UserDefined name xs -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "user"
                                ,JsLit $ JsStr (unname name)
                                ,JsList (zipWith (\t i -> typeRep (setArg i context) t) xs [0..])]
  Defined x           -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "defined",JsList [typeRep context x]]
  Nullable x          -> JsList [JsLit $ JsStr "nullable",JsList [typeRep context x]]
  _ -> nom

    setArg i SerializeUserArg{}   = SerializeUserArg i
    setArg _ c = c
    ret = JsList . return . JsLit . JsStr
    nom = case typ of
      StringType -> ret "string"
      DoubleType -> ret "double"
      PtrType    -> ret "ptr"
      Automatic  -> ret "automatic"
      IntType    -> ret "int"
      BoolType   -> ret "bool"
      DateType   -> ret "date"
      _          ->
        case context of
          SerializeAnywhere -> ret "unknown"
          SerializeUserArg i ->
            let args = JsIndex 2 (JsName JsParametrizedType)
                thisArg = JsIndex i args
                unknown = ret "unknown"
            in JsTernaryIf args
                           (JsTernaryIf thisArg

-- | Get the arity of a type.
typeArity :: Type -> Int
typeArity t = case t of
  TyForall _ _ i -> typeArity i
  TyFun _ b      -> 1 + typeArity b
  TyParen st     -> typeArity st
  _              -> 0

-- | Format the FFI format string with the given arguments.
formatFFI :: String                      -- ^ The format string.
          -> [(JsName,FundamentalType)] -- ^ Arguments.
          -> Compile String              -- ^ The JS code.
formatFFI formatstr args = go formatstr where
  go ('%':'*':xs) = do
    these <- mapM inject (zipWith const [1..] args)
    rest <- go xs
    return (intercalate "," these ++ rest)
  go ('%':'%':xs) = do
    rest <- go xs
    return ('%' : rest)
  go ['%'] = throwError FfiFormatIncompleteArg
  go ('%':(span isDigit -> (op,xs))) =
    case readMay op of
     Nothing -> throwError (FfiFormatBadChars op)
     Just n -> do
       this <- inject n
       rest <- go xs
       return (this ++ rest)
  go (x:xs) = do rest <- go xs
                 return (x : rest)
  go [] = return []

  inject n =
    case listToMaybe (drop (n-1) args) of
      Nothing -> throwError (FfiFormatNoSuchArg n)
      Just (arg,typ) -> do
        return (printJSString (fayToJs (typeRep SerializeAnywhere typ) (JsName arg)))

explodeFields :: [([a], t)] -> [(a, t)]
explodeFields = concatMap $ \(names,typ) -> map (,typ) names

fayToJsDispatcher :: [JsStmt] -> JsStmt
fayToJsDispatcher cases =
  JsVar (JsBuiltIn "fayToJsUserDefined")
        (JsFun [JsNameVar "type",transcodingObj]
               (decl ++ cases ++ [baseCase])

  where decl = [JsVar transcodingObjForced
                      (force (JsName transcodingObj))
               ,JsVar (JsNameVar "argTypes")
                      (JsLookup (JsName (JsNameVar "type"))
                                (JsLit (JsInt 2)))]
        baseCase =
          JsEarlyReturn (JsName transcodingObj)

jsToFayDispatcher :: [JsStmt] -> JsStmt
jsToFayDispatcher cases =
  JsVar (JsBuiltIn "jsToFayUserDefined")
        (JsFun [JsNameVar "type",transcodingObj]
               (cases ++ [baseCase])

  where baseCase =
          JsEarlyReturn (JsName transcodingObj)

-- Make a JS→Fay decoder
emitJsToFay ::  Name -> [([Name], BangType)] -> Compile ()
emitJsToFay name (explodeFields -> fieldTypes) = do
  qname <- qualify name
  modify $ \s -> s { stateJsToFay = translator qname : stateJsToFay s }

    translator qname =
      JsIf (JsEq (JsGetPropExtern (JsName transcodingObj) "instance")
                 (JsLit (JsStr (printJSString name))))
           [JsEarlyReturn (JsNew (JsConstructor qname)
                                 (zipWith decodeField fieldTypes [0..]))]
    -- Decode JS→Fay field
    decodeField :: (Name,BangType) -> Int -> JsExp
    decodeField (fname,typ) i =
      jsToFay (SerializeUserArg i)
              (argType (bangType typ))
              (JsGetPropExtern (JsName transcodingObj)
                               (prettyPrint fname))