-- | Desugars a reasonable amount of syntax to reduce duplication in code generation.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude     #-}
module Fay.Compiler.Desugar
  ( desugar
  , desugar'
  , desugarExpParen
  , desugarPatParen
  ) where

import           Fay.Compiler.Prelude

import           Fay.Compiler.Desugar.Name
import           Fay.Compiler.Desugar.Types
import           Fay.Compiler.Misc               (ffiExp, hasLanguagePragma)
import           Fay.Compiler.QName              (unname)
import           Fay.Exts.NoAnnotation           (unAnn)
import           Fay.Types                       (CompileError (..))

import           Control.Monad.Error
import           Control.Monad.Reader            (asks)
import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data     as U
import           Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated hiding (binds, loc, name)

-- | Top level, desugar a whole module possibly returning errors
desugar :: (Data l, Typeable l) => l -> Module l -> IO (Either CompileError (Module l))
desugar = desugar' "$gen"

-- | Desugar with the option to specify a prefix for generated names.
-- Useful if you want to provide valid haskell name that HSE can print.
desugar' :: (Data l, Typeable l) => String -> l -> Module l -> IO (Either CompileError (Module l))
desugar' prefix emptyAnnotation md = runDesugar prefix emptyAnnotation $
      checkEnum md
  >>  desugarSection md
  >>= desugarListComp
  >>= desugarTupleCon
  >>= return . desugarPatParen
  >>= return . desugarFieldPun
  >>= return . desugarPatFieldPun
  >>= desugarDo
  >>= desugarTupleSection
  >>= desugarImplicitPrelude
  >>= desugarFFITypeSigs
  >>= desugarLCase
  >>= return . desugarMultiIf
  >>= return . desugarInfixOp
  >>= return . desugarInfixPat
  >>= return . desugarExpParen

-- | (a `f`) => \b -> a `f` b
--   (`f` b) => \a -> a `f` b
desugarSection :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarSection = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
  LeftSection  l e q -> withScopedTmpName l $ \tmp ->
      return $ Lambda l [PVar l tmp] (InfixApp l e q (Var l (UnQual l tmp)))
  RightSection l q e -> withScopedTmpName l $ \tmp ->
      return $ Lambda l [PVar l tmp] (InfixApp l (Var l (UnQual l tmp)) q e)
  _ -> return ex

-- | Convert do notation into binds and thens.
desugarDo :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarDo = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
  Do _ stmts -> maybe (throwError EmptyDoBlock) return $ foldl desugarStmt' Nothing (reverse stmts)
  _ -> return ex

desugarStmt' :: Maybe (Exp l) -> Stmt l -> Maybe (Exp l)
desugarStmt' inner stmt =
  maybe initStmt subsequentStmt inner
    initStmt = case stmt of
      Qualifier _ exp -> Just exp
      LetStmt{}     -> error "UnsupportedLet"
      _             -> error "InvalidDoBlock"

    subsequentStmt inner' = case stmt of
      Generator loc pat exp -> desugarGenerator loc pat inner' exp
      Qualifier s exp -> Just $ InfixApp s exp
                                         (QVarOp s $ UnQual s $ Symbol s ">>")
      LetStmt _ (BDecls s binds) -> Just $ Let s (BDecls s binds) inner'
      LetStmt _ _ -> error "UnsupportedLet"
      RecStmt{} -> error "UnsupportedRecursiveDo"

    desugarGenerator :: l -> Pat l -> Exp l -> Exp l -> Maybe (Exp l)
    desugarGenerator s pat inner' exp =
      Just $ InfixApp s
                      (QVarOp s $ UnQual s $ Symbol s ">>=")
                      (Lambda s [pat] inner')

-- | (,)  => \x y   -> (x,y)
--   (,,) => \x y z -> (x,y,z)
-- etc
desugarTupleCon :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarTupleCon md = do
  prefix <- asks readerTmpNamePrefix
  return $ flip transformBi md $ \ex -> case ex of
    Var _ (Special _ t@TupleCon{}) -> fromTupleCon prefix ex t
    Con _ (Special _ t@TupleCon{}) -> fromTupleCon prefix ex t
    _ -> ex
    fromTupleCon :: String -> Exp l -> SpecialCon l -> Exp l
    fromTupleCon prefix e s = fromMaybe e $ case s of
      TupleCon l b n -> Just $ Lambda l params body
          -- It doesn't matter if these variable names shadow anything since
          -- this lambda won't have inner scopes.
          names  = take n $ unscopedTmpNames l prefix
          params = PVar l <$> names
          body   = Tuple l b (Var l . UnQual l <$> names)
      _ -> Nothing

-- | \case { ... } => \foo -> case foo of { ... }
desugarLCase :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarLCase = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
  LCase l alts -> withScopedTmpName l $ \n -> return $ Lambda l [PVar l n] (Case l (Var l (UnQual l n)) alts)
  _ -> return ex

-- | if | p -> x | q -> y => case () of _ | p -> x | q -> y
desugarMultiIf :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarMultiIf = transformBi $ \ex -> case ex of
  MultiIf l alts -> Case l (Con l (Special l (UnitCon l)))
                           [Alt l (PWildCard l) (GuardedAlts l gas) Nothing]
    where gas = map (\(IfAlt l' p a) -> GuardedAlt l' [Qualifier l' p] a) alts
  _ -> ex

-- | (a,) => \b -> (a,b)
desugarTupleSection :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarTupleSection md = do
  prefix <- asks readerTmpNamePrefix
  flip transformBiM md $ \ex -> case ex of
    TupleSection l _ mes -> do
      (names, lst) <- genSlotNames l mes (unscopedTmpNames l prefix)
      return $ Lambda l (map (PVar l) names) (Tuple l Boxed lst)
    _ -> return ex

    genSlotNames :: l -> [Maybe (Exp l)] -> [Name l] -> Desugar l ([Name l], [Exp l])
    genSlotNames _ [] _ = return ([], [])
    genSlotNames l (Nothing : rest) ns = do
      -- it's safe to use head/tail here because ns is an infinite list
      (rn, re) <- genSlotNames l rest (tail ns)
      return (head ns : rn, Var l (UnQual l (head ns)) : re)
    genSlotNames l (Just e : rest) ns = do
      (rn, re) <- genSlotNames l rest ns
      return (rn, e : re)

-- (p) => p for patterns
desugarPatParen :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarPatParen = transformBi $ \pt -> case pt of
  PParen _ p -> p
  _ -> pt

-- | {a} => {a=a} for R{a} expressions
desugarFieldPun :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarFieldPun = transformBi $ \f -> case f of
  FieldPun l n -> let dn = UnQual l n in FieldUpdate l dn (Var l dn)
  _ -> f

-- | {a} => {a=a} for R{a} patterns
desugarPatFieldPun :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarPatFieldPun = transformBi $ \pf -> case pf of
  PFieldPun l n -> PFieldPat l (UnQual l n) (PVar l n)
  _             -> pf

-- | Desugar list comprehensions.
desugarListComp :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarListComp = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
    ListComp l exp stmts -> desugarListComp' l exp stmts
    _ -> return ex
    desugarListComp' l e [] = return (List l [ e ])
    desugarListComp' l e (QualStmt _ (Generator _ p e2) : stmts) = do
      nested <- desugarListComp' l e stmts
      withScopedTmpName l $ \f ->
        return (Let l (BDecls l [ FunBind l [
            Match l f [ p           ] (UnGuardedRhs l nested) Nothing
          , Match l f [ PWildCard l ] (UnGuardedRhs l (List l [])) Nothing
          ]]) (App l (App l (Var l (Qual l (ModuleName l "$Prelude") (Ident l "concatMap"))) (Var l (UnQual l f))) e2))
    desugarListComp' l e (QualStmt _ (Qualifier _ e2) : stmts) = do
      nested <- desugarListComp' l e stmts
      return (If l e2 nested (List l []))
    desugarListComp' l e (QualStmt _ (LetStmt _ bs) : stmts) = do
      nested <- desugarListComp' l e stmts
      return (Let l bs nested)
    desugarListComp' _ _ (_ : _) =
      error "UnsupportedListComprehension"

-- | We only have Enum instance for Int, but GHC hard codes [x..y]
-- syntax to GHC.Base.Enum instead of using our Enum class so we check
-- for obviously incorrect usages and throw an error on them. This can
-- only checks literals, but it helps a bit.
checkEnum :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l ()
checkEnum = mapM_ f . universeBi
    f ex = case ex of
      e@(EnumFrom       _ e1)       -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1]
      e@(EnumFromTo     _ e1 e2)    -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1,e2]
      e@(EnumFromThen   _ e1 e2)    -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1,e2]
      e@(EnumFromThenTo _ e1 e2 e3) -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1,e2,e3]
      _ -> return ()

    checkIntOrUnknown :: Exp l -> [Exp l] -> Desugar l ()
    checkIntOrUnknown exp es = unless (any isIntOrUnknown es) (throwError . UnsupportedEnum $ unAnn exp)
    isIntOrUnknown :: Exp l -> Bool
    isIntOrUnknown e = case e of
      Con            {} -> False
      Lit _ Int{}       -> True
      Lit            {} -> False
      Tuple          {} -> False
      List           {} -> False
      EnumFrom       {} -> False
      EnumFromTo     {} -> False
      EnumFromThen   {} -> False
      EnumFromThenTo {} -> False
      _                 -> True

-- | Adds an explicit import Prelude statement when appropriate.
desugarImplicitPrelude :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarImplicitPrelude m =
    if preludeNotNeeded
        then return m
        else addPrelude m
    preludeNotNeeded = hasExplicitPrelude m ||
                       hasLanguagePragma "NoImplicitPrelude" (getPragmas m)

    getPragmas :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> [ModulePragma l]
    getPragmas = universeBi

    getImportDecls :: Module l -> [ImportDecl l]
    getImportDecls (Module _ _ _ decls _) = decls
    getImportDecls _ = []

    setImportDecls :: [ImportDecl l] -> Module l -> Module l
    setImportDecls decls (Module a b c _ d) = Module a b c decls d
    setImportDecls _ mod = mod

    hasExplicitPrelude :: Module l -> Bool
    hasExplicitPrelude = any isPrelude . getImportDecls

    isPrelude :: ImportDecl l -> Bool
    isPrelude decl = case importModule decl of
      ModuleName _ name -> name == "Prelude"

    addPrelude :: Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
    addPrelude mod = do
      let decls = getImportDecls mod
      prelude <- getPrelude
      return $ setImportDecls (prelude : decls) mod

    getPrelude :: Desugar l (ImportDecl l)
    getPrelude = do
      noInfo <- asks readerNoInfo
      return $ ImportDecl noInfo (ModuleName noInfo "Prelude") False False Nothing Nothing Nothing

desugarFFITypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarFFITypeSigs = desugarToplevelFFITypeSigs >=> desugarBindsTypeSigs

-- | For each toplevel FFI pattern binding, search the module for the relevant
-- type declaration; if found, add a type signature to the ffi expression.
-- e.g.
--  foo :: Int
--  foo = ffi "3"
-- becomes
--  foo :: Int
--  foo = ffi "3" :: Int
desugarToplevelFFITypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarToplevelFFITypeSigs m = case m of
  Module a b c d decls -> do
    decls' <- addFFIExpTypeSigs decls
    return $ Module a b c d decls'
  _ -> return m

desugarBindsTypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarBindsTypeSigs = transformBiM $ \(BDecls srcInfo decls) -> do
  decls' <- addFFIExpTypeSigs decls
  return $ BDecls srcInfo decls'

addFFIExpTypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => [Decl l] -> Desugar l [Decl l]
addFFIExpTypeSigs decls = do
  let typeSigs = getTypeSigs decls
  sequence $ go typeSigs decls
  -- | Create a lookup list mapping names to types, for all the types declared
  -- through standalone (ie: not in an expression) type signatures at this
  -- scope level.
  getTypeSigs ds = [ (unname n, typ) | TypeSig _ names typ <- ds, n <- names ]

  go typeSigs = map (addTypeSig typeSigs)

  addTypeSig typeSigs decl = case decl of
    (PatBind loc pat typ rhs binds) ->
      case getUnguardedRhs rhs of
        Just (srcInfo, rhExp) ->
          if isFFI rhExp
            then do
              rhExp' <- addSigToExp typeSigs decl rhExp
              return $ PatBind loc pat typ (UnGuardedRhs srcInfo rhExp') binds
            else return decl
        _ -> return decl
    _ -> return decl

  getUnguardedRhs rhs = case rhs of
    (UnGuardedRhs srcInfo exp) -> Just (srcInfo, exp)
    _ -> Nothing

  isFFI = isJust . ffiExp

  -- | Adds an explicit type signature to an expression (which is assumed to
  -- be the RHS of a declaration). This should only need to be called for FFI
  -- function declarations.
  -- Arguments:
  --  sigs:  List of toplevel type signatures
  --  decl:  The declaration, which should be a PatBind.
  --  rhExp: Expression comprising the RHS of the declaration
  addSigToExp typeSigs decl rhExp = case getTypeFor typeSigs decl of
    Just typ -> do
      noInfo <- asks readerNoInfo
      return $ ExpTypeSig noInfo rhExp typ
    Nothing -> return rhExp

  getTypeFor typeSigs decl = case decl of
    (PatBind _ (PVar _ name) _ _ _) -> lookup (unname name) typeSigs
    _ -> Nothing

-- | a `op` b => op a b
-- a + b => (+) a b
-- for expressions
desugarInfixOp :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarInfixOp = transformBi $ \ex -> case ex of
  InfixApp l e1 oper e2 -> App l (App l (getOp oper) e1) e2
      getOp (QVarOp l' o) = Var l' o
      getOp (QConOp l' o) = Con l' o
  _ -> ex

-- | a : b => (:) a b for patterns
desugarInfixPat :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarInfixPat = transformBi $ \pt -> case pt of
  PInfixApp l p1 iop p2 -> PApp l iop [p1, p2]
  _ -> pt

-- | (a) => a for patterns
desugarExpParen :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarExpParen = transformBi $ \ex -> case ex of
  Paren _ e -> e
  _ -> ex

transformBi :: U.Biplate (from a) (to a) => (to a -> to a) -> from a -> from a
transformBi = U.transformBi

universeBi :: U.Biplate (from a) (to a) => from a -> [to a]
universeBi = U.universeBi

transformBiM :: (Monad m, U.Biplate (from a) (to a)) => (to a -> m (to a)) -> from a -> m (from a)
transformBiM = U.transformBiM