{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module JQuery where

Note that this is very much in flux. Function names, type signatures, and
data types all subject to drastic change.

import           Fay.Text
import           FFI
import           Prelude hiding (succ)

data JQuery

data JQXHR

type EventType = Text

type Selector = Text

-- Things that should go in fay or fay-dom
data Element

data Document

data Window

data Object

emptyCallback :: a -> Fay ()
emptyCallback = const $ return ()

---- Ajax

ajax :: Text
     -> (Automatic b -> Fay ())
     -> (JQXHR -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Fay ())
     -> Fay ()
ajax ur succ err = ajax' $ defaultAjaxSettings
  { success = Defined succ
  , data' = Undefined :: Defined Text -- hackety hack
  , error' = Defined err
  , url = Defined ur }

-- | Serializes the given object to JSON and passes it as the request body without request parameters.
--   The response is deserialized depending on its type.
ajaxPost :: Text
         -> Automatic f
         -> (Automatic g -> Fay ())
         -> (JQXHR -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Fay ())
         -> Fay ()
ajaxPost ur dat succ err = ajax' $ defaultAjaxSettings
  { success = Defined succ
  , data' = Defined dat
  , error' = Defined err
  , url = Defined ur
  , type' = Defined "POST"
  , processData = Defined False
  , contentType = Defined "text/json"
  , dataType = Defined "json"

-- | Same as ajaxPost but sends the data inside the given request parameter
ajaxPostParam :: Text
              -> Text
              -> Automatic f
              -> (Automatic g -> Fay ())
              -> (JQXHR -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Fay ())
              -> Fay ()
ajaxPostParam ur rqparam dat succ err = ajax' $ defaultAjaxSettings
  { success = Defined succ
  , data' = Defined $ makeRqObj rqparam dat
  , error' = Defined err
  , url = Defined ur
  , type' = Defined "POST"
  , processData = Defined False
  , contentType = Defined "text/json"
  , dataType = Defined "json"

makeRqObj :: Text -> a -> Object
makeRqObj = ffi "(function () { var o = {}; o[%1] = %2; return o; })()"

data AjaxSettings a b = AjaxSettings
  { accepts     :: Defined Text
  , async       :: Defined Bool
  , beforeSend  :: Defined (JQXHR -> AjaxSettings a b -> Fay ())
  , cache       :: Defined Bool
  , complete    :: Defined (JQXHR -> Text -> Fay ())
  -- , contents :: Defined (Object RegExp) -- skipped
  , contentType :: Defined Text
  -- , context :: Defined Object -- skipped
  -- , converters :: Defined (Object Value) -- skipped
  , crossDomain :: Defined Bool
  , data'       :: Defined a
  -- , dataFilter  :: Defined (Data -> Type -> Fay ()) -- skipped
  , dataType    :: Defined Text
  , error'      :: Defined (JQXHR -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Fay ())
  , global      :: Defined Bool
  -- , headers :: Object Text -- need generic objects
  , ifModified  :: Defined Bool
  , isLocal     :: Defined Bool
  -- , jsonp -- skipped
  -- , jsonpCallback -- skipped
  , mimeType    :: Defined Text
  , password    :: Defined Text
  , processData :: Defined Bool
  -- , scriptCharset -- skipped
  -- , statusCode -- skipped
  , success     :: Defined (b -> Fay ())
  , timeout     :: Defined Double
  -- , traditional -- skipped
  , type'       :: Defined Text
  , url         :: Defined Text
  , username    :: Defined Text
  -- , xhr :: XHR -- XHR needs to be added to fay-dom

defaultAjaxSettings :: AjaxSettings a b
defaultAjaxSettings = AjaxSettings
  { accepts     = Undefined
  , async       = Undefined
  , beforeSend  = Undefined
  , cache       = Undefined
  , complete    = Undefined
  , contentType = Undefined
  , crossDomain = Undefined
  , data'       = Undefined
  , dataType    = Undefined
  , error'      = Undefined
  , global      = Undefined
  , ifModified  = Undefined
  , isLocal     = Undefined
  , mimeType    = Undefined
  , password    = Undefined
  , processData = Undefined
  , success     = Undefined
  , timeout     = Undefined
  , type'       = Undefined
  , url         = Undefined
  , username    = Undefined

ajax' :: AjaxSettings (Automatic a) (Automatic b) -> Fay ()
ajax' = ffi "\
  \ (function (o) { \
    \ delete o['instance']; \
    \ for (var p in o) { \
      \ if (/\\$39\\$/.test(p)) { \
        \ o[p.replace(/\\$39\\$/g, '')] = o[p]; \
        \ delete o[p]; \
      \ } \
    \ } \
    \ o['data'] = JSON.stringify(o['data']); \
    \ return jQuery.ajax(o); \
  \ })(%1)"

---- Attributes

addClass :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
addClass = ffi "%2['addClass'](%1)"

addClassWith :: (Double -> Text -> Fay Text) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
addClassWith = ffi "%2['addClass'](%1)"

getAttr :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay (Defined Text)
getAttr = ffi "%2['attr'](%1)"

setAttr :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setAttr = ffi "%3['attr'](%1, %2)"

-- TODO: setAttrs with map

setAttrWith :: Text -> (Double -> Text -> Fay Text) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setAttrWith = ffi "%3['attr'](%1, %2)"

hasClass :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay Bool
hasClass = ffi "%2['hasClass'](%1)"

getHtml :: JQuery -> Fay Text
getHtml = ffi "%1['html']()"

setHtml :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setHtml = ffi "%2['html'](%1)"

setHtmlWith :: (Double -> Text -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setHtmlWith = ffi "%2['html'](%1)"

-- TODO: html with props

getProp :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay Text
getProp = ffi "%2['prop'](%1)"

setProp :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setProp = ffi "%3['prop'](%1, %2)"

-- TODO: setProp with map

setPropWith :: Text -> (Double -> Text -> Fay Text) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setPropWith = ffi "%3['prop'](%1, %2)"

removeAttr :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
removeAttr = ffi "%2['removeAttr'](%1)"

removeClass :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
removeClass = ffi "%2['removeClass'](%1)"

removeClassWith :: (Double -> Text -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
removeClassWith = ffi "%2['removeClass'](%1)"

removeProp :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
removeProp = ffi "%2['removeProp'](%1)"

toggleClass :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
toggleClass = ffi "%2['toggleClass'](%1)"

toggleClassBool :: Text -> Bool -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
toggleClassBool = ffi "%3['toggleClass'](%1, %2)"

toggleAllClasses :: Bool -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
toggleAllClasses = ffi "%2['toggleClass'](%1)"

toggleClassWith :: (Double -> Text -> Bool -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
toggleClassWith = ffi "%2['toggleClass'](%1)"

toggleClassBoolWith :: (Double -> Text -> Bool -> Fay JQuery) -> Bool -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
toggleClassBoolWith = ffi "%3['toggleClass'](%1, %2)"

getVal :: JQuery -> Fay Text
getVal = ffi "%1['val']()"

setVal :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setVal = ffi "%2['val'](%1)"

setValWith :: (Double -> Text -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setValWith = ffi "%2['val'](%1)"

setText :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setText = ffi "%2['text'](%1)"

setTextWith :: (Double -> Text -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setTextWith = ffi "%2['text'](%1)"

getText :: JQuery -> Fay Text
getText = ffi "%1['text']()"

---- Core

holdReady :: Bool -> Fay JQuery
holdReady = ffi "jQuery['holdReady'](%1)"

-- jQuery()
-- http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/
class Selectable a

instance Selectable Text
instance Selectable Element
instance Selectable JQuery

select :: Selectable a => a -> Fay JQuery
select = ffi "jQuery(Fay$$_(%1))"

selectEmpty :: Fay JQuery
selectEmpty = ffi "jQuery()"

selectInContext :: (Selectable a, Selectable b) => a -> b -> Fay JQuery
selectInContext = ffi "jQuery(Fay$$_(%1), Fay$$_(%2))"

ready :: Fay () -> Fay ()
ready = ffi "jQuery(%1)"
-- end jQuery()

-- is noConflict useful in the context of Fay?
noConflict :: Fay JQuery
noConflict = ffi "jQuery['noConflict']()"

noConflictBool :: Bool -> Fay JQuery
noConflictBool = ffi "jQuery['noConflict'](%1)"

-- TODO: jQuery['sub']()

-- TODO: jQuery['when'](): figure out Deferred first

---- CSS

getCss :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay Text
getCss = ffi "%2['css'](%1)"

setCss :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setCss = ffi "%3['css'](%1, %2)"

setCssWith :: Text -> (Double -> Text -> Fay Text) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setCssWith = ffi "%3['css'](%1, %2)"

getHeight :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getHeight = ffi "%1['height']()"

setHeight :: Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setHeight = ffi "%2['height'](%1)"

setHeightWith :: (Double -> Double -> Fay Double) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setHeightWith = ffi "%2['height'](%1)"

getInnerHeight :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getInnerHeight = ffi "%1['innerHeight']()"

getInnerWidth :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getInnerWidth = ffi "%1['innerWidth']()"

-- TODO: figure out how to marshal coordinates
--getOffset :: JQuery -> Fay
--getOffset = ffi "%1['offset']()"


-- TODO: css with map

-- TODO: cssHooks

getOuterHeight :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getOuterHeight = ffi "%1['outerHeight']()"

-- FIXME: better name
getOuterHeightBool :: Bool -> JQuery -> Fay Double
getOuterHeightBool = ffi "%2['outerHeight'](%1)"

getOuterWidth :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getOuterWidth = ffi "%1['outerWidth']()"

getOuterWidthBool :: Bool -> JQuery -> Fay Double
getOuterWidthBool = ffi "%2['outerWidth'](%1)"

-- TODO: marshal coordinates as in offset()
-- getPosition

getScrollLeft :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getScrollLeft = ffi "%1['scrollLeft']()"

setScrollLeft :: Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setScrollLeft = ffi "%2['scrollLeft'](%1)"

getScrollTop :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getScrollTop = ffi "%1['scrollTop']()"

setScrollTop :: Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setScrollTop = ffi "%2['scrollTop'](%1)"

getWidth :: JQuery -> Fay Double
getWidth = ffi "%1['width']()"

setWidth :: Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setWidth = ffi "%2['width'](%1)"

setWidthWith :: (Double -> Double -> Fay Double) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setWidthWith = ffi "%2['width'](%1)"

---- Data

---- Deferred Object

---- Effects

-- Basics

data AnimationType = Show | Hide | Toggle | FadeIn | FadeOut | FadeToggle

data Speed = Instantly | Slow | Fast | Speed Double

data Animation = Animation
  { _type          :: AnimationType
  , _speed         :: Speed
  , _nextAnimation :: Maybe Animation
  , _element       :: JQuery

anim :: AnimationType -> JQuery -> Animation
anim ty el = Animation ty Fast Nothing el

speed :: Speed -> Animation -> Animation
speed spd ani = ani { _speed = spd }

chainAnim :: Animation -> Animation -> Animation
chainAnim a1 a2 = a1 { _nextAnimation = Just a2 }

chainAnims :: [Animation] -> Animation
chainAnims [a] = a
chainAnims (a:as) = a `chainAnim` chainAnims as
chainAnims [] = error (unpack "chainAnims: empty list")

runAnimation :: Animation -> Fay ()
runAnimation a = do
  animate (_type a) (_speed a) cb (_element a) >> return ()
      cb = case _nextAnimation a of
                Just a2 -> const (runAnimation a2)
                Nothing -> const (return ())

animate :: AnimationType -> Speed -> (JQuery -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
animate = ffi "%4[(function () { \
      \ switch (%1['instance']) { \
        \ case 'FadeIn': return 'fadeIn'; \
        \ case 'FadeOut': return 'fadeOut'; \
        \ case 'FadeToggle': return 'fadeToggle'; \
        \ default: return %1['instance']['toLowerCase'](); \
      \ } \
    \ })()]((function () { \
    \ if (%2['instance'] == 'Slow') { \
      \ return 'slow'; \
    \ } else if (%2['instance'] == 'Instantly') { \
      \ return null; \
    \ } else if (%2['instance'] == 'Fast') { \
      \ return 'fast'; \
    \ } else { \
      \ return %2['slot1']; \
    \ } \
  \ })(), function() { \
     \ %3(jQuery(this)); \
  \ })"

hide :: Speed -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
hide spd = animate Hide spd emptyCallback

unhide :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
unhide = ffi "%1['show']()"

jshow :: Speed -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
jshow spd = animate Show spd emptyCallback

toggle :: Speed -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
toggle spd = animate Toggle spd emptyCallback

-- Fading

fadeIn :: Speed -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
fadeIn spd = animate FadeIn spd emptyCallback

fadeOut :: Speed -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
fadeOut spd = animate FadeOut spd emptyCallback

-- TODO fadeTo

fadeToggle :: Speed -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
fadeToggle spd = animate FadeToggle spd emptyCallback

---- Events

-- Browser Events

-- Skip error(), deprecated

resize :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
resize = ffi "%2['resize'](%1)"

scroll :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
scroll = ffi "%2['scroll'](%1)"

-- Document Loading

load :: (Event -> Fay()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
load = ffi "%2['load'](%1)"

documentReady :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> Document -> Fay ()
documentReady = ffi "jQuery(%2)['ready'](%1)"

unload :: (Event -> Fay()) -> Window -> Fay ()
unload = ffi "jQuery(%2)['unload'](%1)"

-- Mouse Events

click :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
click = ffi "%2['click'](%1)"

dblclick :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
dblclick = ffi "%2['dblclick'](%1)"

focusin :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
focusin = ffi "%2['focusin'](%1)"

focusout :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
focusout = ffi "%2['focusout'](%1)"

hover :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
hover = ffi "%2['hover'](%1)"

mousedown :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mousedown = ffi "%2['mousedown'](%1)"

mouseenter :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mouseenter = ffi "%2['mouseenter'](%1)"

mouseleave :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mouseleave = ffi "%2['mouseleave'](%1)"

mousemove :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mousemove = ffi "%2['mousemove'](%1)"

mouseout :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mouseout = ffi "%2['mouseout'](%1)"

mouseover :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mouseover = ffi "%2['mouseover'](%1)"

mouseup :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
mouseup = ffi "%2['mouseup'](%1)"

-- Argument splat since an arbitrary number of events can be attached.
-- `toggle` in jQuery but clashes with the `toggle` animation.
toggleEvents :: [Event -> Fay ()] -> JQuery -> Fay ()
toggleEvents = ffi "%2['toggle']['apply'](%2, %1)"

-- Event Handler Attachment

bind :: EventType -> (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
bind = ffi "%3['bind'](%1, %2)"

bindPreventBubble :: EventType -> (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
bindPreventBubble = ffi "%3['bind'](%1,%2,false)"

-- delegate() superceeded by on()
-- die() deprecated
-- live() deprecated
-- off() TODO how should this be handled?

on :: EventType -> (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
on = ffi "%3['on'](%1, %2)"

onDelegate :: EventType -> Selector -> (Event -> Fay()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
onDelegate = ffi "%4['on'](%1,%2,%3)"

one :: EventType -> (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
one = ffi "%3['one'](%1, %2)"

trigger :: EventType -> JQuery -> Fay ()
trigger = ffi "%2['trigger'](%1)"

triggerHandler :: EventType -> JQuery -> Fay ()
triggerHandler = ffi "%2['triggerHandler'](%1)"

-- unbind() not useful in Fay?
-- undelegate() not useful in Fay?

-- Event Object

-- event.data skipped

data Event

delegateTarget :: Event -> Fay Element
delegateTarget = ffi "jQuery(%1['delegateTarget'])"

isDefaultPrevented :: Event -> Fay Bool
isDefaultPrevented = ffi "%1['isDefaultPrevented']()"

isImmediatePropagationStopped :: Event -> Fay Bool
isImmediatePropagationStopped = ffi "%1['isImmediatePropagationStopped']()"

isPropagationStopped :: Event -> Fay Element
isPropagationStopped = ffi "%1['isPropagationStopped']()"

namespace :: Event -> Fay Text
namespace = ffi "%1['namespace']"

pageX :: Event -> Fay Double
pageX = ffi "%1['pageX']"

pageY :: Event -> Fay Double
pageY = ffi "%1['pageY']"

preventDefault :: Event -> Fay ()
preventDefault = ffi "%1['preventDefault']()"

target :: Event -> Fay Element
target = ffi "%1['target']"

timeStamp :: Event -> Fay Double
timeStamp = ffi "%1['timeStamp']"

eventType :: Event -> Fay Text
eventType = ffi "%1['type']"

which :: Event -> Fay Int
which = ffi "%1['which']"

-- Form Events

blur :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
blur = ffi "%2['blur'](%1)"

change :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
change = ffi "%2['change'](%1)"

onFocus :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
onFocus = ffi "%2['focus'](%1)"

focus :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
focus = ffi "%1['focus']()"

-- TODO `select` would clash with the other select definition, should it be renamed?
onselect :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
onselect = ffi "%2['select'](%1)"

submit  :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
submit = ffi "%2['submit'](%1)"

-- Keyboard Events

keydown :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
keydown = ffi "%2['keydown'](%1)"

keypress :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
keypress = ffi "%2['keypress'](%1)"

keyup :: (Event -> Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay ()
keyup = ffi "%2['keyup'](%1)"

---- Forms

---- Internals

---- Manipulation

after :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
after = ffi "%2['after'](Fay$$_(%1))"

afterWith :: (Double -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
afterWith = ffi "%2['after'](%1)"

append :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
append = ffi "%2['append'](Fay$$_(%1))"

appendJQuery :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
appendJQuery = ffi "%2['append'](%1)"

appendWith :: (Double -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
appendWith = ffi "%2['append'](%1)"

appendTo :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
appendTo = ffi "%2['appendTo'](Fay$$_(%1))"

appendToJQuery :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
appendToJQuery = ffi "%2['appendTo'](%1)"

before :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
before = ffi "%2['before'](Fay$$_(%1))"

beforeWith :: (Double -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
beforeWith = ffi "%2['before'](%1)"

data CloneType = WithoutDataAndEvents | WithDataAndEvents | DeepWithDataAndEvents

clone :: CloneType -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
clone WithoutDataAndEvents  = ffi "%1['clone'](false)"       :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
clone WithDataAndEvents     = ffi "%1['clone'](true, false)" :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
clone DeepWithDataAndEvents = ffi "%1['clone'](true, true)"  :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery

detach :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
detach = ffi "%1['detach']()"

detachSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
detachSelector = ffi "%2['detach'](%1)"

empty :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
empty = ffi "%1['empty']()"

insertAfter :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
insertAfter = ffi "%2['insertAfter'](Fay$$_(%1))"

insertBefore :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
insertBefore = ffi "%2['insertBefore'](Fay$$_(%1))"

prepend :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prepend = ffi "%2['prepend'](Fay$$_(%1))"

prependWith :: (Double -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prependWith = ffi "%2['prepend'](%1)"

prependTo :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prependTo = ffi "%2['prependTo'](Fay$$_(%1))"

remove :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
remove = ffi "%1['remove']()"

removeSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
removeSelector = ffi "%2['remove'](%1)"

replaceAll :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
replaceAll = ffi "%2['replaceAll'](%1)"

-- FIXME: create other forms of replaceWith
replaceWith :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
replaceWith = ffi "%2['replaceWith'](%1)"

replaceWithJQuery :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
replaceWithJQuery = ffi "%2['replaceWith'](%1)"

-- FIXME: this name matches convention, but it's kind of silly
replaceWithWith :: (Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
replaceWithWith = ffi "%2['replaceWith'](%1)"

unwrap :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
unwrap = ffi "%1['unwrap']()"

-- FIXME: create other forms of wrap
wrap :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrap = ffi "%2['wrap'](%1)"

wrapWith :: (Double -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapWith = ffi "%2['wrap'](%1)"

wrapAllHtml :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapAllHtml = ffi "%2['wrapAll'](%1)"

wrapAllSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapAllSelector = ffi "%2['wrapAll'](%1)"

wrapAllElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapAllElement = ffi "%2['wrapAll'](%1)"

wrapInnerHtml :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapInnerHtml = ffi "%2['wrapInner'](%1)"

wrapInnerSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapInnerSelector = ffi "%2['wrapInner'](%1)"

wrapInnerElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
wrapInnerElement = ffi "%2['wrapInner'](%1)"

---- Miscellaneous

---- Offset

---- Plugins

---- Properties

---- Selectors

---- Traversing

-- TODO: unify these under a typeclass?
addSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
addSelector = ffi "%2['add'](%1)"

addElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
addElement = ffi "%2['add'](%1)"

addHtml :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
addHtml = ffi "%2['add'](%1)"

add :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
add = ffi "%2['add'](%1)"

addSelectorWithContext :: Text -> JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
addSelectorWithContext = ffi "%3['add'](%1, %2)"

andSelf :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
andSelf = ffi "%1['andSelf']()"

children :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
children = ffi "%1['children']()"

childrenMatching :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
childrenMatching = ffi "%2['children'](%1)"

closestSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
closestSelector = ffi "%2['closest'](%1)"

-- TODO: is context really a string?
closestWithContext :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
closestWithContext = ffi "%3['closest'](%1, %2)"

closest :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
closest = ffi "%2['closest'](%1)"

closestElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
closestElement = ffi "%2['closest'](%1)"

-- TODO: include deprecated array-based signature?

contents :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
contents = ffi "%1['contents']()"

-- This just isn't cool[' Can']'t we all just use map?
each :: (Double -> Element -> Fay Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
each = ffi "%2['each'](%1)"

end :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
end = ffi "%1['end']()"

eq :: Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
eq = ffi "%2['eq'](%1)"

filter :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
filter = ffi "%2['filter'](%1)"

filterWith :: (Double -> Fay Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
filterWith = ffi "%2['filter'](%1)"

filterElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
filterElement = ffi "%2['filter'](%1)"

filterJQuery :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
filterJQuery = ffi "%2['filter'](%1)"

-- FIXME: not called find because Fay doesn't seem to deal well with name conflicts yet
findSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
findSelector = ffi "%2['find'](%1)"

findJQuery :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
findJQuery = ffi "%2['find'](%1)"

findElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
findElement = ffi "%2['find'](%1)"

first :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
first = ffi "%1['first']()"

has :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
has = ffi "%2['has'](%1)"

hasElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
hasElement = ffi "%2['has'](%1)"

is :: Selectable a => a -> JQuery -> Fay Bool
is = ffi "%2['is'](Fay$$_(%1))"

isWith :: (Int -> Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
isWith = ffi "%2['is'](%1)"

last :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
last = ffi "%1['last']()"

-- FIXME: is the return value of the callback right?
jQueryMap :: (Double -> Element -> Fay JQuery) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
jQueryMap = ffi "%2['map'](%1)"

next :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
next = ffi "%1['next']()"

nextSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextSelector = ffi "%2['next'](%1)"

nextAll :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextAll = ffi "%1['nextAll']()"

nextAllSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextAllSelector = ffi "%2['nextAll'](%1)"

nextUntil :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextUntil = ffi "%2['nextUntil'](%1)"

nextUntilFiltered :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextUntilFiltered = ffi "%3['nextUntil'](%1, %2)"

nextUntilElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextUntilElement = ffi "%2['nextUntil'](%1)"

nextUntilElementFiltered :: Element -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
nextUntilElementFiltered = ffi "%3['nextUntil'](%1, %2)"

not :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
not = ffi "%2['not'](%1)"

notElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
notElement = ffi "%2['not'](%1)"

notElements :: [Element] -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
notElements = ffi "%2['not'](%1)"

notWith :: (Double -> Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
notWith = ffi "%2['not'](%1)"

notJQuery :: JQuery -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
notJQuery = ffi "%2['not'](%1)"

offsetParent :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
offsetParent = ffi "%1['offsetParent']()"

parent :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parent = ffi "%1['parent']()"

parentSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parentSelector = ffi "%2['parent'](%1)"

parents :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parents = ffi "%1['parents']()"

parentsSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parentsSelector = ffi "%2['parents'](%1)"

parentsUntil :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parentsUntil = ffi "%2['parentsUntil'](%1)"

parentsUntilFiltered :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parentsUntilFiltered = ffi "%3['parentsUntil'](%1, %2)"

parentsUntilElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parentsUntilElement = ffi "%2['parentsUntil'](%1)"

parentsUntilElementFiltered :: Element -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
parentsUntilElementFiltered = ffi "%3['parentsUntil'](%1, %2)"

prev :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prev = ffi "%1['prev']()"

prevSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevSelector = ffi "%2['prev'](%1)"

prevAll :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevAll = ffi "%1['prevAll']()"

prevAllSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevAllSelector = ffi "%2['prevAll'](%1)"

prevUntil :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevUntil = ffi "%2['prevUntil'](%1)"

prevUntilFiltered :: Text -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevUntilFiltered = ffi "%3['prevUntil'](%1, %2)"

prevUntilElement :: Element -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevUntilElement = ffi "%2['prevUntil'](%1)"

prevUntilElementFiltered :: Element -> Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
prevUntilElementFiltered = ffi "%3['prevUntil'](%1, %2)"

siblings :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
siblings = ffi "%1['siblings']()"

siblingsSelector :: Text -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
siblingsSelector = ffi "%2['siblings'](%1)"

slice :: Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
slice = ffi "%2['slice'](%1)"

sliceFromTo :: Double -> Double -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
sliceFromTo = ffi "%3['slice'](%1, %2)"

data KeyCode = KeyUp
             | KeyDown
             | KeyLeft
             | KeyRight
             | KeyRet
             | SomeKey Double
--  deriving (Show)

onKeycode :: (KeyCode -> Fay Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onKeycode callback el = do
  _onKeycode (\code -> callback (case code of
                                   38 -> KeyUp
                                   40 -> KeyDown
                                   37 -> KeyLeft
                                   39 -> KeyRight
                                   13 -> KeyRet
                                   _  -> SomeKey code))

_onKeycode :: (Double -> Fay Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
_onKeycode = ffi "%2['keycode'](%1)"

unKeycode :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
unKeycode = ffi "%1['unkeycode']()"

onClick :: (Event -> Fay Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onClick = ffi "%2['click'](%1)"

onChange :: (Fay ()) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onChange = ffi "%2['change'](%1)"

onSubmit :: Fay Bool -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onSubmit = ffi "%2['submit'](%1)"

eventX :: Event -> JQuery -> Double
eventX = ffi "%1['pageX'] - %2['get'](0)['offsetLeft']"

eventY :: Event -> JQuery -> Double
eventY = ffi "%1['pageY'] - %2['get'](0)['offsetTop']"

onDblClick :: (Event -> Fay Bool) -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onDblClick = ffi "%2['dblclick'](%1)"

setDraggable :: JQuery -> Fay JQuery
setDraggable = ffi "%1['draggable']()"

validate :: JQuery -> Fay () -> Fay ()
validate = ffi "%1['validate']({ \"submitHandler\": %2 })"

onLivechange :: Fay () -> JQuery -> Fay JQuery
onLivechange = ffi "%2['livechange'](50,%1)"

-- vim implementation shortcut
-- inoremap <F6> <ESC>:normal 0ywo<ESC>pa= ffi ""<ESC>F"i