module RpmBuild ( builtRpms, buildRPMs, installDeps, buildRequires, getSources, getSourcesMacros, getDynSourcesMacros, generateSrpm, generateSrpm', BCond(..), ForceShort(..), isShortCircuit, checkSourcesMatch, notInstalled, rpmEval ) where import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.RPM import Distribution.Fedora hiding (Fedora,EPEL,EPELNext) import Network.HTTP.Directory (Manager, httpExists, httpManager) import SimpleCmd.Rpm import SimplePrompt (promptEnter) import System.Console.Pretty import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir) import System.Posix.Files import Branches import Common import Common.System import Git import Package builtRpms :: AnyBranch -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] builtRpms br spec = do dist <- getBranchDist br -- previously was "" for pkggit rpmdir <- fromMaybe "" <$> rpmEval "%{_rpmdir}" rpms <- rpmspec ["--builtrpms", "--define", "dist" +-+ rpmDistTag dist] (Just (rpmdir "%{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm")) spec if null rpms then error' $ spec +-+ "does not seem to create any rpms" else return rpms rpmEval :: String -> IO (Maybe String) rpmEval s = do res <- cmd "rpm" ["--eval", s] return $ if null res || res == s then Nothing else Just res -- rpmEval' :: String -> IO String -- rpmEval' s = do -- mres <- rpmEval s -- fromMaybe (error' (show s +-+ "undefined!")) mres getSources :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getSources spec = do -- FIXME fallback to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES? msrcdir <- do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory msourcedir <- rpmEval "%{_sourcedir}" case msourcedir of Nothing -> return Nothing Just srcdir -> do canon <- canonicalizePath srcdir if canon == cwd then return Nothing else do dir <- doesDirectoryExist srcdir if dir then return msourcedir else return Nothing isPkgGit <- isPkgGitRepo (patches,srcs) <- partitionEithers . map sourceFieldFile <$> cmdLines "spectool" ["-a", spec] forM_ srcs $ \ src -> do exists <- doesFileExist src &&^ checkCompression src inSrcdir <- doesSourceDirFileExist msrcdir src unless exists $ do if inSrcdir then maybeSourceDir createLink msrcdir src else do uploaded <- if isPkgGit then do have_sources <- doesFileExist "sources" if have_sources then grep_ src "sources" else return False else return False mfedpkg <- findExecutable "fedpkg" if uploaded && isJust mfedpkg then cmd_ "fedpkg" ["sources"] else do cmd_ "spectool" ["-g", "-S", spec] unlessM (doesFileExist src) $ error' $ "download failed:" +-+ src unless inSrcdir $ whenJust msrcdir $ \srcdir -> createLink src (srcdir src) forM_ patches $ \patch -> unlessM (doesFileExist patch) $ do inSrcdir <- doesSourceDirFileExist msrcdir patch if inSrcdir then maybeSourceDir copyFile msrcdir patch else do cmd_ "spectool" ["-g", "-P", spec] unlessM (doesFileExist patch) $ error' $ "missing patch:" +-+ patch return $ srcs ++ patches where sourceFieldFile :: String -> Either FilePath FilePath sourceFieldFile field = case word1 field of (f,v) -> -- rpmdevtools 9.3 (spectool always lists --all) -- "Source0:" or "Patch1:" (case lower (dropWhileEnd isDigit (init f)) of "source" -> Right "patch" -> Left _ -> error' $! "illegal field:" +-+ f) $ takeFileName v checkCompression :: FilePath -> IO Bool checkCompression file = case case takeExtension file of ".gz" -> Just "gzip" ".tgz" -> Just "gzip" ".bz2" -> Just "bzip2" ".xz" -> Just "xz" ".lz" -> Just "lzip" ".zstd" -> Just "zstd" _ -> Nothing of Just prog -> do have <- findExecutable prog when (isNothing have) $ do putStrLn $ "Running 'dnf install'" +-+ prog cmd_ "/usr/bin/sudo" $ "/usr/bin/dnf":"install": ["--assumeyes", prog] cmdBool prog ["-t", file] Nothing -> return True maybeSourceDir :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () maybeSourceDir act mdir file = whenJust mdir $ \dir -> act (dir file) file doesSourceDirFileExist :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool doesSourceDirFileExist Nothing _ = return False doesSourceDirFileExist (Just srcdir) file = doesFileExist (srcdir file) generateSrpm :: Maybe AnyBranch -> FilePath -> IO FilePath generateSrpm = generateSrpm' False generateSrpm' :: Bool -> Maybe AnyBranch -> FilePath -> IO FilePath generateSrpm' force mbr spec = do srcs <- getSources spec distopt <- case mbr of Nothing -> return [] Just br -> do dist <- getBranchDist br return ["--define", "dist" +-+ rpmDistTag dist] msrcrpmdir <- rpmEval "%{_srcrpmdir}" srpmfile <- cmd "rpmspec" $ ["-q", "--srpm"] ++ distopt ++ ["--qf", fromMaybe "" msrcrpmdir "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.src.rpm", spec] cwd <- getCurrentDirectory let sourcediropt = ["--define", "_sourcedir" +-+ cwd] opts = distopt ++ sourcediropt if force then buildSrpm opts else do exists <- doesFileExist srpmfile if not exists then buildSrpm opts else do srpmTime <- getModificationTime srpmfile fileTimes <- mapM getModificationTime (spec:srcs) if any (srpmTime <) fileTimes then buildSrpm opts else do -- pretty print with ~/ putStrLn $ srpmfile +-+ "is up to date" return srpmfile where buildSrpm opts = do srpm <- last . words <$> cmd "rpmbuild" (opts ++ ["-bs", spec]) putStrLn $ "Created" +-+ takeFileName srpm return srpm data ForceShort = ForceBuild | ShortCompile | ShortInstall deriving Eq isShortCircuit :: Maybe ForceShort -> Bool isShortCircuit ms = case ms of Just s -> s /= ForceBuild Nothing -> False data BCond = BuildWith String | BuildWithout String instance Show BCond where show (BuildWith s) = "--with=" ++ s show (BuildWithout s) = "--without=" ++ s -- FIXME create build.log -- Note does not check if bcond changed -- FIXME check tarball timestamp buildRPMs :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe ForceShort -> [BCond] -> [FilePath] -> AnyBranch -> FilePath -> IO Bool buildRPMs quiet debug noclean mforceshort bconds rpms br spec = do needBuild <- if isJust mforceshort then return True else ifM (not . and <$> mapM doesFileExist rpms) (return True) $ do specTime <- getModificationTime spec rpmTimes <- sort <$> mapM getModificationTime rpms return $ specTime > head rpmTimes if not needBuild then putStrLn "Existing rpms are newer than spec file (use --force to rebuild)" else do installDeps True spec void $ getSources spec dist <- getBranchDist br cwd <- getCurrentDirectory let buildopt = case mforceshort of Just ShortCompile -> ["-bc", "--short-circuit"] Just ShortInstall -> ["-bi", "--short-circuit"] _ -> "-bb" : ["--noclean" | noclean] sourcediropt = ["--define", "_sourcedir" +-+ cwd] args = sourcediropt ++ ["--define", "dist" +-+ rpmDistTag dist] ++ buildopt ++ map show bconds ++ [spec] date <- cmd "date" ["+%T"] rbr <- anyBranchToRelease br nvr <- pkgNameVerRel' rbr spec putStr $ date +-+ "Building" +-+ nvr +-+ "locally... " ok <- do let buildlog = ".build-" ++ (showVerRel . nvrVerRel . readNVR) nvr <.> "log" whenM (doesFileExist buildlog) $ copyFile buildlog (buildlog <.> "prev") timeIO $ if not quiet || isShortCircuit mforceshort then do putNewLn -- FIXME would like to have pipeOutErr let buildcmd = unwords $ "rpmbuild" : map quoteArg args ++ "|&" : "tee" : [buildlog +-+ "&& exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}"] when debug $ putStrLn buildcmd shellBool buildcmd else do let buildcmd = unwords $ "rpmbuild" : map quoteArg args ++ [">&", buildlog] when debug $ putStrLn buildcmd res <- shellBool buildcmd if res then putStrLn "done" else cmd_ "tail" ["-n 100", buildlog] return res unless ok $ error' $ nvr +-+ "failed to build" return needBuild where quoteArg :: String -> String quoteArg cs = if ' ' `elem` cs then '\'' : cs ++ "'" else cs -- FIXME print unavailable deps installDeps :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO () installDeps strict spec = do missingdeps <- nub <$> (buildRequires spec >>= filterM notInstalled) unless (null missingdeps) $ do putStrLn $ "Running 'dnf install'" +-+ unwords missingdeps cmd_ "/usr/bin/sudo" $ "/usr/bin/dnf":"install": ["--skip-broken" | not strict] ++ ["--assumeyes"] ++ missingdeps installMissingMacros :: FilePath -> IO () installMissingMacros spec = do macros <- mapMaybeM needSrpmMacro srpmMacros missing <- filterM notInstalled macros unless (null missing) $ cmd_ "/usr/bin/sudo" $ ["/usr/bin/dnf", "install", "--assumeyes"] ++ missing where srpmMacros :: [(String,String)] srpmMacros = [("%gometa", "go-rpm-macros"), ("fontpkgname", "fonts-rpm-macros"), ("%cargo_prep", "rust-packaging")] needSrpmMacro :: (String,String) -> IO (Maybe String) needSrpmMacro (meta, macros) = do contents <- readFile spec return $ if meta `isInfixOf` contents then Just macros else Nothing -- from fedora-haskell-tools buildRequires :: FilePath -> IO [String] buildRequires spec = do autorelease <- isAutoRelease spec dynbr <- grep_ "^%generate_buildrequires" spec brs <- mapMaybe primary <$> if dynbr then do installMissingMacros spec void $ getSources spec withTempDir $ \tmpdir -> do let srpmdiropt = ["--define", "_srcrpmdir" +-+ tmpdir] (ok, out, err) <- cmdFull "rpmbuild" (["-br", "--nodeps", spec] ++ srpmdiropt) "" if ok then do -- Wrote: /current/dir/SRPMS/name-version-release.buildreqs.nosrc.rpm case words out of [] -> error' $ spec +-+ "could not generate source rpm for dynamic buildrequires" ws -> do let srpm = last ws exists <- doesFileExist srpm if exists then cmdLines "rpm" ["-qp", "--requires", last ws] else error' err else error' err else -- FIXME should resolve meta rpmspec ["--buildrequires"] Nothing spec return $ brs ++ ["rpmautospec" | autorelease] where primary dep = case (head . words) dep of '(':rest -> Just rest d -> if "rpmlib(" `isPrefixOf` d then Nothing else Just d checkSourcesMatch :: FilePath -> IO () checkSourcesMatch spec = do -- "^[Ss]ource[0-9]*:" sourcefiles <- map (takeFileName . last . words) <$> cmdLines "spectool" [spec] sources <- lines <$> readFile "sources" gitfiles <- gitLines "ls-files" [] let missing = filter (\src -> isNothing (find (src `isInfixOf`) sources) && src `notElem` gitfiles) sourcefiles unless (null missing) $ do promptEnter $ color Red $ unwords missing +-+ "not in sources, please fix" checkOnBranch checkSourcesMatch spec mgr <- httpManager let pkg = takeBaseName spec mapM_ (checkLookasideCache mgr pkg) sources where checkLookasideCache :: Manager -> String -> String -> IO () checkLookasideCache mgr pkg source = do let (file,url) = case words source of ("SHA512":('(':fileparen):"=":[hash]) -> let file' = dropSuffix ")" fileparen in (file', "" +/+ pkg +/+ file +/+ "sha512" +/+ hash +/+ file) [hash,file'] -> (file', "" +/+ pkg +/+ file +/+ "md5" +/+ hash +/+ file) _ -> error' $ "invalid/unknown source:\n" ++ source unlessM (httpExists mgr url) $ do putStrLn $ url +-+ "not found" putStrLn $ "uploading" +-+ file +-+ "to lookaside source repo" fedpkg_ "upload" [file] notInstalled :: String -> IO Bool notInstalled pkg = not <$> cmdBool "rpm" ["--quiet", "-q", "--whatprovides", pkg] getSourcesMacros :: FilePath -> IO () getSourcesMacros spec = do void $ getSources spec installMissingMacros spec getDynSourcesMacros :: FilePath -> IO () getDynSourcesMacros spec = whenM (grep_ "^%generate_buildrequires" spec) $ getSourcesMacros spec