{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Cmd.Build ( buildCmd, BuildOpts(..) ) where import SimplePrompt (promptEnter, yesNo) import Common import Common.System import Bodhi import Bugzilla import Branches import Cmd.Merge import Git import Krb import Koji import Package import RpmBuild (checkSourcesMatch) import Types data BuildOpts = BuildOpts { buildoptMerge :: Maybe Bool , buildoptNoFailFast :: Bool , buildoptSidetagTarget :: Maybe SideTagTarget , buildoptOverride :: Maybe Int , buildoptWaitrepo :: Maybe Bool , buildoptDryrun :: Bool , buildoptSkipFetch :: Bool , buildoptUpdate :: (Maybe UpdateType, UpdateSeverity) , buildoptUseChangelog :: Bool , buildoptByPackage :: Bool , buildoptAllowDirty :: Bool } -- FIXME --yes -- FIXME merge --from -- FIXME check bugs before building? -- FIXME --sidetag -- FIXME --sort -- FIXME --add-to-update nvr -- FIXME --rpmlint (default for rawhide?) -- FIXME support --wait-build=NVR -- FIXME build from ref -- FIXME tail of failed build.log -- FIXME --auto-override for deps in testing -- FIXME -B fails to find new branches (fixed?) -- FIXME disallow override for autoupdate? -- FIXME --scratch build first buildCmd :: BuildOpts -> (BranchesReq, [String]) -> IO () buildCmd opts (breq, pkgs) = do let singleBrnch = if isJust (buildoptSidetagTarget opts) then ZeroOrOne else AnyNumber mlastOfPkgs = if length pkgs > 1 then Just (Package (last pkgs)) else Nothing gitopts | buildoptAllowDirty opts = dirtyGitActive | buildoptSkipFetch opts = cleanGitActive | otherwise = cleanGitFetchActive if not (buildoptByPackage opts) && breq /= Branches [] && length pkgs > 1 then do brs <- listOfBranches True True breq forM_ brs $ \br -> withPackagesByBranches HeaderMay True gitopts singleBrnch (buildBranch mlastOfPkgs opts) (Branches [br], pkgs) else withPackagesByBranches HeaderMay True gitopts singleBrnch (buildBranch mlastOfPkgs opts) (breq, pkgs) -- FIXME what if untracked files -- FIXME --merge instead of --yes confusing buildBranch :: Maybe Package -> BuildOpts -> Package -> AnyBranch -> IO () buildBranch _ _ _ (OtherBranch _) = error' "build only defined for release branches" buildBranch mlastpkg opts pkg rbr@(RelBranch br) = do let moverride = buildoptOverride opts whenJust moverride $ \days -> when (days < 1) $ error "override duration must be positive number of days" gitSwitchBranch rbr gitMergeOrigin br newrepo <- initialPkgRepo tty <- isTty (ancestor,unmerged,mnewer) <- newerMergeable br -- FIXME if already built or failed, also offer merge merged <- case buildoptMerge opts of Just False -> return False Just True -> do whenJust mnewer $ \newer -> mergeBranch (buildoptDryrun opts) True True False Nothing (ancestor,unmerged) newer br return True Nothing -> if ancestor && (newrepo || tty) then do whenJust mnewer $ \newer -> mergeBranch (buildoptDryrun opts) True False True Nothing (ancestor,unmerged) newer br return $ isJust mnewer else do unless (br == Rawhide) $ whenJust mnewer $ \newer -> putStrLn $ show newer +-+ "branch not mergeable" return False let spec = packageSpec pkg checkForSpecFile spec checkSourcesMatch pkg (RelBranch br) spec unpushed <- gitOneLineLog $ "origin/" ++ show br ++ "..HEAD" nvr <- pkgNameVerRel' br spec putNewLn mpush <- if null unpushed then return Nothing else do when (not merged || br == Rawhide) $ do putStrLn $ nvr ++ "\n" putStrLn "Local commits:" displayCommits True unpushed putNewLn -- see mergeBranch for: unmerged == 1 (774b5890) if tty && (not merged || (newrepo && ancestor && length unmerged == 1)) then refPrompt unpushed $ "Press Enter to push and build" ++ (if length unpushed > 1 then "; or give ref to push" else "") ++ (if not newrepo then "; or 'no' to skip pushing" else "") else return $ Just $ commitRef $ head unpushed let dryrun = buildoptDryrun opts buildstatus <- maybeTimeout 30 $ kojiBuildStatus nvr let msidetagTarget = buildoptSidetagTarget opts mwaitrepo = buildoptWaitrepo opts target <- targetMaybeSidetag dryrun True br msidetagTarget case buildstatus of Just BuildComplete -> do putStrLn $ nvr +-+ "is already built" when (isJust mpush) $ error' "Please bump the spec file" when (br /= Rawhide && isNothing msidetagTarget) $ do updateExists <- maybeTimeout 30 $ bodhiBuildExists nvr autoupdate <- checkAutoBodhiUpdate br -- FIXME update referenced bugs for autoupdate branch unless autoupdate $ do if updateExists then putStrLn "update exists" else do mbug <- bzReviewAnon bodhiUpdate dryrun (buildoptUpdate opts) mbug (buildoptUseChangelog opts) spec nvr whenJust moverride $ \days -> do tags <- maybeTimeout 30 $ kojiNVRTags nvr unless (any (`elem` tags) [show br, show br ++ "-updates", show br ++ "-override"]) $ bodhiCreateOverride dryrun (Just days) nvr when (isJust mlastpkg && mlastpkg /= Just pkg || mwaitrepo == Just True) $ when ((isJust moverride && mwaitrepo /= Just False) || (autoupdate && mwaitrepo == Just True)) $ kojiWaitRepo dryrun True True target nvr Just BuildBuilding -> do putStrLn $ nvr +-+ "is already building" when (isJust mpush) $ error' "Please bump the spec file" whenJustM (kojiGetBuildTaskID fedoraHub nvr) kojiWatchTask -- FIXME do override _ -> do mbuildref <- case mpush of Nothing -> Just <$> git "show-ref" ["--hash", "origin/" ++ show br] _ -> return mpush opentasks <- kojiOpenTasks pkg mbuildref target case opentasks of [task] -> do putStrLn $ nvr +-+ "task" +-+ displayID task +-+ "is already open" when (isJust mpush) $ error' "Please bump the spec file" kojiWatchTask task (_:_) -> error' $ show (length opentasks) +-+ "open" +-+ unPackage pkg +-+ "tasks already!" [] -> do let tag = if target == branchTarget br then branchDestTag br else target mlatest <- kojiLatestNVR tag $ unPackage pkg if equivNVR nvr (fromMaybe "" mlatest) then putStrLn $ nvr +-+ "is already latest" +-+ if Just nvr /= mlatest then "(modulo disttag)" else "" else do when (null unpushed || merged && br /= Rawhide) $ do putStrLn $ nvr ++ "\n" firstBuild <- do mtestingRepo <- bodhiTestingRepo br case mtestingRepo of Nothing -> return $ isNothing mlatest Just testing -> do mnewest <- kojiLatestNVR testing $ unPackage pkg case mnewest of Nothing -> return $ isNothing mlatest Just newest -> do newestTags <- kojiNVRTags newest unless (any (`elem` newestTags) [show br, show br ++ "-updates", show br ++ "-updates-pending"]) $ do -- FIXME print how many days left putStrLn $ "Warning:" +-+ newest +-+ "still in testing?" promptEnter "Press Enter to continue" return False unless dryrun krbTicket whenJust mpush $ \ref -> unless dryrun $ gitPush False $ Just $ ref ++ ":" ++ show br unlessM (null <$> gitOneLineLog ("origin/" ++ show br ++ "..HEAD")) $ unless dryrun $ do ok <- yesNo "Unpushed changes remain, continue" unless ok $ error' "aborted" unless (buildoptAllowDirty opts) $ unlessM isGitDirClean $ error' "local changes remain (dirty)" -- FIXME parse build output unless dryrun $ kojiBuildBranch target pkg mbuildref ["--fail-fast" | not (buildoptNoFailFast opts)] mBugSess <- if firstBuild && isJust (fst (buildoptUpdate opts)) then bzReviewSession else return Nothing autoupdate <- checkAutoBodhiUpdate br if autoupdate then whenJust mBugSess $ \ (bid,session) -> putBugBuild dryrun session bid nvr else do when (isNothing msidetagTarget) $ do whenJust (fmap fst mBugSess) $ \bid -> putStr "review bug: " >> putBugId bid -- FIXME diff previous changelog? bodhiUpdate dryrun (buildoptUpdate opts) (fmap fst mBugSess) (buildoptUseChangelog opts) spec nvr -- FIXME prompt for override note whenJust moverride $ \days -> bodhiCreateOverride dryrun (Just days) nvr when (isJust mlastpkg && mlastpkg /= Just pkg || mwaitrepo == Just True) $ when ((isJust moverride && mwaitrepo /= Just False) || (autoupdate && mwaitrepo == Just True)) $ kojiWaitRepo dryrun True True target nvr